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A python program to automate molecular line identification from raw ALMA data package (.fits) based on CASA with ADMIT

Start and deploy

This application requires installation of the CASA software (5.0.0+) and ADMIT package. To start admit in CASA, run import admit

Set expected molecular lines

The programs takes a .txt named input.txt as input. The first line of input.txt should be the number of expected lines and each following line the frequency range of every expected line. An example if input.txt is shown below: input.txt
317.29 317.30
318.77 318.89
319.69 320.00

Set parameter range

Currently, the program supports user-defined range for numsigma, minchan and maxchan, presented as lists numsigmaRange, minchanRange and maxchanRange in Changing the value of these lists will redefine parameter range. More parameters will be added in the future to allow for better customizability.

Automate parameter finding process

In CASA's iPython environment, run
The program will run all ADMIT tasks based on parameter range and then print out the best-fit parameter set in the console.