Firstly: what is "Tic-Tac-Toe"? >>>
An ancient, very simple, and popular game that almost everybody played on paper during childhood.
Tic-Tac-Toe = Noughts and Crosses = Xs and Os = many names, but the essence is the same.
Well, you know the game, it's fairly easy, BUT...
- what if we want something more than a standard 3x3 game field?
- what if we like a 10x10 field or even 1000x1000 with customizable winning line length?
- what if we need more than 2 players on this enlarged game field?
- and - what if we'd love to play it in 3D (e.g. 10x10x10)? - isn't it interesting?
This repository provides you with a free-to-use tested game engine that satisfies all the requirements above.
You can use it for any (suitable to a Kotlin library) frontend/UI implementation of your Tic-Tac-Toe game.
This repository also contains different samples of console & UI clients for this game engine - mostly for UX testing purposes.
The project board is here >>>
Discussions are open here >>>
Many thanks for any ideas, code reviews, suggestions, comments, pull requests, and your stars for this repo :)
Let's make this repository "the best Adjustable Tic-Tac-Toe game engine implementation in Kotlin" together!