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CuTe Tensor algorithms

This section summarizes the interfaces and implementations of common numerical algorithms performed on Tensors.

The implementation of these algorithms may be found in the include/cute/algorithm/ directory.


CuTe's copy algorithm copies the elements of a source Tensor into the elements of a destination Tensor. The various overloads of copy can be found in include/cute/algorithm/copy.hpp.

Interface and specialization opportunities

A Tensor encapsulates the data type, data location, and possibly also the shape and stride of the tensor at compile time. As a result, copy can and does dispatch, based on the types of its arguments, to use any of various synchronous or asynchronous hardware copy instructions.

The copy algorithm has two main overloads. The first just takes the source Tensor and the destination Tensor.

template <class SrcEngine, class SrcLayout,
          class DstEngine, class DstLayout>
copy(Tensor<SrcEngine, SrcLayout> const& src,
     Tensor<DstEngine, DstLayout>      & dst);

The second takes those two parameters, plus a Copy_Atom.

template <class... CopyArgs,
          class SrcEngine, class SrcLayout,
          class DstEngine, class DstLayout>
copy(Copy_Atom<CopyArgs...>       const& copy_atom,
     Tensor<SrcEngine, SrcLayout> const& src,
     Tensor<DstEngine, DstLayout>      & dst);

The two-parameter copy overload picks a default implementation based only on the types of the two Tensor parameters. The Copy_Atom overload lets callers override that default by specifying a nondefault copy implementation.

Parallelism and synchronization depend on parameter types

Either the default implementation or the implementation selected by a Copy_Atom overload may use none or all available parallelism, and may have a variety of synchronization semantics. The behavior depends on copy's parameter types. Users are expected to figure this out based on their knowledge of the architecture on which they are running. (Developers often write a custom optimized kernel for each GPU architecture.)

The copy algorithm may be sequential per thread, or it may be parallel across some collection of threads (e.g., a block or cluster).

If copy is parallel, then the collection of participating threads may need synchronization before any thread in the collection may assume that the copy operation has completed. For example, if the participating threads form a thread block, then users must invoke __syncthreads() or the Cooperative Groups equivalent before they may use the results of copy.

The copy algorithm may use asynchronous copy instructions, such as cp.async, or its C++ interface memcpy_async. In that case, users will need to perform the additional synchronization appropriate to that underlying implementation before they may use the results of the copy algorithm. The CuTe GEMM tutorial example shows one such synchronization method. More optimized GEMM implementations use pipelining techniques to overlap asynchronous copy operations with other useful work.

A generic copy implementation

A simple example of a generic copy implementation for any two Tensors looks like this.

template <class TA, class ALayout,
          class TB, class BLayout>
copy(Tensor<TA, ALayout> const& src,  // Any logical shape
     Tensor<TB, BLayout>      & dst)  // Any logical shape
  for (int i = 0; i < size(src); ++i) {
    dst(i) = src(i);

This generic copy algorithm addresses both Tensors with 1-D logical coordinates, thus traversing both Tensors in a logical column-major order. Some reasonable architecture-independent optimizations would include the following.

  1. If the two Tensors have known memory spaces with optimized access instructions (like cp.async), then dispatch to the custom instruction.

  2. The two Tensors have static layouts and it can be proven that element vectorization is valid -- for example, four can be combined into a single -- then vectorize the source and destinations tensors.

  3. If possible, validate that the copy instruction to be used is appropriate for the source and destination tensors.

CuTe's optimized copy implementations can do all of these.


CuTe's copy_if algorithm lives in the same header as copy, include/cute/algorithm/copy.hpp. The algorithm takes source and destination Tensor parameters like copy, but it also takes a "predication Tensor" with the same shape as the input and output. Elements of the source Tensor are only copied if the corresponding predication Tensor element is nonzero.

For details on why and how to use copy_if, please refer to the "predication" section of the tutorial.


What gemm computes

The gemm algorithm takes three Tensors, A, B, and C. What it does depends on the number of modes that its Tensor parameters have. We express these modes using letters.

  • V indicates a "vector," a mode of independent elements.

  • M and N indicate the number of rows resp. columns of the matrix result C of the BLAS's GEMM routine.

  • K indicates the "reduction mode" of GEMM, that is, the mode along which GEMM sums. Please see the GEMM tutorial for details.

We list the modes of the input Tensors A and B, and the output Tensor C, using a notation (...) x (...) => (...). The two leftmost (...) describe A and B (in that order), and the (...) to the right of the => describes C.

  1. (V) x (V) => (V). The element-wise product of vectors: Cv += Av Bv. Dispatches to FMA or MMA.

  2. (M) x (N) => (M,N). The outer product of vectors: Cmn += Am B_n. Dispatches to (4) with V=1.

  3. (M,K) x (N,K) => (M,N). The product of matrices: Cmn += Amk Bnk. Dispatches to (2) for each K.

  4. (V,M) x (V,N) => (V,M,N). The batched outer product of vectors: Cvmn += Avm Bvn. Optimizes for register reuse and dispatches to (1) for each M, N.

  5. (V,M,K) x (V,N,K) => (V,M,N). The batched product of matrices: Cvmn += Avmk Bvnk. Dispatches to (4) for each K.

Please refer to the GEMM tutorial for an overview of CuTe's convention for ordering the modes. For example, if K appears, it always appears rightmost ("outermost"). If V appears, it always appears leftmost ("innermost").

Dispatch to optimized implementations

Just like with copy, CuTe's implementations of gemm uses its Tensor arguments' types to dispatch to an appropriately optimized implementation. Also like copy, gemm takes an optional MMA_Atom parameter that lets callers override the default FMA instruction that CuTe would select based on the Tensor arguments' types.

For more information on MMA_Atom and on specialization of gemm for different architectures, please refer to the MMA section of the tutorial.


The axpby algorithm lives in the header file include/cute/algorithm/axpby.hpp. It assigns to $y$ the result of $\alpha x + \beta y$, where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are scalars and $x$ and $y$ are Tensors. The name stands for "Alpha times X Plus Beta times Y," and is a generalization of the original BLAS "AXPY" routine ("Alpha times X Plus Y").


The fill algorithm lives in the header file include/cute/algorithm/fill.hpp. It overwrites the elements of its Tensor output argument with a given scalar value.


The clear algorithm lives in the header file include/cute/algorithm/clear.hpp. It overwrites the elements of its Tensor output argument with zeros.

Other algorithms

CuTe provides other algorithms. Their header files can be found in the include/cute/algorithm directory.