• Parsed GooglePlay website and designed a distributed web crawler with Apache Nutch Java API
• Acquired 2000 app data with AWS EMR and EC2 in 1 minute and stored the data in S3
• Loaded data with PIG LoadFunc and then filtered data using PIG
• Construct data analysis using Hive
Our crawler is based on Nutch 1.12, so you need to git clone nutch repository first.
git clone https://github.com/apache/nutch
git checkout release-1.12
Then, we need to customize the crawler to fit the need of crawling data from GooglePlay
patch -p1 < googleplaycrawler.patch
Fixed the skew problem in fetch job
patch -p1 < fixskew.patch
Apply the change
ant job
Create a seed file which contains the web page we plan to crawl first.
echo "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.facebook.orca" > seed
Run googleplaycrawler on single node cluster
hadoop fs -put seed .
hadoop jar build/apache-nutch-1.12.job org.apache.nutch.googleplay.GooglePlayCrawler seed -numFetchers 10
Check output
hadoop fs -text nutchdb/segments/xxxxx/parse_data/part-00000/data
You can also send the jar and seed file to AWS S3, and run the job in EMR
Build package
mvn package
Access Amazon S3 and change your hadoop core-site.xml settings
<value>your aws access key</value>
<value>your aws secret key</value>
Run the loadgoogle.pig--remember to change the directory to your s3 directory
pig loadgoogle.pig