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56 lines (51 loc) · 1.68 KB

File metadata and controls

56 lines (51 loc) · 1.68 KB


Thanks for your interest in contributing code for landlord. Please read following guidelines carefully, as your code might not get approved, if there are major problems.

  • We are using IntelliJs autoformat feature. In addition to that there are certain requirements:
    • Please do not leave out curly braces in one liner!
    • Please do not use enters in front of curly braces!
  • Wrap code to 120 column limit (standard in intellij)
  • Always comment your code.
  • Do not put multiple changes into one commit!
  • You may want to create feature branches for larger projects.
  • Discuss larger changes with the team before working for nothing
  • Please make sure to pull termination conditions to the front:
    if(land.isFriend(uuid)) {
        if(weirdList.contains(uuid)) {
            if (this.than == that) {
                // ...
    if (!land.isFriend(uuid)) {
    if (!weirdList.contains(uuid)) {
    if (this.than != that) {
    // ...

Pull Requests

When you create a new pull request you have to take care of a few things.

  • Create a feature branch based on the development branch
  • Give your feature branch a reasonable name
  • Make your changes
  • Test your changes and features.
  • Make sure your feature branch is rebased on the latest commit on development
  • Open a PR
  • Set development as a target
  • Describe what and why you changed it.
  • Submit your PR
  • Keep an eye if any changes are requested or if you receive any comments.
  • (Apply changes to your PR)
  • You PR gets merged or denied.

Thank you for your contribution!