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379 lines (307 loc) · 13.9 KB

File metadata and controls

379 lines (307 loc) · 13.9 KB


Using the TagDust 2 program (, the number of reads matching reference control sequences for the spikes, the rRNAs, and the Nextera linkers are counted, normalised, and saved in a table. This table contains the following columns:

  • cell_id, identifying each cell uniquely.
  • low.complexity, as defined by TagDust's filter.
  • SPIKE_1, SPIKE_4, SPIKE_7, SPIKE_3, SPIKE_6: the percentage of reads matching these spikes (Ambion ArrayControl, cat. num. AM1780M)
  • rRNA_5.8S, rRNA_18S, rRNA_28S: expression levels of these rRNAs.
  • Nextera, for the artefacts derived from linker oligonucleotides.
  • HPV and HPV_as, for the transcripts originating from the Human Papilloma Virus 18.

The unit for expression levels is counts per million (CPM). Given that there is a 3′ bias in the RNA-seq protocol used here, it is not advisable to normalise by sequence length in addition.

In the last three runs, the detection levels of spikes and rRNA are lower than in the first two runs (see the plot Overview of the reference sequences detected with TagDust2).

The quantity of primer artefacts (called Nextera below), is constant between runs, at roughly 10 % of the total number of reads. Note that TagDust only inspects the first 32 bases of the reads, but that should be enough, and also avoids calling artefact a read that has a short insert and finishes in the linker region.

Random inspection of file (matching the pattern links_to_fastq/*A10*R1* links_to_fastq/*B04*R1* links_to_fastq/*F09*R1*) for presence of reads aligning to the Mycoplasma hominis genome (NC_013511) did not suggest contamination of the cells.



  • Ambion spikes: ArrayControl.nopolyA.fa. Important: poly-A tails were removed from the reference file containing the spike sequences, to avoid artificial detection of A-rich reads as spikes. The relative concentrations of the spikes are:

    • EC13 RNA SPIKE6 1250 bp: 1 ×
    • EC3 RNA SPIKE3 1000 bp: 10 ×
    • EC18 RNA SPIKE7 1474 bp: 100 ×
    • EC15 RNA SPIKE4 1000 bp: 1,000 ×
    • EC2 RNA SPIKE1 750 bp: 10,000 ×
  • rRNA.fa: sequence from the 5.8S, 18S and 28S rRNA according to GenBank U13369.1.

  • Nextera.fa: sequence of the Nextera primers according to

  • hpv18.fa and hpv18-as.fa, sense and antisense HPV18 sequence from GenBank record AY262282. HeLa cells have a fragment of HPV inserted in their genome.

cat Nextera.fa rRNA.fa ArrayControl.nopolyA.fa hpv18.fa hpv18-as.fa > spikes.fa


Detection of the spikes using TagDust.

To run this section, install TagDust version 2.06 in the current directory, unpack and compile it. (This script can not use higher version of TagDust because they do not allow for the redirection of the output sequences to /dev/null/.), then, edit the RMarkdown code and remove the eval=FALSE statement. The TagDust counting with 8 CPU cores takes approximately 1 day.

$TAGDUST | grep Copyright 
for FILE in ../DDBJ/*fastq.bz2
  $TAGDUST -t 8 -l tagdust -o /dev/null -ref $SPIKES $FILE

Loops to create a file called spikes.txt, where each line gives the number of reads matching one given spike in one given file.

for LIBRARY in 1772-062-248 1772-062-249 1772-064-103 1772-067-038 1772-067-039
  for ROW in A B C D E F G H
    for COLUMN in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
      for READ in 1 2
        grep -e rRNA -e SPIKE -e input -e complex -e Nextera -e HPV tagdust/${LIBRARY}_${ROW}${COLUMN}.${READ}* |
          perl -pe "s/^/$LIBRARY\tR$READ\t$ROW$COLUMN\t/"
done > spikes.txt

head spikes.txt
## grep: tagdust/1772-064-103_A09.1*: No such file or directory
## grep: tagdust/1772-064-103_A09.2*: No such file or directory
## grep: tagdust/1772-064-103_B09.1*: No such file or directory
## grep: tagdust/1772-064-103_B09.2*: No such file or directory
## grep: tagdust/1772-064-103_C09.1*: No such file or directory
## grep: tagdust/1772-064-103_C09.2*: No such file or directory
## grep: tagdust/1772-064-103_D09.1*: No such file or directory
## grep: tagdust/1772-064-103_D09.2*: No such file or directory
## grep: tagdust/1772-064-103_E09.1*: No such file or directory
## grep: tagdust/1772-064-103_E09.2*: No such file or directory
## grep: tagdust/1772-064-103_F09.1*: No such file or directory
## grep: tagdust/1772-064-103_F09.2*: No such file or directory
## grep: tagdust/1772-064-103_G09.1*: No such file or directory
## grep: tagdust/1772-064-103_G09.2*: No such file or directory
## grep: tagdust/1772-064-103_H09.1*: No such file or directory
## grep: tagdust/1772-064-103_H09.2*: No such file or directory
## 1772-062-248	R1	A01	1964004	total input reads
## 1772-062-248	R1	A01	9130	low complexity
## 1772-062-248	R1	A01	1	Nextera_501
## 1772-062-248	R1	A01	217407	Nextera_701
## 1772-062-248	R1	A01	48	Nextera_702
## 1772-062-248	R1	A01	453	Nextera_703
## 1772-062-248	R1	A01	22	Nextera_704
## 1772-062-248	R1	A01	34	Nextera_705
## 1772-062-248	R1	A01	57	Nextera_706
## 1772-062-248	R1	A01	18	Nextera_707

Construction of a table in R

## Loading required package: methods
spikes <- read.delim('spikes.txt', sep="\t", col.names=c('Run', 'read', 'cell', 'value', 'count'), head=FALSE)
  aes(x=count, y=value, colour=read)) + geom_boxplot() + coord_flip() + scale_y_log10('Raw count')

plot of chunk control-sequences_load_data

##            Run       read            cell           value                              count      
##  1772-062-248:5118   R1:14456   F08    :  271   Min.   :      1   low complexity          :  944  
##  1772-062-249:4855   R2: 9155   F12    :  270   1st Qu.:      5   total input reads       :  944  
##  1772-064-103:4856              A02    :  268   Median :     35   EC2_RNA_SPIKE_1_(750_bp):  943  
##  1772-067-038:4442              F02    :  264   Mean   :  66465   HPV18                   :  934  
##  1772-067-039:4340              F07    :  264   3rd Qu.:   1558   Nextera_701             :  908  
##                                 D02    :  263   Max.   :3715330   rRNA_18S                :  905  
##                                 (Other):22011                     (Other)                 :18033

Spikes 1, 4 and 7 are detected in every file of the runs 1772-062-248 and 1772-062-249. This is not true however for the next runs (1772-064-103, 1772-067-038, 1772-067-039), where the amount of spikes detected was much lower (see below). There is not much difference between the counts from Reads 1 and 2, except for the Nextera primers where reverse primers are found in Read 1 and forward primers in Read 2

In the next steps, the data is transformed to a matrix of counts, which are then converted as a percentage of the total number of reads. Counts from Read 1 and Read 2 are averaged, and counts for the Nextera primers are summed.

spikes.m <- t(cast(spikes, count ~ read + Run + cell))
spikes.m[] <- 0
spikes.m <- spikes.m[,
  c( "total input reads"
   , "low complexity"
   , "EC2_RNA_SPIKE_1_(750_bp)"
   , "EC15_RNA_SPIKE_4_(1000_bp)"
   , "EC18_RNA_SPIKE_7_(1474bp)"
   , "EC3_RNA_SPIKE_3_(1000_bp)"
   , "EC13_RNA_SPIKE_6_(1250_bp)"
   , "rRNA_18S"
   , "rRNA_28S"
   , "rRNA_5.8S"
   , "HPV18"
   , "HPV18_as"
   ,  grep("Nextera_", colnames(spikes.m), value=TRUE)

colnames(spikes.m) <- 
  c( "total"
   , "low.complexity"
   , "SPIKE_1"
   , "SPIKE_4"
   , "SPIKE_7"
   , "SPIKE_3"
   , "SPIKE_6"
   , "rRNA_18S"
   , "rRNA_28S"
   , "rRNA_5.8S"
   , "HPV"
   , "HPV_as"
   , grep("Nextera_", colnames(spikes.m), value=TRUE)

Read <- factor(sub('R._', '', rownames(spikes.m)))
spikes.m <- rowsum(spikes.m, Read) / 2

spikes.norm <- data.frame(spikes.m[, -1] / spikes.m[,"total"] * 1000000)
spikes.norm[] <- 0

spikes.norm$Nextera <- rowSums(spikes.norm[,grep("Nextera_", colnames(spikes.norm))])
spikes.norm <- spikes.norm[, c("low.complexity", "SPIKE_1", "SPIKE_4", "SPIKE_7", "SPIKE_3", "SPIKE_6", "rRNA_18S", "rRNA_28S", "rRNA_5.8S", "Nextera", "HPV", "HPV_as")]

spikes.norm <- cbind ( cell_id=rownames(spikes.norm)
                     , spikes.norm
                     , stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

spikes.norm <- cbind ( read.table( text      = spikes.norm$cell_id
                                 , sep       = '_'
                                 , col.names = c("Run", "Well"))
                     , spikes.norm)

write.csv(file='spikes.norm.csv', spikes.norm, row.names=FALSE)

##            Run          Well       cell_id          low.complexity        SPIKE_1        
##  1772-062-248:96   A01    :  5   Length:472         Min.   :   514.9   Min.   :    28.7  
##  1772-062-249:96   A02    :  5   Class :character   1st Qu.:  2372.1   1st Qu.:   228.7  
##  1772-064-103:88   A03    :  5   Mode  :character   Median :  3578.5   Median :  6109.2  
##  1772-067-038:96   A04    :  5                      Mean   :  7829.0   Mean   : 41352.6  
##  1772-067-039:96   A05    :  5                      3rd Qu.:  5841.9   3rd Qu.: 10084.8  
##                    A06    :  5                      Max.   :253685.6   Max.   :652581.8  
##                    (Other):442                                                           
##     SPIKE_4            SPIKE_7           SPIKE_3           SPIKE_6            rRNA_18S      
##  Min.   :    0.00   Min.   :   0.00   Min.   :  0.000   Min.   :  0.0000   Min.   :   0.00  
##  1st Qu.:    3.31   1st Qu.:   0.00   1st Qu.:  0.000   1st Qu.:  0.0000   1st Qu.:  64.28  
##  Median :  394.73   Median :  13.70   Median :  0.000   Median :  0.0000   Median : 373.79  
##  Mean   : 2157.23   Mean   : 212.49   Mean   :  4.603   Mean   :  0.6645   Mean   : 909.24  
##  3rd Qu.:  740.13   3rd Qu.:  68.56   3rd Qu.:  0.000   3rd Qu.:  0.0000   3rd Qu.:1674.44  
##  Max.   :45739.29   Max.   :7125.99   Max.   :640.421   Max.   :139.0821   Max.   :5786.13  
##     rRNA_28S         rRNA_5.8S         Nextera            HPV             HPV_as      
##  Min.   :   0.00   Min.   : 0.000   Min.   : 49341   Min.   :   0.0   Min.   :   0.0  
##  1st Qu.:  19.06   1st Qu.: 0.000   1st Qu.: 84018   1st Qu.: 726.2   1st Qu.: 265.6  
##  Median :  58.58   Median : 0.449   Median :108882   Median :1413.7   Median : 509.2  
##  Mean   :  71.21   Mean   : 1.533   Mean   :112714   Mean   :1612.9   Mean   : 561.3  
##  3rd Qu.:  92.68   3rd Qu.: 1.614   3rd Qu.:137054   3rd Qu.:2251.7   3rd Qu.: 778.7  
##  Max.   :1595.00   Max.   :68.335   Max.   :252363   Max.   :6234.4   Max.   :2166.2  

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Libraries with more than 40,000 CPM of SPIKE_1 (the most concentrated one) are defective (for instance, the chamber may not have contained a cell). This is also witnessed by a higher fraction of low-complexity reads.

spike1_threshold <- 40000
qplot(data=spikes.norm, x=SPIKE_1, geom="histogram", color=Run) +
  facet_wrap(~Run) +
  scale_x_log10('CPM') +
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.

plot of chunk control-sequences_low_complexity

t.test(data=spikes.norm, low.complexity ~ factor(SPIKE_1 > spike1_threshold))
## 	Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  low.complexity by factor(SPIKE_1 > spike1_threshold)
## t = -5.4456, df = 54.784, p-value = 1.253e-06
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -36319.65 -16777.59
## sample estimates:
## mean in group FALSE  mean in group TRUE 
##            4791.682           31340.302
spikes.norm.ok <- subset(spikes.norm, SPIKE_1 < spike1_threshold)

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In the libraries with the expected fraction of spikes, the relation between SPIKE_1 and SPIKE_4 is linear, except for the last two ones where SPIKE_4's detection level are low and noisy. Other spikes where hard to detect on purpose, to calculate the efficiency of the conversion from mRNA to sequence read.

  aes(SPIKE_1, SPIKE_4)
) + geom_point() + facet_wrap('Run', scale='free') + scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10()

plot of chunk control-sequences_proportions

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spikes.norm.ok.long <- melt(spikes.norm.ok)
## Using Run, Well, cell_id as id variables
  aes(x=variable, y=value + 1e-05 )
) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  coord_flip() +
  scale_y_log10("CPM") +
  facet_wrap('Run') +
  xlab('') +
  ggtitle('Overview of the reference sequences detected with TagDust2')

plot of chunk control-sequences_overview

A small quantity of 1e-05 was added to avoid removing the zero values by the logarithmic scaling, which would have made the boxplots of SPIKE_3 and SPIKE_6 very misleading. Note also that these two spikes were added in the runs 1772-062-248 and 1772-062-249.

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