Reals defined using quasi-morphisms formalized in Lean
This project is an attempt to formalize the construction of the reals using quasi-morphisms
from ℤ
to itself. We first construct the type AlmostHom ℤ
consisting of functions from
to itself which respect addition up to a constant error bound and show that this is a
commutative group under addition. Next we define the subgroup consisting of bounded functions
and form the quotient group, which we call QuasiHom ℤ
. Finally, we define multiplication on
QuasiHom ℤ
by function composition and an ordering and show that it is a complete ordered
field [WIP].
Here, G
is an additive commutative group.
- Construct
QuasiHom G
and show thatQuasiHom ℤ
is a complete ordered field- Define
QuasiHom G
- Define
AlmostHom G
- Construct instance of
AddCommGroup (AlmostHom G)
using pointwise addition - Define the subgroup of bounded functions
- Define
QuasiHom G
as the quotient ofAlmostHom G
by the subgroup
- Define
- Field structure of
QuasiHom ℤ
using composition as multiplication- Define multiplication of type
QuasiHom ℤ →+ QuasiHom G →+ QuasiHom G
by lifting composition - Construct inverse of a non-zero
(and prove that it is inverse) - Construct instance of
Field (QuasiHom ℤ)
- Define multiplication of type
- Order structure of
QuasiHom ℤ
- Define a predicate
onQuasiHom ℤ
- Construct instance of
LinearOrderedAddCommGroup (QuasiHom ℤ)
using the predicate, viaTotalPositiveCone
- Define a predicate
- Construct instance of
ConditionallyCompleteLinearOrder (QuasiHom ℤ)
- Construct instance of
LinearOrderedField (QuasiHom ℤ)
- Define
- (optional) Show that
QuasiHom G
is aQuasiHom ℤ
-vector space-
Construct instance of
Module (QuasiHom ℤ) (QuasiHom G)
This should follow straightforwardly from
QuasiHom ℤ →+ QuasiHom G →+ QuasiHom G
- (optional) Relate
QuasiHom ℤ
to other algebraic structures- Embed
(as an ordered field) inQuasiHom ℤ
- Define unique isomorphism from
QuasiHom ℤ
to any other complete ordered field
- Embed
- (optional) Show
QuasiHom ℤ
is Cauchy-complete (perhaps as a uniform space?) - (optional) Generalise codomain from
(perhaps to aLinearOrderedRing
Primarily this exposition by James Douglas et al
Remark: our naming convention is slightly different from this: we call the functions
ℤ → ℤ
which are almost additive almost-homomorphisms (AlmostHom
) and the elements of the quotient ofAlmostHom
by the bounded functions quasi-morphisms (QuasiHom
), whereas the paper calls the functions themselves quasi-morphisms.