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[TESTNET-5] Installation guide

Setting up a new user

First we need to login as root.

ssh root@SERVER_IP


Adding user kira to our instance.

adduser --disabled-password kira


Making user kira sudoers user.

usermod kira -aG sudo


Managing access for user

I suggest proceeding with key access to the user. You need to generate key pairs. If you don't feel like you can proceed furthe -skip it. Proceed to [Kira Manager Installation]

[LINUX like systems]

On your workstation(not HOST/Server) create a key pair.

mkdir -p keys && cd keys && mkdir -p kira && cd kira
ssh-keygen -t rsa
#Let's name them kira_key to avoid ambiguity in future

You should choose a destination and a passphrase to continue. After keys are created you need to copy them to your host. We need to make sure that a proper directory exists. On your HOST/Server execute following commands as root:

mkdir -p /home/kira/.ssh/ && cd /home/kira/.ssh/ && touch authorized_keys

Let's set proper permissions for this directory:

chown -R kira:kira /home/kira/.ssh
chmod 700 /home/kira/.ssh
chmod 600 /home/kira/.ssh/authorized_keys

We need to edit the sshd_config file to allow PubkeyAuthentication. To do this execute:

nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Find this two parameters:

PubkeyAuthentication yes
PasswordAuthentication no

Uncomment if needed. Set correct values ^^ CTRL + S CTRL + X - to save changes and exit

systemctl restart sshd.service

Now we want to copy the public key from our workstation to our HOST/server. To do so we need to execute following [on workstation]:

scp /home/$USER/keys/kira/ root@SERVER_IP:/home/kira/.ssh/

Let's check if we successfully copy our key. Execute this commands on your HOST/Server as root user

cat /home/kira/.ssh/ >>/home/kira/.ssh/authorized_keys

Now we can test our setup. We will try to connect from our workstation to HOST/Server using new credentials. Following command should be executed on workstation:

ssh -i /home/$USER/keys/kira/kira_key kira@SERVER

Something similar will appear:


Now we settled but login to HOST/Server looks like a pain. What we can to is to configure one more file to make our lives easier.

[./ssh/config - magic helper]

On the workstation we need to edit file config.

nano /home/$USER/.ssh/config

Add this to your file

Host kira
 User kira
 Port 22
 IdentityFile /home/$USER/keys/kira/kira_key

Now we can login from our workstation to Kira node (HOST/Server) as simple as:

ssh kira


I don't have windows anywhere around. So here I will provide links and main idea. Main goal is to create a key pair. Public key should be copied on your server in /home//.ssh/authorized_keys And putty should have a link to your key while connecting to HOST/Server

Link1: ""

Link2: ""

[Kira Manager installation]

Now we are ready to install kira. Log out from every terminal and then log in as kira user.

ssh kira

Now we want to start our installation script.

sudo -s

cd /tmp && read -p "Input branch name: " BRANCH && \
wget$BRANCH/workstation/ -O ./ && \
chmod 555 -v ./ && H=$(sha256sum ./ | awk '{ print $1 }') && read -p "Is '$H' a [V]alid SHA256 ?: "$'\n' -n 1 V && \
[ "${V,,}" != "v" ] && echo "INFO: Setup was cancelled by the user." || ./ "$BRANCH"

Script will ask us to enter the branch first. image

Type: testnet-5 press Enter and after press V. Installation begins. Next screen will ask us if we accept TERMS and CONDITIONS.


Press any key to continue.


Here we have two options.

[Option 1. You filled the google form and passed KYC a long time ago.]

You will need to add your key to .secrets directory. Open a new terminal window. Login as kira.

sudo -s

touch /home/kira/.secrets/mnemonics.env && nano /home/kira/.secrets/mnemonics.env

Copy past your keys from backup. CTRL+S CTRL+X to save and exit the editor You are good to proceed!

[Option 2. You are a newcomer.]

Press 2. You will be prompted to choose bip39 seed words. From here you can use AUTOGENERATE function or to choose 24 words from here and provide the whitespace-separated.

Here we should choose VALIDATOR MODE by pressing 2 Next step is to join network

Press J to participate in testnet-5



NB!: If your ssh port is not 22 - press 2 and enter the port you use!!!

To continue we need to press S.


At this point we need to choose a TRUSTED node from the given list. Please check Type IP address like this:


Next we need to choose the way of syncing with network. Preferable way is snpashot. Press A to discover the fresh snap.


Setup will ask us about the current block height. Press ENTER.


Confirm configuration of your node one more time. Press A


Let your Kira Manager set up seeds for you. So just press A


Your node will be rebooted. Connection to your host interrupted. Don't worry. Give your host 2-5 minutes to rest.


And we need to connect to user kira again.

ssh kira

or use Putty

On the host machine type:

sudo -s

Installation will ask you if you want to continue.Press V to continue installation. From here it will take some time. So brew some coffee... image

Installation is finished. Now you can exit the kira setup. Press CTRL+C. And type


Let KIRA MANAGER and your containers catch up. It may take some time. Be patient. image

FINAL. Your Kira Manager should look like this(if you are newcomer):


and if you recovered your keys. Press J to join validator seat. Enter your moniker and that's it.



[Reinstall node]



[++ command docker - stuck]


Open new session. Login as user.

sudo -s

ps -aux | grep containers-pkill* | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9


  1. Can we update node be re-init from t4 to t5 -No

  2. What should I do if I am out of space -Try to delete snapshots. Check the command from here

  3. How to check status of my node?

  • Check if you have validator container up & runnig. Check your stats inside validator container(streak, rank, produceed blocks).
  1. What does the rank means?
  1. What ports KM uses?





  1. How to change config.toml in the docker container?
  • You can change them with the bash function:
    globGet XXX
    globSet XXX YYY

List of config. values below.

CFG_timeout_commit=$(globGet CFG_timeout_commit)
CFG_pex=$(globGet CFG_pex)
CFG_moniker=$(globGet CFG_moniker)
CFG_allow_duplicate_ip=$(globGet CFG_allow_duplicate_ip)
CFG_addr_book_strict=$(globGet CFG_addr_book_strict)
CFG_fastsync=$(globGet CFG_fastsync)
CFG_fastsync_version=$(globGet CFG_fastsync_version)
CFG_handshake_timeout=$(globGet CFG_handshake_timeout)
CFG_dial_timeout=$(globGet CFG_dial_timeout)
CFG_trust_period=$(globGet CFG_trust_period)
CFG_max_txs_bytes=$(globGet CFG_max_txs_bytes)
CFG_max_tx_bytes=$(globGet CFG_max_tx_bytes)
CFG_send_rate=$(globGet CFG_send_rate)
CFG_recv_rate=$(globGet CFG_recv_rate)
CFG_max_packet_msg_payload_size=$(globGet CFG_max_packet_msg_payload_size)
CFG_cors_allowed_origins=$(globGet CFG_cors_allowed_origins)
CFG_snapshot_interval=$(globGet CFG_snapshot_interval)
CFG_statesync_enable=$(globGet CFG_statesync_enable)
CFG_statesync_temp_dir=$(globGet CFG_statesync_temp_dir)
CFG_create_empty_blocks_interval=$(globGet CFG_create_empty_blocks_interval)
CFG_max_num_outbound_peers=$(globGet CFG_max_num_outbound_peers)
CFG_max_num_inbound_peers=$(globGet CFG_max_num_inbound_peers)
CFG_prometheus=$(globGet CFG_prometheus)
CFG_seed_mode=$(globGet CFG_seed_mode)
CFG_skip_timeout_commit=$(globGet CFG_skip_timeout_commit)
CFG_unconditional_peer_ids=$(globGet CFG_unconditional_peer_ids)
CFG_persistent_peers=$(globGet CFG_persistent_peers)
CFG_seeds=$(globGet CFG_seeds)
CFG_grpc_laddr=$(globGet CFG_grpc_laddr)
CFG_rpc_laddr=$(globGet CFG_rpc_laddr)
CFG_p2p_laddr=$(globGet CFG_p2p_laddr)

Use case: