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106 lines (99 loc) · 4.91 KB

File metadata and controls

106 lines (99 loc) · 4.91 KB

Session 2 Notes


By now you should be able to pull data through Twitter API The API send the data that includes 4 sections:

  • data
  • includes: has two sub-sections: referenced_tweets, referenced_users
  • error
  • meta

The data should be consisted of 4 or 5 files:

  • raw_data: pulled tweets based on the request
  • raw_reference_tweets: contains tweets that have been referenced by the tweets in the raw_data
  • raw_reference_users(optional): user information associated with the raw_reference_tweets
  • raw_errors: error messages when pulling tweets
  • raw_meta: meta data generated when pulling tweets

Plan for Today

  1. Load and explore data
  2. Parse context annotations, entities
  3. Parse referenced_tweet, public metrics
  4. Convert created_at
  5. Merge raw_data & raw_reference_tweets
  6. Filter data by condition

Context Annotations and Entities

  • Tweet context annotations offer a way to understand contextual information about the Tweet itself. Though 100% of Tweets are reviewed, due to the contents of Tweet text, only a portion are annotated.

  • The context annotations is derived from the analysis of a Tweet’s text and will include a domain and entity pairing which can be used to discover Tweets on topics that may have been previously difficult to surface. At present, there is a list of 50+ domains to categorize Tweets.

  • Entity annotations: Entities are comprised of below types. Entities are delivered as part of the entity payload section. They are programmatically assigned based on what is explicitly mentioned in the Tweet text.

    • Person - Barack Obama, Daniel, or George W. Bush
    • Place - Detroit, Cali, or "San Francisco, California"
    • Product - Mountain Dew, Mozilla Firefox
    • Organization - Chicago White Sox, IBM
    • Other - Diabetes, Super Bowl 50
  • More detail


Read csv file with pd.read_csv

  • dtype=object, so the long id number is kept in full
  • the default sep is comma

Summarize data with:

  • raw_data.describe()

Pay attention to the datatypes:

  • raw_data.dtypes
  • Ideally, all columns should be object

Glimpse the data with the first five rows

  • raw_data.head()
  • It is often useful to check a few rows so we have an idea what the data look like

Further checking by indexing

  • raw_data.loc[0,"context_annotations"]
  • loc-indexing can be used with conditions, column name, row numbers
  • raw_data.iloc[0,1]
  • iloc-indexing is only used for both row-number and column-number indexing
  • Notice that one tweet can have multiple annotations. It is a better practice to parse the column context_annotations to a separate dataframe


When parsing data, or any data wrangling, keep in mind what the data type is, and which type to convert to.

In the cleaning task for tweet data, pay attention to whether it's str or dict or listor int.

Understanding JSON Data

  • A common use of JSON is to exchange data to/from a web server.
  • When receiving data from a web server, the data is always a string.
  • use ast.literal_eval() to convert the string first
  • ideally the converted data type should be dict or list, which can be easily flattened
  • use pd.json_normalize() to flatten the

Define Function

  • Define function that can parse each of the entries and return the parsed data
  • The function will process data explained above

Vectorize Function

Why we need to vectorize a function?

  • Vectorization could simplify the code
  • Vectorization will take array as the input instead of single entry
  • use np.vectorize()

Apply Function to raw data

  • The function returns a dataframe or multiple dataframes
  • The associated tweet id can be used to merge with the original text

Parse referenced_tweets, public_metrics

  • The referenced_tweets can be parsed within the original data
  • Use regex
    • \d:digits [0-9]
    • \w:alphanumeric [A-Za-z0-9_]
    • \s: space
    • +: one or more
    • *: zero or more
    • .: any character

Parse created_at

  • By default, twitter returns timezone-aware datetime format
  • The timezone is set at the zone of UTC
  • Use pd.to_datetime() to convert the string to datetime format first
  • Then the datetime.dt.tz_convert('US/Eastern') can convert the time to US ET, the conversion is DST sensitive
