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Releases: MrKepzie/Natron


02 Feb 13:14
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2.0.0-RC6 Pre-release
  • New crash reporter to help stabilising the software
  • New Despill node
  • New Reformat node that replaces the old Resize node
  • Improved command-line options and stability using Python scripts
  • More responsive playback
  • Lots of stability fixes


07 Dec 11:29
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2.0.0-RC5 Pre-release
  • Improve the creation of PyPlugs with better Page & Groups
  • New right click action on parameters to create an Alias on group to quickly create user parameters. By default they are no longer linked with an expression but with an internal link instead.
  • Fix stability issues


25 Nov 08:39
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2.0.0-RC4 Pre-release
  • Write nodes now have a Frame Increment parameter which allows to skip frames while rendering.
  • The command-line parameters and Python API have been updated in this regard (see Python documentation).
  • Fix multiple bugs when rendering a multi-layered exr
  • Linux: when crashing, Natron will now print a backtrace if launched from the Terminal. This is temporary and will be soon replaced by a cross-platform crash reports handler.
  • RotoPaint: enhancements in the rendering algorithm
  • Color, Double and Integer parameters can now have an expression entered directly in a SpinBox for convenience
  • NodeGraph: optimize for speed when the scene contains a lot of nodes and add auto-scrolling when reaching the border of the view


06 Nov 09:55
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2.0.0-RC3 Pre-release
  • The Read node can now read multi-view EXR files. Decoding speed of EXR has been greatly improved.
  • The Write node can now write multi-view and multi-layered EXR files. Encoding speed of EXR has been greatly improved.
  • Viewer: The channel selected in the "Alpha channel" drop-down can now be overlayed on the image when using the "Matte" display channels
  • The RotoPaint/Roto Transform and Clone tabs now have a viewer handle overlay to help manipulating the parameters
  • DopeSheet and CureEditor: The scaling interactions with the bounding box of selected keyframes are now correct but may lead to keyframes being located at floating point times.
  • A "P" indicator at the bottom right of a node will indicate that a node is a pass-through. Hovering the mouse over the "P" will indicate from which input this node is a pass-through of.
    The pass-through input will also be indicated with a plain arrow whereas all other inputs will have their arrow dashed.
  • Python API: it is now possible to retrieve the layers available on a node with the getAvailableLayers() function, see Python Reference


23 Oct 14:25
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2.0.0-RC2 Pre-release


  • Fix a crash with the Shuffle node
  • Fix multiple bugs where reading some layers would not be possible from multi-layered files
  • New TimeDissolve node
  • Roto/RotoPaint: add a "Premultiply" parameter
  • The HostName Preference is now a dropdown menu
  • The Write node can now have custom tile size when writing EXR files. It is also possible to write multiple channels into the EXR.
  • On Windows the console is now hidden by default. It is possible to show it from the Display menu.


08 Oct 07:25
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2.0.0-RC1 Pre-release
  • Python 2.7 API:
    • Parameters expressions
    • User-defined parameters
    • Script editor to control the application overall
    • User-defined python callbacks
    • Integration of Pyside to the GUI so that the interface is extensible with new menus and windows
    • Python API is available at
  • Nodes group to have cleaner graphs with hidden sub-nodegraphs
  • PyPlug: You can export a group as a Python plug-in and it be re-used in any other project as a single node as you would use any other plug-in
  • SeExpr integration within a node:
  • New SeNoise and SeGrain nodes based on SeExpr
  • RotoPaint node with Wacom tablets support
  • DopeSheet editor: This is where you can control easily keyframes and clips in time for motion graphics purposes
  • Render statistics: Available in the Render menu, use this to debug complex compositions
  • New Text plug-in with much more controls than the previous Text node
  • New TextPango node based on the Pango library to directly input Pango Markup Language (html-like), see
  • Many new nodes, based on the ImageMagick library: ReadPSD, ReadSVG, Charcoal, Oilpaint, Sketch, Arc, Polar, Polaroid, Reflection, Roll, Swirl, Tile, Texture
  • New nodes:
    • STMap
    • IDistort
    • LensDistortion
    • TimeBlur
    • OCIODisplay node
    • GmicEXPR, to enter GMIC expressions
  • Rewrote entirely the WriteFFMPEG and ReadFFMPEG nodes. Most widely used codecs are supported
  • New merge operators: grain-extract, grain-merge, color, hue, luminosity
  • New gamma and gain controllers on the viewer
  • Multiple viewers can now have their projection synchronised to enhance image comparison
  • Support for multi-layered workflows for cleaner graphs
  • Better support for multi-view workflows
  • Various performance and stability enhancements across the board


20 Feb 20:11
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  • New GodRays and DirBlur nodes.
  • Fixed a bug where some TIFF files would not read correctly on Windows versions of Natron
  • FIxed a bug where a crash could occur with the Merge node with mix = 0
  • Fixed a bug where ReadFFMPEG would sometimes decode incorrectly files with bit depth higher than 8
  • Miscellaneous stability fixes


09 Feb 14:02
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  • Overlays on the viewer are now transformed by all Transform effects such as CornerPin,Transform
  • The user interface colors can now be changed in the "Appearance" tab of the Preferences of Natron
  • Bezier curves motion now have a constant or linear interpolation
  • The dialog that pops up when trying to merge 2 clips that do not have a matching FPS is now a bit clearer regarding possible solutions
  • Wacom support is now more intuitive and supported on all widgets that can zoom or pan.
  • New "Image statistics" node to analyse various significant values from an image
  • It is now possible to connect any node to a Writer node

Bug fixes:

- ReadFFMPEG would crash when reading video files with a videostream bitdepth > 8bit
- ReadFFMPEG would crash when reading image sequences
- The viewer would not redraw correctly 
- The nodegraph would not redraw correctly, hence producing a latency effect
- Readers would not recognize some image sequences
- Some TIFF files would not be read correctly by the ReadOIIO node

Known issues:

- Stereo workflows are broken and will be re-introduced with a more clever approach in the next version. The only way for now is to use a Switch node.


16 Jan 08:33
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  • Fix stability of the software as a whole. This build has been reported to be robust to several hours of work.
  • The tracker node can now be offset to track elements that go beyond the bounds of the image
  • The roto node interaction has been improved:
    • The composing of selection is now easier
    • A new button can now toggle on/off the click capture of the bounding box of selected points
    • The smooth/cusp options are now applied we smaller steps and depending of the zoom factor
    • A simple left click is required to cycle through tool buttons and a right click to open the menu
    • A new button in the settings panel allows to clear the animation of the selected Beziers
    • Only the keyframes of the selected shapes are now displayed on the timeline instead of all shapes keyframes
  • CurveEditor: added a filter to display only nodes containing the filter
  • CurveEditor: double-clicking the item of a node will open the settings panel much like a double-click in the NodeGraph does
  • The interpolation submenu of the animation menu of the parameter is working again
  • A simple click on an arrow of the node graph no longer disconnects nodes to prevent mistakes, instead now, to disconnect only with a simple click it is required to hold the control modifier.
  • Playback: The behaviour when using multiple viewers is now much more logical: all viewers are kept in sync and follow the frame range of the viewer that started the playback. The frame range is now per viewer.
  • The frame range is now a property of the project: Each time a Reader node the frame range of the project is unioned with the frame range of the sequence read (unless the Lock range parameter is checked). New viewers that have their frame range untouched will use the project frame range by default.
  • Wacom support for all areas of the software that may need it: NodeGraph, CurveEditor, Viewer, Histogram
    In addition you no longer need to hold alt to zoom, the middle-button only is required. In the CurveEditor, the zoom direction will stretch the view in that direction.
  • New nodes: Add, Multiply, Gamma, ColorConvert, SharpenInvDiff, SharpenShock


22 Dec 10:39
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  • Transform effects (such as Transform, CornerPin, Dot, Switch) now concatenates: the filtering
    is now only applied by the "bottom" node of the transform chain. For example if 2
    Transform nodes are setup one after another, the first with a scale of 0.1 and the second
    with a scale of 10 then only the downstream node will be rendered with a scale of 1.
  • The font of the application and its size are now customizable in the preferences, however a change to these settings requires a restart of Natron. The new default font is "Muli":
  • We slightly adjusted how caching works in Natron which should globally make the software much faster. Previous versions of Natron had what's called an "Agressive caching" behaviour: every image of every node was cached in RAM, resulting in heavy memory usage and sometimes degraded performances. The new default behaviour is to cache the output of a node only if:
    • Several outputs are connected to this node
    • The node has a single output, but that output has its settings panel opened (Meaning the user is heavily editing the output effect and would like the input branch being in the cache)
    • The node has its preview image enabled (in interactive session only)
    • The node is using several images at different times to compute the result of the output (e.g: a retimer node)
    • The parameter "Force caching" in the "Node" tab of the settings panel is checked
      Aggressive caching can however make the interactivity of Natron slightly faster (when using it in GUI mode) but would not be any useful in background render mode, so make sure it is checked off when rendering on disk.
      You can by-pass this behaviour and come-back to the original "Aggressive caching" solution by turning it on in the Preferences of Natron. At least 8GiB of RAM are required to use aggressive caching, 16GiB are recommended.
  • New HSVTool node to adjust hue, saturation and brightnes, or perform color replacement.
  • New HSVToRGB & RGBToHSV nodes to convert between these 2 color-spaces
  • New Saturation node to modify the color saturation of an image.
  • New DiskCache node. This node allows to cache a branch of the compositing tree to re-use it later on without re-computing the images. This cache is persistent on disk and is saved between 2 runs
    of Natron. You can configure the location and maximum size of the cache in the preferences of Natron; in the Cache tab.
  • A new progress bar will display the progression while loading a project
  • When zooming out of the node-graph, all texts on nodes / arrows will be hidden to increase performances when handling huge compositions.
  • Tracker: all tracks are now multi-threaded for better performances. Also fixed a bug where the overlay displayed while tracking wasn't matching the underlying displayed image.
  • Roto: Selected points can now be dragged from everywhere within the bounding box instead of only the cross-hair.
  • Roto: It is now possible to move a bezier just by dragging a part of the curve where there is no control point.
  • Roto: Holding shift while dragging a scale handle of the bounding box will now scale only the half of the shape on the side of the handle
  • Improved parameters alignment and spacing in the settings panel
  • A new tab in the preferences is now dedicated to plug-ins management. You can now choose
    to enable/disable a plug-in. This can be seen as a blacklist of the plug-ins you don't
    want to use. By default most TuttleOFX nodes that are redundant with the bundled nodes
    will be disabled.
    Also another per plug-in control has been added to regulate whether the a plug-in should
    be aware of zoom levels or not. Zoom level aware means that a plug-in will attempt
    to render images at lower resolution if the viewer is zoomed-out or if proxy mode is enabled.
    This setting is set by the plug-in internally, but some plug-ins are known to be bugged (
    they flag that do support zoom levels but in fact they don't).
  • A new changelog tab in the About window is now available
  • Roto: When restoring a project, the default tool will be "Select All" instead of "Bezier"
    to avoid creating new beziers by mistake
  • Timeline: when pressing the left and right arrows of the keyboard, the cursor will no longer cross the bounds of the timeline but loop over the range instead.
  • Viewer: the drop-down to select the currently visualized channels now reflects the current choice with a specific border color for each options.
  • A new Auto-turbo setting has been added: when enabled, the Turbo-mode (originally toggable with the button on the right of the media player) will be enabled/disabled automatically when playback is started/finished. You can turn on/off this preference in the settings (NodeGraph tab) or in the right click menu of the node-graph.
  • Transform: When holding down the SHIFT modifier and controling the translate handle on the viewer, the direction will be constrained to either the X or Y axis.
  • Fixed a crash on windows when connecting nodes
  • Fixed a bug on windows where the properties pane would overlap the viewer if placed below it
  • Fixed a bug where the locale won't be taken into account and files with accents wouldn't be correctly displayed in the file dialog
  • Viewer: fixed a bug when the "Auto-wipe" preferences in the settings was disabled. The wipe would still show up automatically.
  • Fixed a bug where the extra OpenFX plug-ins search paths would be ignored
  • Backdrop: only move nodes which are initially within the backdrop, not the ones that are crossed when moving it.
  • Nodegraph: zooming is now done under the mouse cursor
  • Readers: when a file changes externally, don't reload it automatically, instead a warning is displayed on the viewer and it is up to the user to reload it with the button created specifically
    for the occasion. The warning notification can be disabled in the preferences of Natron. The tooltip of the field with the filename now indicates the last modification date of the file.