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80 lines (58 loc) · 2.28 KB

093 Restore IP

File metadata and controls

80 lines (58 loc) · 2.28 KB

Given a string s containing only digits, return all possible valid IP addresses that can be obtained from s. You can return them in any order.

A valid IP address consists of exactly four integers, each integer is between 0 and 255, separated by single dots and cannot have leading zeros. For example, "" and "" are valid IP addresses and "", "" and "[email protected]" are invalid IP addresses.


Example 1:

Input: s = "25525511135"
Output: ["",""]

Example 2:

Input: s = "0000"
Output: [""]

Example 3:

Input: s = "1111"
Output: [""]

Example 4:

Input: s = "010010"
Output: ["",""]

Example 5:

Input: s = "101023"
Output: ["","","","",""]


class Solution {
    std::string ip;
    std::vector<std::string> ips;

    void backtrack(std::string& s, int piece, int index) {
        // ip串有四个组成部分或开头指示指针越界则返回,如果两部分同时满足则添加一个有效ip,注意去掉最后的'.'
        if (piece == 4 || index == s.size()) {
            if (piece == 4 && index == s.size())
                ips.push_back(ip.substr(0, ip.size() - 1));

        // 可能一位,两位,三位
        for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++){
            // 如果当前指针加当前长度超过长度限制则返回
            if (index + i > s.size()) return;
            // 如果开始位是0并且当前长度不是1则返回
            if (s[index] == '0' && i != 1) return;
            // 如果有三位并且大于255则返回
            if (i == 3 && s.substr(index, i) > "255") return;
            ip += s.substr(index, i);
            ip += '.';
            // 段数加一,指针后移
            backtrack(s, piece + 1, index + i);
            // 回溯时去掉新加的数字和小数点
            ip = ip.substr(0, ip.size() - i - 1);

    std::vector<string> restoreIpAddresses(std::string s) {
        backtrack(s, 0, 0);
        return ips;

执行用时:0 ms, 在所有 C++ 提交中击败了100.00%的用户

内存消耗:6.7 MB, 在所有 C++ 提交中击败了90.16%的用户