- User Inputs preferred ingredients / dishes
- Recipe API collects ingredients and suggests dishes
- Parse this into the Restaurant API's
- Determine appropriate restaurants
- print addresses
BASIC FEATURES: Name of Restaurant Location Cuisine Type rating information showcase of menus Restaurant Reservation
Restaurant API's: Zomato - https://developers.zomato.com/api
Recipe API's: Food2Fork - https://www.food2fork.com/about/api Recipe Puppy - https://rapidapi.com/brianiswu/api/recipe-puppy/
Geo-Location API's: MapBox (recommended by Jason) - https://docs.mapbox.com/api/
Bonus Features: If you can't find your preferred food - recipes will showcase
Frontend: Marie Mani
Backend: Daniel Brad Shing
By 2/11/19 class:
Brad - review restaurant API's report back on functionality in terms of objects Shing - review recipe API's report back on functionality in terms of objects Daniel - Review course requirements and ensure we are checking all requirements Marie - Basics of HTML to be completed. Mani - modals / media queries