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Instructions for installing Natron from sources on Microsoft Windows

Installing with MSYS2

MSYS2 is a unix-like toolchain that can be used to build Windows applications on Windows 8.1/10/11. It provides everything required by Natron and the OFX plug-ins.

Follow the SDK instructions to setup your system for building and developing Natron and/or the OFX plug-ins. The rest of this document can be ignored.


Natron uses the OpenFX API, before building you should make sure it is up to date.

For that, go under Natron and type

git submodule update -i --recursive

Download OpenColorIO-Configs

In the past, OCIO configs were a submodule, though due to the size of the repository, we have chosen instead to make a tarball release and let you download it here. Place it at the root of Natron repository.

note: If it is name something like: OpenColorIO-Configs-Natron-v2.0 rename it to OpenColorIO-Configs


The config.pri is used to define the locations of the dependencies. It is probably the most confusing part of the build process.

Create a config.pri file next to the that will tell the .pro file where to find those libraries.

You can fill it with the following proposed code to point to the libraries. Of course you need to provide valid paths that are valid on your system.

You can find more examples specific to distributions below.

INCLUDEPATH is the path to the include files

LIBS is the path to the libs

----- copy and paste the following in a terminal -----
cat > config.pri << EOF
boost: LIBS += -lboost_serialization
expat: LIBS += -lexpat
expat: PKGCONFIG -= expat
cairo: PKGCONFIG -= cairo
----- end -----

note: the last line for cairo is only necessary if the package for cairo in your distribution is lower than version 1.12 (as it is on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS for example).


Natron's nodes are contained in separate repositories. To use the default nodes, you must also build the following repositories:

You'll find installation instructions in the README of both these repositories. Both openfx-misc and openfx-io have submodules as well.

Plugins must be installed in /usr/OFX/Plugins on Linux Or in a directory named "Plugins" located in the parent directory where the binary lies, e.g.:



To build, go into the Natron directory and type:

qmake -r

If everything has been installed and configured correctly, it should build without errors.

If you want to build in DEBUG mode change the qmake call to this line:

qmake -r CONFIG+=debug

Some debug options are available for developers of Natron and you can see them in the global.pri file. To enable an option just add CONFIG+=<option> in the qmake call.

Installing with Visual Studio

These instructions are outdated, and the preferred way to compile Natron on Windows is using MSYS2. Feel free to contribute updated Visual Studio instructions.

Required: Install git, best is the github app.

Install libraries

In order to have Natron compiling, first you need to install the required libraries. An alternative is to download the pre-compiled binaries provided by MrKepzie

They contain:

  • Qt 4.8.5 compiled for 64 bits as dlls. 32 bits version can be downloaded from the Qt website (see below)
  • Qt 5.3.0 compiled for 64 bits as dlls. 32 bits version can be downloaded from the Qt website (see below)
  • lib jpeg 8d/9a static MT. You should use the 9a version for OpenImageIO
  • libpng 1.2.51/ 1.6.9 static MT, you should use version 1.6.9 for OpenImageIO and cairo
  • OpenEXR 2.1 static MT
  • OpenImageIO 1.4.8 static MT release
  • libtiff 4.0.3 static MT release
  • zlib 1.2.8 static MT release
  • OpenColorIO 1.0.9 static MT release
  • cairo 1.12.4 static MT release
  • pixman 0.32.4 static MT release (64 bits only, it's easy to compile the 32 bits version yourself and it shouldn't be needed if you use the provided pre-built binary of cairo.).

Qt 5.3

You'll need to install Qt libraries from Qt download. You probably want Qt 5.3.0 for Windows 32-bit (VS 2010, OpenGL, 593 MB) Note that by default the binaries provided by Qt are 32 bits, which means you have to compile the 64 bits version yourself... or download the pre-compiled binaries we provide (see above).


You can download boost from (boost download)[] For now only boost serialisation is required. Follow the build instructions to compile boost. You'll need to build a shared | multi-threaded version of the libraries. Pre-compiled binaries for boost are available here:


At the source tree's root, type the following command in the command prompt:

git submodule update -i --recursive

(If you cloned the repository with the github app you probably don't need this command.)


You need to build expat in order to make OpenFX work. The expat sources are located under the HostSupport folder within OpenFX. You should find a .vcxproj file under \libs\OpenFX\HostSupport\expat-2.0.1\lib Open it with visual studio and build a static MT release version of expat.

We're done here for libraries.

Cairo 1.14.2

You can get the release from Then this page has a complete answer on how to compile the dependencies: This will work successfully.

Download OpenColorIO-Configs

In the past, OCIO configs were a submodule, though due to the size of the repository, we have chosen instead to make a tarball release and let you download it here. Place it at the root of Natron repository.

Add the config.pri file

You have to define the locations of the required libraries. This is done by creating a .pri file that will tell the .pro where to find those libraries.

  • create the config.pri file next to the file.

You can fill it with the following proposed code to point to the libraries. Of course you need to provide valid paths that are valid on your system.

INCLUDEPATH is the path to the include files

LIBS is the path to the libs

Here's an example of a config.pri file that supports both 32bit and 64bit builds:

64bit {

boost {
        INCLUDEPATH +=  $$quote(C:\\boost)
        CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$quote(C:\\boost\\x64) -lboost_serialization-vc100-mt-1_57
		CONFIG(debug, debug|release):  LIBS += -L$$quote(C:\\boost\\x64) -lboost_serialization-vc100-mt-gd-1_57

    INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\\Users\\lex\\Documents\\GitHub\\Natron\\libs\\OpenFX\\HostSupport\\expat-2.0.1\\lib)
    LIBS += -L$$quote(C:\\Users\\lex\\Documents\\GitHub\\Natron\\libs\\OpenFX\\HostSupport\\expat-2.0.1\\x64\\bin\\Release) -llibexpatMT
    LIBS += shell32.lib

cairo {
	INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\\Users\\lex\\Documents\\GitHub\\Natron3rdParty\\cairo_1.12\\include)
	LIBS += -L$$quote(C:\\Users\\lex\\Documents\\GitHub\\Natron3rdParty\\cairo_1.12\\lib\\x64) -lcairo

python {
	INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\\Python34\\include)
	LIBS += -L$$quote(C:\\Python34\\libs) -lpython3

pyside {
	INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\\Python34\\Lib\\site-packages\\PySide\\include\\PySide)
	INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\\Python34\\Lib\\site-packages\\PySide\\include\\PySide\\QtGui)
	INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\\Python34\\Lib\\site-packages\\PySide\\include\\PySide\\QtCore)
	INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\\Qt\\4.8.6_win32\\include\\QtGui)
	LIBS += -L$$quote(C:\\Python34\\Lib\\site-packages\\PySide) -lpyside-python3.4

shiboken {
	INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\\Python34\\Lib\\site-packages\\PySide\\include\\shiboken)
	LIBS += -L$$quote(C:\\Python34\\Lib\\site-packages\\PySide) -lshiboken-python3.4


32bit {

boost {
        INCLUDEPATH +=  $$quote(C:\\boost)
        CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$quote(C:\\boost\\win32) -lboost_serialization-vc100-mt-1_57
		CONFIG(debug, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$quote(C:\\boost\\win32) -lboost_serialization-vc100-mt-gd-1_57

    INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\\Users\\lex\\Documents\\GitHub\\Natron\\libs\\OpenFX\\HostSupport\\expat-2.0.1\\lib)
    LIBS += -L$$quote(C:\\Users\\lex\\Documents\\GitHub\\Natron\\libs\\OpenFX\\HostSupport\\expat-2.0.1\\win32\\bin\\Release) -llibexpatMT
    LIBS += shell32.lib

cairo {
	INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\\Users\\lex\\Documents\\GitHub\\Natron3rdParty\\cairo_1.12\\include)
	LIBS += -L$$quote(C:\\Users\\lex\\Documents\\GitHub\\Natron3rdParty\\cairo_1.12\\lib\\win32) -lcairo

python {
	INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\\Python34_win32\\include)
	LIBS += -L$$quote(C:\\Python34_win32\\libs) -lpython3

pyside {
	INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\\Python34_win32\\Lib\\site-packages\\PySide\\include\\PySide)
	INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\\Python34_win32\\Lib\\site-packages\\PySide\\include\\PySide\\QtGui)
	INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\\Python34_win32\\Lib\\site-packages\\PySide\\include\\PySide\\QtCore)
	INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\\Qt\\4.8.6_win32\\include\\QtGui)
	LIBS += -L$$quote(C:\\Python34_win32\\Lib\\site-packages\\PySide) -lpyside-python3.4

shiboken {
	INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\\Python34_win32\\Lib\\site-packages\\PySide\\include\\shiboken)
	LIBS += -L$$quote(C:\\Python34_win32\\Lib\\site-packages\\PySide) -lshiboken-python3.4

Copy the dll's over

Copy all the required dll's to the executable directory. (Next to Natron.exe) If Natron launches that means you got it all right;) Otherwise windows will prompt you for the missing dll's when launching Natron.


qmake -r -tp vc -spec win32-msvc2010 CONFIG+=64bit -o Project64.sln

(adjust the qmake executable path to your system or add it to the path environment variable).

The vcproj "Natron" might complain of missing includes or linkage errors, if so adjust the settings in the Additional include directories and Additional dependencies tab of the property page of the project.

If you get the following linker error: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol WinMain referenced in function __tmainCRTStartup Open the Natron project property pages. Go to Configuration Properties --> Linker --> Command Line. In the Additional Options, add the following: /ENTRY:"mainCRTStartup" (add a white space after the previous command)

In 64 bits mode (target x64), qmake doesn't set the target machine, it leaves the default value which is x86. You'll have to set it manually in the properties of the HostSupport/Gui/Engine projects, as following: Right click on the project, Configuration Properties,Librarian,General, Target Machine. Set it to Machinex64

Generating Python bindings

This is not required as generated files are already in the repository. You would need to run it if you were to extend or modify the Python bindings via the typesystem.xml file. See the documentation of shiboken for an explanation of the command line arguments.

shiboken  --avoid-protected-hack --enable-pyside-extensions --include-paths=..\Engine;..\Global;C:\Qt\4.8.6_win32\include;C:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\PySide\include\PySide --typesystem-paths=C:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\PySide\typesystems --output-directory=Engine Engine\Pyside_Engine_Python.h Engine\typesystem_engine.xml
shiboken  --avoid-protected-hack --enable-pyside-extensions --include-paths=..\Engine;..\Gui;..\Global;C:\Qt\4.8.6_win32\includeC;\Python34\Lib\site-packages\PySide\include\PySide  --typesystem-paths=C:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\PySide\typesystems;Engine --output-directory=Gui Gui\Pyside_Gui_Python.h  Gui\typesystem_natronGui.xml

32 bits vs 64 bits builds

Depending on the target architecture the dependencies are not the same. This can be achieved with the switch CONFIG+=64bit or CONFIG+=32bit in the qmake call. Note that depending on the binary of qmake you're using to generate the visual studio solution file, it will set the Qt libraries in the visual studio solution file to be the ones qmake was compiled with. In other words if you use the qmake downloaded from the qt website, then probably this is 32 bits (you can check it with dumpbin /HEADERS C:\PATH\TO\qmake.exe , in the very first lines of the output: either x86 or x64).

So if you want to generate the 64 bits solution file with good dependencies make sure to make the qmake call with the 64 bits qmake binary provided in the pre-built binaries.

In other words, if one wants to build both 32bits and 64bits version, one would call:

C:\PATH\TO\32BITS\QT\qmake -r -tp vc -spec win32-msvc2010 CONFIG+=32bit -o Project32.sln
C:\PATH\TO\64BITS\QT\qmake -r -tp vc -spec win32-msvc2010 CONFIG+=64bit -o Project64.sln

Build from the command line with MSBuild

MSBuild Project32.sln /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=win32 /t:Natron /m
MSBuild Project64.sln /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64 /t:Natron /m