The Green Reviews Working Group operates under CNCF Environmental Sustainability TAG.
The Green Reviews Working Group helps CNCF projects assess and improve their cloud native sustainability footprint. By integrating environmental sustainability reviews into release cycles and empowering end users to evaluate project sustainability, the group promotes long-term viability and environmental responsibility within the CNCF ecosystem.
See the working group charter here:
The working group currently has 2 chairs serving a term of 6 months and as long as at least 1 of the chairs is able to maintain continuity. The working group inherits and follows the CNCF TAG Environmental Sustainability Working Group Chair nomination process.
- Niki Manoledaki, @nikimanoledaki, start of term 01.08.2023
- Antonio Di Turi, @AntonioDiTuri, start of term 14.12.2023
- Ross Fairbanks, @rossf7, serving as TL since 14.12.2023
The Green Reviews Working Group utilizes TAG Environmental Sustainability channels for communication.
- Meeting time and frequency: Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 5pm GMT +2:00, 8AM Pacific, 11AM Eastern
- Join meeting: Zoom
- Meeting agenda and notes: check Agenda and Notes for all past and upcoming meetings.
- Meeting recordings: check TAG Environmental Sustainability YouTube channel for recordings of all previous meetings.
- Asynchronous communication:
channel in CNCF Slack. Important announcements will also be cross-posted in#tag-environmental-sustainability
channel in CNCF Slack. - Additional working group meetings may be scheduled and will be announced on the #tag-env-wg-green-reviews and #tag-environmental-sustainability Slack channels, as well as in the TAG Environmental Sustainability CNCF calendar.