From 13f321198a9d12bf006a97de4eac6806d84018c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Karl-HeinzSchneider
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 20:56:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] 170 bug era enchanting uses old window (#171)
* Duplicate Profession code and change to CraftFrame
* Update UI.lua
* Fix CraftFrame for Beast Training
* Fix favorite position
* Update ProfessionTwo.mixin.lua
DragonflightUI.toc | 1 +
Localization/BlizzardData/Professions.lua | 12 +
Mixin/Profession.mixin.lua | 3 +-
Mixin/ProfessionTwo.mixin.lua | 1206 +++++++++++++++++++++
Mixin/UI.mixin.lua | 7 +
Modules/UI.lua | 16 +
XML/ProfessionTwo.xml | 219 ++++
7 files changed, 1463 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
create mode 100644 Mixin/ProfessionTwo.mixin.lua
create mode 100644 XML/ProfessionTwo.xml
diff --git a/DragonflightUI.toc b/DragonflightUI.toc
index 63fbb99..3306b9a 100644
--- a/DragonflightUI.toc
+++ b/DragonflightUI.toc
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ XML\Castbar.xml
diff --git a/Localization/BlizzardData/Professions.lua b/Localization/BlizzardData/Professions.lua
index 57a5c44..9fae4db 100644
--- a/Localization/BlizzardData/Professions.lua
+++ b/Localization/BlizzardData/Professions.lua
@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@ if locale == 'deDE' then
+ PROFESSIONS_BEAST = "Wildtierausbildung"
elseif locale == 'enUS' then
@@ -46,6 +48,7 @@ elseif locale == 'enUS' then
+ PROFESSIONS_BEAST = "Beast Training"
elseif locale == 'esMX' or locale == 'esES' then
@@ -64,6 +67,7 @@ elseif locale == 'esMX' or locale == 'esES' then
+ PROFESSIONS_BEAST = "Doma de bestias"
elseif locale == 'frFR' then
@@ -82,6 +86,7 @@ elseif locale == 'frFR' then
+ PROFESSIONS_BEAST = "Dressage des bêtes"
elseif locale == 'itIT' then
@@ -100,6 +105,7 @@ elseif locale == 'itIT' then
+ PROFESSIONS_BEAST = "Beast Training"
elseif locale == 'koKR' then
@@ -118,6 +124,7 @@ elseif locale == 'koKR' then
elseif locale == 'ptBR' then
@@ -136,6 +143,7 @@ elseif locale == 'ptBR' then
+ PROFESSIONS_BEAST = "Treinamento de Feras"
elseif locale == 'ruRU' then
@@ -154,6 +162,7 @@ elseif locale == 'ruRU' then
+ PROFESSIONS_BEAST = "Дрессировка"
elseif locale == 'zhCN' then
@@ -172,6 +181,7 @@ elseif locale == 'zhCN' then
elseif locale == 'zhTW' then
@@ -190,6 +200,7 @@ elseif locale == 'zhTW' then
--[[ First Aid 129
@@ -226,6 +237,7 @@ ProfessionNamesToSkillID[PROFESSIONS_COOKING] = 185
ProfessionNamesToSkillID[PROFESSIONS_FISHING] = 356
ProfessionNamesToSkillID[PROFESSIONS_POISON] = 666 -- custom
+ProfessionNamesToSkillID[PROFESSIONS_BEAST] = 667 -- custom
function DragonflightUILocalizationData:GetSkillIDFromProfessionName(name)
return ProfessionNamesToSkillID[name]
diff --git a/Mixin/Profession.mixin.lua b/Mixin/Profession.mixin.lua
index 52d01da..0d5871d 100644
--- a/Mixin/Profession.mixin.lua
+++ b/Mixin/Profession.mixin.lua
@@ -1560,7 +1560,8 @@ end
function DFProfessionSearchBoxTemplateMixin:OnTextChanged()
-- print('DFProfessionSearchBoxTemplateMixin:OnTextChanged()')
+ -- frameRef:OnEvent('TRADE_SKILL_FILTER_UPDATE')
+ self:GetParent():GetParent():OnEvent('TRADE_SKILL_FILTER_UPDATE')
function DFProfessionSearchBoxTemplateMixin:OnChar()
diff --git a/Mixin/ProfessionTwo.mixin.lua b/Mixin/ProfessionTwo.mixin.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf7d5b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mixin/ProfessionTwo.mixin.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1206 @@
+DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin = {}
+local base = 'Interface\\Addons\\DragonflightUI\\Textures\\UI\\'
+local frameRef = nil
+local DF = LibStub('AceAddon-3.0'):GetAddon('DragonflightUI')
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:OnLoad()
+ self:SetupFrameStyle()
+ self:RegisterEvent("CRAFT_SHOW");
+ self:RegisterEvent("CRAFT_CLOSE");
+ self:RegisterEvent("CRAFT_UPDATE");
+ self:RegisterEvent("SPELLS_CHANGED");
+ self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_PET_TRAINING_POINTS");
+ self.anchored = false
+ self.currentTradeSkillName = ''
+ self.currentSkillID = nil
+ self.MinimizeButton:SetOnMaximizedCallback(function(btn)
+ -- print('SetOnMaximizedCallback')
+ self:Minimize(false)
+ end)
+ self.MinimizeButton:SetOnMinimizedCallback(function(btn)
+ -- print('SetOnMinimizedCallback')
+ self:Minimize(true)
+ end)
+ self.minimized = false
+ self.ClosePanelButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(btn)
+ --
+ HideUIPanel(CraftFrame)
+ end);
+ self.RecipeList.ResetButton:SetScript('OnClick', function(btn)
+ --
+ self:ResetFilter()
+ self:FilterDropdownRefresh()
+ self:Refresh(false)
+ end)
+ frameRef = self
+ self:SetupFavoriteDatabase()
+ CraftFrame:HookScript('OnShow', function()
+ self:Show()
+ end)
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:OnShow()
+ -- print('DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:OnShow()')
+ self:AnchorButtons()
+ if not self.anchored then
+ self.anchored = true
+ -- self:AnchorButtons()
+ self:AnchorSchematics()
+ self:HideDefault()
+ self:SetupFavorite()
+ -- self:SetParent(TradeSkillFrame)
+ -- self:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', TradeSkillFrame, 'TOPRIGHT', 0, 0)
+ self:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', CraftFrame, 'TOPLEFT', 12, -12)
+ CraftFrame:SetFrameStrata('BACKGROUND')
+ self:SetFrameStrata('MEDIUM')
+ self.Bg:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 0, 3)
+ local top = self.Bg.TopSection
+ top:SetTexture(base .. 'ui-background-rock')
+ top:ClearAllPoints()
+ top:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.Bg, 'TOPLEFT', 0, 0)
+ top:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self.Bg.BottomRight, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 0, 0)
+ top:SetDrawLayer('BACKGROUND', 2)
+ local bg = _G['DragonflightUIProfessionFrameBg']
+ bg:Hide()
+ local newBG = self:CreateTexture('DragonflightUIRecipeListBG')
+ newBG:SetTexture(base .. 'professions')
+ newBG:SetTexCoord(0.000488281, 0.131348, 0.0771484, 0.635742)
+ newBG:SetSize(268, 572)
+ newBG:ClearAllPoints()
+ newBG:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.RecipeList, 'TOPLEFT', 0, 0)
+ newBG:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self.RecipeList, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 0, 0)
+ self.NineSlice.Text:SetText('tmp')
+ local titleFrame = CreateFrame('Frame', 'DragonflightUITitleFrame')
+ titleFrame:SetPoint('TOP', self.NineSlice, 'TOP', 0, -2)
+ titleFrame:SetPoint('LEFT', self.NineSlice, 'LEFT', 60, 0)
+ titleFrame:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.NineSlice, 'RIGHT', -60, 0)
+ titleFrame:SetHeight(self.NineSlice.Text:GetHeight())
+ self.NineSlice.Text:ClearAllPoints()
+ self.NineSlice.Text:SetPoint('CENTER', titleFrame, 'CENTER', 0, 0)
+ local linkButton = self.LinkButton
+ linkButton:ClearAllPoints()
+ linkButton:SetPoint('LEFT', self.NineSlice.Text, 'RIGHT', 5, 0)
+ end
+ -- self:Refresh(true)
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:OnHide()
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:Refresh(force)
+ self:UpdateHeader()
+ -- self:UpdateRecipeName()
+ self:CheckFilter()
+ do
+ local name, rank, maxRank = GetCraftDisplaySkillLine();
+ --[[ if (rank < 75) and (not IsTradeSkillLinked()) then
+ self.RecipeList.SearchBox:Disable()
+ else
+ self.RecipeList.SearchBox:Enable()
+ end
+ ]]
+ if self.currentTradeSkillName ~= name then
+ --[[ UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(frameRef.RecipeList.FilterDropDown,
+ DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin.FilterDropdownInitialize, 'MENU'); ]]
+ DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:FilterDropdownUpdate()
+ self.currentTradeSkillName = name
+ end
+ end
+ self.RecipeList:Refresh(force)
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:Minimize(minimize)
+ -- print('DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:Minimize(minimize)', minimize)
+ self.minimized = minimize
+ if minimize then
+ --
+ self:SetWidth(404)
+ self:UpdateUIPanelWindows(false)
+ self.RecipeList:Hide()
+ self.RecipeList:SetWidth(0.1)
+ self.RankFrame:Hide()
+ self.SchematicForm.NineSlice:Hide()
+ self.SchematicForm.BackgroundNineSlice:Hide()
+ self.SchematicForm.Background:Hide()
+ self.SchematicForm.MinimalBackground:Show()
+ CraftCreateButton:ClearAllPoints()
+ CraftCreateButton:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', -9, 13)
+ else
+ --
+ self:SetWidth(942)
+ self:UpdateUIPanelWindows(true)
+ self.RecipeList:Show()
+ self.RecipeList:SetWidth(274)
+ self.RankFrame:Show()
+ self.SchematicForm.NineSlice:Show()
+ self.SchematicForm.BackgroundNineSlice:Show()
+ self.SchematicForm.Background:Show()
+ self.SchematicForm.MinimalBackground:Hide()
+ CraftCreateButton:ClearAllPoints()
+ CraftCreateButton:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', -9, 7)
+ self:Refresh(true)
+ end
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:UpdateUIPanelWindows(big)
+ if big then
+ CraftFrame:SetAttribute("UIPanelLayout-width", 942);
+ else
+ CraftFrame:SetAttribute("UIPanelLayout-width", 404);
+ end
+ UpdateUIPanelPositions(CraftFrame)
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:OnEvent(event, arg1, ...)
+ -- print('ProfessionMixin', event)
+ if event == 'CRAFT_SHOW' then
+ self:Show()
+ self:Refresh(false)
+ elseif event == 'CRAFT_CLOSE' then
+ self:Hide()
+ else
+ if self:IsShown() then self:Refresh(false) end
+ end
+ --[[
+ if event == 'CRAFT_UPDATE' or event == 'TRADE_SKILL_FILTER_UPDATE' then
+ if self:IsShown() then self:Refresh(false) end
+ end ]]
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:HideDefault()
+ CraftFrame:SetFrameStrata('BACKGROUND')
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:SetupFrameStyle()
+ DragonflightUIMixin:ButtonFrameTemplateNoPortrait(self)
+ DragonflightUIMixin:MaximizeMinimizeButtonFrameTemplate(self.MinimizeButton)
+ self.MinimizeButton:ClearAllPoints()
+ self.MinimizeButton:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.ClosePanelButton, 'LEFT', 0, 0)
+ local icon = self:CreateTexture('DragonflightUIProfessionIcon')
+ icon:SetSize(62, 62)
+ icon:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self, 'TOPLEFT', -5, 7)
+ icon:SetDrawLayer('OVERLAY', 6)
+ self.Icon = icon
+ local pp = self:CreateTexture('DragonflightUIProfessionoIconFrame')
+ pp:SetTexture(base .. 'UI-Frame-PortraitMetal-CornerTopLeft')
+ pp:SetTexCoord(0.0078125, 0.0078125, 0.0078125, 0.6171875, 0.6171875, 0.0078125, 0.6171875, 0.6171875)
+ pp:SetSize(84, 84)
+ pp:SetPoint('CENTER', icon, 'CENTER', 0, 0)
+ pp:SetDrawLayer('OVERLAY', 7)
+ self.PortraitFrame = pp
+ local rankFrame = CreateFrame('Frame', 'DragonflightUIRankFrame', self)
+ rankFrame:SetSize(453, 18)
+ rankFrame:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self, 'TOPLEFT', 280, -40)
+ local rankFrameBG = rankFrame:CreateTexture('DragonflightUIRankFrameBackground')
+ rankFrameBG:SetDrawLayer('BACKGROUND', 1)
+ rankFrameBG:SetTexture(base .. 'professions')
+ rankFrameBG:SetTexCoord(0.29834, 0.518555, 0.750977, 0.779297)
+ rankFrameBG:SetSize(451, 29)
+ rankFrameBG:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', rankFrame, 'TOPLEFT', 0, 0)
+ local rankFrameBar = CreateFrame('Statusbar', 'DragonflightUIRankFrameBar', self)
+ rankFrameBar:SetSize(441, 18)
+ rankFrameBar:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', rankFrame, 'TOPLEFT', 5, -3)
+ rankFrameBar:SetMinMaxValues(0, 100);
+ rankFrameBar:SetValue(69);
+ rankFrameBar:SetStatusBarTexture(base .. 'professionsfxalchemy')
+ local rankFrameMask = rankFrame:CreateMaskTexture('DragonflightUIRankFrameMask')
+ rankFrameMask:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', rankFrameBar, 'TOPLEFT', 0, 0)
+ rankFrameMask:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', rankFrameBar, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 0, 0)
+ rankFrameMask:SetTexture(base .. 'profbarmask', "CLAMPTOBLACKADDITIVE", "CLAMPTOBLACKADDITIVE")
+ rankFrameBar:GetStatusBarTexture():AddMaskTexture(rankFrameMask)
+ -- profbarmask
+ local rankFrameBorder = rankFrame:CreateTexture('DragonflightUIRankFrameBorder')
+ rankFrameBorder:SetDrawLayer('OVERLAY', 1)
+ rankFrameBorder:SetTexture(base .. 'professions')
+ rankFrameBorder:SetTexCoord(0.663574, 0.883789, 0.129883, 0.158203)
+ rankFrameBorder:SetSize(451, 29)
+ rankFrameBorder:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', rankFrame, 'TOPLEFT', 0, 0)
+ -- ["Professions-skillbar-bg"]={451, 29, 0.29834, 0.518555, 0.750977, 0.779297, false, false, "1x"},
+ -- ["Professions-skillbar-frame"]={451, 29, 0.663574, 0.883789, 0.129883, 0.158203, false, false, "1x"},
+ local rankFrameText = rankFrame:CreateFontString('', 'ARTWORK', 'GameFontHighlightSmall')
+ rankFrameText:SetPoint('CENTER', rankFrameBar, 'CENTER', 0, 0)
+ rankFrameText:SetText('69/100')
+ function rankFrame:UpdateRankFrame(value, minValue, maxValue)
+ rankFrameBar:SetMinMaxValues(minValue, maxValue)
+ rankFrameBar:SetValue(value)
+ rankFrameText:SetText(value .. '/' .. maxValue)
+ end
+ self.RankFrame = rankFrame
+ self.RankFrameBar = rankFrameBar
+ self.RankFrameText = rankFrameText
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:AnchorButtons()
+ local create = CraftCreateButton
+ create:ClearAllPoints()
+ create:SetParent(self)
+ create:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', -9, 7)
+ local points = CraftFramePointsText
+ points:ClearAllPoints()
+ points:SetParent(self)
+ points:SetPoint('RIGHT', create, 'LEFT', -20, 0)
+ local label = CraftFramePointsLabel
+ label:ClearAllPoints()
+ label:SetParent(self)
+ label:SetPoint('RIGHT', points, 'LEFT', -5, 0)
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:SetupFavorite()
+ local fav = self.FavoriteButton
+ fav:SetPoint('LEFT', CraftName, 'RIGHT', 4, 1)
+ -- fav:SetPoint('LEFT', self, 'RIGHT', 20, 0)
+ fav:GetNormalTexture():SetTexture(base .. 'auctionhouse')
+ -- fav:GetNormalTexture():SetTexCoord(0.94043, 0.979492, 0.0957031, 0.166016)
+ fav:GetNormalTexture():SetTexCoord(0.94043, 0.979492, 0.169922, 0.240234)
+ fav:GetHighlightTexture():SetTexture(base .. 'auctionhouse')
+ fav:GetHighlightTexture():SetTexCoord(0.94043, 0.979492, 0.169922, 0.240234)
+ function fav:SetIsFavorite(isFavorite)
+ if isFavorite then
+ fav:GetNormalTexture():SetTexCoord(0.94043, 0.979492, 0.0957031, 0.166016)
+ fav:GetHighlightTexture():SetTexCoord(0.94043, 0.979492, 0.0957031, 0.166016)
+ fav:GetHighlightTexture():SetAlpha(0.2)
+ else
+ fav:GetNormalTexture():SetTexCoord(0.94043, 0.979492, 0.169922, 0.240234)
+ fav:GetHighlightTexture():SetTexCoord(0.94043, 0.979492, 0.169922, 0.240234)
+ fav:GetHighlightTexture():SetAlpha(0.4)
+ end
+ fav.IsFavorite = isFavorite
+ fav:SetChecked(isFavorite)
+ end
+ -- fav:SetIsFavorite(false)
+ function fav:UpdateFavoriteState()
+ local craftIndex = GetCraftSelectionIndex();
+ -- local skillName, skillType, numAvailable, isExpanded, altVerb, numSkillUps = GetTradeSkillInfo(tradeSkillIndex)
+ local skillName, craftSubSpellName, skillType, numAvailable, isExpanded, trainingPointCost, requiredLevel =
+ GetCraftInfo(craftIndex)
+ fav:SetIsFavorite(frameRef:IsRecipeFavorite(skillName))
+ fav:ClearAllPoints()
+ local width = CraftName:GetWrappedWidth()
+ fav:SetPoint('LEFT', CraftName, 'LEFT', width + 4, 1)
+ end
+ fav:UpdateFavoriteState()
+ local function SetFavoriteTooltip(button)
+ GameTooltip:SetOwner(button, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
+ GameTooltip_AddHighlightLine(GameTooltip, button:GetChecked() and BATTLE_PET_UNFAVORITE or BATTLE_PET_FAVORITE);
+ GameTooltip:Show();
+ end
+ fav:SetScript('OnClick', function(button, buttonName, down)
+ local checked = button:GetChecked();
+ -- C_TradeSkillUI.SetRecipeFavorite(currentRecipeInfo.recipeID, checked);
+ do
+ local craftIndex = GetCraftSelectionIndex();
+ local skillName, craftSubSpellName, skillType, numAvailable, isExpanded, trainingPointCost, requiredLevel =
+ GetCraftInfo(craftIndex)
+ local info = skillName
+ frameRef:SetRecipeFavorite(info, checked)
+ frameRef:Refresh(false)
+ end
+ button:SetIsFavorite(checked)
+ SetFavoriteTooltip(button)
+ end)
+ fav:SetScript("OnEnter", function(button)
+ SetFavoriteTooltip(button);
+ end);
+ fav:SetScript("OnLeave", GameTooltip_Hide);
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:SetupFavoriteDatabase()
+ -- print('DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:SetupFavoriteDatabase()')
+ self.db = DF.db:RegisterNamespace('RecipeCraftFavorite', {profile = {favorite = {}}})
+ -- DevTools_Dump(self.db.profile)
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:SetRecipeFavorite(info, checked)
+ -- print('DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:SetRecipeFavorite(info,checked)', info, checked)
+ local db = frameRef.db.profile
+ if checked then
+ db.favorite[info] = true
+ else
+ db.favorite[info] = nil
+ end
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:IsRecipeFavorite(info)
+ local db = frameRef.db.profile
+ if db.favorite[info] then
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:GetIconOverlayTexCoord(quality)
+ if quality == 0 then
+ -- poor
+ return 0.32959, 0.349121, 0.000976562, 0.0400391
+ elseif quality == 1 then
+ -- common
+ return 0.32959, 0.349121, 0.000976562, 0.0400391
+ elseif quality == 2 then
+ -- uncommon
+ return 0.411621, 0.431152, 0.0273438, 0.0664062
+ elseif quality == 3 then
+ -- rare
+ return 0.377441, 0.396973, 0.0273438, 0.0664062
+ elseif quality == 4 then
+ -- epic
+ return 0.579102, 0.598633, 0.0351562, 0.0742188
+ elseif quality == 5 then
+ -- legendary
+ return 0.558594, 0.578125, 0.0351562, 0.0742188
+ else
+ -- fallback
+ return 0.32959, 0.349121, 0.000976562, 0.0400391
+ end
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:AnchorSchematics()
+ local frame = self.SchematicForm
+ -- frame.NineSlice:SetFrameLevel(2)
+ -- frame.NineSlice:SetAlpha(0.25)
+ local icon = CraftIcon
+ -- icon:ClearAllPoints()
+ icon:SetParent(frame)
+ icon:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', frame, 'TOPLEFT', 28 - 400 + 400, -28)
+ -- icon:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', TradeSkillDetailScrollChildFrame, 'TOPLEFT', 28, -28)
+ --[[ if not icon.DFOverlay then
+ local overlay = frame:CreateTexture('DragonflightUIOverlay')
+ overlay:SetTexture(base .. 'professions')
+ overlay:SetSize(40, 40)
+ overlay:SetTexCoord(0.32959, 0.349121, 0.000976562, 0.0400391)
+ overlay:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', icon, 'TOPLEFT')
+ overlay:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', icon, 'BOTTOMRIGHT')
+ icon.DFOverlay = overlay
+ end ]]
+ local name = CraftName
+ name:ClearAllPoints()
+ name:SetParent(frame)
+ -- name:SetPoint('LEFT', icon, 'RIGHT', 14, 17)
+ name:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', icon, 'TOPRIGHT', 14, 0)
+ local req = CraftRequirements
+ req:ClearAllPoints()
+ req:SetParent(frame)
+ req:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', name, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -4)
+ --[[ local reqText = TradeSkillRequirementText
+ reqText:ClearAllPoints()
+ reqText:SetParent(frame)
+ -- reqText:SetSize(180,9.9)
+ reqText:SetSize(250, 9.9)
+ -- reqText:SetJustifyH("LEFT");
+ reqText:SetPoint('LEFT', req, 'RIGHT', 4, 0) ]]
+ if CraftDescription then
+ local descr = CraftDescription
+ descr:ClearAllPoints()
+ descr:SetParent(frame)
+ descr:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', icon, 'BOTTOMLEFT', -1, -12)
+ else
+ local reagentLabel = CraftReagentLabel
+ reagentLabel:ClearAllPoints()
+ reagentLabel:SetParent(frame)
+ reagentLabel:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', icon, 'BOTTOMLEFT', -1, -12)
+ end
+ local reagentLabel = CraftReagentLabel
+ -- reagentLabel:ClearAllPoints()
+ reagentLabel:SetParent(frame)
+ -- reagentLabel:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', TradeSkillDescription, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -20)
+ --[[ local cooldown = CraftCooldown
+ cooldown:SetParent(frame) ]]
+ for i = 1, MAX_CRAFT_REAGENTS do
+ --
+ local reagent = _G['CraftReagent' .. i]
+ reagent:ClearAllPoints()
+ reagent:SetParent(frame)
+ reagent:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', reagentLabel, 'TOPLEFT', 1, -23 - (i - 1) * 45)
+ --
+ -- DF:
+ reagent:SetSize(180, 50)
+ local reagentIcon = _G['CraftReagent' .. i .. 'IconTexture']
+ -- reagentIcon:SetSize()
+ reagentIcon:ClearAllPoints()
+ reagentIcon:SetPoint('LEFT', reagent, 'LEFT', 0, 0)
+ local overlay = DragonflightUIItemColorMixin:AddOverlayToFrame(reagent)
+ overlay:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', reagentIcon, 'TOPLEFT', 0, 0)
+ overlay:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', reagentIcon, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 0, 0)
+ local reagentCountText = _G["CraftReagent" .. i .. "Count"];
+ reagentCountText:Hide()
+ local reagentNameText = _G['CraftReagent' .. i .. 'Name']
+ reagentNameText:ClearAllPoints()
+ reagentNameText:SetPoint('LEFT', reagent, 'LEFT', 46, 0)
+ --
+ -- DF:
+ -- reagentNameText:SetSize(108, 36)
+ reagentNameText:SetSize(142, 36)
+ reagentNameText:SetJustifyH("LEFT");
+ local updateText = function()
+ local index = GetTradeSkillSelectionIndex()
+ local reagentName, reagentTexture, reagentCount, playerReagentCount = GetTradeSkillReagentInfo(index, i);
+ if (not reagentName or not reagentTexture) then return end
+ local newText = playerReagentCount .. "/" .. reagentCount .. ' ' .. reagentName
+ reagentNameText:SetText(newText)
+ local link = GetTradeSkillReagentItemLink(index, i)
+ if link then
+ local quality, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, classId = select(3, GetItemInfo(link));
+ if (classId == 12) then quality = LE_ITEM_QUALITY_QUEST; end
+ DragonflightUIItemColorMixin:UpdateOverlayQuality(reagent, quality)
+ end
+ end
+ --[[ hooksecurefunc(reagentCountText, 'SetText', function()
+ updateText(i)
+ end)
+ updateText(i)
+ ]]
+ local reagentNameFrame = _G['CraftReagent' .. i .. 'NameFrame']
+ reagentNameFrame:Hide()
+ end
+ hooksecurefunc('CraftFrame_SetSelection', function(id)
+ -- DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:UpdateRecipeName()
+ end)
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:UpdateRecipeName()
+ local index = GetTradeSkillSelectionIndex()
+ local quality = DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:GetRecipeQuality(index)
+ local r, g, b, hex = GetItemQualityColor(quality)
+ local name = TradeSkillSkillName
+ name:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
+ local stringWidth = name:GetStringWidth()
+ name:SetWidth(stringWidth)
+ local fav = frameRef.FavoriteButton
+ fav:UpdateFavoriteState()
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:GetRecipeQuality(index)
+ local tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "DragonflightUIScanningTooltip", nil, "GameTooltipTemplate")
+ tooltip:SetOwner(WorldFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE");
+ -- local _, skillType, _, _, _ = GetTradeSkillInfo(index);
+ -- if (skillType == "header") then return 1 end
+ if not index or index == 0 then return 1 end
+ tooltip:SetTradeSkillItem(index)
+ local name, link = tooltip:GetItem()
+ if not link then return 1 end
+ local itemString = string.match(link, "item[%-?%d:]+")
+ if not itemString then return 1; end
+ local _, itemId = strsplit(":", itemString)
+ itemId = tonumber(itemId)
+ if not itemId or itemId == "" then return 1; end
+ local itemName, itemLink, itemRarity, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc,
+ itemTexture, itemSellPrice, classID = GetItemInfo(link)
+ if not itemLevel or not itemId then return 1 end
+ return itemRarity
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:ToggleFilterDropdown()
+ -- print('DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:ToggleFilterDropdown()')
+ -- hide all other
+ local dropdown = frameRef.RecipeList.FilterDropDown
+ -- dropdown.point = 'TOPLEFT'
+ -- dropdown.relativePoint = 'TOPRIGHT'
+ -- if not dropdown:IsShown() then HideDropDownMenu(1); end
+ local menuTable = DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:FilterDropdownGetEasyMenuTable()
+ ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, dropdown, frameRef.RecipeList.FilterButton, 0, 0, menuTable, nil);
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:FilterDropdownOnLoad(self)
+ -- print('DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:FilterDropdownOnLoad(self)')
+ -- UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(self, DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin.FilterDropdownInitialize, 'MENU');
+ -- UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(self, 120);
+ -- UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(self, 1);
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:FilterDropdownUpdate()
+ -- print('DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:FilterDropdownUpdate()')
+ local dropdown = frameRef.RecipeList.FilterDropDown
+ dropdown.point = 'TOPLEFT'
+ dropdown.relativePoint = 'TOPRIGHT'
+ dropdown.displayMode = 'MENU'
+ local menuTable = DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:FilterDropdownGetEasyMenuTable()
+ -- EasyMenu(menuTable, dropdown, frameRef.RecipeList.FilterButton, 0, 0, "MENU");
+ UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(dropdown, EasyMenu_Initialize, 'MENU', nil, menuTable);
+ -- ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, dropdown, frameRef.RecipeList.FilterButton, 0, 0, menuTable, nil);
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:FilterDropdownRefresh()
+ -- TODO: find better way
+ DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:ToggleFilterDropdown()
+ DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:ToggleFilterDropdown()
+ frameRef:CheckFilter()
+local DFFilter = {}
+ local DFFilter_HasSkillUp = function(elementData)
+ local skillType = elementData.recipeInfo.skillType
+ local filter = DFFilter['DFFilter_HasSkillUp'].filter
+ -- print('DFFilter_HasSkillUp', elementData.recipeInfo.skillType, filter[skillType])
+ if filter[skillType] then
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ DFFilter['DFFilter_HasSkillUp'] = {
+ name = 'DFFilter_HasSkillUp',
+ filterDefault = {trivial = true, easy = true, medium = true, optimal = true, difficult = true},
+ filter = {},
+ func = DFFilter_HasSkillUp,
+ enabled = false
+ }
+ DFFilter['DFFilter_HasSkillUp'].filter = DFFilter['DFFilter_HasSkillUp'].filterDefault
+-- have materials
+ local DFFilter_HaveMaterials = function(elementData)
+ return elementData.recipeInfo.numAvailable > 0
+ end
+ DFFilter['DFFilter_HaveMaterials'] = {
+ name = 'DFFilter_HaveMaterials',
+ func = DFFilter_HaveMaterials,
+ enabled = false
+ }
+-- searchbox
+ local match = function(str, text)
+ return strfind(strupper(str), strupper(text))
+ end
+ local DFFilter_Searchbox = function(elementData)
+ --[[ local data = {
+ id = i,
+ isFavorite = isFavorite,
+ recipeInfo = {
+ name = skillName,
+ skillType = skillType,
+ numAvailable = numAvailable,
+ isExpanded = isExpanded,
+ altVerb = altVerb,
+ numSkills = numSkills
+ }
+ } ]]
+ local searchText = strupper(frameRef.RecipeList.SearchBox:GetText())
+ if searchText == '' then return true end
+ local id =
+ local info = elementData.recipeInfo
+ if match(, searchText) then return true end
+ local numReagents = GetCraftNumReagents(id);
+ for i = 1, numReagents do
+ local reagentName, reagentTexture, reagentCount, playerReagentCount = GetCraftReagentInfo(id, i);
+ if reagentName and match(reagentName, searchText) then return true end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ DFFilter['DFFilter_Searchbox'] = {name = 'DFFilter_Searchbox', func = DFFilter_Searchbox, enabled = true}
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:ResetFilter()
+ DFFilter['DFFilter_HasSkillUp'].enabled = false
+ DFFilter['DFFilter_HaveMaterials'].enabled = false
+ -- SetTradeSkillSubClassFilter(0, true, 1)
+ -- SetTradeSkillInvSlotFilter(0, true, 1)
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:AreFilterDefault()
+ -- local allCheckedSub = GetTradeSkillSubClassFilter(0);
+ -- if not allCheckedSub then return false end
+ -- local allCheckedInv = GetTradeSkillInvSlotFilter(0);
+ -- if not allCheckedInv then return false end
+ if DFFilter['DFFilter_HasSkillUp'].enabled then return false end
+ if DFFilter['DFFilter_HaveMaterials'].enabled then return false end
+ return true
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:CheckFilter()
+ local def = self:AreFilterDefault()
+ self.RecipeList.ResetButton:SetShown(not def)
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:FilterDropdownGetEasyMenuTable()
+ local menu = {
+ {
+ checked = DFFilter['DFFilter_HaveMaterials'].enabled,
+ isNotRadio = true,
+ keepShownOnClick = true,
+ func = function(self, arg1, arg2, checked)
+ -- print(self, arg1, arg2, checked)
+ DFFilter['DFFilter_HaveMaterials'].enabled = checked
+ frameRef.RecipeList:Refresh(true)
+ frameRef:CheckFilter()
+ end
+ }, {
+ text = 'Has skill up',
+ checked = DFFilter['DFFilter_HasSkillUp'].enabled,
+ isNotRadio = true,
+ keepShownOnClick = true,
+ func = function(self, arg1, arg2, checked)
+ -- print(self, arg1, arg2, checked)
+ -- print('Filter: Has skill up', checked)
+ if checked then
+ DFFilter['DFFilter_HasSkillUp'].enabled = true
+ DFFilter['DFFilter_HasSkillUp'].filter = {easy = true, medium = true, optimal = true}
+ else
+ DFFilter['DFFilter_HasSkillUp'].enabled = false
+ DFFilter['DFFilter_HasSkillUp'].filter = DFFilter['DFFilter_HasSkillUp'].filterDefault
+ end
+ frameRef.RecipeList:Refresh(true)
+ frameRef:CheckFilter()
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ return menu
+--[[ First Aid 129
+Blacksmithing 164
+Leatherworking 165
+Alchemy 171
+Herbalism 182
+Cooking 185
+Mining 186
+Tailoring 197
+Engineering 202
+Enchanting 333
+Fishing 356
+Skinning 393
+Jewelcrafting 755
+Inscription 773
+Archeology 794
+ ]]
+local professionDataTable = {}
+professionDataTable[129] = {tex = 'professionbackgroundart', bar = 'professionsfxalchemy', icon = 135966} -- first aid
+professionDataTable[164] = {
+ tex = 'ProfessionBackgroundArtBlacksmithing',
+ bar = 'professionsfxblacksmithing',
+ icon = 136241
+professionDataTable[165] = {
+ tex = 'ProfessionBackgroundArtLeatherworking',
+ bar = 'professionsfxleatherworking',
+ icon = 133611
+professionDataTable[171] = {tex = 'ProfessionBackgroundArtAlchemy', bar = 'professionsfxalchemy', icon = 136240}
+professionDataTable[182] = {tex = 'ProfessionBackgroundArtHerbalism', bar = '', icon = 136246} -- herb
+professionDataTable[185] = {tex = 'ProfessionBackgroundArtCooking', bar = 'professionsfxcooking', icon = 133971}
+professionDataTable[186] = {tex = 'ProfessionBackgroundArtMining', bar = 'professionsfxmining', icon = 136248}
+professionDataTable[197] = {tex = 'ProfessionBackgroundArtTailoring', bar = 'professionsfxtailoring', icon = 136249}
+professionDataTable[202] = {tex = 'ProfessionBackgroundArtEngineering', bar = 'professionsfxengineering', icon = 136243}
+professionDataTable[333] = {tex = 'ProfessionBackgroundArtEnchanting', bar = 'professionsfxenchanting', icon = 136244}
+professionDataTable[356] = {tex = 'ProfessionBackgroundArtFishing', bar = '', icon = 136245} -- fisch
+professionDataTable[393] = {tex = 'ProfessionBackgroundArtSkinning', bar = 'professionsfxskinning', icon = 134366} -- skinning
+professionDataTable[755] = {
+ tex = 'ProfessionBackgroundArtJewelcrafting',
+ bar = 'professionsfxjewelcrafting',
+ icon = 134071
+professionDataTable[773] = {tex = 'ProfessionBackgroundArtInscription', bar = 'professionsfxinscription', icon = 237171}
+professionDataTable[794] = {
+ tex = 'ProfessionBackgroundArtLeatherworking',
+ bar = 'professionsfxleatherworking',
+ icon = 441139
+} -- archeology
+professionDataTable[666] = {tex = 'ProfessionBackgroundArtAlchemy', bar = 'professionsfxalchemy', icon = 136242} -- poison
+professionDataTable[667] = {tex = 'professionbackgroundart', bar = 'professionsfxskinning', icon = 132162} -- beast training
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:UpdateHeader()
+ self.NineSlice.Text:SetText('**')
+ self.Icon:SetTexture('')
+ SetPortraitToTexture(self.Icon, self.Icon:GetTexture())
+ local skillID, icon = DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:GetProfessionID()
+ if not skillID then return end
+ -- print('skillID', skillID)
+ local profData = professionDataTable[skillID]
+ local nameLoc, rank, maxRank = GetCraftDisplaySkillLine();
+ if not nameLoc then nameLoc = GetCraftSkillLine(1) end -- beast training
+ -- print(nameLoc, skillID, icon)
+ -- self.NineSlice.Text:SetText(nameLoc)
+ self.Icon:SetTexture(profData.icon)
+ SetPortraitToTexture(self.Icon, self.Icon:GetTexture())
+ local isLink, playerName = IsTradeSkillLinked()
+ if isLink then
+ --
+ self.NineSlice.Text:SetText(nameLoc .. ' (' .. playerName .. ')')
+ self.LinkButton:Hide()
+ else
+ self.NineSlice.Text:SetText(nameLoc)
+ if DF.Era then
+ self.LinkButton:Hide()
+ else
+ self.LinkButton:Show()
+ end
+ end
+ -- DevTools_Dump(profData)
+ self.SchematicForm.Background:SetTexture(base .. profData.tex)
+ -- RankFrame
+ if skillID ~= self.currentSkillID then self.RankFrameBar:SetStatusBarTexture(base .. end
+ self.RankFrame:UpdateRankFrame(rank, 0, maxRank)
+ self.currentSkillID = skillID
+function DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:GetProfessionID()
+ -- localized...
+ local nameLoc, rank, maxRank = GetCraftDisplaySkillLine();
+ if not nameLoc then nameLoc = GetCraftSkillLine(1) end -- beast training
+ local skillID = DragonflightUILocalizationData:GetSkillIDFromProfessionName(nameLoc)
+ local profData = professionDataTable[skillID]
+ return skillID, profData.icon
+DFProfessionsCraftRecipeListMixin = CreateFromMixins(CallbackRegistryMixin);
+function DFProfessionsCraftRecipeListMixin:OnLoad()
+ -- print('DFProfessionsCraftRecipeListMixin:OnLoad()')
+ CallbackRegistryMixin.OnLoad(self);
+ self.selectedSkill = GetCraftSelectionIndex() or 2
+ -- print('self.selectedSkill', self.selectedSkill)
+ self.DataProvider = CreateTreeDataProvider()
+ local indent = 10;
+ local padLeft = 0;
+ local pad = 5;
+ local spacing = 1;
+ local view = CreateScrollBoxListTreeListView(indent, pad, pad, padLeft, pad, spacing);
+ self.View = view
+ view:SetElementFactory(function(factory, node)
+ local elementData = node:GetData();
+ if elementData.categoryInfo then
+ local function Initializer(button, node)
+ button:Init(node);
+ -- print('initCats',, self.selectedSkill)
+ button:SetScript("OnClick", function(button, buttonName)
+ node:ToggleCollapsed();
+ button:SetCollapseState(node:IsCollapsed());
+ if elementData.categoryInfo.isExpanded then
+ -- CollapseTradeSkillSubClass(
+ else
+ -- ExpandTradeSkillSubClass(
+ end
+ end);
+ --[[
+ button:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+ EventRegistry:TriggerEvent("ProfessionsDebug.CraftingRecipeListCategoryEntered", button,
+ elementData.categoryInfo);
+ ProfessionsRecipeListCategoryMixin.OnEnter(button);
+ end); ]]
+ end
+ factory("ProfessionsRecipeListCategoryTemplate", Initializer);
+ elseif elementData.recipeInfo then
+ local function Initializer(button, node)
+ button:Init(node, false);
+ if elementData.recipeInfo.craftSubSpellName then
+ button.Count:SetText(" (" .. elementData.recipeInfo.craftSubSpellName .. ")")
+ button.Count:Show()
+ local padding = 10;
+ local countWidth = button.Count:GetStringWidth() or 0;
+ local width = button:GetWidth() - (countWidth + padding + button.SkillUps:GetWidth());
+ button.Label:SetWidth(button:GetWidth());
+ button.Label:SetWidth(math.min(width, button.Label:GetStringWidth()));
+ end
+ -- print('init',, self.selectedSkill)
+ if == self.selectedSkill then self.selectionBehavior:Select(button) end
+ local selected = self.selectionBehavior:IsElementDataSelected(node);
+ button:SetSelected(selected);
+ button:SetScript("OnClick", function(button, buttonName, down)
+ --[[ EventRegistry:TriggerEvent("ProfessionsDebug.CraftingRecipeListRecipeClicked", button, buttonName,
+ down, elementData.recipeInfo);]]
+ -- print('OnClick', buttonName,
+ if buttonName == "LeftButton" then
+ if IsModifiedClick() then
+ --[[ local link = C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeLink(elementData.recipeInfo.recipeID);
+ if not HandleModifiedItemClick(link) and IsModifiedClick("RECIPEWATCHTOGGLE") and
+ Professions.CanTrackRecipe(elementData.recipeInfo) then
+ local recrafting = false;
+ local tracked = C_TradeSkillUI.IsRecipeTracked(elementData.recipeInfo.recipeID,
+ recrafting);
+ C_TradeSkillUI.SetRecipeTracked(elementData.recipeInfo.recipeID, not tracked, recrafting);
+ end ]]
+ HandleModifiedItemClick(GetCraftItemLink(;
+ else
+ self.selectionBehavior:Select(button);
+ end
+ elseif buttonName == "RightButton" then
+ -- If additional context menu options are added, move this
+ -- public view check to the dropdown initializer.
+ --[[ if elementData.recipeInfo.learned and Professions.InLocalCraftingMode() then
+ ToggleDropDownMenu(1, elementData.recipeInfo, self.ContextMenu, "cursor");
+ end ]]
+ end
+ end);
+ --[[ button:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+ ProfessionsRecipeListRecipeMixin.OnEnter(button);
+ EventRegistry:TriggerEvent("ProfessionsDebug.CraftingRecipeListRecipeEntered", button,
+ elementData.recipeInfo);
+ end); ]]
+ end
+ factory("ProfessionsRecipeListRecipeTemplate", Initializer);
+ elseif elementData.isDivider then
+ factory("ProfessionsRecipeListDividerTemplate");
+ else
+ factory("Frame");
+ end
+ end);
+ view:SetDataProvider(self.DataProvider)
+ view:SetElementExtentCalculator(function(dataIndex, node)
+ local elementData = node:GetData();
+ local baseElementHeight = 20;
+ local categoryPadding = 5;
+ if elementData.recipeInfo then return baseElementHeight; end
+ if elementData.categoryInfo then return baseElementHeight + categoryPadding; end
+ if elementData.dividerHeight then return elementData.dividerHeight; end
+ if elementData.topPadding then return 1; end
+ if elementData.bottomPadding then return 10; end
+ end);
+ ScrollUtil.InitScrollBoxListWithScrollBar(self.ScrollBox, self.ScrollBar, view);
+ local function OnSelectionChanged(o, elementData, selected)
+ -- print('OnSelectionChanged', o, elementData, selected)
+ local button = self.ScrollBox:FindFrame(elementData);
+ if button then button:SetSelected(selected); end
+ if selected then
+ local data = elementData:GetData();
+ -- TradeSkillSkillButton_OnClick(test, 'LeftButton')
+ local newRecipeID =
+ local changed = ~= self.selectedSkill
+ if changed then
+ -- print('OnSelectionChanged-changed',
+ self.selectedSkill = newRecipeID
+ EventRegistry:TriggerEvent("DFProfessionsCraftRecipeListMixin.Event.OnRecipeSelected", newRecipeID, self);
+ CraftFrame_SetSelection(newRecipeID)
+ self:SelectRecipe(newRecipeID, false)
+ frameRef.FavoriteButton:UpdateFavoriteState()
+ -- if newRecipeID then self.previousRecipeID = newRecipeID; end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ self.selectionBehavior = ScrollUtil.AddSelectionBehavior(self.ScrollBox);
+ self.selectionBehavior:RegisterCallback(SelectionBehaviorMixin.Event.OnSelectionChanged, OnSelectionChanged, self);
+function DFProfessionsCraftRecipeListMixin:OnEvent(event, ...)
+ -- print('DFProfessionsCraftRecipeListMixin:OnEvent(event, ...)', event, ...)
+function DFProfessionsCraftRecipeListMixin:OnShow()
+ -- print('DFProfessionsCraftRecipeListMixin:OnShow()')
+ -- self:Refresh()
+ -- EventRegistry:TriggerEvent("DFProfessionsCraftRecipeListMixin.Event.OnRecipeSelected", self.selectedSkill, self);
+function DFProfessionsCraftRecipeListMixin:Refresh(force)
+ -- print('->DFProfessionsCraftRecipeListMixin:Refresh()', force == true)
+ local numSkills = GetNumCrafts()
+ local index = GetCraftSelectionIndex()
+ --[[ if index > numSkills then
+ index = GetFirstTradeSkill()
+ TradeSkillFrame_SetSelection(index)
+ end ]]
+ local changed = self.selectedSkill ~= index
+ self.selectedSkill = index
+ local oldScroll = self.ScrollBox:GetScrollPercentage()
+ self:UpdateRecipeList()
+ self:SelectRecipe(index, true)
+ frameRef.FavoriteButton:UpdateFavoriteState()
+ if (not changed) and (not force) then
+ -- print('set old scroll')
+ self.ScrollBox:SetScrollPercentage(oldScroll, ScrollBoxConstants.NoScrollInterpolation)
+ end
+function DFProfessionsCraftRecipeListMixin:SelectRecipe(id, scrollToRecipe)
+ local elementData = self.selectionBehavior:SelectElementDataByPredicate(function(node)
+ local data = node:GetData();
+ return data.recipeInfo and == id
+ end);
+ if scrollToRecipe then
+ self.ScrollBox:ScrollToElementData(elementData);
+ -- ScrollBoxConstants.AlignCenter, ScrollBoxConstants.RetainScrollPosition
+ end
+ return elementData;
+function DFProfessionsCraftRecipeListMixin:UpdateRecipeList()
+ local dataProvider = CreateTreeDataProvider();
+ local filterTable = DFFilter
+ local numSkills = GetNumCrafts()
+ local headerID = -1
+ do
+ local data = {id = 0, categoryInfo = {name = 'Favorites', isExpanded = true}}
+ dataProvider:Insert(data)
+ local dataTwo = {id = -1, categoryInfo = {name = 'No Category', isExpanded = true}}
+ dataProvider:Insert(dataTwo)
+ end
+ for i = 1, numSkills do
+ -- local skillName, skillType, numAvailable, isExpanded, altVerb, numSkillUps = GetTradeSkillInfo(i);
+ -- local craftName, craftSubSpellName, craftType, numAvailable, isExpanded, trainingPointCost, requiredLevel = GetCraftInfo(i)
+ local skillName, craftSubSpellName, skillType, numAvailable, isExpanded, trainingPointCost, requiredLevel =
+ GetCraftInfo(i)
+ if skillType == "none" then
+ skillType = "easy"
+ elseif skillType == "used" then
+ skillType = "trivial"
+ end
+ if craftType == 'header' then
+ -- local data = {id = i, categoryInfo = {name = skillName, isExpanded = isExpanded == 1}}
+ -- dataProvider:Insert(data)
+ -- headerID = i
+ else
+ -- print('--', skillName)
+ local isFavorite = DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:IsRecipeFavorite(skillName)
+ local data = {
+ id = i,
+ isFavorite = isFavorite,
+ recipeInfo = {
+ name = skillName,
+ craftSubSpellName = craftSubSpellName,
+ skillType = skillType,
+ numAvailable = numAvailable,
+ isExpanded = isExpanded
+ }
+ }
+ local filtered = true
+ for k, filter in pairs(filterTable) do
+ --
+ if filter.enabled then
+ --
+ if not filter.func(data) then
+ --
+ filtered = false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if filtered then
+ --
+ dataProvider:InsertInParentByPredicate(data, function(node)
+ local nodeData = node:GetData()
+ if data.isFavorite then
+ return == 0
+ else
+ return == headerID
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- DevTools_Dump(dataProvider)
+ local nodes = dataProvider:GetChildrenNodes()
+ local nodesToRemove = {}
+ -- print('NODES', #nodes)
+ for k, child in ipairs(nodes) do
+ --
+ local numChildNodes = #child:GetNodes()
+ -- print('numChildNodes', numChildNodes)
+ if numChildNodes < 1 then
+ --
+ -- print('remove node')
+ -- dataProvider:Remove(child)
+ table.insert(nodesToRemove, child)
+ end
+ end
+ for k, node in ipairs(nodesToRemove) do
+ --
+ -- print('to remove', k, node)
+ dataProvider:Remove(node)
+ end
+ -- print('UpdateRecipeList()', numSkills, dataProvider:GetSize(false))
+ self.ScrollBox:SetDataProvider(dataProvider);
diff --git a/Mixin/UI.mixin.lua b/Mixin/UI.mixin.lua
index f22a9c1..8eadbb0 100644
--- a/Mixin/UI.mixin.lua
+++ b/Mixin/UI.mixin.lua
@@ -397,6 +397,13 @@ function DragonflightUIMixin:CreateProfessionFrame()
return frame
+function DragonflightUIMixin:CreateProfessionCraftFrame()
+ -- print('DragonflightUIMixin:CreateProfessionFrame()')
+ local frame = CreateFrame('FRAME', 'DragonflightUIProfessionCraftFrame', UIParent,
+ 'DragonflightUIProfessionCraftFrameTemplate')
+ return frame
function DragonflightUIMixin:ChangeTradeskillFrameCata(frame)
-- print('DragonflightUIMixin:ChangeTradeskillFrameCata()')
diff --git a/Modules/UI.lua b/Modules/UI.lua
index c3d1b54..78779ea 100644
--- a/Modules/UI.lua
+++ b/Modules/UI.lua
@@ -449,6 +449,22 @@ function Module:UpdateTradeskills()
+ Module:FuncOrWaitframe('Blizzard_CraftUI', function()
+ -- print('Blizzard_CraftUI')
+ local DFProfessionCraftFrame = DragonflightUIMixin:CreateProfessionCraftFrame()
+ UIPanelWindows["CraftFrame"] = {
+ whileDead = 1,
+ height = 424,
+ width = 942,
+ bottomClampOverride = 152,
+ xoffset = -16 + 4,
+ yoffset = 12,
+ pushable = 3,
+ area = "left"
+ }
+ end)
if IsAddOnLoaded('Auctionator') then DF.Compatibility:AuctionatorCraftingInfoFrame() end
diff --git a/XML/ProfessionTwo.xml b/XML/ProfessionTwo.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a71470a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XML/ProfessionTwo.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+ DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:ToggleFilterDropdown()
+ DragonFlightUIProfessionCraftMixin:FilterDropdownOnLoad(self)