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This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and human-readable changelog.

The current role maintainer_ is drybjed_.

debops.nginx master - unreleased



  • Standardize names of sites folders (site-default renamed to sites-default). [thiagotalma_]
  • During configuration, role will check the list of names of a given :program:`nginx` server against the list of configured PKI realms to see if any name is a subdomain of domain with an existing PKI realm. If such PKI realm is found, it will be used for this server instead of the default one. [drybjed_]
  • The URL scheme for the welcome page now defaults to HTTPS. It can be configured as needed using the item.welcome_url_scheme option. [ypid_]
  • Update to the latest recommenced set of ciphers suites from [ypid_]



debops.nginx v0.1.9 - 2016-07-19


  • Make sure that lists of IP addresses are always defined. [thiagotalma_]


debops.nginx v0.1.8 - 2016-07-13


  • Add new PHP upstream and PHP server templates. [drybjed_]
  • Support custom log directory path for nginx servers, specified by item.log_path parameter. [drybjed_]


  • Use the new debops.php_ fact to detect PHP version. [drybjed_]
  • Update Changelog format, add more documentation. [drybjed_]
  • Move the configuration of other roles to new namespaced variables, so playbooks can begin the switch. Old-style variables still work. [drybjed_]
  • Reorganize support for different :program:`nginx` flavors to use YAML dictionary maps for APT key ids and APT repositories. Full GPG key ids are used to download APT repository keys. [drybjed_]
  • Update tasks that manage :program:`nginx` servers, upstreams, maps and custom configuration. These lists now support the item.state parameter to control when configuration files should be present or absent. [drybjed_]
  • The item.enabled parameter in servers, maps, upstreams is now optional and if not specified, results in True. [drybjed_]
  • Passwords used by htpasswd will now be hashes using sha512_crypt scheme. The default HTTP Basic Auth configuration variable is renamed from nginx_htpasswd_default to :envvar:`nginx__http_auth_htpasswd`. New :envvar:`nginx__dependent_htpasswd` list can be used by other roles to create htpasswd files as needed. [drybjed_]
  • You can now specify single server name in parameter as a string instead of using a list notation. Lists are still supported. [drybjed_]
  • Direct output of service nginx reload in the :program:`nginx` PKI hook script to :file:`/dev/null`. This should stop annoying emails from :program:`cron` each time :program:`nginx` service is reloaded after certificate changes. [drybjed_]
  • Move variables from :file:`vars/main.yml` to :file:`defaults/main.yml` to allow modification. [drybjed_]


  • Some of the default variables are deprecated in this version. Below you can find a list with their replacements. The old variable names will still be recognized for some time. [drybjed_]

    Deprecated variable

    New variable





























  • The php5 server and upstream templates are deprecated in favor of php server and upstream templates. [drybjed_]


debops.nginx v0.1.7 - 2016-06-14




  • Fixed Ansible check mode. Check mode did fail when the role was trying to symlink a non-existing file. [ypid_]

debops.nginx v0.1.6 - 2016-03-07


  • Add support for defining error pages in a list, with better control over their configuration. [drybjed_]


debops.nginx v0.1.5 - 2016-02-07


  • Create a proof-of-concept "solo" version of the role, that does not include additional Ansible role dependencies. [drybjed_]
  • Add default localhost nginx server. It has disabled HTTPS support and can be used by other applications to get the nginx status page locally. [drybjed_]
  • Add support for getting the client IP address from a custom header, when :program:`nginx` is used behind a proxy server. [drybjed_]
  • Add a way to control if debops.nginx role automatically adds ipv6only=false to the configuration to support dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 connections. This was the default, now it can be disabled so that users can control the listening ports themselves. [drybjed_]
  • Add support for HTTP/2 deprecating SPDY in :program:`nginx` 1.9.5. [MatthewMi11er]
  • Add support for Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) challenges. [drybjed_]
  • Provide a clean and simple welcome page which is displayed by default if specified server does not exist. The welcome page will be generated only if index.html is not present in the webroot directory. [drybjed_]
  • Add a hook script in :file:`/etc/pki/hooks/` directory. When certificates used by :program:`nginx` are changed, it will reload the webserver to enable them. [drybjed_]


  • Switch from using Diffie-Hellman parameters generated by debops.pki_ role to DH parameters managed by debops.dhparam_ role. [drybjed_]

  • Most of the file paths used by :program:`nginx` are now configurable using default variables. This allows to run :program:`nginx` on an unprivileged account.

    nginx_root_www_path variable has been renamed to nginx_www. [drybjed_]

  • Allow configuration of default listen and listen_ssl directives using default variables. [drybjed_]

  • Move configuration of debops.nginx role dependencies to default variables. It can be used to configure firewall and APT preferences using Ansible playbooks instead of hardcoding the dependencies in the role itself.

    Existing role dependencies are still used, and will be removed once all involved application playbooks which depend on debops.nginx are updated. [drybjed_]

  • Update localhost server to also accept connections on loopback IP addresses, so that check plugins like :command:`check_mk` can work correctly. [ypid_]

  • Wrap the default HTTP redirect configuration in location / {} section. This allows addition of other location sections as necessary without breaking the page. [drybjed_]

  • Support item.options YAML text block in nginx upstreams. [drybjed_]

  • Move the root parameter to its own macro block and use it separately in HTTP and HTTPS server configuration section. This is needed for the HTTP configuration to serve files from a sane directory. [drybjed_]

  • Don't print root option in the :program:`nginx` server configuration if it's set as False (shouldn't be used, but it is checked just in case). [drybjed_]

  • Make sure that root and ACME configuration is not added two times when HTTP listen configuration is disabled. [drybjed_]

  • Clean up default variables related to debops.pki_ role, add variables that configure client CA and trusted CA for OCSP stapling in :file:`default.conf` template. [drybjed_]

  • Update OCSP stapling support. Two new default variables are added to better control OCSP configuration.

    The debops.nginx role will now use the trusted certificate chain from debops.pki_ by default. The caveat is, if at least a Root CA certificate is not provided in the debops.pki_ realm, :program:`nginx` configuration will be invalid and restarting the webserver will fail. Right now you can avoid this by setting nginx_ocsp_verify variable to False if needed, there's also per-vhost item.ocsp_verify equivalent.

    The internal debops.pki_ certificates should work out of the box. [drybjed_]

  • Support autodetection of PKI realms.

    The debops.nginx role will check if any of the server names for a given vhost have corresponding PKI realms. If a corresponding realm is found, its certificates will be used for that server, unless overridden by item.pki_realm parameter. If a corresponding realm is not found, that vhost will use the default PKI realm. [drybjed_]

  • Support HSTS preloading in :program:`nginx` server configuration. [drybjed_]

  • Reorganize server, upstream and map default variables.

    The nginx_servers variable has been split into

    • nginx_default_servers (default welcome page of the server);
    • nginx_internal_servers (localhost and acme servers);
    • nginx_dependent_servers (webservers managed by other roles);

    Similar split has been done with nginx_upstreams and nginx_maps variables. The order of the variables is designed so that if you configure an :program:`nginx` website in the nginx_servers list (the same as up until now), the first one on the list will be marked as default, easily overriding the welcome page defined in nginx_default_servers.

    The nginx_server_default dictionary variable has been renamed to nginx_server_welcome and now defines the default welcome page. You might need to update the Ansible inventory.

    The nginx_upstream_php5 dictionary variable has been renamed to nginx_upstream_php5_www_data to be more specific. It defines an upstream for the default www-data PHP5 pool used by various services packaged in Debian. You might need to update the Ansible inventory. [drybjed_]

  • The default "welcome page" :program:`nginx` server will use the welcome server name, so that role users can use empty name ([]) parameter in Ansible inventory without the configuration being constantly overwritten in an idempotency loop. The welcome page automatically gets its own web root directory :file:`/srv/www/sites/welcome/public/`, and shouldn't conflict with the default root.

    This shouldn't affect the effect of default_server option. The welcome "hostname" most likely won't ever be present in the DNS and nothing should directly point to it. [drybjed_]

  • Create the specified :program:`nginx` maps and upstreams even when nginx_maps and nginx_upstreams lists are empty. [drybjed_]


  • Remove the "solo" version of the role, a different concept will be created in its place. [drybjed_]
  • Remove item.pki in favor of item.ssl in the nginx site configuration. [patrickheeney_]
  • Remove nginx_default_root variable. A default root directory is managed dynamically in the :file:`default.conf` server template. [drybjed_]


  • Fix https site detection when using debops.nginx as a dependency. [patrickheeney_]
  • Fix bare variables due to deprecation. [drybjed_]

debops.nginx v0.1.4 - 2015-09-24


  • Add an option to set client_max_body_size globally for entire nginx server, by setting nginx_http_client_max_body_size variable in Ansible inventory. [drybjed_]
  • Add DebOps pre-tasks and post-tasks hooks. [drybjed_]
  • Add an option to set custom index files in nginx configuration. [drybjed_]
  • Add item.redirect_to key which lets you redirect connection from all server names listed in to a specific server name (inverse item.redirect_from). [drybjed_]
  • Add support for :program:`nginx` package from upstream (, thanks to Pedro Luis López Sánchez. [drybjed_]
  • Add proxy nginx server template. [drybjed_]
  • Add item.ssl_crt, item.ssl_key, and item.ssl_dhparam to override pki nginx configuration per site. [patrickheeney_]
  • Added enabled to entries in item.location_list. [scibi_]


  • Allow to override nginx_passenger_root and nginx_passenger_ruby variables using Ansible inventory variables. [drybjed_]
  • Make sure that lists of IP addresses used in the templates are unique, this is required to eliminate duplicate IPv6 addresses in case of VLAN use. [drybjed_]
  • Move most of the http options from :file:`/etc/nginx/nginx.conf` template to nginx_http_options YAML text block for easy modification if necessary. [drybjed_]
  • By default access to hidden files is blocked in :program:`nginx` servers, item.deny_hidden key allows you to disable that. [drybjed_]
  • Filter out link-local IPv6 addresses from list of addresses that can access the :file:`/nginx_status` page. [drybjed_]
  • Change how list of nameservers is gathered from :file:`/etc/resolv.conf` to fix an issue with sed in shell command. [drybjed_]
  • Use fastcgi_params instead of :file:`fastcgi.conf` as the FastCGI parameters file when flavor is installed, because it is not provided by the non-Debian packages. On passenger and flavors, missing SCRIPT_FILENAME parameter will be added directly in nginx server configuration. [drybjed_]
  • Update userdir support to be more configurable. [drybjed_]
  • Use all available nameservers as OCSP resolvers instead of just the first one. User can also override the list of OCSP resolvers if needed. [drybjed_]
  • Rearrange parts of the configuration templates and add more Jinja blocks to be able to remove index and root directives programmatically. [drybjed_]


debops.nginx v0.1.3 - 2015-03-27


  • Add support for custom configuration templates using text blocks. [drybjed_]


debops.nginx v0.1.2 - 2015-03-13


  • Add a way to redirect HTTP site to HTTPS conditionally, with configuration being set in a separate file. [drybjed_]


debops.nginx v0.1.1 - 2015-03-12



debops.nginx v0.1.0 - 2015-02-11


  • First release, add CHANGES.rst [drybjed_]