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Reference guide

Below is a rough guide on utilization of the Multi-Replica Macs ChIP-Seq Wrapper.


ChIP-Seq samples may be aligned with your favorite aligner, including NovoCraft Novoalign, Bowtie2, or BWA. Alignments should be converted to sorted, indexed bam files using samtools or equivalent.

University of Utah users using the HCI pysano system for executing jobs at CHPC can use the templates in this project's examples folder.

There are two steps that should be checked prior to the execution of the pipeline. This includes estimating (single-end) or determining (paired-end) fragment sizes and checking duplicate levels.

Fragment length estimation

For single-end analysis, fragment length must be estimated by looking at the average offset between forward and reverse alignments flanking a peak. There are two ways to determine this: using Macs2 predictd function and BioToolBox bam2wig. It's probably recommended to run both, as each has similar but different algorithms that usually derive similar values, and then evaluate and take the most reasonable one value.

  • Example using Macs2:

      $ macs2 predictd -i chip.bam -g hs --rfile chip.predictd
      $ RScript chip.predictd 

    Note that the genome size (or hs or mm shortcuts) should be provided to Macs2. The resulting file is an R script that will generate a PDF for visualization.

  • Example using bam2wig:

      $ -i chip.bam --shift --model --out chip_shift 
      $ plot_shift_models.R --input chip_shift

    Note that bam2wig example will only sample a subset of the chromosomes unless you direct it to check more with --chroms option. It is multi-threaded with the --cpu option. It will generate two text output files, which can be processed into PDFs for visualization using the included plot_shift_models script as shown.

For paired-end analysis, only properly-mapped pairs are analyzed (singletons are skipped for simplicity). Knowing the mean fragment size allows you to intelligently set the expected peak size. Some aligners, e.g. Novoalign, will report mean fragment length. Otherwise, a tool such as Picard CollectInsertSizeMetrics will work.

Duplication level determination

The pipeline is designed to explicitly handle duplicate alignments in a number of ways. Knowing the duplication level in advance may help to set a reasonable expectation for how to handle duplicates. One of the methods is duplication sub-sampling; see

You can obtain a quick determination by running the bam_partial_dedup application for each file. If desired, capture the standard output to file, which can then be combined into a single file with combine_std_chipstats. Be sure to specify paired-end alignments with --pe option as necessary.

$ -i file1.bam > file1.dup.txt

$ dup_stats.txt file*.dup.txt

Note that it is best to exclude known sources of duplicate reads, such as the mitochondrial chromosome, rDNA and other high-copy number genes,repetitive elements, and other known sites of artificial enrichment. In the pipeline, these should be excluded by default, but you can manually specify the exclusion lists and chromosomes in bam_partial_dedup if available.

$ -i file1.bam --chrskip chrM --blacklist blacklist.bed > file1.dedup.txt

NOTE that if your sample has high optical duplicates, e.g. sequence from a patterned Illumina flowcell like NovaSeq, please add the --optical and --distance options to remove these. Optical duplicates are entirely artificial sequencing artifacts and should not be considered. For NovaSeq, set the pixel distance to at least 2500.

Running the pipeline

The pipeline is executed by passing all parameters to the multirep_macs2_pipeline script. Because of the number and complexity of the options, it's generally recommended to place the command in a shell script and execute that. Before running, it's highly recommended to run the command with the --dryrun option to check that all inputs are valid.

The script will spawn numerous separate jobs (sub-tasks) in steps, running them in parallel. Job control is explained below in the options section. In general, the script is designed to run on a single workstation or compute node, rather than spawning jobs through a cluster job manager. Each step command is printed to STDOUT as the pipeline is run. Individual job output is captured in separate .out.txt files and combined into a single log file upon completion. Progress is tracked using a simple output.progress.txt file, which is used to skip finished steps when restarting an incomplete run.

Simple Peak call

To call peaks on a single-condition ChIP-Seq sample with multiple replicates, call the multirep_macs2_pipeline script, treating each replicate as a separate sample. This allows the replicates to be compared directly. If each replicate has a separate reference, then a separate --control option can be repeated for each sample in the same order. \
--chip file1.bam \
--chip file2.bam \
--chip file3.bam \
--control input.bam \
--name my_experiment 

Each replicate will have a separate peak call, and the replicates merged into a single master set of peaks for subsequent analysis and comparison.

Differential peak calls

When multiple conditions are being tested and compared for differential binding, then simply add additional --chip and --name arguments to the multirep_macs2_pipeline script. In this case, replicates for each condition are averaged together prior to peak calling, with the assumption that a greater diversity and variance will be observed between the conditions than between the replicates within each condition. Independent replicate peak calls can also alternatively be made, if desired, then merged.

NOTE The order of multiple --chip, --name, and --control options is critical, and must be provided in the same order. If there are multiple controls, and some are shared between more than one ChIP but not all, then that's ok; list each control for each ChIP and duplicate entries will be smartly handled. \
--chip file1.bam,file2.bam,file3.bam \
--chip file4.bam,file5.bam,file6.bam \
--chip file7.bam,file8.bam \
--control input1.bam \
--control input2.bam \
--control input3.bam \
--name condition1 \ 
--name condition2 \ 
--name condition3 \
--out all_chips

At the end of the pipeline, individual peaks from all conditions are merged into a single master list of all peaks identified. This is used in subsequent differential analysis to determine significant differential occupancy. A number of comparison plots are generated to assist in evaluation.

Pipeline options

These are descriptions and guidance to the variety of options to the main multirep_macs2_pipeline script. In most cases, you will want to write the command in a shell script for execution due to the complexity. See the examples folder for example scripts.

  • Exclusion list

    Exclusion lists, also known as black or gray lists, are intervals that are either predetermined to be known troublesome spots (black list) or empirically determined from a reference control (gray list). By default, the pipeline will automatically generate an exclusion list from provided reference control (Input) Bam files. Usually, empirically derived lists are superior to externally provided lists, as they account for duplicate and repetitive regions in the actual cells of interest.

    To disable automatic exclusion lists from the reference control, specify "none".

  • Genome size

    The effective size of the genome in bp is required when calculating the background signal when determining statistical enrichment. This is the size of mappable space in the genome, i.e. not counting repetitive and N spacers. Pre-computed values could be used, but these are usually based on specific size k-mers. An alternative, empirical method is to simply determine the coverage of the actual provided samples, which takes into account the read length and sequencing depth of the given experiment. The script report_mappable_space will do this automatically, unless an explicit genome size is provided.

    Note that ChIP-Seq experiments with low genomic coverage (50% or less), common with early genomic sequencing technologies, will benefit more if given the explicit genome size rather than empirical, as it will lead to lower expected background signal and better statistical scores.

  • Duplication levels

    The default behavior of the pipeline is to sub-sample duplicate alignments in each replicate to a consistent level, 5% (or less) by default. Alternatively, all duplicates may be removed in a more traditional approach.

    The maximum allowed level of duplication when sub-sampling may be explicitly set.

      --dupfrac 0.05 \
      --optdist 2500 \

    Note that optical de-duplication is critical for this to work well, particularly when using patterned Illumina flow cells, such as Nextseq or Novaseq, which generates very high optical (technical) duplicates. Note that this works with Illumina CASAVA style read names; reads from SRA don't retain original spot names, so optical duplicate checking can't be performed. For an evaluation of the effectiveness of duplicate sub-sampling, see De-Duplication Evaluation.

    For a traditional approach to remove all duplicates, use the following settings:

      --dupfrac 0 \
      --maxdepth 1 \

    The maximum number of allowed reads at any position may be increased above 1, which might help with hotspots (but exclusion lists are a better approach). It is possible to set both sub-sampling and maximum depth.

    Or you may completely turn off de-duplication if you have already marked or removed duplicates.

      --nodedup \

    If you are using unique molecular indexes (UMIs) or barcodes, see UMIScripts as a possible approach. Marked duplicate reads are always skipped regardless of these settings.

  • Read filtering

    You can filter reads based on a minimum mapping quality, overlap with known trouble hot spots (Encode blacklists or repetitive regions), or even skip entire chromosomes using a Perl regular expression. Filtering against known hot spots, repetitive regions, ribosomal genes, and the mitochondrial chromosome is highly recommended, especially when subsampling duplicates, as these can be a large source of duplicate reads.

    Secondary, supplementary, and marked duplicate reads are always skipped.

      --mapq 13 \
      --blacklist hg38.blacklist.bed.gz \
      --chrskip 'chrM|MT|lambda|Adapter|PhiX' \

    As an alternative to setting a mapping quality filter, the --fraction option is available to down-weight multiple-mapping alignments, which usually have low mapping qualities. Rather than scoring the alignment as 1 (prior to depth normalization), the alignment is scored as a fraction of the number of hits, recorded in the alignment tag NH (when available), essentially as 1/NH. This allows for more comprehensive coverage while avoiding high coverage from low quality alignments.

  • Fragment size and coverage tracks

    The fragment size for single-end should be explicitly given so that all samples can use the same fragment size and make multiple conditions as comparable as possible. Use the methods described above to empirically check your fragment sizes from your bam files prior to running the pipeline.

      --size 250 \

    For paired-end ChIP-Seq, set the --pe flag and set the --size parameter to the mean observed insertion size; this value is usually reported by the alignment software, or you can run a utility such as Picard CollectInsertSizeMetrics. This value is used in generating the lambda control tracks. Note that the fragment coverage is only derived from properly-paired alignments; singletons are silently discarded. If desired, the fragment size can be explicitly restricted to a size range with --min and --max options; sequencing depth is adjusted accordingly.

    To expedite coverage track generation, fragment coverage tracks are binned (10 bp by default for ChIP). This greatly reduces computation time while minimally affecting coverage resolution. Lambda track binning is set automatically based on lambda size, but can be set manually for those obsessively inclined.

    All tracks are generated as Read (Fragment) Per Million (or RPM) depth-normalized values. Multiple replicates are mean averaged and reported as a single track.

  • Chromosome normalization

    For chromosome-specific normalizations, calculate the sum of alignments on the chromosome of interest across all reference control (input chromatin) replicates; don't use the ChIP bam as any enrichment will influence the calculation! Generate a normalization factor by dividing each count by the minimum count, so that the condition with the lowest count will have a scaling factor of 1.0, while all other conditions are down-scaled to the same level. For example,

      --control file4.bam \
      --control file5.bam \
      --chrnorm 1,0.5678 \
      --chrapply "EBV" \
  • Lambda-control

    This pipeline uses the local lambda-control background of Macs2 to account for chromatin bias in the region. It uses the maximum signal derived from the reference control track based on three size ranges: d or the fragment size (--size), small local lambda (--slocal), and large local lambda (--llocal). Either small or large lambda may be turned off by setting the value to 0. Local lambda can be completely turned off by using --nolambda. If a reference control bam file is not provided (generally NOT recommended, except in some cases such as ATAC-Seq), then a global mean is calculated from the ChIP fragment coverage track.

  • Enrichment tracks

    Two enrichment tracks are generated: a log2 fold enrichment (log2FE) and a q-value (FDR) statistical enrichment track, suitable for visualization and peak calling. Since the fragment tracks are expressed as RPM depth-normalized, they are scaled automatically up to the minimum observed depth (in millions) amongst all of the provided bam files. This number may be overridden with the advanced option --tdep (not generally recommended).

  • Peak detection

    The pipeline uses the generated q-value (FDR) track to call peaks. The --cutoff parameter is the -log10(qvalue) minimum value for calling a peak, so 2 is equivalent to 0.01 or 1% FDR. The minimum peak size (length) and gap distance for joining nearby peaks may also be explicitly set. Typically for point source or narrow peaks, peak size should be equivalent to the mean fragment size or a little larger, and gap size is around half of the fragment size, or mean read length.

      --cutoff 2 \
      --peaksize 250 \
      --peakgap 150 \

    When multiple samples are provided, the peaks are merged into a single Bed file, representing a master list of all possible peaks identified across all conditions. This is used in the final analysis across all conditions for comparison purposes.

    Separate parameters are provided for broad peak calling, which are supplemental to narrow peak calling, including --broadcut and --broadgap. In general, Macs2 uses these additional parameters to merge distant peak signals into broader intervals. These are provided to the user as is, and no further analysis is automatically performed with them.

  • Independent replicate peak calls

    When multiple replicates are given per condition, peak calls can be made independently for each replicate.

      --independent \

    This is particularly helpful when the replicates do not have good correlation with each other or there is high background and spurious peak calls not shared between replicates. The replicate peaks are then merged into a single sample peak file. By default, the minimum number of replicates with overlapping peaks to accept as a final merged sample peak is n - 1, where n is the number of replicates. For example, if a peak is identified at gene XYZ1 in two out of three replicates, it is retained, but not if it was identified in only one replicate. The minimum can be reset, for example to keep all peaks identified. This is a global value and cannot be adjusted for multiple samples.

      --minpeakover 1 \

    Mean-replicate peaks are always called in parallel with independent-replicate peak calls. Analysis folders are kept separately.

  • Peak scoring

    The peaks are re-scored for their mean log2 fold enrichment and q-value score across all conditions. Additionally, normalized read counts are also collected across all replicates for use in downstream differential occupancy analysis. Relative spatial occupancy and enrichment are collected in bins flanking the peaks midpoints. The bin size can be set using --binsize.

  • Job control

    The main wrapper utilizes its own parallelization for execution, and is designed to run on a single work station or compute node with one or more CPU cores; compute cluster job management software is not needed. Disk IO may limit effective throughput more so than the number of CPU cores.

    There are two options for controlling jobs and CPU usage, as some of the tools are multi-threaded and many of the applications can be run concurrently. The --job option indicates the number of simultaneous jobs (applications) that can be run concurrently. The --cpu option indicates the number of threads available to each job. The product of the two should not exceed the total number of cores or threads allowed for your machine.

    When mistakes happen and the pipeline stops early (it may happen), it is usually possible to restart the pipeline after fixing the error. Each child-job is checked for pre-existing output and log files and skipped appropriately if they exist.

    For advanced users, a bigWig file (fragment or lambda_control) may be specified for the samples instead of bam files to expedite subsequent runs.

Variation with ATAC-seq

There are some variations with ATAC-Seq compared to ChIP-Seq.

First, duplication rates are often considerably higher than with ChIP-Seq, and this is generally expected and desirable. Duplication events are much more likely to be biological than PCR-derived. If normalizing duplication rates through subsampling, set as high of percentage as possible to retain this biological signal. Remember, however, that artificial optical duplicates are still bad, and should be discarded when possible. If you wish to keep all duplicates but still discard optical duplicates, set the maximum-depth to something particularly high, such as 10000, and set the optical pixel distance to an appropriate value (2500 for patterned Illumina flow cells).

There is usually no reference or control files. In this case, a global mean average is automatically calculated based on the ATAC signal. Setting an accurate genome size with the --genome option is essential here, since actual genomic coverage from ATAC-Seq is usually quite poor.

There are two possible strategies for ATAC-Seq analysis.

  • Fragment analysis

    An analysis of the fragments generated by ATAC-Seq as a measure of general DNA accessibility, i.e. the higher fragment coverage indicates a higher degree of open chromatin. These libraries are frequently sequenced as paired-end reads, and the insert size of fragments can be restricted in silico to specific ranges for specific analyses, such as 30-120 bp for sub-nucleosomal, 121-200 bp for nucleosomal fragments, and higher for multi-nucleosomal fragments. Use the --min and --max options to specify acceptable paired-end size ranges. For example,

      --pe \
      --min 30 \
      --max 120 \

    For single-end, you can treat it as you would as ChIP-Seq (which would calculate a mean fragment size to use), or use the cut site analysis below.

  • Cut site analysis

    An analysis of where the cut sites are to get a higher resolution analysis of explicitly open DNA (or DNase Hyper Sensitive) sites. This analysis is often chosen to examine potential transcription factor binding sites that frequently occur at HS sites.

    To run this analysis, simply include the --atac option, which simultaneously sets a number of default parameters. Specifically, 100 bp fragment coverage is generated centered over the cut site (alignment) ends, and peak calls of minimum 150 bp length are made. Cut-site point data are generated with 5 bp shifts in case fine-mapping of transcription factors is pursued.

Variation with Cut-and-Run or Cut-and-Tag

Cut-and-Run and Cut-and-Tag techniques use targeted endonucleases to release chromatin fragments and is analogous to ChIP-Seq, but without enrichment over background and the corresponding sequencing of Input or reference chromatin. Consequently, sequencing depths are usually quite low. This technique benefits greatly from biological replicates, which can reduce spurious peak calls.

These techniques generally have very high duplication rates due to extremely low DNA quantities in the library preparation and PCR amplification. While high biological duplication is also likely expected due to restricted chromatin digestion, the high PCR duplication makes retaining duplicates dubious and can yield high false positives. Therefore, duplicate sub-sampling could be used but should be limited to very low rates.

Non-targeted samples, usually with no specific antibody or generic IgG, could be used as a reference control, but is rarely sequenced deep enough or have high enough coverage ( >75% of the genome) to generate a quality lambda control. Instead, the non-specific sample(s) should be used in a separate run to call peaks, and those peaks should then be used as the exclusion list in a subsequent pipeline analysis of the targeted samples. Ideally, the peaks should be spot checked and evaluated in a genome browser and peak calling parameters adjusted as necessary before using as an exclusion list.

Peaks tend to be smaller and with less enrichment. The size or width of significant q-value peaks may be smaller than fragment pileup peaks, so peak calling parameters may need to be adjusted with --cutoff, --peaksize, and --peakgap parameters. See the section peak recall section.

External spike-in genome normalization, usually bacterial or yeast, are generally not helpful with peak calling as it can distort the statistics of peak calling. If they're included in the bam file, be sure to exclude with the --chrskip option. The normalization factors could be used in subsequent visualization or differential analysis.

Variation with MNase-Seq

Processing MNase-Seq files can be done, but with caveats. Generally, "peaks" are not necessarily called in these types of analysis for a few reasons. First, the number of differences are so many that it considerably reduces statistical significance scores for peaks to be called. Second, shifts in nucleosomes can create differences that are generally too small to be reliably called. Third, differences between conditions can go in either direction, up or down, and Macs2 is not suited for these types of differential significance calls.

In personal experience, calling differences as a delta coverage score is generally more reliable. See the application as a convenient tool to do this.

Duplication is also a concern, and similar to ATAC-Seq, MNase-derived nucleosome fragments exhibit extremely high biological duplication. The same cautions should be applied with MNase-Seq as with ATAC-Seq (see above).

Interpretation and advanced analysis

Unlike more straightforward types of analyses, ChIP-Seq is highly variable, owing to the particular nature and behavior of the protein being analyzed. Some have nice, narrow, tall peaks, while others are broad and diffuse. The best way to interpret ChIP-Seq analysis is to not rely on tables of numbers, but rather to view the generated bigWig data tracks in a genome browser, such as IGV. In particular, load the called peak files (.narrowPeak), statistical enrichment ( bigWig files), and log2 fold enrichment ( Refining and repeating the Macs2 peak calling application is not uncommon.

Recall peaks with different parameters

It's not unusual, if after evaluation, to decide that the original peak calling parameters were not ideal and should be modified. Rather than rerunning the entire pipeline, peaks can now be recalled in a fraction of the time by reusing the existing q-value tracks using the recall_peaks script. Modifications can be made to the --peaksize, --peakgap, and --cutoff values, as well as the broad (gapped) peak parameters. Any changes affecting alignments, fragments, or lambda background will necessitate rerunning the entire pipeline.

NOTE that this only recalls mean-replicate peaks, and not the merged independent-replicate peaks generated with the --independent option. Recalling independent-replicate peaks currently requires rerunning the entire pipeline.

$ --in all_chip --out recall --dir ChIP-Seq --peaksize 150 --peakgap 100

The original pipeline --out value is given as the --in value here, and a new output defined. Point the directory to the same output directory as before, and the relevant bigWig files should be found and re-used. Peaks will be recalled, merged, and re-scored as before. New plots will be generated. New subfolders will be generated, with an incrementing digit suffix; original files will not be overwritten. The intersect_peaks script can be used to compare the old and new peak calls, if desired.

Differential peak analysis

When two or more conditions are used for ChIP, then a differential analysis can be applied across the final merged set of peaks to identify those that significantly differential. The R package DESeq2 is one recommended package, among several. The run_DESeq2 script is a convenient, simple, wrapper script for running such analysis.

$ run_DESeq2.R --count output_counts.txt.gz --sample output_samples.txt \
--first chip1 --second chip2 \
--norm --all --output differential_chip1_chip2 

The count table generated by this pipeline have already been sequencing-depth normalized, hence the use of the --norm option (which sets all size factors to 1) in the script. Since the peaks represent a tiny fraction of the genome, it is best to use genome-wide counts for normalization, otherwise true differences between ChIP peaks may be normalized away if DESeq2 is allowed to do it by default.

The script generate_differential will generate a differential track between two log2FE or coverage bigWig (or bedGraph) files by subtracting the second from the first. Both tracks set a minimum value before subtraction, to avoid regions that are not initially enriched. Enriched peaks from each respective ChIP may be called by defining an absolute delta difference (no statistical call is made).

$ --in1 --in2 \
--min 0.5 --delta 1 --len 200 --gap 50

Macs2 also has a differential analysis mode. This uses four input files, the fragment pileup and lambda control files for both ChIPs.

$ macs2 bdgdiff -t1 <file1> -t2 <file2> -c1 <file3> -c2 <file4> \
--d1 <depth> --d2 <depth> -C <cutoff> --o-prefix <basename>

This uses log likelihood for differential detection. In my experience, the R packages work better.

Manual intersection and scoring of peaks

Sometimes you want to intersect a subset of the peaks, perhaps filtering the peak files themselves or not including a sample. To regenerate a new combined list of peaks and re-score them for making new plots, you can follow the steps below. This is essentially what was run automatically by the pipeline script (compare with the output of the pipeline). Adjust accordingly for your situation.

$ --out new_list sample1.narrowPeak sample2.narrowPeak ...

$ --method mean --in new_list.bed --out new_list_qvalue.txt \
--format 3 *

$ --method mean --in new_list.bed --out new_list_log2FE.txt \
--format 3 *

$ --method sum --in new_list.bed --out new_list_counts.txt \
--format 0 *

$ cp *_samples.txt new_list_samples.txt

$ plot_figures.R -i new_list

In the above example, be sure to edit the _samples.txt file to reflect the new samples, if necessary.

Reference genome scaling

Using a reference genome for controlling enrichment between conditions, such as including Drosophila chromatin in your ChIP assay of human chromatin as described in Orlando et al, is an advanced technique of analysis. Unfortunately, this normalization scale can not be used in peak calling, since it artificially skews the coverage depth and breaks the assumptions of equality (null hypothesis) between ChIP and control required for making a statistically confident peak call. It is best to call peaks without normalization, preferably in a normal or wild type situation, and then assay those peaks with external-genome normalized coverage tracks in subsequent analysis.

Earlier versions of this pipeline included options for scaling. These options remain as advanced options but are not detailed.


This package includes a number of Perl and R scripts in the bin directory and utilizes several external software applications. The required external applications can be usually be found be searching the users' PATH; however, they can also be specified by using the appropriate command line option in the script. For convenience, it may be best to install everything in a modules environment, a Docker image, or similar.

See the associated Install document for details on manually installing.

HCI users

HCI users running the pipeline on local servers can simply load the packages into your environment using a module command. This can also be used with Pysano.

$ module load multirepChIP-Seq
$ module unload multirepChIP-Seq