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170 lines (147 loc) · 6.08 KB

File metadata and controls

170 lines (147 loc) · 6.08 KB

C++ implementation

  • check the simulation implementation.
  • complete algorithm.
  • add Mujoco and Envs.
  • DB class for training.
  • Trainig method in (controller/separate class).
  • link testing with github to perform auto testing.


  • Testing software.
  • verify implementation.
    • cost.
    • model.
    • main_algo.
    • decompose update function for simpler testing.
    • test shif and init see also #3
  • Write argument checks and test them.


  • profile the graph with Profiler tool
  • Identify bottleneck and see how to improve performances.

Code clearness

  • rewrite env class.


  • Write documentation.
    • Model base.
    • Cost base.
    • Controller base.
    • auv_model.
    • point mass model.
    • nn model.
    • static cost.
    • elipse cost.
  • Doxygene?

Python Implementation


  • add elements to replay buffer.
  • finish training method.
  • Rewrite Testing.
  • log cost. (~1/2 day)
  • extend dimensions. (~1/2 day)
  • test extended dimension. (~1 day)
  • generate tf_summary with hyperparam and env name. (~2 days)
    • add config file parsing, to load hyperparameters and remove hard coding of the params.
    • add argument parsing for the config file, env file etc. This will be usefull for organised testing.
  • sort rendering problem.
  • plot weighted simulated paths.
  • look at noise distribution.
  • log weights.
  • log nabla in % of K.
  • change the goal be a signal.
  • look at signal filtering for control input.
  • decoupling temprature from control cost.
  • implement covariance decoupling between natural noise and artifical noise. Simple variance multiplier first.
  • save task_config file.
  • log inputs.
  • log best cost.
  • Sort tensorflow memory usage.
  • normailze cost
  • log normalized cost.
  • debug flag when logging summary.
  • log predicted cost.
  • train only if enough samples.
  • moved logging to a separated pseudo singleton.
  • log speed and position cost for elipse.
  • log arguments in the graphs dir to repeate experiments.
  • write experiment bash script.
  • write repeate experience from log script.
  • write model abstract class.
  • write documentation.
  • perform argument checking.
  • tune filtering process.
  • log disturbances.
  • add current. Needs to be parameterizable.
  • Test Cpu. (probably inference on GPU, learning on CPU)
  • Train simple network on Point mass system.
  • Complexify learning (NN, GP etc). (~1-2 weeks) need to implement model, search the hyperparameters, same if we try Gaussian processes (GPflow) probably not a priority.
  • Experiment agent learning parameters. (dont know enough about the rest to make a prediction)

NN_AUV implementation:

Main Idea: We don't want to predict in the inertial frame because this would lead to a lack of generalization when far from the origin in unexplored state space regions. So the dataset is as follos: A state is defined by: [pose_I_Bt.T, vel_Bt_Bt.T].T where pose_I_Bt is the pose of the body at time t expressed in inertial frame and vel_Bt_Bt is the velocity of the body frame as time t expressed in the body frame at time t. For 2 states, s_{t}, s_{t+1} as well as the input action a_{t} the network training data is as follows: (X, y) \simeq ([rot_I_Bt.T, vel_Bt_Bt.T, a_Bt_Bt.T].T, [pose_Bt_Bt1.t, vel_Bt1_Bt1.T].T). Where pose_Bt_Bt1 is the pose of the body at time t+1 expressin in the body frame at time t.

  • Batch transform.
  • Batch invsere.
  • Batch quaternion inverse.
  • Batch pure quaternion.
  • Batch rotate vector.
  • Batch quaternion multiplication.
  • Data Preparation.
  • Training Data Preparation
  • Prediction to Inertial Frame.
  • Create network.
  • Training routine.
  • Collect training data from gazebo.
  • Train simple network on the training data.

ROS Integration

  • run a tf-graph in ros with python3.

  • adapt static cost and eliptic cost to 3d problems.

  • vehicle modelling.

    • step function.
    • compute acceleration.
    • compute damping.
    • compute restoring forces.
    • compute coriolis matrix.
    • load ros model parameters.
      • namespace.
      • world frame.
      • body frame.
      • inertial.
      • mass.
      • volume.
      • density.
      • height.
      • length.
      • width.
      • center of gravity.
      • center of buoyancy.
      • added mass.
      • gravity?
      • linear damping.
      • linear damping forward speed.
      • quadratic damping.
      • build mass matrix
    • test step function.
    • Why is model exploding (sign error in the restoring forces).
      • Damping matrix computation had an error. Done, compared with the UUV implementation and have no diff anymore.
      • Rerun the data gen process and see if it still explodes. It still explodes. Need to look at the angles as they are not normalized.
      • Implement quaternions.
      • Test quaternions.
        • check rot.
        • check t.
        • verify order of multiplication.
        • check jacobian.
        • check multiplication in step.
        • check converstion.
    • look for learning mechanism.
    • write test functions.
    • change variables to tensorflow variables.
    • find solution to skew operation concat .
  • Performance testing.

  • go to real robot.


  • check why the acceleration in x is positive while the yaw angle is 180 and the input is 100N. The x acceleration should be negative.


  • Test Model.
  • Test Cost.
  • Test main.
  • Test shift and init.
  • Test elips cost.
  • Test gamma and upsilon.