Yes! Final!
Every chapter will come with a hands-off coding challenge that will allow you to test the concepts learned in that chapter.
There are no right answers, no wrong ones either. Even if you don't figure out how to solve the issue, look at our example and go from there
The concept is simple: we are going to create a very simple bare bones calculator in C#
Don't worry about the looks, we are working in the console here and the day of ASCI samurais are more or less over
The calculator should ask you what operation you want to preform (+,-,*,/)
It should ask for the first number
Then the second number
And after that... you guessed it: output the correct answer
No need to worry about malicious user inputs or all that jazz just yet, we cover that in the next chapter
In the next chapter we will use the calculator exercise to refactor some newly learned principles, if you don't feel like you are ready just yet there will be an example calculator Here!
If you want to send me your finished Calculator project I would gladly look at them, give feedback or add them to the examples
If you do, please use the pull request options in GitHub