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Appendix C -

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Appendix C – Directives

Directives are part of the language, they are not part of a pre-processor as in C. In the (see § references below), the bold reference defines the directive, the other references mostly contains examples of use.

(Count: Jan 2023 - 60)

#add_context adds a declaration to Context. The main program, and any modules that you use, can add things to the Context : see § 25.1 , 25.

#align used to align struct member fields relative to the start of the struct : see § 12.11 , 18. #as indicates that a struct can implicitly cast to one of its members. It is similar to using, except #as does not also import the names. #asworks on non-struct-typed members. For example, you can make a struct with a float member, mark that #as, and pass that struct implicitly to any procedure taking a float argument : see § 12.8 , 16.2, 16.3.6, 17.13.2, 23.9, 23B #asm specifies that the next statements in a block are inline assembly: see § 28 #assert does a compile-time assert. This is useful for debugging compile-time meta-programming bugs: see § 20.2.1 , 20.1.2, 26.3, 51. #bake_constants generate a compiled procedure with predefined values for type variables: see § 23.7, 23. #bake_arguments provide specific values to a procedure at compile time; does a compile-time currying of a procedure/parameterized struct: see § 22.6, 23.3, 23. #bytes inline binary data or machine code #c_call follows C ABI conventions: makes the function to use the C calling convention. Used for interacting with libraries written in C: see § 4.11, 25.1, 23.13, 29.7, 30. #caller_location it gives the line number from where a procedure is called: see § 25.5, 30. #caller_code fills out its Code's parent scope. #caller_code to help create macros that make it easier to implement the kind of thing you might do from an external metaprogram. See how_to/497_caller_code.jai for details: see § 26. #char makes the next one character string after it into a single ASCII character (e.g. #char "A"): see § 5.1.2 , 5.3.1, 6.2, 19.1, 19. #code specifies that the next statement/block has type Code : see § 26.4.1 , 26.5.6,26.12, 34.3.3, #complete Ensures an if-case statement checks all values of the enum: see § 13.2, 14.3, 14.3. #compiler is a function that interfaces with the compiler as a library; the proc is internal to the compiler: see § 26.12, intro § 30 #compile_time evaluates to true if execution is occurring during compile time / false during runtime: see § 26.2. #cpp_method allows one to specify a C++ calling convention: see § / #cpp_return_type_is_non_pod allows one to specify that the return type of a function is a C++ class, for calling convention purposes (pod = plain old data): see § / #deprecated marks a function as deprecated. Calling a deprecated function leads to a compiler warning: see § 17. #dump dumps out the bytecode and basic blocks used to construct the function. This is useful for viewing the disassembly of the bytecode: see § 20.2. #expand marks the proc as a macro: see § 25.9, 26.4.1, 26.5 – 26.8, 28.2, 30.13, 31.4, 33.6, 34.3.3, 51 #file evaluate to the name of the current source file / path+filename of running executable: see § 30. #filepath path of the currently running executable: see § 30.2, 30.2, 30.6, 30. #foreign instruct compiler to link against a foreign library / specifies a foreign procedure: see § 19.8, 29.2 , 29.3, 29.6.2, 29.8, 30.14, 50.2, #if Compiling conditionally with #if:, #else does not exist, use else: see § 4E, 20.2.1, 22.6, 26.3, 29.8, 31.2.3, #import brings a library file into scope / takes foreign modules located in the Jai modules directory and compile the library into your program: see § 8.1 , 8.3, 8. #import, file see § 8. #import, dir see § 8. #import, string see § 8. #insert inserts a piece of compile-time generated code into a function or a struct: see § 26.4 , 26.5.1, 26.10. 34.3. #insert,scope() similar to #insert, except it also allows code to access variables in the local scope: see § 26.5. #intrinsic marks a function that is handled specifically by the compiler, like memcpy, memcmp, memset (see Preload.jai): see § 4C #library provide a library for the compiler to link against for procedures marked with #foreign directive / specifies file for foreign functions: see § 29.3 , 29.6.2, 30. #line evaluate to the line number of the current statement: see § 30. #load bring a source code file into scope / Load source code, as if it were placed right here / takes Jai code files written by the programmer and adds the files to your project: see § 8.1, 8.2 , 26.3, 30.3. #location gives the location of a piece of Code: see § 30. #modify used in polymorphic procedures to filter polymorphic parameter type: see § 26. lets one put a block of code that is executed at compile-time each time a call to that procedure is resolved. One can inspect parameter types at compile-time; Goal: to filter or check on polymorphic parameter type / provide a function to manipulate a type variable prior to it being used in a polymorphic procedure #module_parameters specifies the variable as a module parameter: see § 8. #must requires the caller to assign / use the particular return values of the called function. Used primarily for malloc or opening file handles: see § 17.6.2, 19.6.2, 22.2. #no_abc Turn off bounds checking for the scope of a particular array/string access: in this function, do not do array bounds checking: see § 18.3.2 , 22. #no_alias see § #no_context tells the compiler that the function does not use the context: see § 25. #no_debug tag a macro / macro-call with #no_debug to prevent the compiler from generating any debug line info for that macro: see § #no_padding tells the compiler to do no padding for this struct (in combination with #align 1): see § 12. #no_reset lets one store data in the executable's global data, without having to write it out as text: see § 26.2. #place a way of forming a union data type with a struct; Set location in struct of following members: see § 13. #placeholder specifies to the compiler that a particular symbol will be defined/generated by the compile-time metaprogram: see § 30.3. #program_export see Program entry point / used in modules Runtime_Support.jai and Program_Print: see § 4E, 30. #procedure_name gives you the statically-known-at-compile-time name of a procedure: see § 17.14. #procedure_of_call shows what procedure would be called in a particular case of a polymorphic proc see § 22.2. #run execute at compile time (not run time) / takes the function in question and runs that function at compile time: see § 2B, 3.3.4 , 4.2, 4B, 5.2.2, 8.7.2, 10.3, 16.3.5, 20.2.2, 26.2.3, 26.4, 30.1, 30.3.3, 30.4. #runtime_support Proc comes from module Runtime_Support: see § 4E, 25. #scope_export makes the function accessible to the entire program: see § 8B. #scope_file makes the function only callable within the current file: see § 8B. #scope_module makes the function only callable within the current module: see § 8B. #specified requires values of an enum to explicitly be initialized to a specific value. An enum marked #specified will not auto-increment, and every value of the enum must be declared explicitly.; Declare intention of maintaining enum values compatibility over time: see § 13.4 , 16. #string see § 12.1 / #string Parse the next lines as a string up to the next occurrence of the token: used to specify a multi-line string: see § 19.1 , 26.4, 27.1, 30.3.2, 34. #symmetric operator overloading (commutativity): allows to swap the 1st and 2nd parameters in a two parameter function. Useful in the case of operator overloading: see § 24. #system_library specifies system file for foreign functions: see § 2.2.6, 19.8, 29.2 , 29.8, 50. #this it returns the procedure, struct type, or data scope that contains it as a compile-time constant: see § 17.9, 17.9.1 , 17.9.2, 22.5,23.7, 23.9, #through see if-case fall-through: see § 14. #type tells the compiler that the next statement is a type. Useful for resolving ambiguous type grammar: see § 21.2, 26.13 , 29.7, 31.2.1, 51 TYPE VARIANTS: #type , distinct see § 26. #type , isa see § 26. #type_info_none marks a struct such that the struct will not generate the type information; Struct does not keep runtime type info: see § 16.3. #type_info_procedures_are_void_pointers makes all the member procedures of a struct void pointers when generating type information. See Type_Info_Struct_Member.Flags.PROCEDURE_WITH_VOID_POINTER_TYPE_INFO: see § 16.3. #type_info_no_size_compliant prevents the compiler from complaining about the size of the type information generated by a struct: see § This is a offline tool, your data stays locally and is not send to any server! Feedback & Bug Reports