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Deploy a more complex web application with Docker Compose

The goal of this exercise is to learn to deploy a multi-container web application with Docker Compose. You will create a portable Compose file that can be used to deploy the same containers on both your local machine and your cloud server.


Parts of this guide are annotated with the following icons:

  • ❗ A task you MUST perform to complete the exercise.
  • ❓ An optional step that you may perform to make sure that everything is working correctly.
  • ⚠️ Critically important information about the exercise.
  • 💎 Tips on the exercise, reminders about previous exercises, or explanations about how this exercise differs from the previous one.
  • 👾 More advanced tips on how to save some time. Challenges.
  • 📚 Additional information about the exercise or the commands and tools used.
  • 🏁 The end of the exercise.
    • 🏛️ The architecture of what you deployed during the exercise.
  • 💥 Troubleshooting tips: how to fix common problems you might encounter.

💎 Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

This exercise is basically the same as the previous Docker Compose exercise, but it illustrates how to deploy a slightly more complex application than the PHP todolist with Docker Compose, namely the WOPR application you deployed during another exercise.

Since the basic structure of the exercise is the same, this exercise will only list what is different.

💎 Make sure you have everything you need

You need a fork of the WOPR repo on GitHub, which you should already have if you performed the WOPR deployment exercise.

Make sure you have a clone of this fork somewhere on your local machine, and also on your cloud server. Likewise, you should already have them somewhere.

💎 Spot the differences

The architecture of the WOPR application is basically the same as the PHP todolist's. There are basically 3 components:

  • The reverse proxy.
  • The WOPR application.
  • The database.

Simplified architecture

The main differences are:

  • Where the PHP todolist only used PHP, WOPR is an application using two technology stacks:
    • Ruby for the backend.
    • Node.js to compile the JavaScript frontend.
  • The database is Redis instead of MySQL.

You may think that since there are 2 parts to the application, a Ruby backend and a JavaScript frontend, you need to run 2 isolated containers for them. However, the JavaScript frontend, once compiled, is composed of purely static files. The Ruby backend knows how to serve these static files to the client's browser, where the JavaScript is executed. There is no need for an extra container for the frontend's static files, since there is nothing to execute on the server.

So, our Compose file for the WOPR application will look something like this:

name: wopr

    image: # ...
    depends_on: # ...
    ports: # ...
    restart: # ...
    volumes: # ...
    image: # ...
    build: # ...
    depends_on: # ...
    environment: # ...
    restart: # ...
    image: # ...
    restart: # ...

❗ Create the Compose file

Let's create this Compose file.

❗ Define the database service

Compare to the previous exercise, you of course want to use a Docker image to run Redis instead of MySQL, since that is the database required by the WOPR application.

The database service is simpler to define this time, because Redis is a key-value NoSQL database which is:

  • Schemaless: you do not need to create the database structure in advance before using it.
  • Without authentication by default. You can set up authentication, of course, but the default configuration is not to have it.

This means that the official redis Docker image requires basically no configuration, so you can omit the environment key compare to the previous exercise.

Move into the WOPR repository on your local machine and add a compose.yml file with the following contents:

name: wopr

    image: # ...
    restart: # ...

Fill in the blanks!

👾 Use an Alpine-based image for a smaller footprint.

❗ Define the application service

This is that part that is more involved than in the previous exercise. The WOPR application is more complex than the PHP todolist. As previously mentioned, it has two technology stacks: Ruby and Node.js.

However, Docker images are intended to be lightweight and as simple as possible by design. You will find an official ruby Docker image and an official node Docker image, but there is no "official Ruby & Node.js image".

You could make such an image with both Ruby and Node.js yourself (and someone may already have done it and published it on Docker Hub), but that's not really the Docker philosophy.

❗ Write a multi-stage Dockerfile

Enter Docker multi-stage builds.

A Dockerfile may actually contain more than one FROM command and use multiple base images:

  • Each FROM instruction can use a different base, and each of them begins a new stage of the build.
  • You can selectively copy artifacts from one stage to another, leaving behind everything you don't want in the final image.

This is great! Not only will it allow us to use both Ruby and Node.js in the process of building our final Docker image, but it will also allow us to get rid of what we do not need in the final image (in this case: the Node.js dependencies required to build the frontend).

Add a Dockerfile to your local WOPR repository:

# First stage: build the frontend
FROM ... AS build


# Final stage: build the application
FROM ...


Note that the first staged is named "build" by adding AS build after the first FROM command. This will allow you to reference it in the final build stage later.

Now fill in the blanks.

❗ Write the first build stage

First, complete the FROM command of the first stage to use the official node Docker image.

👾 Use an Alpine-based image for a smaller footprint.

If you read WOPR's documentation, there are two commands related to building the frontend: npm ci, which installs the required Node.js dependencies; and npm run build, which builds the frontend's static files. That's what you need to put in a RUN command in the first stage.

📚 When you have multiple commands to run like this, you can either use multiple RUN commands in the Dockerfile:

RUN npm ci
RUN npm run build

Or you can use one long RUN command with the shell's && operator:

RUN npm ci && npm run build

The second one is considered better because it only creates one additional layer in the Docker image, making a slightly more lightweight image.

Of course, to run these commands, the image will need the WOPR application's files, so you'll need a COPY command to copy the files first.

It's also good practice to define a working directory with the WORKDIR command so you know where the files are during the build. You can use any directory, for example /app. This WORKDIR command should come before both the COPY and RUN commands, so that the latter are run in the context of the specified working directory.

❗ Write the final build stage

Complete the FROM command of the final build stage to use the official ruby Docker image. Use an Alpine-based image for a smaller footprint.

⚠️ Use Ruby 3.2.x and not the latest Ruby 3.3.x. There is currently a bug with Ruby 3.3.x on some processor architectures which will cause a segmentation fault when you try to run your image.

Define a WORKDIR like in the previous build.

Like in the first Docker exercise, you want to create a dedicated group and user to avoid root-related security issues. You can do so with the following RUN command:

RUN addgroup -S wopr && adduser -S wopr -G wopr && \
    chown -R wopr:wopr /app

💎 The above RUN command assumes that you have chosen /app as your WORKDIR. Change it if necessary.

To set up the backend, you basically have one command to run as per WOPR's documentation: bundle install. Put that in a RUN command in the final stage.

Of course, this command needs the application's files, so add the appropriate COPY command before the RUN command.

💎 Read the COPY command's documentation and be sure to use the --chown option. You want the copied files to be owned by the dedicated wopr user and group you just created.

Some of the WOPR application's dependencies need to be compiled, so you need to install compilation tools like you did during the WOPR exercise. Add one of the following commands at the beginning of the final stage (it needs to be before running bundle install):

RUN apk add --no-cache build-base

There's one last thing you need to do. When you performed the original WOPR exercise, the npm run build command created the public directory containing the frontend's compiled files. But now that you have a multi-stage Dockerfile, the two build stages are isolated by default: they have different file systems. So the final stage is missing the result of the first stage.

You need to manually copy over the result from the first build stage into the final stage:

COPY --chown=wopr:wopr --from=build /app/public/ ./public/

💎 The above COPY command assumes that you chose /app as your WORKDIR. Change it if necessary.

📚 The chown option of the COPY command, named after Unix's equivalent chown command, sets the ownership of the copied files in the target stage. In this case, you want all the files to be owned by the dedicated wopr user and group you created earlier.

One last thing: your image must actually run the WOPR application. Reading WOPR's documentation, you can see that the command to do so is bundle exec ruby app.rb.

Add the appropriate CMD command at the end of the final build stage to run the application.

❗ Add a .dockerignore file

Do not forget to add a .dockerignore file to the WOPR repository. The main artifacts you want to ignore in this case are the node_modules and the public directories.

❓ Build your Docker image

If you have written the Dockerfile correctly, you should be able to build it without errors:

$> docker build -t wopr/app .

❗ Write the application service

You can now add the WOPR application service to the Compose file:


name: wopr

    image: # ...
    build: # ...
    depends_on: # ...
    environment: # ...
    restart: # ...
  # ...

In principle, this is the same as the previous exercise's application service.

The only real difference is that instead of setting the $TODOLIST_DB_HOST and $TODOLIST_DB_PASS (and optionally other) variables, you need to set the $WOPR_REDIS_URL variable as per WOPR's documented configuration.

The value needs to be a Redis connection URL in the format redis://<host>:<port>. You can replace <host> with db, like in the previous exercise, and replace <port> by Redis's default 6379 port (or remove :<port> altogether, which will use the default).

❗ Define the reverse proxy service

The reverse proxy service is basically the same as in the previous exercise:

    image: # ...
    ports: # ...
    depends_on: # ...
    restart: #...
    volumes: #...
  # ...

The only difference is that the nginx site configuration is really simple since there is no FastCGI madness. All that is needed is to proxy requests to the application service:

server {
  server_name _;

  location / {
    proxy_pass http://app:4567;

Choose a different port to publish the reverse proxy service, say 14000.

❗ Run the Compose project

You now have the whole Compose architecture for this exercise: the database, the application, and the reverse proxy.

All that's left to do is run it:

$> docker compose up --build --detach rp

You should see your services running:

$> docker compose ps
NAME         IMAGE                 COMMAND                  SERVICE   CREATED         STATUS         PORTS
wopr-app-1   wopr/app              "bundle exec ruby ap…"   app       8 seconds ago   Up 7 seconds
wopr-db-1    redis:7.2.4-alpine    "docker-entrypoint.s…"   db        10 hours ago    Up 6 minutes   6379/tcp
wopr-rp-1    nginx:1.25.3-alpine   "/docker-entrypoint.…"   rp        8 seconds ago   Up 7 seconds>80/tcp

💥 If not everything is running, you might want to stop everything with docker compose down and run the project in the foreground with docker compose up --build rp. It will be easier to see errors that way. Otherwise you can use docker compose logs.

Assuming you chose port 14000 and that you have configured everything correctly, you should be able to use the WOPR application at http://localhost:14000!

Yay! 🎉

❗ Deploy it on your cloud server

The final deployment step of this exercise is basically the same as in the previous exercise, except that:

  • You must of course use the WOPR repositories on your local machine, GitHub and your cloud server instead of the PHP todolist repositories.
  • You have already installed Docker on your cloud server, so no need to do it again.
  • An .env file is not required for WOPR since there is no sensitive value in the configuration (although you could use one to make the project more configurable).
  • Choose another server_name, e.g., and another nginx site configuration file name, e.g. wopr-docker.

If you follow the previous exercise's instructions and take these changes into account, you should be able to easily replicate your Compose WOPR deployment on your cloud server and access it at!

🏁 What have I done?

You have learned how to build and deploy a more complex multi-stack web application with Docker and Docker Compose. As you can see, a project can use any number of technologies; between multi-stage Dockerfile builds and multi-container Compose projects, Docker and Docker Compose have you covered.

🏛️ Architecture

This is a simplified architecture of the main running processes and communication flow at the end of this exercise (only including the processes relevant to this exercise and not those from previous exercises):

Simplified architecture

Simplified architecture PDF version.