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Ruben S. Montero edited this page Dec 21, 2023 · 10 revisions

Using the build tools

Building appliances and contextualization packages is made simple with the provided Makefile. To explore available options, just run make help:

Usage examples:
    make <distro>          -- build just one distro
    make <service>         -- build just one service

    make all               -- build all distros and services
    make all -j 4          -- build all in 4 parallel tasks
    make distros           -- build all distros
    make services          -- build all services

    make context-linux     -- build context linux packages
    make context-windows   -- build windows linux packages

Available distros:
    alma8 alma9 alpine316 alpine317 alpine318 alt9 alt10 amazon2
    centos7 centos8stream debian10 debian11 debian12 devuan3 devuan4
    fedora37 fedora38 freebsd12 freebsd13 ol8 ol9 opensuse15 rocky8
    rocky9 ubuntu2004 ubuntu2004min ubuntu2204 ubuntu2204min

Available services:
    service_vnf service_wordpress service_OneKE

The products of the building process are stored in the following folders:

  • Linux context packages in context-linux/out/ folder
  • Linux context packages in context-windows/out/ folder
  • Appliance images in export folder

Configuration options

Fine-tune the Makefile's behavior, such as defining the distributions to build or configuring output folders, by adjusting the following variables. Simply create a Makefile.local file and set the variables as needed:

Variable Description
VERSION Defines the context packages version. Useful for releasing oficial packages
RELEASE Specifies the release version.
VERBOSE Controls verbosity in logging for troubleshooting.
PACKER_LOG Enables logging for Packer builds.
PACKER_HEADLESS Sets Packer to run in headless mode.
DISTROS Lists supported Linux distributions for building.
SERVICES Lists service appliances available for building.
DIR_BUILD Default directory for building artifacts (out of packer)
DIR_EXPORT Default directory for storing produced artifacts.
LINUX_CONTEXT_PACKAGES Lists Linux context packages generated.
WINDOWS_CONTEXT_PACKAGES Lists Windows context packages generated.

For example, to obtain a more verbose output to troubleshoot any issue, add the following contents:

PACKER_LOG         := 1
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