Releases: JeffreySarnoff/ArbNumerics.jl
Releases · JeffreySarnoff/ArbNumerics.jl
ArbNumerics.jl (sinpi, cospi, tanpi, cotpi)
v0.4.6 Update Project.toml
ArbNumerics.jl (sane precision specifiers)
v0.4.5 v0.4.5 constancy in precision perspective
ArbNumerics.jl bugfix det(Array{ArbReal,2})
v0.4.4 v0.4.4 bugfix det(Array{ArbReal,2})
ArbNumerics.jl ( exp(matrix) -> exp(issquare(matrix)) )
v0.4.3 v0.4.3 exp(issquare(matrix))
ArbNumerics.jl (exp(matrix))
v0.4.2 v0.4.2 (exp(Matrix))
ArbNumerics.jl (threaded matrix multiply where multiple threads available))
v0.4.1 v0.4.1 threaded matmul
ArbNumerics.jl (faster matrix multiplication)
v0.4.0 v0.4.0 faster matrix multiplication
ArbFloats.jl (@printf @sprintf)
v0.3.9 Update
ArbNumerics.jl (more promotions, reset matrix multiply)
Hiding Arb's internal matrix multiply -- its faster but integration with this package is nontrivial. This way, people can use the package for Matrix ops that are supported through Julia's generic matrix ops. Multiply will take longer until I hook up the internals.
ArbNumerics.jl (fix comparison order)
v0.3.7 v0.3.7 (fix comparison order)