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Error Analysis with cort

With cort, you can analyze recall and precision errors of your coreference resolution systems just with a few lines in python. In this readme, we show the capabilities of cort by going through an example.


Reading in Data

So far, cort only supports data in the format from the CoNLL shared tasks on coreference resolution. Let us assume that you have some data in this format: all documents with reference annotations are in the file reference.conll. You have output of two coreference resolution systems, the output of the first system is in the file pair-output.conll, while the output of the other system is in the file tree-output.conll. If you want to compute precision errors, you also need a file that contains antecedent decisions. Let us assume
we have such a file for the first system, the file is calledpair.antecedents.

First, let us load the data:

from cort.core import corpora

reference = corpora.Corpus.from_file("reference", open("reference.conll"))
pair = corpora.Corpus.from_file("pair", open("pair-output.conll"))
tree = corpora.Corpus.from_file("tree", open("tree-output.conll"))

# optional -- not needed when you only want to compute recall errors

Extracting Errors

We now want to extract the errors. For this, we use an ErrorExtractor. In addition to the corpora, we need to provide the ErrorExtractor with the algorithms it should use to extract recall and precision errors. We stick to the algorithms described in the EMNLP'14 paper.

from cort.analysis import error_extractors
from cort.analysis import spanning_tree_algorithms

extractor = error_extractors.ErrorExtractor(


errors = extractor.get_errors()

That's it! errors now contains all errors of the two systems under consideration. The errors can be accessed like in a nested dict: errors["tree"]["recall_errors"]["all"] contains all recall errors of the second system, while errors["pair"]["precision_errors"]["all"] contains all precision errors of the first system. If you supplied antecedent data, errors["pair"]["decisions"]["all"] contains all antecedent decisions. errors is an instance of the class StructuredCoreferenceAnalysis.

Filtering and Categorizing

For further analysis, you will want to filter and categorize the errors you've extracted. That's why StructuredCoreferenceAnalysis provides the member functions filter and categorize. These take as input functions which filter or categorize errors.

Each error is internally represented as a tuple of two Mention objects, the anaphor and the antecedent. Given an error e, we can access these with e[0] and e[1] or with anaphor, antecedent = e.

Hence, we can obtain all errors where the anaphor is a pronoun and the antecedent is a proper name as follows:

pron_anaphor_errors = errors.filter(
	lambda error: error[0].attributes['type'] == "PRO" and 
	              error[1].attributes['type'] == "NAM"

Or we only do this filtering for recall errors of the second system:

pron_anaphor_tree_recall_errors = errors["tree"]["recall_errors"].filter(
	lambda error: error[0].attributes['type'] == "PRO" and 
	              error[1].attributes['type'] == "NAM"

We can categorize each error by the mention types of the anaphor:

errors_by_type = errors.categorize(
	lambda error: error[0].attributes['type']

The corresponding errors can now be accessed with errors_by_type["pair"]["recall_errors"]["all"]["NOM"].

For more information on the attributes of the mentions which you can access, have a look at the documentation of Mention, or consult the list included in this readme.


Errors of one system can be visualized by providing the name of the system:


This opens a visualization of the errors in a web browser. Below is a screenshot of the visualization.

Screenshot of the visualization

The header displays the identifier of the document in focus. The left bar contains the navigation panel, which includes

  • a list of all documents in the corpus,
  • a summary of all errors for the document in focus, and
  • lists of reference and system entities for the document in focus.

To the right of the navigation panel, the document in focus is shown. Mentions in reference entities have a gold border, mention in system entities have a blue border.

When the user picks a reference or system entity from the corresponding list, cort displays all recall and precision errors for all mentions which are contained in the entity (as labeled red arrows between mentions). Furthermore, it shows all antecedent antecedent decisions for the entity (as blue arrows). The user can also click on mentions. Then all related errors and antecedent decisions are displayed. Alternatively, the user can choose an error category from the error summary. In that case, all errors of that category are displayed.

We use color to distinguish between entities: mentions in different entities have different background colors. Additionally mentions in reference entities have a yellow border, while mentions in system entities have a blue border.

The visualization relies on jQuery and jsPlumb. The libraries are contained in our toolkit.


To assess differences in error distributions, cort provides plotting functionality.

from cort.analysis import plotting

pair_errs = errors_by_type["pair"]["recall_errors"]["all"]
tree_errs = errors_by_type["tree"]["recall_errors"]["all"]

    [("pair", [(cat, len(errs)) for cat, errs in pair_errs.items()]),
     ("tree", [(cat, len(errs)) for cat, errs in tree_errs.items()])],
    "Recall Errors",
    "Type of anaphor",
    "Number of Errors")

This produces the following plot:

An example plot

Mention Attributes

You can access an attribute of a mention m via m.attributes['attribute_name'].

Name Type Description
tokens list(str) the tokens of the mention
head list(str) the head words of the mention
pos list(str) the part-of-speech tag of the mention
ner list(str) the named entity tags of the mention, as found in the data
type str the mention type, one of NAM (proper name), NOM (common noun), PRO (pronoun), DEM (demonstrative pronoun), VRB (verb)
fine_type str only set when the mention is a nominal or a pronoun, for nominals values DEF (definite noun phrase) or INDEF (bare plural or indefinite), for pronouns values PERS_NOM (personal pronoun, nominative case), PERS_ACC (personal pronoun, accusative), REFL (reflexive pronoun), POSS (possessive pronoun) or POSS_ADJ (possessive adjective, e.g. 'his')
citation_form str only set if the mention is a pronoun, then the canonical form of the pronoun, i.e. one of i, you, he, she, it, we, they
grammatical_function str either SUBJECT, OBJECT or OTHER
number str either SINGULAR, PLURAL or UNKNOWN
semantic_class str either PERSON, OBJECT or UNKNOWN
sentence_id int the sentence id of the mention's sentence (starting at 0)
parse_tree nltk.ParentedTree the parse tree of the mention
speaker str the speaker of the mention
antecedent cort.core.mentions.Mention the antecedent of the mention (intially None)
annotated_set_id str the set id of the mention as found in the data
set_id str the set id of the mention computed by a coreference resolution approach (initially None)
head_span cort.core.spans.Span the span of the head (in the document)
head_index int the mention-internal index of the start of the head
is_apposition bool whether the mention contains an apposition

Format for Antecedent Data

There is no standardized format for storing antecedent decisions on CoNLL coreference data. The toolkit expects the following format:

Files should have one antecedent decision per line. Entries in each line are seperated by tabs. The format is

doc_identifier (anaphor_start, anaphor_end) (ante_start, ante_end)


  • doc_identifier is the identifier in the first line of an CoNLL document after #begin document, such as (bc/cctv/00/cctv_0000); part 000
  • anaphor_start is the position in the document where the anaphor begins (counting from 0),
  • anaphor_end is the position where the anaphor ends (inclusive),
  • ante_start, ante_end analogously for the antecedent.

An example is

(bc/cctv/00/cctv_0000); part 000 (10, 11) (1, 1)

Advanced Examples

Here we show some advanced functionality.

Categorizing by Status of Anaphor in the Reference Corpus

all_gold = set()
for doc in reference:
    for mention in doc.annotated_mentions:

def is_anaphor_gold(mention):
    if mention in all_gold:
        return "is_gold"
        return "is_not_gold"

is_ana_gold = errors_by_type.categorize(lambda err: is_anaphor_gold(err[0]))

Head Statistics for Common Noun Errors errors

from collections import Counter

for system in ["pair", "tree"]:
    nom_rec_errs = errors_by_type[system]["recall_errors"]["all"]["NOM"]
    all_heads = [" ".join(err[0].attributes["head"]).lower() for err in nom_rec_errs]
    most_common = Counter(all_heads).most_common(10)
    print(system, most_common)

Common Errors

common = {
    "common": {
        "recall_errors": {},
        "precision_errors": {}

common["common"]["recall_errors"]["all"] = errors["pair"]["recall_errors"][

common["common"]["precision_errors"]["all"] = errors["pair"]["precision_errors"][

from cort.analysis import data_structures
common = data_structures.StructuredCoreferenceAnalysis(
    common, errors.reference, errors.corpora

Plot Decisions

decs = errors_by_type["pair"]["decisions"]["all"]
prec_errs = errors_by_type["pair"]["precision_errors"]["all"]

    [("decisions", [(cat, len(errs)) for cat, errs in decs.items()]),
     ("errors", [(cat, len(errs)) for cat, errs in prec_errs.items()])],
    "Decisions and Errors",
    "Type of anaphor",