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Public Key Infrastructure Core Package

The comprehensive system required to provide public key encryption and digital signature services is known as a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). The purpose of a PKI is to manage keys and certificates. By managing keys and certificates through a PKI, an organization establishes and maintains a trustworthy networking environment [^1].

This package is implemented in Java programming language and allows a user to setup an SSLContext to use inside the Eclipse architecture. Using this core package there are two ways to initialize the PKI setup, (additionally, A UI is forthcoming org.eclipse.pki.ui ), The preferred option is specified in the 2nd paragraph below. That option takes a clear text password and allows the core pki package to encrypt it for any subsequent usage.

  1. Add the following properties to the eclipse.ini or similar start up. ( or specify PKCS11 ) Text Password ( or specify NONE for PKCS11 ) ( or for PKCS11; /etc/opensc/pkcs11_java.cfg )

  2. Create a file called .pki inside of your user home .eclipse directory. Once you startup eclipse it will create a template in your .eclipse directory that you can update with your personal PKI setup. You can use either a PKCS11 or PKCS12 KeyStore setup. The .pki file for a PKCS12 setup should look similar to the following; ( or specify NONE for PKCS11 ) ( or specify PKCS11 ) Text Password ( Eclipse will encrypt on startup ) ( or for PKCS11 use; SunPKCS11 ) ( or for PKCS11; /etc/opensc/pkcs11_java.cfg )

[^1]: PKI definition: Eclipse Foundation Cyclone