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2564 lines (2029 loc) · 84.6 KB

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2564 lines (2029 loc) · 84.6 KB
copyright years lastupdated title description parent nav_order
2022 - 2023
Horizon APIs
Horizon APIs
Agent (anax)

{:new_window: target="blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:pre: .pre} {:child: .link .ulchildlink} {:childlinks: .ullinks}

{{}} APIs

{: #agent-apis}

This document contains the {{}} REST APIs for the {{}} agent running on an edge node. The output of the APIs is in JSON compact format. To get a better view, you can use the JSONView extension in your web browser or use the jq command from the command line interface. For example:

curl -s http://<ip>/status | jq '.'

{: codeblock}

1. {{}} Agent

API: GET /status

Get the connectivity, and configuration, status on the node. The output includes the status of the agent configuration and the node's connectivity.





  • 200 -- success


name subfield type description
configuration json the configuration data.
exchange_api string the url for the exchange being used by the {{}} agent.
exchange_version string the current version of the exchange being used.
required_minimum_exchange_version string the required minimum version for the exchange.
preferred_exchange_version string the preferred version for the exchange in order to use all the {{}} functions.
mms_api string the url for the model management system.
architecture string the hardware architecture of the node as returned from the Go language API runtime.GOARCH.
horizon_version string The current version of the horiozn running on this node.
connectivity json whether or not the node has network connectivity with some remote sites.
{: caption="Table 1. GET /status JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl -s http://localhost:8510/status | jq '.'
  "configuration": {
    "exchange_api": "http://exchange-api:8080/v1/",
    "exchange_version": "2.15.1",
    "required_minimum_exchange_version": "2.15.1",
    "preferred_exchange_version": "2.15.1",
    "mms_api": "https://css-api:9443",
    "architecture": "amd64",
    "horizon_version": "2.24.5"
  "liveHealth": null

{: codeblock}

API: GET /status/workers

Get the current {{}} agent worker status and the status trasition logs.





  • 200 -- success


name subfield type description
workers json the current status of each worker and its subworkers.
name string the name of the worker.
status string the status of the worker. The valid values are: added, started, initialized, initialization failed, terminating, terminated.
subworker_status json the name and the status of the subworkers that are created by this worker.
worker_status_log string array the history of the worker status changes.
{: caption="Table 2. GET /status/workers JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl -s  http://localhost:8510/status/workers | jq
  "workers": {
    "AgBot": {
      "name": "AgBot",
      "status": "terminated",
      "subworker_status": {}
    "Agreement": {
      "name": "Agreement",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {}
    "Container": {
      "name": "Container",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {}
    "ExchangeChanges": {
      "name": "ExchangeChanges",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {}
    "ExchangeMessages": {
      "name": "ExchangeMessages",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {}
    "Governance": {
      "name": "Governance",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {
        "ContainerGovernor": "started",
        "MicroserviceGovernor": "started",
        "SurfaceExchErrors": "started"
    "ImageFetch": {
      "name": "ImageFetch",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {}
    "Kube": {
      "name": "Kube",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {}
    "Resource": {
      "name": "Resource",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {}
  "worker_status_log": [
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker AgBot: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker AgBot: initialization failed.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Agreement: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Governance: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ExchangeMessages: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ExchangeMessages: initialized.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Container: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker AgBot: terminated.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ImageFetch: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ImageFetch: initialized.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Kube: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Kube: initialized.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Resource: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Resource: initialized.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ExchangeChanges: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ExchangeChanges: initialized.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Container: initialized.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:12 Worker Agreement: initialized.",
    "2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker SurfaceExchErrors added.",
    "2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker ContainerGovernor added.",
    "2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker MicroserviceGovernor added.",
    "2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker SurfaceExchErrors started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker ContainerGovernor started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker MicroserviceGovernor started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: initialized."

{: codeblock}

2. Node

API: GET /node

Get the {{}} platform configuration of the {{}} agent. The configuration includes the agent's exchange id, organization, configuration state, and whether or not the agent is using a pattern configuration.





  • 200 -- success


name type description
id string the agent's unique exchange id.
organization string the agent's organization.
pattern string the pattern that will be deployed on the node.
name string the user readable name for the agent.
nodeType string the node type. Valid values are 'device' and 'cluster'.
token_valid bool whether the agent's exchange token is valid or not.
token_last_valid_time uint64 the time stamp when the agent's token was last valid.
ha_group string the name of the HA group that node is in.
configstate json the current configuration state of the agent. It contains the state and the last_update_time. The valid values for the state are "configuring", "configured", "unconfiguring", and "unconfigured".
{: caption="Table 3. GET /node JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl -s http://localhost:8510/node | jq '.'
  "id": "myvs1",
  "organization": "mycompany",
  "pattern": "netspeed-amd64",
  "name": "mydevice",
  "nodeType": "device",
  "token_last_valid_time": 1508174346,
  "token_valid": true,
  "ha_group": "mygroup",
  "configstate": {
    "state": "configured",
    "last_update_time": 1508174348

{: codeblock}

API: POST /node

Configure the {{}} agent. This API assumes that the agent's node has already been registered in the exchange. The configstate of the agent is changed to "configuring" after calling this API.



name type description
id string the agent's unique exchange id.
token string the agent's authentication token for the exchange.
organization string the agent's organization.
pattern string the pattern that will be deployed on the node.
name string the user readable name for the agent.
{: caption="Table 4. POST /node JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 201 -- success


curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  -d '{
      "id": "mydevice",
      "organization": "mycompany",
      "pattern": "pat3",
      "name": "mydevice",
      "token": "dfjskjdsfkj"
    }'  http://localhost:8510/node

{: codeblock}

API: PATCH /node

Update the agent's exchange token. This API can only be called when configstate is "configuring".



name type description
id string the agent's unique exchange id.
token string the agent's authentication token for the exchange.
{: caption="Table 5. PATCH /node JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 200 -- success


curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  -d '{
      "id": "mydevice",
      "token": "kj123idifdfjsklj"
    }'  http://localhost:8510/node

{: codeblock}


Unconfigure the agent so that it can be re-configured. All agreements are cancelled, and workloads are stopped. The API could take minutes to send a response if invoked with block=true. This API can only be called when configstate is "configured" or "configuring". After calling this API, configstate will be changed to "unconfiguring" while the agent quiesces, and then it will become "unconfigured".


name type description
block bool If true (the default), the API blocks until the agent is quiesced. If false, the caller will get control back quickly while the quiesce happens in the background. While this is occurring, the caller should invoke GET /node until they receive an HTTP status 404.
removeNode bool If true, the node’s entry in the exchange is also deleted, instead of just being cleared. The default is false.
deepClean bool If true, all the history of the previous registration will be removed. The default is false.
{: caption="Table 6. DELETE /node JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 204 -- success




curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X DELETE "http://localhost:8510/node?block=true&removeNode=false"

{: codeblock}

API: GET /node/configstate

Get the current configuration state of the agent.





  • 200 -- success


name type description
state string Current configuration state of the agent. Valid values are "configuring", "configured", "unconfiguring", and "unconfigured".
last_update_time uint64 timestamp when the state was last updated.
{: caption="Table 7. GET /node/configstate JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl -s http://localhost:8510/node/configstate | jq '.'
  "state": "configured",
  "last_update_time": 1510174292

{: codeblock}

API: PUT /node/configstate

Change the configuration state of the agent. The valid values for the state are "configuring" and "configured". The "unconfigured" state is not settable through this API. The agent starts in the "configuring" state. You can change the state to "configured" after you have set the agent's pattern through the /node API, and have configured all the service user input variables through the /service/config API. The agent will advertise itself as available for services once it enters the "configured" state.



name type description
state string the agent configuration state. The valid values are "configuring" and "configured".
{: caption="Table 8. PUT /node/configstate JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 201 -- success




curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  -d '{
       "state": "configured"
    }'  http://localhost:8510/node/configstate

{: codeblock}

3. Attributes

API: GET /attribute

Get all the attributes for the edge node and registered services.





  • 200 -- success


name type description
attributes array an array of all the attributes for all the services. The fields of an attribute are defined in the following.
{: caption="Table 9. GET /attribute JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


name type description
id string the id of the attribute.
label string the user readable name of the attribute
type string the attribute type. Supported attribute types are: MeteringAttributes, AgreementProtocolAttributes, UserInputAttributes, HTTPSBasicAuthAttributes, and DockerRegistryAuthAttributes.
publishable bool whether the attribute can be made public or not.
host_only bool whether or not the attribute will be passed to the service containers.
service_specs array of json an array of service organization and url. It applies to all services if it is empty. It is only required for the following attributes: MeteringAttributes, AgreementProtocolAttributes, UserInputAttributes.
mappings map a list of key value pairs.
{: caption="Table 10. GET /attribute JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl -s http://localhost:8510/attribute | jq '.'
  "attributes": [
      "id": "f85de917-ecb1-4d65-9310-66b0d9d2642f",
      "type": "UserInputAttributes",
      "label": "User input variables",
      "publishable": false,
      "host_only": false,
      "service_specs": [
          "url": "",
          "organization": "e2edev"
      "mappings": {
        "HZN_PWS_MODEL": "LaCrosse WS2317",
        "HZN_PWS_ST_TYPE": "WS23xx",
        "HZN_WUGNAME": "e2edev mocked pws",
        "MTN_PWS_MODEL": "LaCrosse WS2317",
        "MTN_PWS_ST_TYPE": "WS23xx"

{: codeblock}

API: POST /attribute

Register an attribute for a service. If the service_specs is omitted, the attribute applies to all the services.



name type description
attribute json Please refer to Attribute Definitions for a description of all attributes.
{: caption="Table 11. POST /attribute JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 201 -- success




curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "type": "DockerRegistryAuthAttributes",
  "label": "Docker auth",
  "publishable": false,
  "host_only": true,
  "mappings": {
    "auths": [
        "registry": "mydockerrepo", username": "user1", "token": "myDockerhubPassword"
        "registry": "", "username": "token", "token": "myDockerToken"
}'  http://localhost:8510/attribute

{: codeblock}

API: GET /attribute/{id}

Get the attribute with the given id





  • 200 -- success


name type description
id string the id of the attribute.
label string the user readable name of the attribute
type string the attribute type. Supported attribute types are: MeteringAttributes, AgreementProtocolAttributes, UserInputAttributes, HTTPSBasicAuthAttributes, and DockerRegistryAuthAttributes.
publishable bool whether the attribute can be made public or not.
host_only bool whether or not the attribute will be passed to the service containers.
service_specs array of json an array of service organization and url. It applies to all services if it is empty. It is only required for the following attributes: MeteringAttributes, AgreementProtocolAttributes, UserInputAttributes.
mappings map a list of key value pairs.
{: caption="Table 12. GET /attribute/{id} JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl -s -w "%{http_code}" http://localhost:8510/attribute/0d5762bf-67a6-49ff-8ff9-c0fd32a8699f | jq '.'
  "attributes": [
      "id": "a784b89c-e6f7-46dc-bf39-f2ac812a70b4",
      "type": "UserInputAttributes",
      "label": "User input variables",
      "publishable": false,
      "host_only": false,
      "service_specs": [
          "url": "",
          "organization": "myorg"
      "mappings": {
        "var1": "aString",
        "var2": 5,
        "var3": 10.2,
        "var4": [
        "var5": "override"

{: codeblock}

API: PUT, PATCH /attribute/{id}

Modify an attribute for a service. If the service_specs is omitted, the attribute applies to all the services.



name type description
attribute json Please refer to the response body for the GET /attribute/{id} api for the fields of an attribute.
{: caption="Table 13. PUT /attribute/{id} JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 200 -- success


name type description
attribute json Please refer to the response body for the GET /attribute/{id} api for the fields of an attribute.
{: caption="Table 14. POST /attribute/{id} JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X PUT -d '{
      "id": "0d5762bf-67a6-49ff-8ff9-c0fd32a8699f",
      "type": "UserInputAttributes",
      "service_specs": [
          "url": "",
          "organization": "IBM"
      "label": "app",
      "publishable": false,
      "host_only": false,
      "mappings": {
        "foo": "bar"
    }' http://localhost:8510/attribute/0d5762bf-67a6-49ff-8ff9-c0fd32a8699f | jq '.'

{: codeblock}

API: DELETE /attribute/{id}

Modify an attribute for a service. If the service_specs is omitted, the attribute applies to all the services.





  • 200 -- success


name type description
attribute json Please refer to the response body for the GET /attribute/{id} api for the fields of an attribute.
{: caption="Table 15. DELETE /attribute/{id} JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X DELETE http://localhost:8510/attribute/0d5762bf-67a6-49ff-8ff9-c0fd32a8699f | jq '.'

{: codeblock}

4. Service

API: GET /service

Get the definition, the instance information and the configuration information for all the services.





  • 200 -- success


name subfield type description
config array of json all the services and the associated configuration attributes. For the pattern case, these are the top level services and their dependent services the pattern references to. For the non-pattern case, thses are the registered dependent services and any top level services that use has configured.
definitions json the definition of all the related services.
active array of json an array of service definitions that are actively in use. Please refer to the following table for the fields of a service definition object.
archived array of json an array of service definitions that are archived. Please refer to the following table for the fields of a service definition object.
instances json the instances of all the running services. It contains the information about the running service containers.
active array of json an array of service instances that are active. Please refer to the following table for the fields of a service instance object.
archived array of json an array of service instances that are archived. Please refer to the following table for the fields of a service instance object.
{: caption="Table 16. GET /service JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}

service configuration:

name subfield type description
sensor_url string the url of the service.
sensor_org string the organization of the service.
sensor_version string the version of the service.
auto_upgrade boolean if the service should be automatically upgraded when a new version becomes available.
active_upgrade boolean if the {{}} agent should actively terminate agreements when new versions become available (active) or wait for all the associated agreements terminated before making upgrade.
attributes array of json an array of attributes that are associated with the service.
meta json the meta data for an attribute. It includes id, type, lable etc.
{key1} string key value pairs to be used to configure the service.
{key2} string key value pairs to be used to configure the service.
{: caption="Table 17. GET /service configuration JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}

service definition:

name subfield type description
record_id string the record id in the db.
owner string the owner of the service.
label string the user readable name of the service.
description string the discription of the service.
specRef string the url of the service.
organization string the organization of the service.
version string the version of the service.
arch string the architecture of the node the service can run on.
sharable string how the service containers are shared if there are mutiple services reference this service. The valid values are: singleton, mutiple and exlusice. "singleton" means that all the services can share a single instance of this service. "mutiple" means that each service should have its own instance of this service. "exclusive" means that there can only be one service that references this service on at ay time.
userInput json defines variables that can be configured by the user..
name json the name of the variable.
label json the user readable name of the variable.
type json the data type of the variable.
defaultValue json the default value of the variable. If it is set, then the user does not have to configure this variable.
public boolean whether the service can be refenced outside the organization.
requiredServices array of json an array of services that this service depends on.
url string the url of the dependent service.
org string the organization of the dependent service.
version string the version of the dependent service.
arch string of architecture of the dependent service.
deployment string how the service is deployed. It defines the containers, images and configurations for this service.
deployment_signature string the signature that can be used to verify the "deployment" string with a public key.
lastUpdated string date where the service is last update on the exchange.
archived boolean if the service definition is archived.
name string the name of the service.
requested_arch string the architecture from user input or from a service that refrences this service. It can be a synonym of the node architecture.
auto_upgrade boolean if the service should be automatically upgraded when a new version becomes available.
active_upgrade boolean if the {{}} agent should actively terminate agreements when new versions become available (active) or wait for all the associated agreements terminated before making upgrade.
upgrade_start_time uint64 the time when the service upgrade is started.
upgrade_ms_unregistered_time uint64 the time when the service is unregistered during the upgrade process.
upgrade_agreements_cleared_time uint64 the time when all the associated agreements are cleared during the upgrade process.
upgrade_execution_start_time uint64 the time when the new service is started running during the upgrade process.
upgrade_ms_reregistered_time uint64 the time when the service is reregistered during the upgrade process.
upgrade_failed_time uint64 the time when the service upgrade failed.
upgrade_failure_reason uint64 the reason code for the service upgrade failure.
upgrade_failure_description sting the description for the service upgrade failure.
upgrade_new_ms_id string the record_id of the new service that this service is upgrading to.
metadata_hash string the hash for the service defined in the exchange.
{: caption="Table 18. GET /service definition JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}

service instance:

name subfield type description
ref_url string the url of the service.
organization string the organization of the service.
version string the version of the service.
arch string the architecture of the node the service can run on.
instance_id string an unique id for this service instance.
archived boolean if the service instance is archived.
instance_creation_time uint64 the time when the service instance is created.
execution_start_time uint64 the time when the service containers are started.
execution_failure_code uint64 the reason code for the service instance failure.
execution_failure_desc sting the description for the service instance failure.
cleanup_start_time uint64 the time when the service instance is being cleaned.
associated_agreements array of string agreements that use this service instance.
microservicedef_id string record_id for the definiton of the service that this instance is for.
service_instance_path array of array the parent path of how to get to this service instance. Since there may be multiple services that depend on this service, there may be multiple paths.
url string the url of the parent or grandparent service.
org string the organization of the parent or grandparent service.
version string the version of the parent or grandparent service.
agreement_less boolean if this service is a agreement-less service (as defined in the pattern).
max_retries uint maximum retries allowed.
max_retry_duration uint the number of seconds in which the specified number of retries must occur in order for next retry cycle.
current_retry_count uint the current retry count.
retry_start_time uint64 the time when the service retry is started.
containers json the info for the running docker containers for this service.
{: caption="Table 19. GET /service instance JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl http://localhost:8510/service | jq '.config'
    "sensor_url": "",
    "sensor_org": "e2edev",
    "sensor_version": "2.3.0",
    "auto_upgrade": true,
    "active_upgrade": false,
    "attributes": [
        "meta": {
          "id": "49cde8e2-a448-4f5e-98a1-c033deca5c53",
          "type": "UserInputAttributes",
          "label": "User input variables",
          "host_only": false,
          "publishable": false
        "service_specs": [
            "url": "",
            "organization": "e2edev"
        "mappings": {
          "var1": "aString",
          "var2": 5,
          "var3": 10.2,
          "var4": [
          "var5": "override"

{: codeblock}

curl http://localhost:8510/service | jq ''
    "record_id": "1",
    "owner": "IBM/ibmadmin",
    "label": "Netspeed for x86_64",
    "description": "Netspeed service",
    "specRef": "",
    "organization": "e2edev",
    "version": "2.3.0",
    "arch": "amd64",
    "sharable": "multiple",
    "downloadUrl": "",
    "matchHardware": {},
    "userInput": [
        "name": "var1",
        "label": "",
        "type": "string",
        "defaultValue": ""
        "name": "var2",
        "label": "",
        "type": "int",
        "defaultValue": ""
    "workloads": null,
    "public": true,
    "requiredServices": [
        "url": "",
        "org": "myorg",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "arch": "amd64"
    "deployment": "{\"services\":{\"netspeed5\":{\"environment\":[\"MY_SETTINGS=0\"],\"image\":\"openhorizon/amd64_netspeed:2.5.0\"}}}",
    "deployment_signature": "vqwgYA/b",
    "lastUpdated": "2019-02-13T21:56:02.228Z[UTC]",
    "archived": false,
    "name": "netspeed",
    "requested_arch": "amd64",
    "upgrade_version_range": "[0.0.0,INFINITY)",
    "auto_upgrade": true,
    "active_upgrade": false,
    "upgrade_start_time": 0,
    "upgrade_ms_unregistered_time": 0,
    "upgrade_agreements_cleared_time": 0,
    "upgrade_execution_start_time": 0,
    "upgrade_ms_reregistered_time": 0,
    "upgrade_failed_time": 0,
    "upgrade_failure_reason": 0,
    "upgrade_failure_description": "",
    "upgrade_new_ms_id": "",
    "metadata_hash": "q8Lxbb/poHcq/+aDoFdAtF1PwCYXxfPWDjCEjm49Dc8="

{: codeblock}

curl http://localhost:8510/service | jq ''
    "ref_url": "",
    "organization": "e2edev",
    "version": "2.0.6",
    "arch": "amd64",
    "instance_id": "535369111ae8d5d7c6dced904c0457f13c30b9ec6ed024fb53be649e4729c814",
    "archived": false,
    "instance_creation_time": 1550265488,
    "execution_start_time": 1550265501,
    "execution_failure_code": 0,
    "execution_failure_desc": "",
    "cleanup_start_time": 0,
    "associated_agreements": [
    "microservicedef_id": "2",
    "service_instance_path": [
          "url": "",
          "org": "e2edev",
          "version": "2.0.6"
    "agreement_less": false,
    "max_retries": 0,
    "max_retry_duration": 0,
    "current_retry_count": 0,
    "retry_start_time": 0,
    "containers": [
        "Id": "f9bca37e87e6128530902432b8cbb66dcd63e955b059e07ebc9b26f0266b9e63",
        "Image": "openhorizon/amd64_location:2.0.6",
        "Command": "/bin/sh -c /",
        "Created": 1550265500,
        "State": "running",
        "Status": "Up 2 days",
        "Names": [
        "Labels": {
          "openhorizon.anax.agreement_id": "535369111ae8d5d7c6dced904c0457f13c30b9ec6ed024fb53be649e4729c814",
          "openhorizon.anax.deployment_description_hash": "tYE0SSJMmIjEH6wffMlFBP-qD_0=",
          "openhorizon.anax.service_name": "location",
          "openhorizon.anax.variation": ""
        "NetworkSettings": {
          "Networks": {
            "535369111ae8d5d7c6dced904c0457f13c30b9ec6ed024fb53be649e4729c814": {
              "MacAddress": "02:42:c0:a8:70:02",
              "IPPrefixLen": 20,
              "IPAddress": "",
              "Gateway": "",
              "EndpointID": "c367b1de79cc87569c5b1b40c9c4a856f6f21dfea7e7b6766d58c08a829d6051",
              "NetworkID": "9a74f202ed8292a05ac06f7cc94186f69ab8455271a1dfc912c9bf8bb7859d59"
             "": {
              "MacAddress": "02:42:c0:a8:60:03",
              "IPPrefixLen": 20,
              "IPAddress": "",
              "Gateway": "",
              "EndpointID": "807817c5175a186f6e8de30ecd9291951b0538a19e389e37f9808d248f8b1a84",
              "NetworkID": "762d3afabd1cd20e25dc7bc15396ca07b8fd36dd6e2c25d10eed9e1a1ce9a8a9"
        "Mounts": [
            "Source": "/tmp/service_storage/535369111ae8d5d7c6dced904c0457f13c30b9ec6ed024fb53be649e4729c814",
            "Destination": "/service_config",
            "Mode": "rw",
            "RW": true

{: codeblock}

API: GET /service/config

Get the service configuration for all services.





  • 200 -- success

body: Please refer to the service configuration table of GET /service api for the field definitions.


curl http://localhost:8510/service/config | jq
"config": [
    "sensor_url": "",
    "sensor_org": "e2edev",
    "sensor_version": "2.3.0",
    "auto_upgrade": true,
    "active_upgrade": false,
    "attributes": [
        "meta": {
          "id": "49cde8e2-a448-4f5e-98a1-c033deca5c53",
          "type": "UserInputAttributes",
          "label": "User input variables",
          "host_only": false,
          "publishable": false
        "service_specs": [
            "url": "",
            "organization": "e2edev"
        "mappings": {
          "var1": "aString",
          "var2": 5,
          "var3": 10.2,
          "var4": [
          "var5": "override"

{: codeblock}

API: POST /service/config

Configure attributes for a service.



name subfield type description
url string the url of the service to be configured.
organization string the organization of the service.
name string (optional) the name of the service.
arch string architecture of the service to be configured, could be a synonym. The default is the current node architecture.
versionRange string the version range of the service that the configuration applies to. The versionRange is in OSGI version format. The default is [0.0.0,INFINITY)
auto_upgrade boolean whether the service should be automatically upgraded or not when a new version becomes available. The default is true.
active_upgrade boolean whether the {{}} agent should actively terminate agreements or not when new versions become available (active) or wait for all the associated agreements terminated before making upgrade. The default is false.
attributes array of json an array of attributes that will be applied to the the service.
type string the type of the attribute. Most commonly used type is UserInputAttributes.
label string a short description for this configuration.
publishable bool whether the attribute can be made public or not.
host_only bool whether or not the attribute will be passed to the service containers.
mappings json a list of name and value pairs of configuration data for the service.
{: caption="Table 20. POST /service/config JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 200 -- success


read -d '' nsconfig <<EOF
  "url": "",
  "versionRange": "2.2.0",
  "organization": "e2edev",
  "publishable": false,
  "host_only": false,
  "attributes": [
      "type": "UserInputAttributes",
      "label": "User input variables",
      "publishable": false,
      "host_only": false,
      "mappings": {
        "var1": "bString",
        "var2": 10,
        "var3": 10.22,
        "var4": ["abcd", "1234"],
        "var5": "override2"

echo "$nsconfig" | curl -sS -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @- http://localhost:8510/service/config

{: codeblock}

API: GET /service/configstate

Get the service configuration state for all services.





  • 200 -- success


name subfield type description
configstates array of json an array of service configuration state.
url string the url for the service.
org string the organization for the service.
configstate string the current configuration state for the service. The valid values are "active" and "suspended".
{: caption="Table 21. GET /service/configstate JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl http://localhost:8510/service/configstate | jq
  "configstates": [
      "url": "",
      "org": "e2edev",
      "configState": "active"
      "url": "",
      "org": "e2edev",
      "configState": "suspended"

{: codeblock}

API: POST /service/configstate

Configure attributes for a service.



name type description
url string the url of the service to be configured. If it is an empty string and the org is also an empty string, the new configuration state will apply to all the services. If it is an empty string and the org is not an empty string, the new configuration state will apply to all the services within the organization.
org string the organization of the service to be configured.
configstate string the new configuration state for the service.
{: caption="Table 22. POST /service/configstate JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 200 -- success


curl -sS -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"url": "myservice", "org": "myorg", "configstate": "suspended"}' http://localhost:8510/service/configstate

{: codeblock}

API: GET /service/policy

Get the current list of policies for each registered service.





  • 200 -- success


name subfield type description
{policy name} json the name of a policy generated for a service.
header json the header of the policy. It includes the name and the version of the policy.
apiSpec array an array of api specifications. Each one includes a URL pointing to the definition of the API spec, the version of the API spec in OSGI version format, the organization that implements the API spec, whether or not exclusive access to this API spec is required and the hardware architecture of the API spec implementation.
properties array an array of name value pairs that the current party have.
agreementProtocols array an array of agreement protocols. Each one includes the name of the agreement protocol.
{: caption="Table 23. GET /service/policy JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}

Note: The policy also contains other fields that are unused and therefore not documented.


curl http://localhost:8510/service/policy | jq '.'
  "Policy for IBM_netspeed": {
    "header": {
      "name": "Policy for e2edev_netspeed",
      "version": "2.0"
    "apiSpec": [
        "specRef": "",
        "organization": "e2edev",
        "version": "2.3.0",
        "exclusiveAccess": true,
        "arch": "amd64"
    "valueExchange": {},
    "dataVerification": {
      "metering": {}
    "proposalRejection": {},
    "properties": [
        "name": "cpus",
        "value": "1"
        "name": "ram",
        "value": "1024"
    "nodeHealth": {}

{: codeblock}

5. Agreement

API: GET /agreement

Get all the active and archived agreements ever made by the agent. The agreements that are being terminated but not yet archived are treated as archived in this api.





  • 200 -- success


name subfield type description
agreements json all established agreements, active and archived.
active array of json an array of all the active agreements. Please refer to the following talbe for the fileds of an agreement element.
archived array of json an array of all the archived agreements. Please refer to the following talbe for the fileds of an agreement element.
name subfield type description
name string the name of the policies used to make the agreement.
dependent_services array of json the organizations and urls of the services that the agreement workload depend on.
url string the url for a service.
organization string the organization for a service.
archived bool if the agreement is archived or not.
current_agreement_id string the id of the agreement.
consumer_id string the id of the agbot that proposed the agreement.
counterparty_address string the name of the agbot that proposed the agreement.
agreement_creation_time uint64 the time when the agent received the agreement proposal from the agbot. The negotiation process starts.
agreement_accepted_time uint64 the time when the agbot and the agent have come to agreement on the terms. Workload downloading starts.
agreement_finalized_time uint64 the time when the agbot and the agent have finalized the agreement. Workloads are running and data is verified by the agbot.
agreement_execution_start_time uint64 the time when the agent starts running the workloads.
agreement_data_received_time uint64 the time when the agbot has verified that data was received from the workload.
agreement_terminated_time uint64 the time when the agreement is terminated.
agreement_force_terminated_time uint64 the time when the agreement is forced to be terminated by the {{}} agent initialization process.
terminated_reason uint64 the reason code for the agreement termination.
terminated_description string the description of the agreement termination.
agreement_protocol_terminated_time uint64 the time when the agreement protocol terminated.
workload_terminated_time uint64 the time when the workload for an agreement terminated.
proposal string the proposal currently in effect.
proposal_sig string the proposal signature.
agreement_protocol string the name of the agreement protocol being used.
protocol_version int the version of the agreement protocol being used.
current_deployment json contains the deployment configuration for the workload. The key is the name of the workload and the value is the result of the /containers/<id> docker remote API call for the workload container. Please refer to the link for details.
extended_deployment json contains the deployment configuration for the cluster node. It contains the image and the operator for deploying a Kubernetes application.
metering_notification json the most recent metering notification received. It includes the amount, metering start time, data missed time, consumer address, consumer signature etc.
workload_to_run json the service to run for this agreement.
url json the url of the service.
org json the organization of the service.
version json the version of the service.
arch json the architecture of the edge node the service can run on.
{: caption="Table 24. GET /agreement JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl -s http://localhost:8510/agreement | jq '.'
  "agreements": {
    "active": [
        "name": "Policy for netspeed merged with netspeed arm",
        "dependent_services": [
            "url": "",
            "organization": "e2edev"
        "archived": false,
        "current_agreement_id": "7539aad7bf9269c97bf6285b173b50f016dc13dbe722a1e7cedcfec8f23c528f",
        "consumer_id": "",
        "counterparty_address": "76224dc349ce6a51728f32d0be3a33349bdd0680",
        "agreement_creation_time": 1481235346,
        "agreement_accepted_time": 1481235346,
        "agreement_finalized_time": 1481235492,
        "agreement_terminated_time": 0,
        "agreement_data_received_time": 1481235526,
        "agreement_execution_start_time": 1481235515,
        "current_deployment": {
          "netspeed5": {
            "config": {
              "Cpuset": "1-3",
              "Env": [
              "Cmd": null,
              "Image": "",
              "Volumes": {
                "/var/snap/bluehorizon/common/workload_ro/7539aad7bf9269c97bf6285b173b50f016dc13dbe722a1e7cedcfec8f23c528f": {}
              "Entrypoint": null,
              "Labels": {
                "network.bluehorizon.colonus.agreement_id": "7539aad7bf9269c97bf6285b173b50f016dc13dbe722a1e7cedcfec8f23c528f",
                "network.bluehorizon.colonus.deployment_description_hash": "mE-GfPU0RkH6lSWPU0F1WPmpooU=",
                "network.bluehorizon.colonus.service_name": "netspeed5",
                "network.bluehorizon.colonus.variation": ""
            "host_config": {
              "Binds": [
              "RestartPolicy": {
                "Name": "always"
              "LogConfig": {
                "Type": "syslog",
                "Config": {
                  "tag": "workload-7539aad7bf9269c97bf6285b173b50f016dc13dbe722a1e7cedcfec8f23c528f_netspeed5"
        "extended_deployment": null,
        "proposal_sig": "174f67d343fcb0241e9bd8c01ef93f9cb17e1eb434f0234af6e5a3afcd227d93229bb97d26a2b9fae706aa3e5f2521a8dc48503405d682f319cc8925dcc3c34c01",
        "agreement_protocol": "Basic",
        "terminated_reason": 0,
        "terminated_description": ""
        "agreement_protocol_terminated_time": 0,
        "workload_terminated_time": 0,
        "metering_notification": {
            "amount": 42,
            "start_time": 1496257354,
            "current_time": 1496259896,
            "missed_time": 10,
            "consumer_meter_signature": "6955047f484573055a9a27b80c5f86daa9d6ae48ac...",
            "agreement_hash": "91a9099372ade4a41db26b0f27819d60080f7774d51e71dc026269c3ae86d727",
            "consumer_agreement_signature": "cf08e366c59b4e130a4f05d1921f3f56d899f...",
            "consumer_address": "0xc299ff03ff89b48c6e56c25bd6b53932b100f9d6",
            "producer_agreement_signature": "0ee94042d5c50e8773e23923e32826e4f01df...",
            "blockchain_type": "ethereum"
    "workload_to_run": {
      "url": "",
      "org": "e2edev",
      "version": "2.0.6",
      "arch": "armhf"
    "archived": []

{: codeblock}

API: DELETE /agreement/{id}

Delete an agreement. The agbot will start a new agreement negotiation with the agent after the agreement is deleted.


name type description
id string the id of the agreement to be deleted.
{: caption="Table 25. DELETE /agreement/{id} JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 200 -- success
  • 404 -- the agreement does not exist.




curl -X DELETE -s http://localhost:8510/agreement/a70042dd17d2c18fa0c9f354bf1b560061d024895cadd2162a0768687ed55533

{: codeblock}

6. Trusted Certs for Service Image Verification

API: GET /trust[?verbose=true]

Get the user stored x509 certificates for service container image verification.


name type description
(query) verbose string (optional) parameter expands output type to include more detail about trusted certificates. Note, bare RSA PSS public keys (if trusted) are not included in detail output.
{: caption="Table 26. POST /service/config JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 200 -- success


name type description
pem json an array of x509 certs or public keys (if the 'verbose' query param is not supplied) that are trusted by the agent. A cert can be trusted using the PUT method in an HTTP request to the trust/ path).
{: caption="Table 27. GET /trust JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl -s http://localhost:8510/trust | jq  '.'
  "pem": [

{: codeblock}

Verbose output:

curl -s 'http://localhost:8510/trust?verbose=true' | jq  '.'
  "pem": [
      "type": "KeyPairSimple",
      "serial_number": "1e:05:72:c9:f2:8c:5e:9a:0d:af:a1:47:41:66:5c:3c:fd:80:b5:80",
      "subject_names": {
        "commonName (CN)": "*",
        "organizationName (O)": "LULZ"
      "have_private_key": false,
      "not_valid_before": "2018-01-15T13:09:00Z",
      "not_valid_after": "2022-01-16T01:08:58Z",
      "public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQ...",

{: codeblock}

Retrieve RSA PSS public key from a particular enclosing x509 certificate suitable for shell redirection to a .pem file:

curl -s 'http://localhost:8510/trust?verbose=true' | jq -r '.pem[] | select(.serial_number == "1e:05:72:c9:f2:8c:5e:9a:0d:af:a1:47:41:66:5c:3c:fd:80:b5:80")'

{: codeblock}

API: GET /trust/{filename}

Get the content of a trusted x509 cert from a file that has been previously stored by the agent.


name type description
filename string the name of the x509 cert file to retrieve.
{: caption="Table 28. GET /trust/{filename} JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 200 -- success


The contents of the requested file.


curl -s http://localhost:8510/trust/Horizon-2111fe38d0aad1887dec4e1b7fb5e083fde3a393-public.pem > Horizon-2111fe38d0aad1887dec4e1b7fb5e083fde3a393-public.pem

{: codeblock}

API: PUT /trust/{filename}

Trust an x509 cert; used in service container image verification.


name type description
filename string the name of the x509 cert file to upload.
{: caption="Table 29. PUT /trust/{filename} JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 200 -- success




curl -T ~/.rsapsstool/keypairs/SomeOrg-6458f6e1efcbe13d5c567bd7c815ecfd0ea5459f-public.pem http://localhost:8510/trust/SomeOrg-6458f6e1efcbe13d5c567bd7c815ecfd0ea5459f-public.pem

{: codeblock}

API: DELETE /trust/{filename}

Delete an x509 cert from the agent; this is a revocation of trust for a particular certificate and enclosing RSA PSS key.


name type description
filename string the name of the x509 cert file to remove.
{: caption="Table 30. DELETE /trust/{filename} JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 204 -- success




curl -s -X DELETE http://localhost:8510/trust/SomeOrg-6458f6e1efcbe13d5c567bd7c815ecfd0ea5459f-public.pem

{: codeblock}

7. Event Log

API: GET /eventlog

Get event logs for the {{}} agent for the current registration. It supports selection strings. The selections can be made against the attributes.





  • 200 -- success


name type description
record_id string the record id in the data base.
timestamp uint64 the time when the event log was saved.
severity string the severity for this event. It can be 'info', 'warning' or 'error'.
message string a human consumable the event message.
event_code string an event code that can be used by programs.
source_type string the source for the event. It can be 'agreement', 'service', 'exchange', 'node' etc.
event_source json a structure that holds the event source object.
{: caption="Table 31. GET /eventlog JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl -s http://localhost:8510/eventlog | jq '.'
    "record_id": "270",
    "timestamp": 1536861596,
    "severity": "info",
    "message": "Start node configuration/registration for node mynode1.",
    "event_code": "start_node_configuration_registration",
    "source_type": "node",
    "event_source": {
      "node_id": "5330a6eb4b177e9203a14d6780589f539f8ec809",
      "node_org": "mycomp",
      "pattern": "comp/netspeed",
      "config_state": ""
    "record_id": "271",
    "timestamp": 1536861598,
    "severity": "info",
    "message": "Complete node configuration/registration for node mynode1.",
    "event_code": "node_configuration_registration_complete",
    "source_type": "node",
    "event_source": {
      "node_id": "mynode1",
      "node_org": "mycomp",
      "pattern": "netspeed",
      "config_state": "configured"
    "record_id": "272",
    "timestamp": 1536861598,
    "severity": "info",
    "message": "Workload service containers for e2edev/ are up and running.",
    "event_code": "container_running",
    "source_type": "agreement",
    "event_source": {
      "agreement_id": "0a94bb0e85e2d98050cd89b5fc98ac3270462170ea836b1a91a2d2a01613c4f8",
       "workload_to_run": {
        "url": "",
        "org": "e2edev",
        "version": "1.0",
        "arch": "amd64"
      "dependent_services": [
          "organization": "e2edev"
      "consumer_id": "IBM/ag12345",
      "agreement_protocol": "Basic"

{: codeblock}

curl -s http://localhost:8510/eventlog?source_type=node&message=~Complete | jq '.'
    "record_id": "271",
    "timestamp": 1536861598,
    "severity": "info",
    "message": "Complete node configuration/registration for node mynode1.",
    "event_code": "node_configuration_registration_complete",
    "source_type": "node",
    "event_source": {
      "node_id": "mynode1",
      "node_org": "mycomp",
      "pattern": "netspeed",
      "config_state": "configured"

{: codeblock}

API: GET /eventlog/all

Get all the event logs including the previous regstrations for the {{}} agent. It supports selection strings. The selections can be made against the attributes.





  • 200 -- success


name type description
record_id string the record id in the data base.
timestamp uint64 the time when the event log was saved.
severity string the severity for this event. It can be 'info', 'warning' or 'error'.
message string a human consumable the event message.
event_code string an event code that can be used by programs.
source_type string the source for the event. It can be 'agreement', 'service', 'exchange', 'node' etc.
event_source json a structure that holds the event source object.
{: caption="Table 32. GET /eventlog/all JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl -s http://localhost:8510/eventlog/all | jq '.'
    "record_id": "1",
    "timestamp": 1336861590,
    "severity": "info",
    "message": "Start node configuration/registration for node mynode1.",
    "event_code": "start_node_configuration_registration",
    "source_type": "node",
    "event_source": {
      "node_id": "mynode1",
      "node_org": "mycomp",
      "pattern": "mycomp/netspeed",
      "config_state": ""
    "record_id": "2",
    "timestamp": 1336861600,
    "severity": "info",
    "message": "Complete node configuration/registration for node mynode1.",
    "event_code": "node_configuration_registration_complete",
    "source_type": "node",
    "event_source": {
      "node_id": "mynode1",
      "node_org": "mycomp",
      "pattern": "netspeed",
      "config_state": "configured"

{: codeblock}

8. Node User Input

API: GET /node/userinput

Get the node's user input for the service configurations. The user input on the local node is alway in sync with the user input for the node on the exchange.





  • 200 -- success


name type description
serviceOrgid string the organization of the service.
serviceUrl string the url of the service.
serviceArch string the architecture of the service.
serviceVersionRange string the version range of the service that the configuration applies to. The serviceVersionRange is in OSGI version format. The default is [0.0.0,INFINITY).
inputs json an array of name and value pairs where the name is the variable name and the value is the variable value for service configuration.
{: caption="Table 33. GET /node/userinput JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl -s http://localhost:8510/node/userinput | jq
    "serviceOrgid": "userdev",
    "serviceUrl": "mytest1",
    "serviceArch": "amd64",
    "serviceVersionRange": "[0.0.1,INFINITY)",
    "inputs": [
        "name": "var1",
        "value": "aString"
        "name": "var2",
        "value": 22.2
    "serviceOrgid": "userdev",
    "serviceUrl": "mytest2",
    "serviceArch": "amd64",
    "serviceVersionRange": "[2.0.1,INFINITY)",
    "inputs": [
        "name": "city_name",
        "value": "New York"

{: codeblock}

API: POST /node/userinput

Set the node's user input for the service configuration. The node on the exchange will be updated too with the new user input.



The body is an array of the following:

name type description
serviceOrgid string the organization of the service.
serviceUrl string the url of the service.
serviceArch string the architecture of the service.
serviceVersionRange string the version range of the service that the configuration applies to. The serviceVersionRange is in OSGI version format. The default is [0.0.0,INFINITY).
inputs json an array of name and value pairs where the name is the variable name and the value is the variable value for service configuration.
{: caption="Table 34. POST /node/userinput JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 201 -- success


curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  -d '[
    "serviceOrgid": "userdev",
    "serviceUrl": "mytest",
    "serviceArch": "amd64",
    "serviceVersionRange": "[0.0.1,INFINITY)",
    "inputs": [
        "name": "city_name",
        "value": "New York"
]'  http://localhost:8510/node/userinput | jq '.'

{: codeblock}

API: PATCH /node/userinput

Patch the node's user input for the service configuration. The node on the exchange will be updated too with the new user input.



The body is an array of the following:

name type description
serviceOrgid string the organization of the service.
serviceUrl string the url of the service.
serviceArch string the architecture of the service.
serviceVersionRange string the version range of the service that the configuration applies to. The serviceVersionRange is in OSGI version format. The default is [0.0.0,INFINITY).
inputs json an array of name and value pairs where the name is the variable name and the value is the variable value for service configuration.
{: caption="Table 35. PUT /node/userinput JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 201 -- success


curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  -d '[
    "serviceOrgid": "userdev",
    "serviceUrl": "mytest2",
    "serviceArch": "amd64",
    "serviceVersionRange": "[2.0.1,INFINITY)",
    "inputs": [
        "name": "my_var",
        "value": "aString"
]'  http://localhost:8510/node/userinput | jq '.'

{: codeblock}

API: DELETE /node/usrinput

Delete the node's user input for service configuration. The exchange copy of the node's user input will also be deleted.





  • 204 -- success




curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X DELETE "http://localhost:8510/node/userinput" | jq '.'

{: codeblock}

9. Node Policy

API: GET /node/policy

Get the node policy. The local node policy is alway in sync with the node policy on the exchange.





  • 200 -- success


name type description
properties array an array of the name-value pairs to describe the policy properties.
constraints string an array of constraint expressions of the form <property name> <operator> <property value>, separated by boolean operators AND (&&) or OR (||).
{: caption="Table 36. GET /node/policy JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl -s http://localhost:8510/node/policy | jq '.'
  "properties": [
      "name": "purpose",
      "value": "network-testing"
      "name": "group",
      "value": "bluenode"
      "name": "openhorizon.cpu",
      "value": 2
      "name": "openhorizon.arch",
      "value": "amd64"
      "name": "openhorizon.memory",
      "value": 3946
      "name": "openhorizon.hardwareId",
      "value": "abcdefg"
      "name": "openhorizon.allowPrivileged",
      "value": false
  "constraints": [
    "iame2edev == true"
    "prop1 == value && prop2 == 2"

{: codeblock}

API: POST /node/policy

Set the node policy. The node on the exchange will be updated too with the new policy. Properties openhorizon.cpu, openhorizon.arch, openhorizon.memory, openhorizon.hardwareId are buit-in properties which cannot be changed. When openhorizon.allowPrivileged is set to true the service container is allowed to run in the 'privileged' mode if it chooses to. The default value for openhorizon.allowPrivileged is false.



The body is an array of the following:

name type description
properties array an array of the name-value pairs to describe the policy properties.
constraints string an array of constraint expressions of the form <property name> <operator> <property value>, separated by boolean operators AND (&&) or OR (||).
{: caption="Table 37. POST /node/policy JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 201 -- success


curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  -d '{
  "properties": [
      "name": "purpose",
      "value": "network-testing"
      "name": "group",
      "value": "bluenode"
  "constraints": [
    "iame2edev == true",
}'  http://localhost:8510/node/policy  | jq '.'

{: codeblock}

API: PATCH /node/policy

Patch the properties or the constraints for the node policy. The node on the exchange will be updated too with the new patch. Properties openhorizon.cpu, openhorizon.arch, openhorizon.memory, penhorizon.hardwareId are buit-in properties which cannot be changed. When openhorizon.allowPrivileged is set to true the service container is allowed to run in the 'privileged' mode if it chooses to. The default value for openhorizon.allowPrivileged is false.



The body is an array of the following:

name type description
properties array an array of the name-value pairs to describe the policy properties.
constraints string an array of constraint expressions of the form <property name> <operator> <property value>, separated by boolean operators AND (&&) or OR (||).
{: caption="Table 38. PATCH /node/policy JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 201 -- success


curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  -d '{
  "constraints": [
    "iame2edev == false",
}'  http://localhost:8510/node/policy | jq '.'

{: codeblock}

API: DELETE /node/policy

Delete the node policy. The exchange copy of the node policy will also be deleted.





  • 204 -- success




curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X DELETE "http://localhost:8510/node/policy" | jq '.'

{: codeblock}

10. Node Management

API: GET /nodemanagement/nextjob

Get the status object of the next scheduled node management job. A node management job has a status object once its node management policy is picked up by the node management worker and matched to a node. If there are multiple NMP's running on the node, the earliest scheduled NMP is returned. A guide to what each status value means can be found here:


name type description
type string the type of job to query. Currently, the only type of job is "agentUpgrade" for agent auto upgrade jobs. If this filter is omitted, all statuses will be queried regardless of type.
ready boolean if true, only statuses that are in the "downloaded" state (upgrade packages have been downloaded to the node) will be queried. If false, only statuses that are in the "waiting" state (upgrade packages have not been downloaded to the node) will be queried. If this filter is omitted, all statuses will be queried regardless of state.
{: caption="Table 39. GET /nodemanagement/nextjob JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 200 -- success



  • The following fields describe the status of an agent auto upgrade job as defined by the NMP created by a user. This is the structure that stays synchronized with the Exchange during the upgrade process.
name subfield type description
scheduledTime string a RFC3339 timestamp designating when the upgrade job should start.
startTime string a RFC3339 timestamp designating when the upgrade job actually started. This field is populated when the agent auto upgrade cronjob picks up this job and changes the status to "initiated".
endTime string a RFC3339 timestamp designating when the upgrade job completed successfully. This field is populated when the agent auto upgrade cronjob changes the status to "successful".
upgradedVersions json a json structure that defines the versions being upgraded/downgraded to.
softwareVersion string the version that the agent software packages are to be upgraded/downgraded to.
certVersion string the version of the certificate file to be upgraded/downgraded to.
configVersion string the version of the configuration file to be upgraded/downgraded to.
status string a string message that lists the current state of the upgrade job.
errorMessage string a string message containing any possible error messages that occur during the job.
workingDirectory string the directory that the upgrade job will be reading and writing files to.
{: caption="Table 40. GET /nodemanagement/nextjob JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


  • The following fields describe the internal status object of an agent auto upgrade job used by the node management worker. This structure is an extension of the agentUpgradePolicyStatus structure that provides extra information to the node management worker needed to perform the upgrade.
name subfield type description
allowDowngrade boolean a Boolean value that designates if a downgrade to a previous version is allowed to occur.
manifest string a string value that corresponds to an upgrade manifest in the Exchange.
scheduledUnixTime string a RFC3339 timestamp designating when the upgrade job should start in the local unix time.
latestMap json a json map that describes which upgrade types are to track and stay up-to-date with the latest available version.
softwareLatest boolean a Boolean value that designates if the agent software packages should stay up-to-date with the latest available version.
configLatest boolean a Boolean value that designates if the configuration file should stay up-to-date with the latest available version.
certLatest boolean a Boolean value that designates if the certificate should stay up-to-date with the latest available version.
{: caption="Table 41. GET /nodemanagement/nextjob JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl -s http://localhost:8510/nodemanagement/nextjob?type=agentUpgrade&ready=true | jq '.'
  "e2edev/sample-nmp": {
    "agentUpgradePolicyStatus": {
      "scheduledTime": "2022-05-24T12:00:00Z",
      "startTime": "2022-05-24T12:00:01-07:00",
      "endTime": "2022-05-24T12:00:02-07:00",
      "upgradedVersions": {
        "softwareVersion": "2.30.0",
        "certVersion": "",
        "configVersion": ""
      "status": "successful",
      "workingDirectory": "/var/horizon/nmp"
    "agentUpgradeInternal": {
      "allowDowngrade": false,
      "manifest": "sample_manifest",
      "scheduledUnixTime": "2022-05-24T12:00:00-07:00",
      "latestMap": {
        "softwareLatest": true,
        "configLatest": false,
        "certLatest": false

{: codeblock}

API: GET /nodemanagement/status

Get a map of all status objects that apply to the node. Each status object corresponds to a node management policy that has been matched to the node and picked up by the node management worker. A guide to what each status value means can be found here:





  • 200 -- success



  • The following fields describe the status of an agent auto upgrade job as defined by the NMP created by a user. This is the structure that stays synchronized with the Exchange during the upgrade process.
name subfield type description
scheduledTime string a RFC3339 timestamp designating when the upgrade job should start.
startTime string a RFC3339 timestamp designating when the upgrade job actually started. This field is populated when the agent auto upgrade cronjob picks up this job and changes the status to "initiated".
endTime string a RFC3339 timestamp designating when the upgrade job completed successfully. This field is populated when the agent auto upgrade cronjob changes the status to "successful".
upgradedVersions json a json structure that defines the versions being upgraded/downgraded to.
softwareVersion string the version that the agent software packages are to be upgraded/downgraded to.
certVersion string the version of the certificate file to be upgraded/downgraded to.
configVersion string the version of the configuration file to be upgraded/downgraded to.
status string a string message that lists the current state of the upgrade job.
errorMessage string a string message containing any possible error messages that occur during the job.
workingDirectory string the directory that the upgrade job will be reading and writing files to.
{: caption="Table 42. GET /nodemanagement/status JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


  • The following fields describe the internal status object of an agent auto upgrade job used by the node management worker. This structure is an extension of the agentUpgradePolicyStatus structure that provides extra information to the node management worker needed to perform the upgrade.
name subfield type description
allowDowngrade boolean a Boolean value that designates if a downgrade to a previous version is allowed to occur.
manifest string a string value that corresponds to an upgrade manifest in the Exchange.
scheduledUnixTime string a RFC3339 timestamp designating when the upgrade job should start in the local unix time.
latestMap json a json map that describes which upgrade types are to track and stay up-to-date with the latest available version.
softwareLatest boolean a Boolean value that designates if the agent software packages should stay up-to-date with the latest available version.
configLatest boolean a Boolean value that designates if the configuration file should stay up-to-date with the latest available version.
certLatest boolean a Boolean value that designates if the certificate should stay up-to-date with the latest available version.
{: caption="Table 43. GET /nodemanagement/status JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl -s http://localhost:8510/nodemanagement/status | jq '.'
  "e2edev/sample-nmp": {
    "agentUpgradePolicyStatus": {
      "scheduledTime": "2022-05-24T11:00:00Z",
      "startTime": "2022-05-24T11:00:01-07:00",
      "endTime": "2022-05-24T11:00:02-07:00",
      "upgradedVersions": {
        "softwareVersion": "2.30.0",
        "certVersion": "1.0.0",
        "configVersion": "1.0.0"
      "status": "successful",
      "workingDirectory": "/var/horizon/nmp"
    "agentUpgradeInternal": {
      "allowDowngrade": true,
      "manifest": "sample_manifest",
      "scheduledUnixTime": "2022-05-24T11:00:00-07:00",
      "latestMap": {
        "softwareLatest": true,
        "configLatest": false,
        "certLatest": false
  "e2edev/sample-nmp-2": {
    "agentUpgradePolicyStatus": {
      "scheduledTime": "2022-05-24T12:00:00Z",
      "startTime": "2022-05-24T12:00:01-07:00",
      "upgradedVersions": {
        "softwareVersion": "2.30.0",
        "certVersion": "1.0.0",
        "configVersion": "1.0.0"
      "status": "failed",
      "errorMessage": "sample error message",
      "workingDirectory": "/var/horizon/nmp"
    "agentUpgradeInternal": {
      "allowDowngrade": false,
      "manifest": "sample_manifest_2",
      "scheduledUnixTime": "2022-05-24T12:00:00-07:00",
      "latestMap": {
        "softwareLatest": true,
        "configLatest": true,
        "certLatest": true

{: codeblock}

API: GET /nodemanagement/status/{nmpName}

Get the status objects that corresponds to the given node management policy name. The org that the NMP and node belong to can be optionally prepended (i.e. /nodemanagement/status/nmp-name and /nodemanagement/status/org/nmp-name refer to the same object, so long as the node is part of the given org) A guide to what each status value means can be found here:





  • 200 -- success



  • The following fields describe the status of an agent auto upgrade job as defined by the NMP created by a user. This is the structure that stays synchronized with the Exchange during the upgrade process.
name subfield type description
scheduledTime string a RFC3339 timestamp designating when the upgrade job should start.
startTime string a RFC3339 timestamp designating when the upgrade job actually started. This field is populated when the agent auto upgrade cronjob picks up this job and changes the status to "initiated".
endTime string a RFC3339 timestamp designating when the upgrade job completed successfully. This field is populated when the agent auto upgrade cronjob changes the status to "successful".
upgradedVersions json a json structure that defines the versions being upgraded/downgraded to.
softwareVersion string the version that the agent software packages are to be upgraded/downgraded to.
certVersion string the version of the certificate file to be upgraded/downgraded to.
configVersion string the version of the configuration file to be upgraded/downgraded to.
status string a string message that lists the current state of the upgrade job.
errorMessage string a string message containing any possible error messages that occur during the job.
workingDirectory string the directory that the upgrade job will be reading and writing files to.
{: caption="Table 44. GET /nodemanagement/status/{nmpname} JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


  • The following fields describe the internal status object of an agent auto upgrade job used by the node management worker. This structure is an extension of the agentUpgradePolicyStatus structure that provides extra information to the node management worker needed to perform the upgrade.
name subfield type description
allowDowngrade boolean a Boolean value that designates if a downgrade to a previous version is allowed to occur.
manifest string a string value that corresponds to an upgrade manifest in the Exchange.
scheduledUnixTime string a RFC3339 timestamp designating when the upgrade job should start in the local unix time.
latestMap json a json map that describes which upgrade types are to track and stay up-to-date with the latest available version.
softwareLatest boolean a Boolean value that designates if the agent software packages should stay up-to-date with the latest available version.
configLatest boolean a Boolean value that designates if the configuration file should stay up-to-date with the latest available version.
certLatest boolean a Boolean value that designates if the certificate should stay up-to-date with the latest available version.
{: caption="Table 45. GET /nodemanagement/status/{nmpname} JSON response fields" caption-side="top"}


curl -s http://localhost:8510/nodemanagement/status/sample-nmp | jq '.'
  "e2edev/sample-nmp": {
    "agentUpgradePolicyStatus": {
      "scheduledTime": "2022-05-24T11:00:00Z",
      "startTime": "2022-05-24T11:00:01-07:00",
      "endTime": "2022-05-24T11:00:02-07:00",
      "upgradedVersions": {
        "softwareVersion": "2.30.0",
        "certVersion": "1.0.0",
        "configVersion": "1.0.0"
      "status": "successful",
      "workingDirectory": "/var/horizon/nmp"
    "agentUpgradeInternal": {
      "allowDowngrade": true,
      "manifest": "sample_manifest",
      "scheduledUnixTime": "2022-05-24T11:00:00-07:00",
      "latestMap": {
        "softwareLatest": true,
        "configLatest": false,
        "certLatest": false

{: codeblock}

API: PUT /nodemanagement/status/{nmpName}

Update the status object that corresponds to the given node management policy name. The org that the NMP and node belong to can be optionally prepended (i.e. /nodemanagement/status/nmp-name and /nodemanagement/status/org/nmp-name refer to the same object, so long as the node is part of the given org) A guide to what each status value means can be found here:

Currently, the only supported update to the status object is the agentUpgradePolicyStatus structure.




  • The following fields describe the status of an agent auto upgrade job as defined by the NMP created by a user. This is the structure that stays synchronized with the Exchange during the upgrade process.
name type description
startTime string a RFC3339 timestamp designating when the upgrade job actually started. This field can only be set if it has not been previously set and the status field is also changed to "initiated".
endTime string a RFC3339 timestamp designating when the upgrade job actually started. This field can only be updated if it has not been previously set and the status field is also changed to "successful".
status string a string message that lists the current state of the upgrade job.
errorMessage string a string message containing any possible error messages that occur during the job. This field can only be updated if the status field is also changed.
{: caption="Table 46. PUT /nodemanagement/status/{nmpname} JSON parameter fields" caption-side="top"}



  • 201 -- success


curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "agentUpgradePolicyStatus": {
    "startTime": "2022-05-24T12:00:01-07:00",
    "status": "initiated"
}'  http://localhost:8510/nodemanagement/status/sample-nmp

{: codeblock}

curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "agentUpgradePolicyStatus": {
    "endTime": "2022-05-24T12:00:02-07:00",
    "status": "successful"
}'  http://localhost:8510/nodemanagement/status/sample-nmp

{: codeblock}

curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "agentUpgradePolicyStatus": {
    "status": "failed",
    "errorMessage": "Sample error message",
}'  http://localhost:8510/nodemanagement/status/sample-nmp

{: codeblock}

API: PUT /nodemanagement/reset

Reset all of the NMP status objects that are stored on the node to the "waiting" state.



  • 201 -- success


curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8510/nodemanagement/reset

{: codeblock}

API: PUT /nodemanagement/reset/{nmpName}

Reset all of the NMP status objects that are stored on the node to the "waiting" state.

Reset the status object that corresponds to the given node management policy name to the "waiting" state. The org that the NMP and node belong to can be optionally prepended (i.e. /nodemanagement/status/nmp-name and /nodemanagement/status/org/nmp-name refer to the same object, so long as the node is part of the given org)



  • 201 -- success


curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8510/nodemanagement/reset/sample-nmp

{: codeblock}