KBazaar - Online Shopping Application (Workshop)
KBazaar is a new online shopping platform aiming to provide a smooth and user-friendly experience for customers. This workshop will focus on implementing essential functionalities using REST APIs for the KBazaar server.
MVP Scope: This workshop will focus on building the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) functionalities, prioritizing core features that deliver the most value to customers. This includes:
Products: Customers can browse and view product details which is associated with Shop Carts: Customers can add and remove items to their carts. Promotions: Customers can apply promotional codes to their carts.
- Promotion could be a percentage discount or a fixed amount discount.
- Promotion could be applied to the entire cart or specific products.
- Promotion could be Buy 2 Get 1 Free or Buy 3 Get 1 Free Kpoints: Customers can earn Kpoints for every purchase and redeem them for discounts.
- Kpoints could be earned based on the amount spent.
- Kpoints could be redeemed for a discount on the next purchase.
- Kpoints could be used to get a free product.
- Kpoints could be used to get a discount on the entire cart.
Requirements: Consist with user stories and acceptance criteria as well as technical requirements. REST API Endpoints: could be /products, /carts, /promotions, /kpoints assume we have fix user id for now, so we can use /carts/{username} to get the cart of the user
User Stories:
As a Shopper, I want to view a list of available products, so that I can browse and select the products I want to purchase.
- The API retrieves a list of all products
- Each product object includes essential details like id, name, description, price, sku and stock quantity.
- REST API Endpoint: GET /products
- Response: 200 OK with a list of products in JSON format
- Each product object should include id, name, description, price, sku and stock quantity.
- any error should be handled and return 404 Not Found with an appropriate error message if the product doesn't exist. for example: {"message": "Product not found"} with 404 status code
As a Shopper, I want to view details of a specific product by its SKU, so that I can get more information about the product before making a purchase.
- The API retrieves details of a specific product based on the provided SKU.
- Returns a 200 OK with the product details if found.
- Returns a 404 Not Found with an appropriate error message if the product doesn't exist.
- REST API Endpoint: GET /products/{sku}
- Path Variable: {sku} - Represents the unique product identifier.
- Response: 200 OK with the product details in JSON format if found
- Response: 404 Not Found with an appropriate error message if the product doesn't exist
- any error should be handled and return 404 Not Found with an appropriate error message if the product doesn't exist. for example: {"message": "Product not found"} with 404 status code
As a Product Manager, I want to have pagination for the products, so that I can manage the products more efficiently.
- The API retrieves a list of all products with pagination.
- Each product object includes essential details like id, name, description, price, sku and stock quantity.
- The API supports pagination with query parameters like page and limit.
- REST API Endpoint: GET /products with query parameters
- Query Parameters: page, limit
- Response: 200 OK with a list of products in JSON format
- Each product object should include id, name, description, price, sku and stock quantity.
- The API should support pagination based on the query parameters.
As a Shopper, I want to add a specific product to my cart, so that I can purchase the product later.
- The API adds the specified product (identified by its ID) to the user's cart with the provided quantity.
- Returns a 201 Created with a success message if the item is added successfully.
- Returns a 400 Bad Request with an appropriate error message if the request body is invalid (e.g., missing fields or invalid data format).
- REST API Endpoint: POST /carts/{username}/items
- Path Variable: {username} - Represents the unique user identifier.
- Request Body: Content Type: application/json
- Request Body Example: {"productSku": 1, "quantity": 2}
- Response: 201 Created with a success message if the item is added successfully
- Response: 400 Bad Request with an appropriate error message if the request body is invalid
- any error should be handled and return 400 Bad Request with an appropriate error message if the request body is invalid. for example: {"message": "Invalid request body"} with 400 status code
As a Shopper, I want to apply a promotion code discount to my cart, so that I can get a discount on my purchase.
- The API applies the promotion code
discount to the shopper cart. - Returns a 200 OK with the updated cart details if the promotion code is applied successfully.
- REST API Endpoint: POST /carts/{username}/promotions
- Path Variable: {username} - Represents the unique user identifier.
- Request Body: Content Type: application/json
- Request Body Example: {"code": "FIXEDAMOUNT10"}
As a Shopper, I want to apply a promotion code discount to specific product in my cart, so that I can get a discount on my purchase.
- The API applies the promotion code
discount to the specific product skuSTATIONERY-STAPLER-SWINGLINE
in the shopper cart. - Returns a 200 OK with the updated cart details if the promotion code is applied successfully.
- REST API Endpoint: POST /carts/{username}/promotions
- Path Variable: {username} - Represents the unique user identifier.
- Request Body: Content Type: application/json
- Request Body Example: {"code": "FIXEDAMOUNT2", "productSkus": ["STATIONERY-STAPLER-SWINGLINE"]}
As a Product Owner, I want to limit the discount amount when shopper apply promotion code to the cart, so that I can control the discount amount.
- The API applies the promotion code
30% Discount Up to 200 Baht Off Entire Cart discount to the shopper cart. - Returns a 200 OK with the updated cart details if the promotion code is applied successfully.
- REST API Endpoint: POST /carts/{username}/promotions
- Path Variable: {username} - Represents the unique user identifier.
- Request Body: Content Type: application/json
- Request Body Example: {"code": "THIRTYPERCENTOFFLIMIT200"}
As a Shopper, I want to apply a promotional code to get free product, so that I can get a free item on my purchase.
- The API applies the promotional code
to the shopper cart. - Returns a 200 OK with the updated cart details if the promotional code is applied successfully.
- REST API Endpoint: POST /carts/{username}/promotions
- Path Variable: {username} - Represents the unique user identifier.
- Request Body: Content Type: application/json
- Request Body Example: {"code": "BUY2GET1FREE"}
As a Shopper, I want to apply a promotional code to specific product to get discount, so that I can get a discount on my purchase.
- The API applies the promotional code
to the specific product skuMOBILE-APPLE-IPHONE-12-PRO
in the shopper cart.
- REST API Endpoint: POST /carts/{username}/promotions
- Path Variable: {username} - Represents the unique user identifier.
- Request Body: Content Type: application/json
- Request Body Example: {"code": "SPECIFICPRODUCT30OFF", "productSkus": ["MOBILE-APPLE-IPHONE-12-PRO"]}
As a Shopper, I want to to have a promotion applied to a product automatically, so that I can get a discount on my purchase.
- The API applies the promotion code discount to the product sku
in the shopper cart. - Returns a 200 OK with the updated cart details if the promotion code is applied successfully.
- REST API Endpoint: POST /carts/{username}/promotions
- Path Variable: {username} - Represents the unique user identifier.
- Request Body: Content Type: application/json
- Request Body Example: {"productSku": "MOBILE-APPLE-IPHONE-12-PRO"}
As a Shopper, I want to earn Kpoints for every purchase, so that I can redeem them for discounts on my next purchase.
- The API calculates and adds Kpoints to the user's account based on the amount spent.
- Returns a 200 OK with the updated Kpoints balance if the Kpoints are added successfully.
- Returns a 400 Bad Request with an appropriate error message if the request body is invalid (e.g., missing fields or invalid data format).
- REST API Endpoint: POST /kpoints/{username}/earn
- Path Variable: {username} - Represents the unique user identifier.
- Request Body: Content Type: application/json
- Request Body Example: {"amount_spent": 100.00}
- Response: 200 OK with the updated Kpoints balance if the Kpoints are added successfully
- Response: 400 Bad Request with an appropriate error message if the request body is invalid
- any error should be handled and return 400 Bad Request with an appropriate error message if the request body is invalid. for example: {"message": "Invalid request body"} with 400 status code
As a Shopper, I want to redeem Kpoints for a discount on my next purchase, so that I can save money on my order.
- The API applies the Kpoints discount to the user's cart based on the number of Kpoints redeemed.
- Returns a 200 OK with the updated cart details if the Kpoints are redeemed successfully.
- Returns a 404 Not Found with an appropriate error message if the Kpoints are insufficient or invalid.
- REST API Endpoint: POST /carts/{username}/kpoints
- Path Variable: {username} - Represents the unique user identifier.
- Request Body: Content Type: application/json
- Request Body Example: {"kpoints": 100}
- Response: 200 OK with the updated cart details if the Kpoints are redeemed successfully
- Response: 404 Not Found with an appropriate error message if the Kpoints are insufficient or invalid
- any error should be handled and return 404 Not Found with an appropriate error message if the Kpoints are insufficient or invalid. for example: {"message": "Insufficient Kpoints"} with 404 status code
As a Shopper, I want to remove a specific product from my cart, so that I can update my purchase before checking out.
- The API removes the specified product (identified by its ID) from the user's cart.
- Any promotional discounts or Kpoints associated with the removed product should be recalculated and updated.
- Returns a 200 OK with a success message if the item is removed successfully.
- Returns a 404 Not Found with an appropriate error message if the product doesn't exist in the cart.
- REST API Endpoint: DELETE /carts/{username}/items/{productSku}
- Path Variable: {username} - Represents the unique user identifier.
- Path Variable: {productSku} - Represents the unique product identifier.
- Response: 200 OK with a success message if the item is removed successfully
- Response: 404 Not Found with an appropriate error message if the product doesn't exist in the cart
- any error should be handled and return 404 Not Found with an appropriate error message if the product doesn't exist in the cart. for example: {"message": "Product not found in the cart"} with 404 status code
As a Shopper, I want to view my cart details, so that I can review the products and discounts before checking out.
- The API retrieves the user's cart details including products, quantities, prices, discounts, and total amount.
- Returns a 200 OK with the cart details in JSON format if the cart exists.
- Returns a 404 Not Found with an appropriate error message if the cart doesn't exist.
- REST API Endpoint: GET /carts/{username}
- Path Variable: {username} - Represents the unique user identifier.
- Response: 200 OK with the cart details in JSON format if the cart exists
- Response: 404 Not Found with an appropriate error message if the cart doesn't exist
- any error should be handled and return 404 Not Found with an appropriate error message if the cart doesn't exist. for example: {"message": "Cart not found"} with 404 status code
As a Shopper, I want to place an order with the items in my cart, so that I can complete my purchase.
- The API creates an order with the items in the user's cart and updates the stock quantity of the products.
- Returns a 201 Created with the order details if the order is placed successfully.
- Returns a 400 Bad Request with an appropriate error message if the cart is empty or the stock quantity is insufficient.
- REST API Endpoint: POST /orders/{username}
- Path Variable: {username} - Represents the unique user identifier.
- Response: 201 Created with the order details if the order is placed successfully
- Response: 400 Bad Request with an appropriate error message if the cart is empty or the stock quantity is insufficient
- any error should be handled and return 400 Bad Request with an appropriate error message if the cart is empty or the stock quantity is insufficient. for example: {"message": "Cart is empty"} with 400 status code
Technical hints: อย่าพึ่งเปิดให้คิดเองก่อน
- Get Products (GET /products):
- Description: Retrieves a list of available products.
- Response:
- Status Code: 200 OK
- Content Type: application/json
- Example Payload:
"id": 1,
"name": "T-Shirt",
"description": "A comfortable and stylish T-shirt",
"price": 19.99,
"image_url": "https://example.com/tshirt.jpg"
"id": 2,
"name": "Mug",
"description": "A beautiful mug for your morning coffee",
"price": 9.99,
"image_url": "https://example.com/mug.jpg"
- Get Product by ID (GET /products/{sku}):
- Description: Retrieves details of a specific product by its sku.
- Response:
- Status Code: 200 OK
- Content Type: application/json
- Example Payload:
"id": 1,
"name": "Apple iPhone 12 Pro",
"price": 20990.25,
"quantity": 50
- Add Product to Cart (POST /carts/{username}/items):
- Description: Adds a specific product to the user's cart.
- Request:
- Content Type: application/json
- Example Payload: POST /carts/TechNinja/items
"productSku": "MOBILE-APPLE-IPHONE-12-PRO",
"quantity": 1
- Response:
- Status Code: 201 Created
- Content Type: application/json
- Example Payload:
"username": "TechNinja",
"items": [
"name": "Apple iPhone 12 Pro",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 100.00,
"discount": 0.00,
"finalPrice": 100.00
"totalPrice": 100.00,
"totalDiscount": 0.00
- Apply Promotion Code to Cart (POST /carts/{username}/promotions):
- Description: Applies a promotion code discount to the user's cart.
- Request:
- Content Type: application/json
- Example Payload: POST /carts/TechNinja/promotions
"code": "FIXEDAMOUNT10"
- Response:
- Status Code: 200 OK
- Content Type: application/json
- Example Payload:
"username": "TechNinja",
"items": [
"name": "Apple iPhone 12 Pro",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 100.00,
"discount": 10.00,
"finalPrice": 90.00
"totalPrice": 90.00,
"totalDiscount": 10.00
- Earn Kpoints (POST /kpoints/{username}/earn):
- Description: Adds Kpoints to the user's account based on the amount spent.
- Request:
- Content Type: application/json
- Example Payload: POST /kpoints/TechNinja/earn
"amount_spent": 100.00
- Response:
- Status Code: 200 OK
- Content Type: application/json
- Example Payload:
"username": "TechNinja",
"kpoints": 10
- Paggiante Products (GET /products):
- Description: Retrieves a list of all products with pagination.
- https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/rest/index.html#offset-based-pagination
- Query Parameters: page, per_page
- Example: GET /products?page=1&per_page=10
- Response:
- Status Code: 200 OK
- Content Type: application/json
- Example:
"id": 1,
"name": "T-Shirt",
"description": "A comfortable and stylish T-shirt",
"price": 19.99,
"image_url": "https://example.com/tshirt.jpg"
"id": 2,
"name": "Mug",
"description": "A beautiful mug for your morning coffee",
"price": 9.99,
"image_url": "https://example.com/mug.jpg"
Content-Type: application/json
x-next-page: 3
x-page: 2
x-per-page: 3
x-prev-page: 1
x-total: 10
x-total-pages: 3