diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/checkbox/Usage.mdx b/packages/components/src/components/checkbox/Usage.mdx
index 168fa5bbce..98fc132c94 100644
--- a/packages/components/src/components/checkbox/Usage.mdx
+++ b/packages/components/src/components/checkbox/Usage.mdx
@@ -31,33 +31,37 @@ There are two different checkbox sizes: 20px and 24px. The distinction between t
## Anatomy
-**Checkbox input (1)**\
+**Checkbox Input (1)**\
The checkbox input represents a specific state and is initially set as unselected by default.
-**Checkbox label (2)**\
+**Checkbox Label (2)**\
Describes the information that you can choose to either select or deselect.
-## Mouse interaction
+## Mouse Interaction
To select an item, users have two options: they can either directly click on the checkbox input or click on the checkbox label. By making both areas interactive, it enhances the accessibility of the click target.
-## Grouping checkboxes
+## Grouping Checkboxes
Deciding to place a checkbox group inline or block depends on the specific context and requirements of your user interface.
### Inline
- Use to save space when you have limited screen real estate or need to place other elements alongside the checkboxes.
- Use when the options in your checkbox group have short labels, an inline layout can provide a more compact and visually streamlined presentation.
- Use to visually group related options or indicate that they belong to the same category.
### Block
- Use for long checkbox labels.
- Use to visually separate checkbox options.
-## Overflow text
+## Overflow Text
If your labels get too long, they may wrap to a second line. Generally try to avoid of having too long labels. A maximum of three words should be rule.
## States
+Check out the Figma component: **[Checkbox](https://www.figma.com/file/zPvPwPgb4EsYFXKC2nhzSG/Infineon-DDS-%7C-Main?type=design&node-id=2583-7343&mode=design&t=VGECa2WmCtxIWNLe-4)**
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