Install and setup the Flutter SDK.
To build/run the app, navigate into the project's folder and execute the following commands:
flutter pub get
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Visit the build_runner package for more information.
flutter run --dart-define THUNDERFOREST_API_KEY=${api key}
You can also omit the entire API key parameter. In this case the underlying map tiles won't be available in your build.
By default the app uses the OpenStreetMap development server for login and upload. In order to use the live servers the custom parameter --dart-define=IS_RELEASE=true
has to be set when running/building the app.
Note: This has nothing to do with flutter's release, profile and debug mode.
To build the app for a specific platform (apk, appbundle, ios, web) in its ultimate form (except code signing), use the following command:
flutter build ${platform} --release --dart-define=THUNDERFOREST_API_KEY=${api key} --dart-define=IS_RELEASE=true
The app uses a package to automatically generate icons for all platforms. If you modify the corresponding entries under flutter_icons:
in pubspec.yaml
or replace the icon images, you have to execute the following command for the modifications to take effect:
flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons
If flutter doctor
reports CocoaPods not installed
and gem install cocoapods
doesn't resolve the issue, try updating RubyGems by running gem update --system