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File metadata and controls

56 lines (49 loc) · 4.98 KB

IMPORTANT: If you are a Mac or linux user, this package requires either Clang++ or G++ to function.

Sfaster works similarly to the sfinder path tool, except that it runs considerably faster, and does not run into memory issues. Sfaster is capable of quickly handling many smaller tasks, as well as taking on large tasks that sfinder would fail to complete.

You can run the program by typing sfaster (or ./sfaster in Linux) in the command line, or by running directly.

You can provide the starting board either as an argument in the command line, or by providing a board in input.txt. In the command line, the board can be the first argument provided, or paired with the -t flag. The board can be a fumen or a string, though in order to input fumens you need to have py_fumen_py installed (run pip install py_fumen_py in the console). If no argument is provided (or the program is run from directly), the program will read from input.txt. Note that the input can have line breaks in input.txt. If the input is still blank, an empty board will be used.

Examples: sfaster v115@9gilEeR4glRpDeR4wwg0RpCeBtxwi0DeBtwwJeAgH sfaster -t v115@9gilEeR4glRpDeR4wwg0RpCeBtxwi0DeBtwwJeAgH sfaster LLL_____SSLOO____SSTJOO___ZZTTJJJ____ZZT sfaster -t LLL_____SSLOO____SSTJOO___ZZTTJJJ____ZZT sfaster (No board provided, will read from input.txt.)

While the program is running, every solution will be written to output.txt as it is found. By default, the solutions will be written as fumens, but to have solutions printed as strings, add -F string to your command. Keep in mind that the output file can get very large if a large number of solutions are found.

Sfaster doesn't have some of the more niche flags in sfinder yet, but it currently implements the most common ones, with some changes:

  • -p, --patterns Piece order restrictions. If no pattern is specified, piece restrictions will not be considered.
  • -c, --clear-line Number of lines to clear. Defaults to 4.
  • -H, --hold Whether to allow hold to be used. Specify use to allow, or avoid to disallow. Defaults to use.
  • -d, --drop Specify movement abilities (ie: enable 180 spins). Currently, the options are soft (or softdrop), jstris180, or tetris180. To enable 180 spins with the 180 kick table for either jstris or, choose jstris180 or tetrio180, respectively.
    • Warning: the 180 kicktables use the same logic as the other kicktables, but they haven't been thoroughly tested yet.
  • -o, --output-base Specify where the solutions should be written. Defaults to "output.txt". Here are the flags unique to Sfinder:
  • -F, --format-solution Specify whether solutions should be written as fumens or strings. Choose fumen or string, defaults to fumen.
  • -B, --big-input Add this flag if you're processing a very large input (ie: many pieces). It should typically run faster, but will take a few seconds to recompile before it starts. Clang++/G++ is required to use this flag. Due to how compilers work, there's a chance this version could have a significantly different (faster or even slower) runtime than the default version.
  • -T, --turbo Run in Turbo mode: uses all the cores of your computer to run large inputs several times faster than normal. Works best if you don't have other programs open.
    • G++ (not Clang++) is required to use both -B and -T simultaneously. No compiler is needed to run -T alone.
  • -b, --b2b Set b2b restrictions. Choose "tetris" to return solutions where the only clears are tetrises, "tspin" to return solutions where the only clears are tspins, "b2b" to return solutions where b2b is maintained (either tspins or tetrises), or "none" for no restrictions. Defaults to "none".
    • Currently setting to "tspin" guarantees no solutions since you can't PC with only tspins, but a mode that doesn't require ending with a PC is coming soon.


New features:

  • Prune impossible solutions
  • Piece restrictions
  • Variable-height PCs (not just 4L)
  • Allow hold (--hold use)
  • Option to output fumens instead of strings
  • Command line flags (like -t, -c)
  • Option to enable 180 spins with either the jstris or tetrio kicktables
  • Version for people without Clang++/G++ (or version that doesn't need to recompile every time)
  • Faster fumenify (or option to output directly as fumens)
  • Multithreading (should increase the speed significantly)
  • Custom output destination (-o)
  • B2b restrictions (eg: b2b clears only)

Coming soon:

  • Version where ending in PC is not required (similar to sfinder setup)
  • Version to run many boards back to back (eg: every page in fumen)

Coming later:

  • Faster setup (ie: new non-python version of run_sfaster)
  • Specify kicktables (beyond 180 toggle)
  • Option to keep minos in initial board from turning gray in outputs
  • Glued solutions (-s)
  • Specify input fumen page (-P)
  • Specify multiple patterns (; operator in -p)