- Socket, log-in and reservation in C
- If you want to use this program, you should run the "Makefile" which is in each directory
- An input example(for client)
- exam
- 0000(PW) //Correct password
- 3(product number)
- 1(order quantity)
- exam
- 0000(PW) //Worng password
- y(retry)
- 9999(PW) //Correct password
- 3(product number)
- 1(order quantity)
- Log-in
- Enter ID
- If this ID exists, the client would enter the password and be checked if it is correct.
- If it's not correct, the server would ask the client to enter the password again. When the client says "y", the user could retry.
- If this ID is not existed, the server would make new directory and take the password and save.
- The password should be a 4-letter word. If it is more than 4 letters, the server would save only the first 4 letters.
- 로그인
- Id입력
- 기존에 있는 id이면 pw를 입력받고 일치하는지 확인, 불일치면 다시 입력하는지 묻고 재시도
- 기존에 없는 새 id이면 새로운 dir생성, pw를 입력받고 저장
- pw는 4글자, 그 이상받아도 앞 4글자만 저장됨
- Show the List of Products and Price.
- When the client logs in successfully, the server gives the list of products and price to the client.
- 상품 출력
- 로그인을 성공하면 서버에서 상품과 가격을 받아 출력함
- Pick One.
- The client should enter the number of a product that the customer wants.
- 상품 고르기
- 원하는 상품의 번호를 입력
- The Quantity
- Enter the quantity how many the customer wants it.
- 상품 수량
- 원하는 수량을 입력
- Complete the order and Save
- Save the details of the order such as product's name, quantity and total bill.
- 주문완료 & 저장
- 주문 완료된 상세정보(주문한 상품, 갯수, 가격)을 서버에 저장
- 클라이언트에게 출력
The 5min timeout works when there is no interactive activies to server.
5분이상 입력없으면 강제종료