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Setup Instructions on the Satori Cluster

The Satori cluster uses ppc64 CPUs, which pose certain restrictions on the availability of pre-built python packages.

0. Preparation

0.1 Log in

We will use RHEL8 nodes to setup SALIENT++ and run experiments. Log in

0.2 Log in an Interactive GPU Node

Request a GPU compute node (RHEL8) without exclusive access:

srun --gres=gpu:2 -N 1 --mem=1T --time 8:00:00 -p sched_system_all_8 --pty /bin/bash

0.3 Clone this repository

git clone
cd SALIENT_plusplus

All subsequent steps assume that the working directory is the cloned directory (SALIENT_plusplus).

1. Install Conda

Follow instructions on the Satori user documentation (step 1 therein) to install Conda.

Then, create a Conda environment (for example, call it salient_plusplus):

conda create -n salient_plusplus python=3.9.5 -y
conda activate salient_plusplus

Check that Conda has the following channels:

$ conda config --show channels
  - defaults
  - conda-forge

If some channels are missing:

conda config --prepend channels [missing_channel]

2. Install PyTorch

conda install pytorch-base==1.12.1

PyTorch 1.12 is the highest version supported on Satori (at the time of this instruction document is written). We install pytorch-base rather than pytorch so that the PyTorch package comes from the channel with GPU support. Through the above install command, cudatoolkit 11.4 is installed together. Watch out this information during conda install, and particularly check that the full package name for pytorch-base contains cuda rather than cpu. It is recommended that after the install, start python, import torch, type torch.cuda.is_available(), and check that indeed GPUs are supported.

3. Install PyTorch-Geometric (PyG)

The channel contains pre-built PyG and PyTorch-Sparse:

conda install pytorch_geometric=2.0.3

4. Reinstall PyTorch

Installing PyG above will install a dependency pytorch, which is separate from but coexists with pytorch-base (you may invoke conda list to verify so). The trouble of this is that the cpu-supported pytorch has some key files that overwrite those of the cuda-supported pytorch-base (for example, Such will cause a trouble that torch.cuda.is_available() returns False. The resolution is to overwrite back by reinstalling pytorch-base.

conda install pytorch-base=1.12.1 --force-reinstall

5. Install PyTorch-Sparse

Through installing PyG, pytorch-sparse (0.6.10) and pytorch-scatter (2.0.8) are installed as well. However, the installed pytorch-sparse is an old version that does not support the trust_data keyword that our team contributed to the package for speeding up sparse tensor computations. Therefore, we will need to upgrade pytorch-sparse and its dependency pytorch-scatter:

# Find $CUDA_HOME through `module load cuda` but not actually loading it. The cuda module is in conflict with pytorch-base that we just installed.
export CUDA_HOME=/software/cuda/11.4
export FORCE_CUDA=1
pip install git+ --no-cache-dir
pip install git+ --no-cache-dir

This will build pytorch-scatter and pytorch-sparse from source and it may take a while. After install, it is recommended to check that they are indeed installed with GPU supports. To do so, start python, import torch_sparse, type torch_sparse.__file__, obtain the location of the module, and check if there are * files inside. If yes, then GPU support is guaranteed.

6. Install OGB

pip install ogb

7. Install SALIENT++'s fast_sampler

Go to the folder fast_sampler and install:

cd fast_sampler
sed -i 's/-march/-mcpu/g'
python install
cd ..

To check that fast_sampler is properly installed, start python and run:

>>> import torch
>>> import fast_sampler
>>> help(fast_sampler)

You should see information of the package.

8. Install Other Dependencies

conda install -c conda-forge nvtx
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
conda install -c conda-forge prettytable
conda install -c anaconda colorama

9. Prepare Datasets

SALIENT++ trains GNNs by using multiple GPUs, each handling a partition of the graph. To use SALIENT++, a graph partitioning must be conducted. There are two ways to get started playing with SALIENT++: (a) use a pre-partitioned dataset, or (b) install the partitioner and partition graphs on your own.

9.1 Option (a): Use a Pre-Partitioned Dataset

Four pre-partitioned OGB datasets are available: ogbn-arxiv, ogbn-products, ogbn-papers100M, and MAG240, for several partitioning conditions (e.g., 2, 4, 8, and 16 partitions). Note that MAG240 is the homogeneous papers-to-papers component of MAG240M.

To download these datasets, first go to the folder utils and invoke, which determines which datasets are feasible for download, constrained on the available disk space. For example, if you have 50GB of disk space and desire to download the datasets up to 4 partitions, invoke the following commands:

cd utils
python --max_num_parts 4 --force_diskspace_limit 50

A configuration file feasible_datasets.cfg will be generated under the folder utils/configuration_files.

Next, download the data by invoking This script downloads rather large files when disk space is ample and may ask for confirmation before each download. Use --skip_confirmation to disable the tedious confirmation.

python --skip_confirmation
cd ..

The downloaded data are stored under the folder dataset.

9.2 Option (b): Install a Partitioner and Partition Graphs On Your Own

Install METIS from source using our provided repository. METIS needs to be built with 64-bit types, which precludes the use of many METIS libraries currently distributed.

git clone
cd METIS-GKlib
make config shared=1 cc=gcc prefix=$(realpath ../pkgs) i64=1 r64=1 gklib_path=GKlib/
make install
cd ..

Then, install torch-metis, which provides a Python module named torch_metis with METIS bindings that accept PyTorch tensors.

git clone
cd torch-metis
python install
cd ..

NOTE: The torch_metis module normally requires some configuration of environment variables in order to function properly. In the use of SALIENT++, we ensure that the relevant scripts that use METIS set these variables internally. Outside SALIENT++, import torch_metis would not work without setting the necessary environment variables.

After installing METIS and torch-metis, download dataset(s) from OGB. This can be done inside python by importing ogb and loading the dataset for the first time:

>>> name = # type dataset name here, such as 'ogbn-products'
>>> root = # type dataset root here, such as '/nobackup/users/username/dataset2'
>>> from ogb.nodeproppred import PygNodePropPredDataset
>>> dataset = PygNodePropPredDataset(name=name, root=root)

The specified root is the same as the --dataset_dir used in subsequent steps. To avoid conflicts with the folder dataset used in Option (a), we call the folder name dataset2 here. Note that besides the different names, the folders are placed under different directories (the full paths are /home/username/SALIENT_plusplus/dataset and /nobackup/users/username/dataset2, respectively).

After downloading the dataset(s), perform partitioning. For example, to partition the ogbn-products graph in 4 parts and store the partition labels under dataset2/partition-labels:

python -m partitioners.run_4constraint_partition --dataset_name ogbn-products --dataset_dir /nobackup/users/username/dataset2 --output_directory /nobackup/users/username/dataset2/partition-labels --num_parts 4

The name of the partition result file is

NOTE: Partitioning of large graphs may be very time-consuming and memory-hungry. For ogbn-papers100M, it can take 2-4 hours and several hundred gigabytes of memory (500GB as a safe estimate) to perform 8-way partitioning.

After partitioning, reorder the nodes and generate the final dataset. The reordering is used for caching (see paper for details). For example, for the ogbn-products dataset downloaded to the folder dataset2 and partitioned with results stored in dataset2/partition-labels/, if you reuse the output path dataset2, then running:

python -m partitioners.reorder_data --dataset_name ogbn-products --dataset_dir /nobackup/users/username/dataset2 --path_to_part /nobackup/users/username/dataset2/partition-labels/ --output_path /nobackup/users/username/dataset2

will produce the final, reordered dataset under {OUTPUT_PATH}/metis-reordered-k{NUM_PARTS}/{DATASET_NAME} (in this case, dataset2/metis-reordered-k4/ogbn-products).

Note that reordering (see the VIP analysis in the paper) is dependent on the training fanout. By default, the fanout is set to [15,10,5]. If using a different fanout, you need to supply the --fanouts argument (which contains a sequence of space separated numbers).

In the following, we assume the dataset root is dataset, rather than dataset2.

10. Try an Example

Congratulations! SALIENT++ has been installed and datasets are prepared. You may run the driver under the folder utils to start an experiment.

NOTE: The interactive mode on Satori is very slow for some reason. All the following examples assume running in the batch mode. That is, (automatically) submit the job through sbatch and do not invoke the --run_local option. The following examples are all run on the login node. Recall that we assume being at the working directory before cd utils.

Example: To run on a single node with a single GPU (in which case no graph partitioning is needed):

cd utils
# Note: Run on the login node (not a GPU compute node)!
python --dataset_name ogbn-products --dataset_dir ../dataset --job_name test-job --num_machines 1 --num_gpus_per_machine 1 --gpu_percent 0.999 --replication_factor 15

Example: To run on a single node with two GPUs (in which case invoke the --distribute_data option):

cd utils
# Note: Run on the login node (not a GPU compute node)!
python --dataset_name ogbn-products --dataset_dir ../dataset --job_name test-job --num_machines 1 --num_gpus_per_machine 2 --gpu_percent 0.999 --replication_factor 15 --distribute_data

Example: To run on two nodes with two GPUs per node:

cd utils
# Note: Run on the login node (not a GPU compute node)!
python --dataset_name ogbn-products --dataset_dir ../dataset --job_name test-job --num_machines 2 --num_gpus_per_machine 2 --gpu_percent 0.999 --replication_factor 15 --distribute_data

In any of these examples, running the exp_driver will create a folder {JOB_ROOT}/{JOB_NAME}_{TIMESTAMP}, where JOB_ROOT is specified by the --job_root argument (by default experiments), JOB_NAME is specified by the --job_name argument (in this example test-job), and TIMESTAMP is the time when the folder is created. A job script is generated under this folder and it is automatically submitted to the cluster through sbatch. The screen prints the SBATCH COMMAND and a TAIL COMMAND. From the SBATCH COMMAND one can see the path of The TAIL COMMAND can be used to view the output results. The screen will also print RUNNING/COMPLETED indications when the job is being executed. One does not need to wait and may kill the interactive session safely by using Ctrl-C.

10.1 Tips on Command Line Arguments

For a complete list of arguments, see utils/ This experiment driver will call the main driver driver/ The file driver/ specifies all arguments (even more than those used by, together with key explanations, used by the main driver.