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Rogmor nextjs implemented RPG

at first created on stackblitz I founded my old RPG graphic on my desktop, so my plan is create some RPG game on react stack, maybe PWA output, easy as possible.

AI improvements

( - - this README is very organic, updated time to time, very sensitive of development process - - )

In this year - 2023 - the AI ... chatGPT give me many idea about how can I help to improve my developing process, I post basic things about in this post:

Using ChatGPT for Complex Fantasy Story and Programming Creation

Next goal:

reworking this project to typescript and nextjs builded by SWC

This is the next iteration of my dreams because it focus be realised as nextjs project. Rogmor development started bye a stackblitz application in next step is made of react application until now but now we focus go into the server.

compact view of development compact view of development

How to make a MMORPG

Question is: what is the minimal requirement for usable mobil mmorpg ?

step of simplify:

  • 2d images
  • basic interface
  • minimal animation

tile maps tile image example

first saga controlled fight

export function * fightSaga(a, b, fallenOne = p => p) {
  yield `\n`;
  yield `${} - ${a.profession} : ${a.level} : ${a.reflex}`;
  yield 'vs.';
  yield `${} - ${b.profession} : ${b.level} : ${b.reflex}`;
  yield '-'.repeat(20);
  yield `${a.reflex} : ${b.reflex}`;
  const astart = improved(a.reflex) 
  const bstart = improved(b.reflex)
  const [atk, def] = astart > bstart ? [a, b] : [b, a];
  yield `Attacker is: ${} ${astart} vs ${bstart}`;
  let round = 1;
  while (def.staminaState > 0 && atk.staminaState > 0 && stayInCombat(a) && stayInCombat(b)) {
    let [striker, target] = round % 2 ? [atk, def] : [def, atk];
    let dmg = improved(striker.physique / 2);
    yield `round: ${round} - ${} - strike ${dmg}`;
    round ++;
    target.staminaState -= Math.min(dmg, target.staminaState);
    yield `${} ${target.stamina}/${target.staminaState}`;
  yield `${atk.staminaState <= 0 ? : '' } knocked out`;
  yield `${def.staminaState <= 0 ? : '' } knocked out`;
  if (a.staminaState <= 0) 
  else if (b.staminaState <= 0) 


character attributes

body : It is physic of character including strength.

reflex : It is the reflex capability including first thinking and the reflex.

soul : Spiritual harmony, logical thinking and wisdom.

aura : This is the character presence, social and impact to other.

stamina : This is the stamina and Longevity. if value reduced to 0 then hero unable to do anything.

focus : Hero mind stability. If value reduce to 0 then hero is fall down.

morale : This is the fossil energy very helpful at any social interaction.

This program focus be refact to the nextjs I hope with that step I reach my goal to single typescript MMORPG focus be a reachable goal.


The following mistakes I made it when I wrote this program the first one are used exports define default solutions so that each component has no name and that is terrible resident and development tool: Component.

// ./components/NoNameComponent.tsx

export default () => (
    <p>Component whitout name</p>
    <p>react component devtool isn't handle well this</p>

// use

import IGaveAnotherName from './components/NoNameComponent';


The big question is which database is perfect for this application?

  • mongoDB - already selected mongoDB cloud one
  • firebase
  • supabase

system design with arrows

MATCH path0 = (Talk)<--(NPC)-->()<--(Story)<--()<--(Hero)-->(Experience)<--(Story)<--(Skillset),
path1 = (`Level `)-->()-->(Hero)-->(Inventory)-->()-->()-->(Hero)-->(Skillset),
path2 = (NPC)-->()<--(Story)-->(Talk),
path3 = (Login)-->(Play)-->(Hero)-->(`Level `)<--(Experience),
path4 = (Story)-->()-->(Inventory),
path5 = (Login)-->()-->(Play),
path6 = (:instance)-->(Login),
path7 = ()
RETURN path0, path1, path2, path3, path4, path5, path6, path7

Important deployment step of Vercel

I take few hour to solve the automatic vercel deployment from my gith repo. On Build & Development Settings drop down you can select nextjs instead of try output library set to .next/

nextjs to vercel build setup

export function * encounterSaga() {
  const {payload:{heroTeam, opponentTeam, area, isAuto}} = yield take(ENCOUNTER_BEGIN);

  const {type} = yield take([LETS_TALK, AMBUSH, CHARGE]);

  if (type === CHARGE) {
    let sequence = speedOrder([

    while (sequence.length) {
      const [next] = sequence;
      const nextMove = heroTeam.includes(next) 
        ? yield waitUserInteraction()   // >>  take([STRIKE, SKILL])
        : yield figureOutOppositesMove()




Small script language with tailwind like syntax for simplify skill programming. Easy compose functionality

    # simple strong strike with weapon


    fill-4 # need a four round to refill



    instant # this means ready for use instant


Slash controlled fight

TDD Test Drive Development

Under Slash development, the TDD is a great help. Step by step implement the whole action process, maybe this code is not the optimum, but looks it is working. And TS also great help to solve this complex process.

Seems it is works fine in reality. This way the whole progress can be followed. And shows some missing feature after the first implementation of slash the inner script language.

Design note by Samsung galaxy S6lite tablet

design note by samsung s6lite tablet

first interactive auto fight capable combat process saga

export function * combatZoneSaga() {
  while (true) {
    yield take(ENCOUNTER_BEGIN);

    const {hero}:MainState = yield select();

    const pickProf = () => pickOne(Object.keys(skillForProf))

    const testTeams = yield getTeams();
    const combatSetupMobList =
      ([lvl, type, team, avatar]:[number, ProfessionKey, Team, number]) => 
        makeMob(lvl, type, team, avatar)

    yield putAction(SET_MOB_LIST, combatSetupMobList)
    let mobList = combatSetupMobList;

    _CombatIsOver_: while (true) {
      const order = actionOrder(mobList);

      while (order.length) {
        const [actor]:OrderOfSeed = order.shift();
        yield putAction(PLAY_FLOW, {who: actor.uid});
        const skillList = getSkillObject(actor);

        const {isAutoFight} = yield select();
        const subList= yield call(userChiceTheSkillSaga, skillList, actor, isAutoFight)

        _NextActor_: while (true) {
          if (subList.length < 1) break _NextActor_;

          const [, command] = yield race([
            take([HEART_BEAT, ENCOUNTER_OUTCOME]),

          if (command?.type === ENCOUNTER_OUTCOME) break _CombatIsOver_;

          const skill = subList.shift();
          const [aiTargetting, skillResult] = getSkillResult(actor, skill, mobList);
          yield putAction(PLAY_FLOW, aiTargetting);
          yield putAction(PLAY_FLOW, skillResult);
          mobList = yield call(skillReducer, mobList, skillResult);
          yield putAction(SET_MOB_LIST, mobList);

          const isTwoTeam = mobList
            .map(mob =>
            .find((item, _, arr) => arr.indexOf(item) !== 0)

          if(!isTwoTeam) {
            yield take([HEART_BEAT, ENCOUNTER_OUTCOME]);
            yield putAction(FOCUS_ON, null);
            break _CombatIsOver_;
    yield putAction(SET_MOB_LIST, [])

function * userChiceTheSkillSaga(skillList:Partial<SlashObject>[][], actor:Mob, isAutoFight: boolean) {
  if ( !== Team.GOOD || isAutoFight) return
  const {payload: skillIndex} = yield take([USE_SKILL, SET_AUTO_FIGHT]);

Five Times Seven

My imagine is I made whole game on gird 5 x 7, so this is fine for vertical mobile setup. With this single css attribute I can setup the size of item.

Goal is: really fast and easy UI module in react.

 .container {
   display: grid;
   grid: repeat( 7, 7em) / repeat( 5, 5em);  
 .item { gridArea: 4 / 1 / 7 / 6; }

AI content creation slowly take a place

Design Something

Image generation with DALL-E AI api endpoints

AI Explore the whole world, and meanwhile write down every details about places.

chatGPT fetch

const getHeader = key => new Headers({
  'Authorization': `Bearer ${key}`, 
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'
// get from ::
const headers = getHeader('< YOUR-API-KEY >')
const ai = seek => fetch(
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify({
      "model": "text-davinci-003",
      "prompt": seek,
      "max_tokens": 2000,
      "temperature": 1.0
  .then(res => res.json())
  .then(res => res.choices[0].text)