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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 22, 2020. It is now read-only.

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File metadata and controls

164 lines (118 loc) · 5.53 KB

22/05/2020: We've archived this package as it was originally intended to be used inside a project and scratch our own itch. We haven't touched our updated it since. It's archived for the people who use(d) it. Feel free to fork and re-release this in case you want to actively develop and support this package.

Laravel Exact Online

This package is a Laravel wrapper around the Exact Online PHP API by Picqer ( It provides routes and a controller out of the box to connect your Laravel app with an Exact Online app. It also provides a Facade which is chainable to make requests to the API easily. Authorisation and refresh tokens are saved automatically.

Note: the tokens are saved in a json file for application wide use. Therefor this code is not suitable if your platform need access to Exact Online for a single user! This set of code may be used to communicate with a single Exact Online user's administration.

First draft - do not use!

So far, this package is just a draft. So use at own risk. We're currently working on a project to see if it provides all functions we need. If you intend to use this package, please see below for instructions and what functions you may use.


First add the dev-master version of this package to your composer.json

"pendonl/laravel-exact-online": "dev-master"

Then run composer update and add the Service Provider to config/app.php (For L5.5 and up Auto-Discovery is enabled)


In the same file, add the Facade

'ExactOnline' => PendoNL\LaravelExactOnline\LaravelExactOnlineFacade::class,

Followed by this, publish the resources (views, config, etc.)

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="PendoNL\LaravelExactOnline\Providers\LaravelExactOnlineServiceProvider"

While developing this package, you might want to use the --force flag on this command to overwrite previous files.

And last but not least either edit config/laravel-exact-online to match your Exact Online app settings or add these keys to your .env:


The following keys are optional


Multiuser support

Out of the box this plugin stores the exact keys inside a JSON file. This means every user uses the same credentials. If you would like to give your users the opportunity to make individual connections you can do so by setting the following parameter inside your .env file:


Sidenote: There's no migration written for this feature yet. Feel free to do so. In the meantime you should add these changes to your user migration:


and add these fillables to your user object:

protected $fillable = [
    'name', 'email', 'password', 'exact_accessToken', 'exact_refreshToken', 'exact_tokenExpires', 'exact_authorisationCode'

How to use connect Laravel & Exact Online

As said this package provides the route and controller to easily connect your Exact App with your Laravel project. You may overwrite the routes in you routes/web.php file, I even insist on doing so because the routes are not protected by default!

You may also edit the views to your liking, after publishing they can be found under /views/vendor/laravel-exact-online/ in your resources path.

Step 1: connect & authorise

Visit, you will be presented a submit button to go to Exact Online. Once there, login and approve the app. After this you will be returned do, this route takes care of saving the needed tokens for future requests.

Step 2: use the Facade

That's it, you're now ready to use the package.

How to use the API

The package by Picqer requires you to provide a valid connection parameter to each resource you are about to use. This is done by a big piece of code which requires adding tokens. In the ServiceProvider of this package we've made a singleton that does all this for you:

$connection = app()->make('Exact\Connection');

This connection then is used when requesting resources using Picqer's classes:

use \Picqer\Financials\Exact\Account;

// List all accounts
$account = new Account($connection);

Using the Facade, we tried to make things easy, for instance getting a list of accounts:


Or finding a specific account:


All methods that change the connection are camelCased and prefixed with connection, for example if you want to change the baseUrl of the API you would call:


Of course everything is chainable for readability:




If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.

About Pendo

Pendo is a webdevelopment agency based in Maastricht, Netherlands. If you'd like, you can visit our website.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.