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63 lines (38 loc) · 2.49 KB

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63 lines (38 loc) · 2.49 KB


For questions about compatibility, please contact Fixpositions Support [email protected]

- Improve README
- Bugfix gnss message timestamps
-   Bugfix for serial connection
-   Add frame_id for imu messages
-   Add feature to publish GNSS Antenna positions even if Fusion is not initialized. NOV_B-BESTGNSSPOS is used and sensor_msgs::NavSatFix is published. See more details in [Vision-RTK2 GNSS Antenna Positions](#Vision-RTK2-GNSS-Antenna-Positions).
-   Fix Frame ID of FP_POI in LLH converter
-   Bugfix of sending empty TFs
-   Fix wrong gnss status
-   Remove 'WsCallback' warning
-   Add ci file for ROS
-   Add missing depencency of `tf2_eigen` in `fixposition_driver_ros2/CMakeList.txt`
-   Adapted to be compatible with updated Fixposition message definitions
-   **Compatible with Vision-RTK 2 software released after 09.03.2023**
-   Support both ROS1 and ROS2
-   Diverse bugfixes in code and documentation
-   **This is the last version compatible with Vision-RTK 2 software released before 17.01.2023**
-   Pitch-Roll estimation from IMU data parsed from Vision-RTK 2, output available before fusion initialization.
-   OdometryConverter imeplemented as an example for wheelspeed data integration.
-   Automatic reconnect after connection is lost
-   Adaption to latest Vision-RTK 2 software changes
-   Euler Angle Yaw-Pitch-Roll in local ENU frame
-   Odometry in fixed ENU0 frame
-   First public release
-   Code cleanup