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index 3f6c47e58..f12a0e21e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -550,10 +550,24 @@ The admin moved the marble, JS detected the drag/drop, client sends a websocket
That’s it! Hope you had fun transferring marbles.
-## Marbles Tips
-There are few comments about marbles that don't fit neatly into the instructions above.
-Here is an assortment of marbles tips and instructions.
-- coming soon
+# Marbles FAQs
+Do you have questions about _why_ something in marbles is the way it is? Or _how_ to do something? Check out the [FAQ](./docs/faq.md) .
+# Feedback
+I'm very interested in your feedback.
+This is a demo built for people like you, and it will continue to be shaped for people like you.
+On a scale of no-anesthetic-root-canal to basket of puppies, how was it?
+If you have any ideas on how to improve the demo/tutorial, please reach out!
+- Did the format of the readme work well for you?
+- At which points did you get lost?
+- Is something broken!?
+- Did your knowledge grow by the end of the tutorial?
+- Was something particularly painful?
+- Did it make you have an existential crisis and you are suddenly unsure of what it means to be, you?
+Use the [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/IBM-Blockchain/marbles/issues) section to communicate any improvements/bugs and pain points!
# License
[Apache 2.0](LICENSE)
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+# Marbles FAQ
+1. [Does deleting a marble re-write history? How is this not breaking the blockchain ledger?](./#deleteHistory)
+1. [What is with the required input arguments for the marbles chaincode?](./#inputArgs)
+1. [How can I create a HA(high-availability) setup?](./#ha)
+1. [I want to run a local Hyperledger Fabric network... how?](./#localFabric)
+1. [What is this "fcw" aka "fc wrangler" thing?](./#fcw)
+1. [I'm stuck, can you help me?](./#stuck)
+### Q. Does deleting a marble re-write history? How is this not breaking the blockchain ledger?
+It does not re-write history.
+"History" would refer to the ledger, which can not be re-written under normal circumstances.
+The "delete" transaction is a regular transaction that gets recorded into a block in the ledger.
+Therefore the marble's creation and activity remains in the ledger unchanged, forever, even after a "delete".
+However the _state_ of the asset did change.
+The ledger and the world state are different things.
+The ledger contains the historic actions to the chaincode and channel (transactions).
+While the world state is all the asset data at a specific _moment_ of time.
+Think of it as the combined result of playing back all transactions.
+When we created a marble, we appended the create transaction to the ledger, and added the marble to the world state.
+Like-wise when we delete, the delete transaction is appended to the ledger, and the world state is altered to remove the marble.
+### Q. What is with the required input arguments for the marbles chaincode?
+The marbles chaincode requires a single integer as an input.
+This is purely for demonstration reasons to show how its possible to pass inputs to a chaincode during its instantiate.
+The actual number you provide to marbles is meaningless, go nuts.
+### Q. How can I create a HA(high-availability) setup
+The latest and greatest marbles already does this! Checkout the `fc wrangler` files: [high_availability.js](../utils/fc_wrangler/high_availability.js) and [index.js](../utils/fc_wrangler/index.js). The code snippet below shows that when an invoke fails, we call `ha.switch_peer()` to send the same call to the next peer. Remember that the SDK is configured to send requests to specific peers, so all we have to do is change this peer.
+ fcw.invoke_chaincode = function (obj, options, cb_done) {
+ invoke_cc.invoke_chaincode(obj, options, function (err, resp) {
+ if (err != null) { //looks like an error with the request
+ if (ha.switch_peer(obj, options) == null) { //try another peer
+ logger.info('Retrying invoke on different peer');
+ fcw.invoke_chaincode(obj, options, cb_done);
+ } else {
+ if (cb_done) cb_done(err, resp); //out of peers, give up
+ }
+ } else { //all good, pass resp back to callback
+ ha.success_peer_position = ha.using_peer_position; //remember the last good one
+ if (cb_done) cb_done(err, resp);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+### Q. I want to run a local Hyperledger Fabric network... how?
+Great, I recommend that everyone starts with a local network. [Lets get going](../docs/use_local_hyperledger.md) .
+### Q. What is this "fcw" aka "fc wrangler" thing?
+It's called the Fabric Client Wrangler.
+It is simply a wrapper around the [fabric-client](https://www.npmjs.com/package/fabric-client) SDK module.
+ie it gives me a slightly friendlier interface to the SDK.
+It is generic and reuseable for your own adaptations.
+It is **not** a required component of a node.js -> Fabric application, but I feel it helps.
+### Q. I'm stuck, can you help me?
+Yes. Open an issue on our [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/IBM-Blockchain/marbles/issues). Please include as much info as you can, such as the logs you are seeing, what you were expecting to happen, etc.