diff --git a/dev/api/index.html b/dev/api/index.html index 96dc2e4..bb3c8c4 100644 --- a/dev/api/index.html +++ b/dev/api/index.html @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ API · AbstractFFTs.jl

Public Interface

FFT and FFT planning functions

fft(A [, dims])

Performs a multidimensional FFT of the array A. The optional dims argument specifies an iterable subset of dimensions (e.g. an integer, range, tuple, or array) to transform along. Most efficient if the size of A along the transformed dimensions is a product of small primes; see Base.nextprod. See also plan_fft() for even greater efficiency.

A one-dimensional FFT computes the one-dimensional discrete Fourier transform (DFT) as defined by

\[\operatorname{DFT}(A)[k] = \sum_{n=1}^{\operatorname{length}(A)} \exp\left(-i\frac{2\pi - (n-1)(k-1)}{\operatorname{length}(A)} \right) A[n].\]

A multidimensional FFT simply performs this operation along each transformed dimension of A.


This performs a multidimensional FFT by default. FFT libraries in other languages such as Python and Octave perform a one-dimensional FFT along the first non-singleton dimension of the array. This is worth noting while performing comparisons.

fft!(A [, dims])

Same as fft, but operates in-place on A, which must be an array of complex floating-point numbers.

ifft(A [, dims])

Multidimensional inverse FFT.

A one-dimensional inverse FFT computes

\[\operatorname{IDFT}(A)[k] = \frac{1}{\operatorname{length}(A)} + (n-1)(k-1)}{\operatorname{length}(A)} \right) A[n].\]

A multidimensional FFT simply performs this operation along each transformed dimension of A.


This performs a multidimensional FFT by default. FFT libraries in other languages such as Python and Octave perform a one-dimensional FFT along the first non-singleton dimension of the array. This is worth noting while performing comparisons.

fft!(A [, dims])

Same as fft, but operates in-place on A, which must be an array of complex floating-point numbers.

ifft(A [, dims])

Multidimensional inverse FFT.

A one-dimensional inverse FFT computes

\[\operatorname{IDFT}(A)[k] = \frac{1}{\operatorname{length}(A)} \sum_{n=1}^{\operatorname{length}(A)} \exp\left(+i\frac{2\pi (n-1)(k-1)} -{\operatorname{length}(A)} \right) A[n].\]

A multidimensional inverse FFT simply performs this operation along each transformed dimension of A.

bfft(A [, dims])

Similar to ifft, but computes an unnormalized inverse (backward) transform, which must be divided by the product of the sizes of the transformed dimensions in order to obtain the inverse. (This is slightly more efficient than ifft because it omits a scaling step, which in some applications can be combined with other computational steps elsewhere.)

\[\operatorname{BDFT}(A)[k] = \operatorname{length}(A) \operatorname{IDFT}(A)[k]\]

plan_fft(A [, dims]; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE, timelimit=Inf)

Pre-plan an optimized FFT along given dimensions (dims) of arrays matching the shape and type of A. (The first two arguments have the same meaning as for fft.) Returns an object P which represents the linear operator computed by the FFT, and which contains all of the information needed to compute fft(A, dims) quickly.

To apply P to an array A, use P * A; in general, the syntax for applying plans is much like that of matrices. (A plan can only be applied to arrays of the same size as the A for which the plan was created.) You can also apply a plan with a preallocated output array  by calling mul!(Â, plan, A). (For mul!, however, the input array A must be a complex floating-point array like the output Â.) You can compute the inverse-transform plan by inv(P) and apply the inverse plan with P \  (the inverse plan is cached and reused for subsequent calls to inv or \), and apply the inverse plan to a pre-allocated output array A with ldiv!(A, P, Â).

The flags argument is a bitwise-or of FFTW planner flags, defaulting to FFTW.ESTIMATE. e.g. passing FFTW.MEASURE or FFTW.PATIENT will instead spend several seconds (or more) benchmarking different possible FFT algorithms and picking the fastest one; see the FFTW manual for more information on planner flags. The optional timelimit argument specifies a rough upper bound on the allowed planning time, in seconds. Passing FFTW.MEASURE or FFTW.PATIENT may cause the input array A to be overwritten with zeros during plan creation.

plan_fft! is the same as plan_fft but creates a plan that operates in-place on its argument (which must be an array of complex floating-point numbers). plan_ifft and so on are similar but produce plans that perform the equivalent of the inverse transforms ifft and so on.

rfft(A [, dims])

Multidimensional FFT of a real array A, exploiting the fact that the transform has conjugate symmetry in order to save roughly half the computational time and storage costs compared with fft. If A has size (n_1, ..., n_d), the result has size (div(n_1,2)+1, ..., n_d).

The optional dims argument specifies an iterable subset of one or more dimensions of A to transform, similar to fft. Instead of (roughly) halving the first dimension of A in the result, the dims[1] dimension is (roughly) halved in the same way.

irfft(A, d [, dims])

Inverse of rfft: for a complex array A, gives the corresponding real array whose FFT yields A in the first half. As for rfft, dims is an optional subset of dimensions to transform, defaulting to 1:ndims(A).

d is the length of the transformed real array along the dims[1] dimension, which must satisfy div(d,2)+1 == size(A,dims[1]). (This parameter cannot be inferred from size(A) since both 2*size(A,dims[1])-2 as well as 2*size(A,dims[1])-1 are valid sizes for the transformed real array.)

brfft(A, d [, dims])

Similar to irfft but computes an unnormalized inverse transform (similar to bfft), which must be divided by the product of the sizes of the transformed dimensions (of the real output array) in order to obtain the inverse transform.

plan_rfft(A [, dims]; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE, timelimit=Inf)

Pre-plan an optimized real-input FFT, similar to plan_fft except for rfft instead of fft. The first two arguments, and the size of the transformed result, are the same as for rfft.

plan_brfft(A, d [, dims]; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE, timelimit=Inf)

Pre-plan an optimized real-input unnormalized transform, similar to plan_rfft except for brfft instead of rfft. The first two arguments and the size of the transformed result, are the same as for brfft.

plan_irfft(A, d [, dims]; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE, timelimit=Inf)

Pre-plan an optimized inverse real-input FFT, similar to plan_rfft except for irfft and brfft, respectively. The first three arguments have the same meaning as for irfft.


Return an iterable of the dimensions that are transformed by the FFT plan p.


For legacy reasons, the default definition of fftdims returns p.region. Hence this method should be implemented only for Plan subtypes that do not store the transformed dimensions in a field named region.

fftshift(x, [dim])

Circular-shift along the given dimension of a periodic signal x centered at index 1 so it becomes centered at index N÷2+1, where N is the size of that dimension.

This can be undone with ifftshift. For even N this is equivalent to swapping the first and second halves, so fftshift and ifftshift are the same.

If dim is not given then the signal is shifted along each dimension.

The output of fftshift is allocated. If one desires to store the output in a preallocated array, use fftshift! instead.

ifftshift(x, [dim])

Circular-shift along the given dimension of a periodic signal x centered at index N÷2+1 so it becomes centered at index 1, where N is the size of that dimension.

This undoes the effect of fftshift. For even N this is equivalent to swapping the first and second halves, so fftshift and ifftshift are the same.

If dim is not given then the signal is shifted along each dimension.

The output of ifftshift is allocated. If one desires to store the output in a preallocated array, use ifftshift! instead.

fftfreq(n, fs=1)

Return the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) sample frequencies for a DFT of length n. The returned Frequencies object is an AbstractVector containing the frequency bin centers at every sample point. fs is the sampling rate of the input signal, which is the reciprocal of the sample spacing.

Given a window of length n and a sampling rate fs, the frequencies returned are

[0:n÷2-1; -n÷2:-1]  * fs/n   # if n is even
+{\operatorname{length}(A)} \right) A[n].\]

A multidimensional inverse FFT simply performs this operation along each transformed dimension of A.

bfft(A [, dims])

Similar to ifft, but computes an unnormalized inverse (backward) transform, which must be divided by the product of the sizes of the transformed dimensions in order to obtain the inverse. (This is slightly more efficient than ifft because it omits a scaling step, which in some applications can be combined with other computational steps elsewhere.)

\[\operatorname{BDFT}(A)[k] = \operatorname{length}(A) \operatorname{IDFT}(A)[k]\]

plan_fft(A [, dims]; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE, timelimit=Inf)

Pre-plan an optimized FFT along given dimensions (dims) of arrays matching the shape and type of A. (The first two arguments have the same meaning as for fft.) Returns an object P which represents the linear operator computed by the FFT, and which contains all of the information needed to compute fft(A, dims) quickly.

To apply P to an array A, use P * A; in general, the syntax for applying plans is much like that of matrices. (A plan can only be applied to arrays of the same size as the A for which the plan was created.) You can also apply a plan with a preallocated output array  by calling mul!(Â, plan, A). (For mul!, however, the input array A must be a complex floating-point array like the output Â.) You can compute the inverse-transform plan by inv(P) and apply the inverse plan with P \  (the inverse plan is cached and reused for subsequent calls to inv or \), and apply the inverse plan to a pre-allocated output array A with ldiv!(A, P, Â).

The flags argument is a bitwise-or of FFTW planner flags, defaulting to FFTW.ESTIMATE. e.g. passing FFTW.MEASURE or FFTW.PATIENT will instead spend several seconds (or more) benchmarking different possible FFT algorithms and picking the fastest one; see the FFTW manual for more information on planner flags. The optional timelimit argument specifies a rough upper bound on the allowed planning time, in seconds. Passing FFTW.MEASURE or FFTW.PATIENT may cause the input array A to be overwritten with zeros during plan creation.

plan_fft! is the same as plan_fft but creates a plan that operates in-place on its argument (which must be an array of complex floating-point numbers). plan_ifft and so on are similar but produce plans that perform the equivalent of the inverse transforms ifft and so on.

rfft(A [, dims])

Multidimensional FFT of a real array A, exploiting the fact that the transform has conjugate symmetry in order to save roughly half the computational time and storage costs compared with fft. If A has size (n_1, ..., n_d), the result has size (div(n_1,2)+1, ..., n_d).

The optional dims argument specifies an iterable subset of one or more dimensions of A to transform, similar to fft. Instead of (roughly) halving the first dimension of A in the result, the dims[1] dimension is (roughly) halved in the same way.

irfft(A, d [, dims])

Inverse of rfft: for a complex array A, gives the corresponding real array whose FFT yields A in the first half. As for rfft, dims is an optional subset of dimensions to transform, defaulting to 1:ndims(A).

d is the length of the transformed real array along the dims[1] dimension, which must satisfy div(d,2)+1 == size(A,dims[1]). (This parameter cannot be inferred from size(A) since both 2*size(A,dims[1])-2 as well as 2*size(A,dims[1])-1 are valid sizes for the transformed real array.)

brfft(A, d [, dims])

Similar to irfft but computes an unnormalized inverse transform (similar to bfft), which must be divided by the product of the sizes of the transformed dimensions (of the real output array) in order to obtain the inverse transform.

plan_rfft(A [, dims]; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE, timelimit=Inf)

Pre-plan an optimized real-input FFT, similar to plan_fft except for rfft instead of fft. The first two arguments, and the size of the transformed result, are the same as for rfft.

plan_brfft(A, d [, dims]; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE, timelimit=Inf)

Pre-plan an optimized real-input unnormalized transform, similar to plan_rfft except for brfft instead of rfft. The first two arguments and the size of the transformed result, are the same as for brfft.

plan_irfft(A, d [, dims]; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE, timelimit=Inf)

Pre-plan an optimized inverse real-input FFT, similar to plan_rfft except for irfft and brfft, respectively. The first three arguments have the same meaning as for irfft.


Return an iterable of the dimensions that are transformed by the FFT plan p.


For legacy reasons, the default definition of fftdims returns p.region. Hence this method should be implemented only for Plan subtypes that do not store the transformed dimensions in a field named region.

fftshift(x, [dim])

Circular-shift along the given dimension of a periodic signal x centered at index 1 so it becomes centered at index N÷2+1, where N is the size of that dimension.

This can be undone with ifftshift. For even N this is equivalent to swapping the first and second halves, so fftshift and ifftshift are the same.

If dim is not given then the signal is shifted along each dimension.

The output of fftshift is allocated. If one desires to store the output in a preallocated array, use fftshift! instead.

ifftshift(x, [dim])

Circular-shift along the given dimension of a periodic signal x centered at index N÷2+1 so it becomes centered at index 1, where N is the size of that dimension.

This undoes the effect of fftshift. For even N this is equivalent to swapping the first and second halves, so fftshift and ifftshift are the same.

If dim is not given then the signal is shifted along each dimension.

The output of ifftshift is allocated. If one desires to store the output in a preallocated array, use ifftshift! instead.

fftfreq(n, fs=1)

Return the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) sample frequencies for a DFT of length n. The returned Frequencies object is an AbstractVector containing the frequency bin centers at every sample point. fs is the sampling rate of the input signal, which is the reciprocal of the sample spacing.

Given a window of length n and a sampling rate fs, the frequencies returned are

[0:n÷2-1; -n÷2:-1]  * fs/n   # if n is even
 [0:(n-1)÷2; -(n-1)÷2:-1]  * fs/n  # if n is odd


julia> fftfreq(4, 1)
 4-element Frequencies{Float64}:
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
- -0.4
rfftfreq(n, fs=1)

Return the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) sample frequencies for a real DFT of length n. The returned Frequencies object is an AbstractVector containing the frequency bin centers at every sample point. fs is the sampling rate of the input signal, which is the reciprocal of the sample spacing.

Given a window of length n and a sampling rate fs, the frequencies returned are

[0:n÷2;]  * fs/n  # if n is even
+ -0.4
rfftfreq(n, fs=1)

Return the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) sample frequencies for a real DFT of length n. The returned Frequencies object is an AbstractVector containing the frequency bin centers at every sample point. fs is the sampling rate of the input signal, which is the reciprocal of the sample spacing.

Given a window of length n and a sampling rate fs, the frequencies returned are

[0:n÷2;]  * fs/n  # if n is even
 [0:(n-1)÷2;]  * fs/n  # if n is odd

The Nyquist-frequency component is considered to be positive, unlike fftfreq.


julia> rfftfreq(4, 1)
 3-element Frequencies{Float64}:
@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@
 3-element Frequencies{Float64}:
- 0.8
size(p::Plan, [dim])

Return the size of the input of a plan p, optionally at a specified dimenion dim.


Adjoint functionality

The following API is supported by plans that support adjoint functionality. It is also relevant to implementers of FFT plans that wish to support adjoints.


Return a plan that performs the adjoint operation of the original plan.


Adjoint plans do not currently support LinearAlgebra.mul!. Further, as a new addition to AbstractFFTs, coverage of Base.adjoint in downstream implementations may be limited.

output_size(p::Plan, [dim])

Return the size of the output of a plan p, optionally at a specified dimension dim.

Implementations of a new adjoint style AS <: AbstractFFTs.AdjointStyle should define output_size(::Plan, ::AS).

adjoint_mul(p::Plan, x::AbstractArray)

Multiply an array x by the adjoint of a plan p. This is equivalent to p' * x.

Implementations of a new adjoint style AS <: AbstractFFTs.AdjointStyle should define adjoint_mul(::Plan, ::AbstractArray, ::AS).


Adjoint style for complex to complex discrete Fourier transforms that normalize the output analogously to fft.

Since the Fourier transform is unitary up to a scaling, the adjoint simply applies the transform's inverse with an appropriate scaling.


Adjoint style for real to complex discrete Fourier transforms that halve one of the output's dimensions and normalize the output analogously to rfft.

Since the Fourier transform is unitary up to a scaling, the adjoint applies the transform's inverse, but with appropriate scaling and additional logic to handle the fact that the output is projected to exploit its conjugate symmetry (see rfft).


Adjoint style for complex to real discrete Fourier transforms that expect an input with a halved dimension and normalize the output analogously to irfft, where d is the original length of the dimension.

Since the Fourier transform is unitary up to a scaling, the adjoint applies the transform's inverse, but with appropriate scaling and additional logic to handle the fact that the input is projected to exploit its conjugate symmetry (see irfft).

+ 0.8source
size(p::Plan, [dim])

Return the size of the input of a plan p, optionally at a specified dimenion dim.


Adjoint functionality

The following API is supported by plans that support adjoint functionality. It is also relevant to implementers of FFT plans that wish to support adjoints.


Return a plan that performs the adjoint operation of the original plan.


Adjoint plans do not currently support LinearAlgebra.mul!. Further, as a new addition to AbstractFFTs, coverage of Base.adjoint in downstream implementations may be limited.


Return the adjoint style of a plan, enabling automatic computation of adjoint plans via Base.adjoint. Instructions for supporting adjoint styles are provided in the implementation instructions.

output_size(p::Plan, [dim])

Return the size of the output of a plan p, optionally at a specified dimension dim.

Implementations of a new adjoint style AS <: AbstractFFTs.AdjointStyle should define output_size(::Plan, ::AS).

adjoint_mul(p::Plan, x::AbstractArray)

Multiply an array x by the adjoint of a plan p. This is equivalent to p' * x.

Implementations of a new adjoint style AS <: AbstractFFTs.AdjointStyle should define adjoint_mul(::Plan, ::AbstractArray, ::AS).


Adjoint style for complex to complex discrete Fourier transforms that normalize the output analogously to fft.

Since the Fourier transform is unitary up to a scaling, the adjoint simply applies the transform's inverse with an appropriate scaling.


Adjoint style for real to complex discrete Fourier transforms that halve one of the output's dimensions and normalize the output analogously to rfft.

Since the Fourier transform is unitary up to a scaling, the adjoint applies the transform's inverse, but with appropriate scaling and additional logic to handle the fact that the output is projected to exploit its conjugate symmetry (see rfft).


Adjoint style for complex to real discrete Fourier transforms that expect an input with a halved dimension and normalize the output analogously to irfft, where d is the original length of the dimension.

Since the Fourier transform is unitary up to a scaling, the adjoint applies the transform's inverse, but with appropriate scaling and additional logic to handle the fact that the input is projected to exploit its conjugate symmetry (see irfft).


Adjoint style for unitary transforms, whose adjoint equals their inverse.

diff --git a/dev/implementations/index.html b/dev/implementations/index.html index 9d3faf2..617c6cc 100644 --- a/dev/implementations/index.html +++ b/dev/implementations/index.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -Implementations · AbstractFFTs.jl

FFT Implementations

Existing packages

The following packages extend the functionality provided by AbstractFFTs:

  • FFTW.jl: Bindings for the FFTW library. This also used to be part of Base Julia.
  • FastTransforms.jl: Pure-Julia implementation of FFT, with support for arbitrary AbstractFloat types.

Defining a new implementation

To define a new FFT implementation in your own module, you should

  • Define a new subtype (e.g. MyPlan) of AbstractFFTs.Plan{T} for FFTs and related transforms on arrays of T. This must have a pinv::Plan field, initially undefined when a MyPlan is created, that is used for caching the inverse plan.

  • Define a new method AbstractFFTs.plan_fft(x, region; kws...) that returns a MyPlan for at least some types of x and some set of dimensions region. The region (or a copy thereof) should be accessible via fftdims(p::MyPlan) (which defaults to p.region), and the input size size(x) should be accessible via size(p::MyPlan).

  • Define a method of LinearAlgebra.mul!(y, p::MyPlan, x) that computes the transform p of x and stores the result in y.

  • Define a method of *(p::MyPlan, x), which can simply call your mul! method. This is not defined generically in this package due to subtleties that arise for in-place and real-input FFTs.

  • If the inverse transform is implemented, you should also define plan_inv(p::MyPlan), which should construct the inverse plan to p, and plan_bfft(x, region; kws...) for an unnormalized inverse ("backwards") transform of x. Implementations only need to provide the unnormalized backwards FFT, similar to FFTW, and we do the scaling generically to get the inverse FFT.

  • You can also define similar methods of plan_rfft and plan_brfft for real-input FFTs.

  • To support adjoints in a new plan, define the trait AbstractFFTs.AdjointStyle. AbstractFFTs implements the following adjoint styles: AbstractFFTs.FFTAdjointStyle, AbstractFFTs.RFFTAdjointStyle, AbstractFFTs.IRFFTAdjointStyle, and AbstractFFTs.UnitaryAdjointStyle. To define a new adjoint style, define the methods AbstractFFTs.adjoint_mul and AbstractFFTs.output_size.

The normalization convention for your FFT should be that it computes $y_k = \sum_j x_j \exp(-2\pi i j k/n)$ for a transform of length $n$, and the "backwards" (unnormalized inverse) transform computes the same thing but with $\exp(+2\pi i jk/n)$.

Testing implementations

AbstractFFTs.jl provides an experimental TestUtils module to help with testing downstream implementations, available as a weak extension of Test. The following functions test that all FFT functionality has been correctly implemented:

TestUtils.test_complex_ffts(ArrayType=Array; test_inplace=true, test_adjoint=true)

Run tests to verify correctness of FFT, BFFT, and IFFT functionality using a particular backend plan implementation. The backend implementation is assumed to be loaded prior to calling this function.


  • ArrayType: determines the AbstractArray implementation for which the correctness tests are run. Arrays are constructed via convert(ArrayType, ...).
  • test_inplace=true: whether to test in-place plans.
  • test_adjoint=true: whether to test plan adjoints.
TestUtils.test_real_ffts(ArrayType=Array; test_adjoint=true, copy_input=false)

Run tests to verify correctness of RFFT, BRFFT, and IRFFT functionality using a particular backend plan implementation. The backend implementation is assumed to be loaded prior to calling this function.


  • ArrayType: determines the AbstractArray implementation for which the correctness tests are run. Arrays are constructed via convert(ArrayType, ...).
  • test_adjoint=true: whether to test plan adjoints.
  • copy_input=false: whether to copy the input before applying the plan in tests, to accomodate for input-mutating behaviour of real FFTW plans.

TestUtils also exposes lower level functions for generically testing particular plans:

TestUtils.test_plan_adjoint(P::Plan, x::AbstractArray; real_plan=false, copy_input=false)

Test basic properties of the adjoint P' of a particular plan given an input array x, including its accuracy via the dot test.

Real-to-complex and complex-to-real plans require a slightly modified dot test, in which case real_plan=true should be provided. The plan is assumed out-of-place, as adjoints are not yet supported for in-place plans. Because real FFTW plans may mutate their input in some cases, we allow specifying copy_input=true to allow for this behaviour in tests by copying the input before applying the plan.

+Implementations · AbstractFFTs.jl

FFT Implementations

Existing packages

The following packages extend the functionality provided by AbstractFFTs:

  • FFTW.jl: Bindings for the FFTW library. This also used to be part of Base Julia.
  • FastTransforms.jl: Pure-Julia implementation of FFT, with support for arbitrary AbstractFloat types.

Defining a new implementation

To define a new FFT implementation in your own module, you should

  • Define a new subtype (e.g. MyPlan) of AbstractFFTs.Plan{T} for FFTs and related transforms on arrays of T. This must have a pinv::Plan field, initially undefined when a MyPlan is created, that is used for caching the inverse plan.

  • Define a new method AbstractFFTs.plan_fft(x, region; kws...) that returns a MyPlan for at least some types of x and some set of dimensions region. The region (or a copy thereof) should be accessible via fftdims(p::MyPlan) (which defaults to p.region), and the input size size(x) should be accessible via size(p::MyPlan).

  • Define a method of LinearAlgebra.mul!(y, p::MyPlan, x) that computes the transform p of x and stores the result in y.

  • Define a method of *(p::MyPlan, x), which can simply call your mul! method. This is not defined generically in this package due to subtleties that arise for in-place and real-input FFTs.

  • If the inverse transform is implemented, you should also define plan_inv(p::MyPlan), which should construct the inverse plan to p, and plan_bfft(x, region; kws...) for an unnormalized inverse ("backwards") transform of x. Implementations only need to provide the unnormalized backwards FFT, similar to FFTW, and we do the scaling generically to get the inverse FFT.

  • You can also define similar methods of plan_rfft and plan_brfft for real-input FFTs.

  • To support adjoints in a new plan, define the trait AbstractFFTs.AdjointStyle. AbstractFFTs implements the following adjoint styles: AbstractFFTs.FFTAdjointStyle, AbstractFFTs.RFFTAdjointStyle, AbstractFFTs.IRFFTAdjointStyle, and AbstractFFTs.UnitaryAdjointStyle. To define a new adjoint style, define the methods AbstractFFTs.adjoint_mul and AbstractFFTs.output_size.

The normalization convention for your FFT should be that it computes $y_k = \sum_j x_j \exp(-2\pi i j k/n)$ for a transform of length $n$, and the "backwards" (unnormalized inverse) transform computes the same thing but with $\exp(+2\pi i jk/n)$.

Testing implementations

AbstractFFTs.jl provides an experimental TestUtils module to help with testing downstream implementations, available as a weak extension of Test. The following functions test that all FFT functionality has been correctly implemented:

TestUtils.test_complex_ffts(ArrayType=Array; test_inplace=true, test_adjoint=true)

Run tests to verify correctness of FFT, BFFT, and IFFT functionality using a particular backend plan implementation. The backend implementation is assumed to be loaded prior to calling this function.


  • ArrayType: determines the AbstractArray implementation for which the correctness tests are run. Arrays are constructed via convert(ArrayType, ...).
  • test_inplace=true: whether to test in-place plans.
  • test_adjoint=true: whether to test plan adjoints.
TestUtils.test_real_ffts(ArrayType=Array; test_adjoint=true, copy_input=false)

Run tests to verify correctness of RFFT, BRFFT, and IRFFT functionality using a particular backend plan implementation. The backend implementation is assumed to be loaded prior to calling this function.


  • ArrayType: determines the AbstractArray implementation for which the correctness tests are run. Arrays are constructed via convert(ArrayType, ...).
  • test_adjoint=true: whether to test plan adjoints.
  • copy_input=false: whether to copy the input before applying the plan in tests, to accomodate for input-mutating behaviour of real FFTW plans.

TestUtils also exposes lower level functions for generically testing particular plans:

TestUtils.test_plan_adjoint(P::Plan, x::AbstractArray; real_plan=false, copy_input=false)

Test basic properties of the adjoint P' of a particular plan given an input array x, including its accuracy via the dot test.

Real-to-complex and complex-to-real plans require a slightly modified dot test, in which case real_plan=true should be provided. The plan is assumed out-of-place, as adjoints are not yet supported for in-place plans. Because real FFTW plans may mutate their input in some cases, we allow specifying copy_input=true to allow for this behaviour in tests by copying the input before applying the plan.

diff --git a/dev/index.html b/dev/index.html index 8e141cb..2306e78 100644 --- a/dev/index.html +++ b/dev/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Home · AbstractFFTs.jl
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