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Felix Victor Münch edited this page Jan 26, 2021 · 48 revisions

Welcome to the Social-Media-Observatory wiki!

This wiki is the central knowledge and documentation base of the SMO. The bleeding-edge editable version can be found here, the less frequently updated, but better reviewed version waits here.

Landing Page

If you want to share this project with others, we have a landing page. We are thinking about presenting iterative versions of this wiki in a more refined layout there, but to benefit from or contribute to the latest bleeding edge version of everything, stay awhile and listen.

I want to contribute!

Yay! Here you will find instructions how to add or edit pages:

How to use and maintain the wiki

Any questions? Raise an Issue! :)

Code of Conduct

By contributing to this wiki you agree to follow our Code of Conduct.

Blank Spots in the Wiki

Because we're just starting out, some sections are not much more than a heading. So here are some explanations what to expect there.

We are working on and invite contributions to this section, where we plan to collect advice on common issues when working with (social) media data.

Also, if you have basic, but crucial, social media knowledge to share (for example overall measurement baselines for certain platforms or demographics) or examples of instructive (un)successful case studies (not necessarily your own), feel free to create the first pages in the Knowledge Base section.

  • Case Studies: Examples for data analytics in computational communication research
  • Projects: A selection of current projects to be aware of
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