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InfluxDB DWH Exporter

This application provides an HTTP endpoint that can deliver metrics from an InfluxDB in an aggregated form when called.

This can be used to provide an aggregated view of existing metrics or derived ones to an external tool (e.g. data warehouse or other databases).


The endpoint which is provided and through which the metrics can be retrieved/exported is /dwh

Parameter Example Description
token /dwh?token=my_secret token must match the token configured in the application.yml, otherwise access will be denied.
interval /dwh?interval=5m Specifies the resolution in which the metrics are provided. This corresponds to the ${interval} variable in the configured queries. If interval is not specified, the default value 1m is used, i.e. a resolution per minute.
range /dwh?range=2h Defines the time period that the metrics should cover. For example, 2h means that the data points of the metrics of the last two hours should be queried. This variable is used to define ${timeFilter} in the configured queries. If range is not specified, the data for one interval will be returned.
offset /dwh?offset=5m Defines a time offset with which the data should be queried. For example, if the data is queried at 15:00, it is possible that the data for 14:59 has not yet arrived in the InfluxDB. By using offset, the query interval can now be shifted into the past. If offset is not defined, an offset of one minute is used.
start & end /dwh?start=1587023100000&end=1587023400000 Alternative way to specify the time period compared to range and offset. The values start and end must be epoch timestamps in milliseconds. It is also important that both start and end are multiples of the interval. I.e. for example with an interval of 1m both timestamps must be divisible by 60000 without remainder.


/dwh?token=my_secret - Returns the data of the last minute in minute resolution with an offset of one minute.

/dwh?token=my_secret&interval=15m - Returns the data of the last 15 minutes in a 15-minute resolution with an offset of one minute.

/dwh?token=my_secret&interval=15m&range=60m&offset=5m - Returns the data of the last 60 minutes in a 15-minute resolution with an offset of five minutes.

/dwh?token=my_secret&interval=1m&start=1587023340000&end1587023400000 - Returns the data between defined the timestamps in a 1-minute resolution.


The configuration of the provided metrics can be done via an application.yml file, which can be put in the working directory of the application.

The following code is an example for the application.yml. For a full list of available configurations, see the default application.yml:

  # the port of the server
  port: 8080

    # URL of the InfluxDB
    url: http://localhost:8086
    # username for the InfluxDB
    user: ""
    # password for the InfluxDB
    password: ""

  # secret to access the /dwh endpoint
  token: my_secret

  # the metrics and related queries to use and export
    - name: my-metric|${service}|${http_path}
      query: |
        SELECT SUM("sum") / SUM("count")
        FROM "inspectit"."autogen"."http_in_responsetime"
        GROUP BY time(${interval}), "service", "http_path" FILL(null)

Metrics Configuration

A list of metrics that will be provided via the HTTP endpoint can be specified in dwh.metrics. Two parameters must be defined for each metric: name and query.

name is the name of the resulting "metric view". The name can be parameterized using the tags of the underlying metric, as shown in the example above using ${service} and ${http_path}.

query is the InfluxDB query that is executed to retrieve the corresponding metric from InfluxDB. Here, the variable ${timeFilter} should be used in the WHERE clause. Also, {interval} should be used as "GROUP BY time" interval!

It is important that exactly the tags used for parameterization in name are also used in the GROUP BY-clause!

When the endpoint provided by the application is called, the exporter executes all configured queries and returns the corresponding result.

Health Endpoint

The application provides an endpoint under `/actuator/health that can be used to check if the application is running and the InfluxDB is available.

By default, only a simple status is provided:


However, with the following configuration, additional information, such as status of the InfluxDB connection, can be obtained via the health endpoint:

        show-details: "ALWAYS"

Using this configuration, the health endpoint provides the following result:

    "components": {
        "influxDb": {


To generate a software bill of materials (SBOM), execute the gradle task cyclonedxBom. It will save the BOM into the folder build/reports.

How to Release

Important tasks to check first are dependencyUpdates and dependencyUpdates[Major|Minor] for newer (patch, minor, major) versions and dependencyCheckAnalyze for security issues in the used dependencies.