meta-pipi is a Yocto example project initiated by Pascal Linder. It is used to try out different features on a Raspberry Pi 4 board.
Refer to the doc/ folder for documentation about the embedded target.
A serial console is used to interact directly with the Raspberry Pi. Therefore, an FTDI cable is required that converts UART to USB. Following the cable pinout that, together with the schematics, is used to connect the serial console.
- GND (black)
- CTS (brown)
- Vcc (red)
- TxD (orange)
- RxD (yellow)
- RTS (green)
PiPi is a pun from Raspberry Pi and the usual pre- or postfix in Pascal's projects. The image provides a root user password (z2P%b!Sy) that can be used when connecting over the serial console.
As the project builds upon kas, only a single command is required to create an image.
kas build kas/pipi.yml
In order to have access to the usual bitbake commands, type something similar to one of the following into your console.
kas shell kas/pipi.yml
kas shell kas/pipi.yml -c 'bitbake -e pipi-image | grep ^IMAGE_INSTALL'
kas shell kas/pipi.yml -c 'bitbake -c menuconfig u-boot' # tmux must be installed
kas shell kas/pipi.yml -c 'bitbake -c devshell u-boot'