This repository is deprecated.
OpenConext is an OpenSource technology stack for creating and running Collaboration platforms. It uses technologies from Federated Identity Management, as is available in Research and Educational Access Federations, Group management and OpenSocial Social Networking Technology. The aim of the software is to provide a middleware platform that can combine generic and specialized collaboration tools and services, within Research and Education, and beyond, and make these available for collaboration over institutional and national borders. The features section describes the current and planned features for the platform.
OpenConext was developed by SURFnet as part of the SURFworks programme. SURFnet runs an instance of the platform for research and education in The Netherlands as SURFconext
OpenConext: SURFconext:
See the NOTICE file
- To be done
- ..
To be done
- Java 6
- Maven 3
To build:
mvn clean install