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30.优化 Optimization

The evening’s the best part of the day. You’ve done your day’s work. Now you can put your feet up and enjoy it.

​ ——Kazuo Ishiguro, The Remains of the Day


If I still lived in New Orleans, I’d call this chapter a lagniappe, a little something extra given for free to a customer. You’ve got a whole book and a complete virtual machine already, but I want you to have some more fun hacking on clox. This time, we’re going for pure performance. We’ll apply two very different optimizations to our virtual machine. In the process, you’ll get a feel for measuring and improving the performance of a language implementation—or any program, really.


30 . 1 Measuring Performance

30.1 测量性能

Optimization means taking a working application and improving its performance. An optimized program does the same thing, it just takes less resources to do so. The resource we usually think of when optimizing is runtime speed, but it can also be important to reduce memory usage, startup time, persistent storage size, or network bandwidth. All physical resources have some cost—even if the cost is mostly in wasted human time—so optimization work often pays off.


There was a time in the early days of computing that a skilled programmer could hold the entire hardware architecture and compiler pipeline in their head and understand a program’s performance just by thinking real hard. Those days are long gone, separated from the present by microcode, cache lines, branch prediction, deep compiler pipelines, and mammoth instruction sets. We like to pretend C is a “low-level” language, but the stack of technology between

printf("Hello, world!");

and a greeting appearing on screen is now perilously tall.

在计算机早期,曾经有一段时间,一个熟练的程序员可以把整个硬件架构和编译器管道记在脑子里,只需要认真思考就可以了解程序的性能。那些日子早已一去不复返了,现在已经被微码、缓存线、分支预测、深层编译器管道和庞大的指令集所分隔。我们喜欢假装C语言是一种“低级”语言,但在printf("Hello, world!");和屏幕上出现的问候语之间的技术栈现在已经很高了。

Optimization today is an empirical science. Our program is a border collie sprinting through the hardware’s obstacle course. If we want her to reach the end faster, we can’t just sit and ruminate on canine physiology until enlightenment strikes. Instead, we need to observe her performance, see where she stumbles, and then find faster paths for her to take.


Much like agility training is particular to one dog and one obstacle course, we can’t assume that our virtual machine optimizations will make all Lox programs run faster on all hardware. Different Lox programs stress different areas of the VM, and different architectures have their own strengths and weaknesses.


30 . 1 . 1 Benchmarks

When we add new functionality, we validate correctness by writing tests—Lox programs that use a feature and validate the VM’s behavior. Tests pin down semantics and ensure we don’t break existing features when we add new ones. We have similar needs when it comes to performance:


  1. How do we validate that an optimization does improve performance, and by how much?
  2. How do we ensure that other unrelated changes don’t regress performance?
  1. 我们如何验证一项优化确实提高了性能,以及提高了多少?
  2. 我们如何确保其它不相关的修改不会使性能退步?

The Lox programs we write to accomplish those goals are benchmarks. These are carefully crafted programs that stress some part of the language implementation. They measure not what the program does, but how long it takes to do it.


By measuring the performance of a benchmark before and after a change, you can see what your change does. When you land an optimization, all of the tests should behave exactly the same as they did before, but hopefully the benchmarks run faster.


Once you have an entire suite of benchmarks, you can measure not just that an optimization changes performance, but on which kinds of code. Often you’ll find that some benchmarks get faster while others get slower. Then you have to make hard decisions about what kinds of code your language implementation optimizes for.


The suite of benchmarks you choose to write is a key part of that decision. In the same way that your tests encode your choices around what correct behavior looks like, your benchmarks are the embodiment of your priorities when it comes to performance. They will guide which optimizations you implement, so choose your benchmarks carefully, and don’t forget to periodically reflect on whether they are helping you reach your larger goals.


Benchmarking is a subtle art. Like tests, you need to balance not overfitting to your implementation while ensuring that the benchmark does actually tickle the code paths that you care about. When you measure performance, you need to compensate for variance caused by CPU throttling, caching, and other weird hardware and operating system quirks. I won’t give you a whole sermon here, but treat benchmarking as its own skill that improves with practice.


30 . 1 . 2 Profiling

30.1.2 剖析

OK, so you’ve got a few benchmarks now. You want to make them go faster. Now what? First of all, let’s assume you’ve done all the obvious, easy work. You are using the right algorithms and data structures—or, at least, you aren’t using ones that are aggressively wrong. I don’t consider using a hash table instead of a linear search through a huge unsorted array “optimization” so much as “good software engineering”.


Since the hardware is too complex to reason about our program’s performance from first principles, we have to go out into the field. That means profiling. A profiler, if you’ve never used one, is a tool that runs your program and tracks hardware resource use as the code executes. Simple ones show you how much time was spent in each function in your program. Sophisticated ones log data cache misses, instruction cache misses, branch mispredictions, memory allocations, and all sorts of other metrics.


There are many profilers out there for various operating systems and languages. On whatever platform you program, it’s worth getting familiar with a decent profiler. You don’t need to be a master. I have learned things within minutes of throwing a program at a profiler that would have taken me days to discover on my own through trial and error. Profilers are wonderful, magical tools.


30 . 2 Faster Hash Table Probing

30.2 更快的哈希表探测

Enough pontificating, let’s get some performance charts going up and to the right. The first optimization we’ll do, it turns out, is about the tiniest possible change we could make to our VM.


When I first got the bytecode virtual machine that clox is descended from working, I did what any self-respecting VM hacker would do. I cobbled together a couple of benchmarks, fired up a profiler, and ran those scripts through my interpreter. In a dynamically typed language like Lox, a large fraction of user code is field accesses and method calls, so one of my benchmarks looked something like this:


class Zoo {
  init() {
    this.aardvark = 1;
    this.baboon   = 1;      = 1;
    this.donkey   = 1;
    this.elephant = 1;      = 1;
  ant()    { return this.aardvark; }
  banana() { return this.baboon; }
  tuna()   { return; }
  hay()    { return this.donkey; }
  grass()  { return this.elephant; }
  mouse()  { return; }

var zoo = Zoo();
var sum = 0;
var start = clock();
while (sum < 100000000) {
  sum = sum + zoo.ant()
            + zoo.banana()
            + zoo.tuna()
            + zoo.hay()
            + zoo.grass()
            + zoo.mouse();

print clock() - start;
print sum;

If you’ve never seen a benchmark before, this might seem ludicrous. What is going on here? The program itself doesn’t intend to do anything useful. What it does do is call a bunch of methods and access a bunch of fields since those are the parts of the language we’re interested in. Fields and methods live in hash tables, so it takes care to populate at least a few interesting keys in those tables. That is all wrapped in a big loop to ensure our profiler has enough execution time to dig in and see where the cycles are going.


Before I tell you what my profiler showed me, spend a minute taking a few guesses. Where in clox’s codebase do you think the VM spent most of its time? Is there any code we’ve written in previous chapters that you suspect is particularly slow?


Here’s what I found: Naturally, the function with the greatest inclusive time is run(). (Inclusive time means the total time spent in some function and all other functions it calls—the total time between when you enter the function and when it returns.) Since run() is the main bytecode execution loop, it drives everything.

下面是我的发现:自然,非独占时间最大的函数是run()。(**非独占时间(Inclusive time)**是指在某个函数及其调用的所有其它函数中所花费的总时间——即从你进入函数到函数返回之间的总时间。)因为run()是主要的字节码执行循环,它驱动着一切。

Inside run(), there are small chunks of time sprinkled in various cases in the bytecode switch for common instructions like OP_POP, OP_RETURN, and OP_ADD. The big heavy instructions are OP_GET_GLOBAL with 17% of the execution time, OP_GET_PROPERTY at 12%, and OP_INVOKE which takes a whopping 42% of the total running time.


So we’ve got three hotspots to optimize? Actually, no. Because it turns out those three instructions spend almost all of their time inside calls to the same function: tableGet(). That function claims a whole 72% of the execution time (again, inclusive). Now, in a dynamically typed language, we expect to spend a fair bit of time looking stuff up in hash tables—it’s sort of the price of dynamism. But, still, wow.


30 . 2 . 1 Slow key wrapping

30.2.1 缓慢的键包装

If you take a look at tableGet(), you’ll see it’s mostly a wrapper around a call to findEntry() where the actual hash table lookup happens. To refresh your memory, here it is in full:


static Entry* findEntry(Entry* entries, int capacity,
                        ObjString* key) {
  uint32_t index = key->hash % capacity;
  Entry* tombstone = NULL;

  for (;;) {
    Entry* entry = &entries[index];
    if (entry->key == NULL) {
      if (IS_NIL(entry->value)) {
        // Empty entry.
        return tombstone != NULL ? tombstone : entry;
      } else {
        // We found a tombstone.
        if (tombstone == NULL) tombstone = entry;
    } else if (entry->key == key) {
      // We found the key.
      return entry;

    index = (index + 1) % capacity;

When running that previous benchmark—on my machine, at least—the VM spends 70% of the total execution time on one line in this function. Any guesses as to which one? No? It’s this:


  uint32_t index = key->hash % capacity;

That pointer dereference isn’t the problem. It’s the little %. It turns out the modulo operator is really slow. Much slower than other arithmetic operators. Can we do something better?


In the general case, it’s really hard to re-implement a fundamental arithmetic operator in user code in a way that’s faster than what the CPU itself can do. After all, our C code ultimately compiles down to the CPU’s own arithmetic operations. If there were tricks we could use to go faster, the chip would already be using them.


However, we can take advantage of the fact that we know more about our problem than the CPU does. We use modulo here to take a key string’s hash code and wrap it to fit within the bounds of the table’s entry array. That array starts out at eight elements and grows by a factor of two each time. We know—and the CPU and C compiler do not—that our table’s size is always a power of two.


Because we’re clever bit twiddlers, we know a faster way to calculate the remainder of a number modulo a power of two: bit masking. Let’s say we want to calculate 229 modulo 64. The answer is 37, which is not particularly apparent in decimal, but is clearer when you view those numbers in binary:


The bit patterns resulting from 229 % 64 = 37 and 229 & 63 = 37.

On the left side of the illustration, notice how the result (37) is simply the dividend (229) with the highest two bits shaved off? Those two highest bits are the bits at or to the left of the divisor’s single 1 bit.


On the right side, we get the same result by taking 229 and bitwise AND-ing it with 63, which is one less than our original power of two divisor. Subtracting one from a power of two gives you a series of 1 bits. That is exactly the mask we need in order to strip out those two leftmost bits.


In other words, you can calculate a number modulo any power of two by simply AND-ing it with that power of two minus one. I’m not enough of a mathematician to prove to you that this works, but if you think it through, it should make sense. We can replace that slow modulo operator with a very fast decrement and bitwise AND. We simply change the offending line of code to this:



static Entry* findEntry(Entry* entries, int capacity,
                        ObjString* key) {  
  // 替换部分开始
  uint32_t index = key->hash & (capacity - 1);
  // 替换部分结束
  Entry* tombstone = NULL;

CPUs love bitwise operators, so it’s hard to improve on that.


Our linear probing search may need to wrap around the end of the array, so there is another modulo in findEntry() to update.



    // We found the key.
      return entry;
    // 替换部分开始
    index = (index + 1) & (capacity - 1);
    // 替换部分结束

This line didn’t show up in the profiler since most searches don’t wrap.


The findEntry() function has a sister function, tableFindString() that does a hash table lookup for interning strings. We may as well apply the same optimizations there too. This function is called only when interning strings, which wasn’t heavily stressed by our benchmark. But a Lox program that created lots of strings might noticeably benefit from this change.



  if (table->count == 0) return NULL;
  // 替换部分开始
  uint32_t index = hash & (table->capacity - 1);
  // 替换部分结束
  for (;;) {
    Entry* entry = &table->entries[index];

And also when the linear probing wraps around.



    return entry->key;
    // 替换部分开始
    index = (index + 1) & (table->capacity - 1);
    // 替换部分结束

Let’s see if our fixes were worth it. I tweaked that zoological benchmark to count how many batches of 10,000 calls it can run in ten seconds. More batches equals faster performance. On my machine using the unoptimized code, the benchmark gets through 3,192 batches. After this optimization, that jumps to 6,249.


Bar chart comparing the performance before and after the optimization.

That’s almost exactly twice as much work in the same amount of time. We made the VM twice as fast (usual caveat: on this benchmark). That is a massive win when it comes to optimization. Usually you feel good if you can claw a few percentage points here or there. Since methods, fields, and global variables are so prevalent in Lox programs, this tiny optimization improves performance across the board. Almost every Lox program benefits.


Now, the point of this section is not that the modulo operator is profoundly evil and you should stamp it out of every program you ever write. Nor is it that micro-optimization is a vital engineering skill. It’s rare that a performance problem has such a narrow, effective solution. We got lucky.


The point is that we didn’t know that the modulo operator was a performance drain until our profiler told us so. If we had wandered around our VM’s codebase blindly guessing at hotspots, we likely wouldn’t have noticed it. What I want you to take away from this is how important it is to have a profiler in your toolbox.


To reinforce that point, let’s go ahead and run the original benchmark in our now-optimized VM and see what the profiler shows us. On my machine, tableGet() is still a fairly large chunk of execution time. That’s to be expected for a dynamically typed language. But it has dropped from 72% of the total execution time down to 35%. That’s much more in line with what we’d like to see and shows that our optimization didn’t just make the program faster, but made it faster in the way we expected. Profilers are as useful for verifying solutions as they are for discovering problems.


30 . 3 NaN Boxing

30.3 NaN装箱

This next optimization has a very different feel. Thankfully, despite the odd name, it does not involve punching your grandmother. It’s different, but not, like, that different. With our previous optimization, the profiler told us where the problem was, and we merely had to use some ingenuity to come up with a solution.


This optimization is more subtle, and its performance effects more scattered across the virtual machine. The profiler won’t help us come up with this. Instead, it was invented by someone thinking deeply about the lowest levels of machine architecture.


Like the heading says, this optimization is called NaN boxing or sometimes NaN tagging. Personally I like the latter name because “boxing” tends to imply some kind of heap-allocated representation, but the former seems to be the more widely used term. This technique changes how we represent values in the VM.


On a 64-bit machine, our Value type takes up 16 bytes. The struct has two fields, a type tag and a union for the payload. The largest fields in the union are an Obj pointer and a double, which are both 8 bytes. To keep the union field aligned to an 8-byte boundary, the compiler adds padding after the tag too:


Byte layout of the 16-byte tagged union Value.

That’s pretty big. If we could cut that down, then the VM could pack more values into the same amount of memory. Most computers have plenty of RAM these days, so the direct memory savings aren’t a huge deal. But a smaller representation means more Values fit in a cache line. That means fewer cache misses, which affects speed.


If Values need to be aligned to their largest payload size, and a Lox number or Obj pointer needs a full 8 bytes, how can we get any smaller? In a dynamically typed language like Lox, each value needs to carry not just its payload, but enough additional information to determine the value’s type at runtime. If a Lox number is already using the full 8 bytes, where could we squirrel away a couple of extra bits to tell the runtime “this is a number”?


This is one of the perennial problems for dynamic language hackers. It particularly bugs them because statically typed languages don’t generally have this problem. The type of each value is known at compile time, so no extra memory is needed at runtime to track it. When your C compiler compiles a 32-bit int, the resulting variable gets exactly 32 bits of storage.


Dynamic language folks hate losing ground to the static camp, so they’ve come up with a number of very clever ways to pack type information and a payload into a small number of bits. NaN boxing is one of those. It’s a particularly good fit for languages like JavaScript and Lua, where all numbers are double-precision floating point. Lox is in that same boat.


30 . 3 . 1 What is (and is not) a number?

30.3.1 什么是(以及不是)数值?

Before we start optimizing, we need to really understand how our friend the CPU represents floating-point numbers. Almost all machines today use the same scheme, encoded in the venerable scroll IEEE 754, known to mortals as the “IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic”.

在开始优化之前,我们需要真正了解我们的朋友CPU是如何表示浮点数的。现在几乎所有的机器都使用相同的方案,编码在古老的卷轴IEEE 754中,凡人们称之为“IEEE浮点运算标准”。

In the eyes of your computer, a 64-bit, double-precision, IEEE floating-point number looks like this:


Bit representation of an IEEE 754 double.

  • Starting from the right, the first 52 bits are the fraction, mantissa, or significand bits. They represent the significant digits of the number, as a binary integer.
  • Next to that are 11 exponent bits. These tell you how far the mantissa is shifted away from the decimal (well, binary) point.
  • The highest bit is the sign bit, which indicates whether the number is positive or negative.
  • 从右边开始,前52位是分数尾数有效位。它们以二进制整数形式表示数值的有效数字。
  • 接下来是11个指数位。它们会告诉你尾数中的小数点要移动多少位。
  • 最高的位是符号位,表示这个数值是正数还是负数10

I know that’s a little vague, but this chapter isn’t a deep dive on floating point representation. If you want to know how the exponent and mantissa play together, there are already better explanations out there than I could write.


The important part for our purposes is that the spec carves out a special case exponent. When all of the exponent bits are set, then instead of just representing a really big number, the value has a different meaning. These values are “Not a Number” (hence, NaN) values. They represent concepts like infinity or the result of division by zero.

对于我们的目的来说,重要的部分是该规范列出了一个特殊情况下的指数。当指数位全部置为1,这个值就不再表示一个非常大的数字了,而是有着不同的含义。这些值是“非数字”(Not a Number,即NaN)值。它们代表了像无穷或除0结果这样的概念。

Any double whose exponent bits are all set is a NaN, regardless of the mantissa bits. That means there’s lots and lots of different NaN bit patterns. IEEE 754 divides those into two categories. Values where the highest mantissa bit is 0 are called signalling NaNs, and the others are quiet NaNs. Signalling NaNs are intended to be the result of erroneous computations, like division by zero. A chip may detect when one of these values is produced and abort a program completely. They may self-destruct if you try to read one.

任何指数位全部被置为1的double数都是NaN,无论尾数位是什么。这意味着有很多不同的NaN模式。IEEE 754将其分为两类。最高尾数位为0的值被称为信号NaN,其它的是静默NaN。信号NaN是错误计算的结果,如除以0。当这些值被生成时,芯片可以检测到并完全中止程序11。如果你试图读取这些值,它们可能会自毁。

Quiet NaNs are supposed to be safer to use. They don’t represent useful numeric values, but they should at least not set your hand on fire if you touch them.


Every double with all of its exponent bits set and its highest mantissa bit set is a quiet NaN. That leaves 52 bits unaccounted for. We’ll avoid one of those so that we don’t step on Intel’s “QNaN Floating-Point Indefinite” value, leaving us 51 bits. Those remaining bits can be anything. We’re talking 2,251,799,813,685,248 unique quiet NaN bit patterns.


The bits in a double that make it a quiet NaN.

This means a 64-bit double has enough room to store all of the various different numeric floating-point values and also has room for another 51 bits of data that we can use however we want. That’s plenty of room to set aside a couple of bit patterns to represent Lox’s nil, true, and false values. But what about Obj pointers? Don’t pointers need a full 64 bits too?


Fortunately, we have another trick up our other sleeve. Yes, technically pointers on a 64-bit architecture are 64 bits. But, no architecture I know of actually uses that entire address space. Instead, most widely used chips today only ever use the low 48 bits. The remaining 16 bits are either unspecified or always zero.


If we’ve got 51 bits, we can stuff a 48-bit pointer in there with three bits to spare. Those three bits are just enough to store tiny type tags to distinguish between nil, Booleans, and Obj pointers.


That’s NaN boxing. Within a single 64-bit double, you can store all of the different floating-point numeric values, a pointer, or any of a couple of other special sentinel values. Half the memory usage of our current Value struct, while retaining all of the fidelity.


What’s particularly nice about this representation is that there is no need to convert a numeric double value into a “boxed” form. Lox numbers are just normal, 64-bit doubles. We still need to check their type before we use them, since Lox is dynamically typed, but we don’t need to do any bit shifting or pointer indirection to go from “value” to “number”.


For the other value types, there is a conversion step, of course. But, fortunately, our VM hides all of the mechanism to go from values to raw types behind a handful of macros. Rewrite those to implement NaN boxing, and the rest of the VM should just work.


30 . 3 . 2 Conditional support

30.3.2 有条件地支持

I know the details of this new representation aren’t clear in your head yet. Don’t worry, they will crystallize as we work through the implementation. Before we get to that, we’re going to put some compile-time scaffolding in place.


For our previous optimization, we rewrote the previous slow code and called it done. This one is a little different. NaN boxing relies on some very low-level details of how a chip represents floating-point numbers and pointers. It probably works on most CPUs you’re likely to encounter, but you can never be totally sure.


It would suck if our VM completely lost support for an architecture just because of its value representation. To avoid that, we’ll maintain support for both the old tagged union implementation of Value and the new NaN-boxed form. We select which representation we want at compile time using this flag:



#include <stdint.h>
// 新增部分开始
#define NAN_BOXING
// 新增部分结束

If that’s defined, the VM uses the new form. Otherwise, it reverts to the old style. The few pieces of code that care about the details of the value representation—mainly the handful of macros for wrapping and unwrapping Values—vary based on whether this flag is set. The rest of the VM can continue along its merry way.


Most of the work happens in the “value” module where we add a section for the new type.



typedef struct ObjString ObjString;
// 新增部分开始

typedef uint64_t Value;

// 新增部分结束
typedef enum {

When NaN boxing is enabled, the actual type of a Value is a flat, unsigned 64-bit integer. We could use double instead, which would make the macros for dealing with Lox numbers a little simpler. But all of the other macros need to do bitwise operations and uint64_t is a much friendlier type for that. Outside of this module, the rest of the VM doesn’t really care one way or the other.


Before we start re-implementing those macros, we close the #else branch of the #ifdef at the end of the definitions for the old representation.



#define OBJ_VAL(object)   ((Value){VAL_OBJ, {.obj = (Obj*)object}})
// 新增部分开始
// 新增部分结束
typedef struct {

Our remaining task is simply to fill in that first #ifdef section with new implementations of all the stuff already in the #else side. We’ll work through it one value type at a time, from easiest to hardest.


30 . 3 . 3 Numbers

30.3.3 数字

We’ll start with numbers since they have the most direct representation under NaN boxing. To “convert” a C double to a NaN-boxed clox Value, we don’t need to touch a single bit—the representation is exactly the same. But we do need to convince our C compiler of that fact, which we made harder by defining Value to be uint64_t.

我们会从数字开始,因为它们在NaN装箱方式中有最直接的表示形式。要将C语言中的double“转换”为一个NaN装箱后的clox Value,我们不需要改动任何一个比特——其表示方式是完全相同的。但我们确实需要说服我们的C编译器相信这一事实,我们将Value定义为uint64_t使之变得更加困难。

We need to get the compiler to take a set of bits that it thinks are a double and use those same bits as a uint64_t, or vice versa. This is called type punning. C and C++ programmers have been doing this since the days of bell bottoms and 8-tracks, but the language specifications have hesitated to say which of the many ways to do this is officially sanctioned.


I know one way to convert a double to Value and back that I believe is supported by both the C and C++ specs. Unfortunately, it doesn’t fit in a single expression, so the conversion macros have to call out to helper functions. Here’s the first macro:



typedef uint64_t Value;
// 新增部分开始
#define NUMBER_VAL(num) numToValue(num)
// 新增部分结束

That macro passes the double here:



#define NUMBER_VAL(num) numToValue(num)
// 新增部分开始
static inline Value numToValue(double num) {
  Value value;
  memcpy(&value, &num, sizeof(double));
  return value;
// 新增部分结束

I know, weird, right? The way to treat a series of bytes as having a different type without changing their value at all is memcpy()? This looks horrendously slow: Create a local variable. Pass its address to the operating system through a syscall to copy a few bytes. Then return the result, which is the exact same bytes as the input. Thankfully, because this is the supported idiom for type punning, most compilers recognize the pattern and optimize away the memcpy() entirely.

我知道,很奇怪,对吗?在不改变值的情况下,将一系列字节视为具有不同类型的方式是memcpy()?这看起来慢的可怕:创建一个局部变量;通过系统调用 将其地址传递给操作系统,以复制几个字节;然后返回结果,这个结果与输入的字节完全相同。值得庆幸的是,由于这是类型双关的习惯用法,大部分编译器都能识别这种模式,并完全优化掉memcpy()

“Unwrapping” a Lox number is the mirror image.



typedef uint64_t Value;
// 新增部分开始
#define AS_NUMBER(value)    valueToNum(value)
// 新增部分结束
#define NUMBER_VAL(num) numToValue(num)

That macro calls this function:



#define NUMBER_VAL(num) numToValue(num)
// 新增部分开始
static inline double valueToNum(Value value) {
  double num;
  memcpy(&num, &value, sizeof(Value));
  return num;
// 新增部分结束
static inline Value numToValue(double num) {

It works exactly the same except we swap the types. Again, the compiler will eliminate all of it. Even though those calls to memcpy() will disappear, we still need to show the compiler which memcpy() we’re calling so we also need an include.



#define clox_value_h
// 新增部分开始
#include <string.h>
// 新增部分结束
#include "common.h"

That was a lot of code to ultimately do nothing but silence the C type checker. Doing a runtime type test on a Lox number is a little more interesting. If all we have are exactly the bits for a double, how do we tell that it is a double? It’s time to get bit twiddling.



typedef uint64_t Value;
// 新增部分开始
#define IS_NUMBER(value)    (((value) & QNAN) != QNAN)
// 新增部分结束
#define AS_NUMBER(value)    valueToNum(value)

We know that every Value that is not a number will use a special quiet NaN representation. And we presume we have correctly avoided any of the meaningful NaN representations that may actually be produced by doing arithmetic on numbers.


If the double has all of its NaN bits set, and the quiet NaN bit set, and one more for good measure, we can be pretty certain it is one of the bit patterns we ourselves have set aside for other types. To check that, we mask out all of the bits except for our set of quiet NaN bits. If all of those bits are set, it must be a NaN-boxed value of some other Lox type. Otherwise, it is actually a number.


The set of quiet NaN bits are declared like this:



// 新增部分开始
#define QNAN     ((uint64_t)0x7ffc000000000000)
// 新增部分结束
typedef uint64_t Value;

It would be nice if C supported binary literals. But if you do the conversion, you’ll see that value is the same as this:


The quiet NaN bits.

This is exactly all of the exponent bits, plus the quiet NaN bit, plus one extra to dodge that Intel value.


30 . 3 . 4 Nil, true, and false

30 . 3 . 4 Nil、true和false

The next type to handle is nil. That’s pretty simple since there’s only one nil value and thus we need only a single bit pattern to represent it. There are two other singleton values, the two Booleans, true and false. This calls for three total unique bit patterns.

下一个要处理的类型是nil。这非常简单,因为只有一个nil值,因此我们只需要1 个比特位模式来表示它。还有另外两个单例值,即两个布尔值,truefalse。这总共需要三种唯一的比特位模式。

Two bits give us four different combinations, which is plenty. We claim the two lowest bits of our unused mantissa space as a “type tag” to determine which of these three singleton values we’re looking at. The three type tags are defined like so:



#define QNAN     ((uint64_t)0x7ffc000000000000)
// 新增部分开始
#define TAG_NIL   1 // 01.
#define TAG_FALSE 2 // 10.
#define TAG_TRUE  3 // 11.
// 新增部分结束
typedef uint64_t Value;

Our representation of nil is thus all of the bits required to define our quiet NaN representation along with the nil type tag bits:


The bit representation of the nil value.

In code, we check the bits like so:



#define AS_NUMBER(value)    valueToNum(value)
// 新增部分开始
#define NIL_VAL         ((Value)(uint64_t)(QNAN | TAG_NIL))
// 新增部分结束
#define NUMBER_VAL(num) numToValue(num)

We simply bitwise OR the quiet NaN bits and the type tag, and then do a little cast dance to teach the C compiler what we want those bits to mean.


Since nil has only a single bit representation, we can use equality on uint64_t to see if a Value is nil.



typedef uint64_t Value;
// 新增部分开始
#define IS_NIL(value)       ((value) == NIL_VAL)
// 新增部分结束
#define IS_NUMBER(value)    (((value) & QNAN) != QNAN)

You can guess how we define the true and false values.



#define AS_NUMBER(value)    valueToNum(value)
// 新增部分开始
#define FALSE_VAL       ((Value)(uint64_t)(QNAN | TAG_FALSE))
#define TRUE_VAL        ((Value)(uint64_t)(QNAN | TAG_TRUE))
// 新增部分结束
#define NIL_VAL         ((Value)(uint64_t)(QNAN | TAG_NIL))

The bits look like this:


The bit representation of the true and false values.

To convert a C bool into a Lox Boolean, we rely on these two singleton values and the good old conditional operator.



#define AS_NUMBER(value)    valueToNum(value)
// 新增部分开始
#define BOOL_VAL(b)     ((b) ? TRUE_VAL : FALSE_VAL)
// 新增部分结束
#define FALSE_VAL       ((Value)(uint64_t)(QNAN | TAG_FALSE))

There’s probably a cleverer bitwise way to do this, but my hunch is that the compiler can figure one out faster than I can. Going the other direction is simpler.



#define IS_NUMBER(value)    (((value) & QNAN) != QNAN)
// 新增部分开始
#define AS_BOOL(value)      ((value) == TRUE_VAL)
// 新增部分结束
#define AS_NUMBER(value)    valueToNum(value)

Since we know there are exactly two Boolean bit representations in Lox—unlike in C where any non-zero value can be considered “true”—if it ain’t true, it must be false. This macro does assume you call it only on a Value that you know is a Lox Boolean. To check that, there’s one more macro.



typedef uint64_t Value;
// 新增部分开始
#define IS_BOOL(value)      (((value) | 1) == TRUE_VAL)
// 新增部分结束
#define IS_NIL(value)       ((value) == NIL_VAL)

That looks a little strange. A more obvious macro would look like this:


#define IS_BOOL(v) ((v) == TRUE_VAL || (v) == FALSE_VAL)

Unfortunately, that’s not safe. The expansion mentions v twice, which means if that expression has any side effects, they will be executed twice. We could have the macro call out to a separate function, but, ugh, what a chore.


Instead, we bitwise OR a 1 onto the value to merge the only two valid Boolean bit patterns. That leaves three potential states the value can be in:


  1. It was FALSE_VAL and has now been converted to TRUE_VAL.
  2. It was TRUE_VAL and the | 1 did nothing and it’s still TRUE_VAL.
  3. It’s some other, non-Boolean value.
  1. 之前是FALSE_VAL,现在转换为TRUE_VAL
  2. 之前是TRUE_VAL| 1没有起任何作用,结果仍然是TRUE_VAL
  3. 它是其它的非布尔值。

At that point, we can simply compare the result to TRUE_VAL to see if we’re in the first two states or the third.


30 . 3 . 5 Objects

30.3.5 对象

The last value type is the hardest. Unlike the singleton values, there are billions of different pointer values we need to box inside a NaN. This means we need both some kind of tag to indicate that these particular NaNs are Obj pointers, and room for the addresses themselves.


The tag bits we used for the singleton values are in the region where I decided to store the pointer itself, so we can’t easily use a different bit there to indicate that the value is an object reference. However, there is another bit we aren’t using. Since all our NaN values are not numbers—it’s right there in the name—the sign bit isn’t used for anything. We’ll go ahead and use that as the type tag for objects. If one of our quiet NaNs has its sign bit set, then it’s an Obj pointer. Otherwise, it must be one of the previous singleton values.


If the sign bit is set, then the remaining low bits store the pointer to the Obj:


Bit representation of an Obj* stored in a Value.

To convert a raw Obj pointer to a Value, we take the pointer and set all of the quiet NaN bits and the sign bit.



#define NUMBER_VAL(num) numToValue(num)
// 新增部分开始
#define OBJ_VAL(obj) \
    (Value)(SIGN_BIT | QNAN | (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)(obj))
// 新增部分结束
static inline double valueToNum(Value value) {

The pointer itself is a full 64 bits, and in principle, it could thus overlap with some of those quiet NaN and sign bits. But in practice, at least on the architectures I’ve tested, everything above the 48th bit in a pointer is always zero. There’s a lot of casting going on here, which I’ve found is necessary to satisfy some of the pickiest C compilers, but the end result is just jamming some bits together.


We define the sign bit like so:



// 新增部分开始
#define SIGN_BIT ((uint64_t)0x8000000000000000)
// 新增部分结束
#define QNAN     ((uint64_t)0x7ffc000000000000)

To get the Obj pointer back out, we simply mask off all of those extra bits.



#define AS_NUMBER(value)    valueToNum(value)
// 新增部分开始
#define AS_OBJ(value) \
    ((Obj*)(uintptr_t)((value) & ~(SIGN_BIT | QNAN)))
// 新增部分结束
#define BOOL_VAL(b)     ((b) ? TRUE_VAL : FALSE_VAL)

The tilde (~), if you haven’t done enough bit manipulation to encounter it before, is bitwise NOT. It toggles all ones and zeroes in its operand. By masking the value with the bitwise negation of the quiet NaN and sign bits, we clear those bits and let the pointer bits remain.


One last macro:



#define IS_NUMBER(value)    (((value) & QNAN) != QNAN)
// 新增部分开始
#define IS_OBJ(value) \
    (((value) & (QNAN | SIGN_BIT)) == (QNAN | SIGN_BIT))
// 新增部分结束
#define AS_BOOL(value)      ((value) == TRUE_VAL)

A Value storing an Obj pointer has its sign bit set, but so does any negative number. To tell if a Value is an Obj pointer, we need to check that both the sign bit and all of the quiet NaN bits are set. This is similar to how we detect the type of the singleton values, except this time we use the sign bit as the tag.


30 . 3 . 6 Value functions

30.3.6 Value函数

The rest of the VM usually goes through the macros when working with Values, so we are almost done. However, there are a couple of functions in the “value” module that peek inside the otherwise black box of Value and work with its encoding directly. We need to fix those too.


The first is printValue(). It has separate code for each value type. We no longer have an explicit type enum we can switch on, so instead we use a series of type tests to handle each kind of value.



void printValue(Value value) {
// 新增部分开始
  if (IS_BOOL(value)) {
    printf(AS_BOOL(value) ? "true" : "false");
  } else if (IS_NIL(value)) {
  } else if (IS_NUMBER(value)) {
    printf("%g", AS_NUMBER(value));
  } else if (IS_OBJ(value)) {
// 新增部分结束
  switch (value.type) {

This is technically a tiny bit slower than a switch, but compared to the overhead of actually writing to a stream, it’s negligible.


We still support the original tagged union representation, so we keep the old code and enclose it in the #else conditional section.



// 新增部分开始
// 新增部分结束

The other operation is testing two values for equality.



bool valuesEqual(Value a, Value b) {
// 新增部分开始
  return a == b;
// 新增部分结束
  if (a.type != b.type) return false;

It doesn’t get much simpler than that! If the two bit representations are identical, the values are equal. That does the right thing for the singleton values since each has a unique bit representation and they are only equal to themselves. It also does the right thing for Obj pointers, since objects use identity for equality—two Obj references are equal only if they point to the exact same object.


It’s mostly correct for numbers too. Most floating-point numbers with different bit representations are distinct numeric values. Alas, IEEE 754 contains a pothole to trip us up. For reasons that aren’t entirely clear to me, the spec mandates that NaN values are not equal to themselves. This isn’t a problem for the special quiet NaNs that we are using for our own purposes. But it’s possible to produce a “real” arithmetic NaN in Lox, and if we want to correctly implement IEEE 754 numbers, then the resulting value is not supposed to be equal to itself. More concretely:

对于数字来说,也基本是正确的。大多数具有不同位表示形式的浮点数是不同的数值。然而,IEEE 754中有一个坑,会让我们陷入困境。由于我不太清楚的原因,该规范规定NaN值等于自身。对于我们自己使用的特殊的静默NaN来说,这不是问题。但是在Lox中产生一个“真正的”算术型NaN是有可能的,如果我们想正确地实现IEEE 754数字,那么产生的结果值就不等于它自身。更具体地说:

var nan = 0/0;
print nan == nan;

IEEE 754 says this program is supposed to print “false”. It does the right thing with our old tagged union representation because the VAL_NUMBER case applies == to two values that the C compiler knows are doubles. Thus the compiler generates the right CPU instruction to perform an IEEE floating-point equality.

IEEE 754表明,这个程序应该打印“false”。对于我们原先的带标签联合体表示形式来说,它是正确的,因为VAL_NUMBER==应用于两个C编译器知道是double的值。因此,编译器会生成正确的CPU指令来执行IEEE浮点运算。

Our new representation breaks that by defining Value to be a uint64_t. If we want to be fully compliant with IEEE 754, we need to handle this case.

我们的新表示形式由于将Value定义为uint64_t而打破了这一点。如果我们想完全符合IEEE 754的要求,就需要处理这种情况。


#ifdef NAN_BOXING  
  // 新增部分开始
  if (IS_NUMBER(a) && IS_NUMBER(b)) {
    return AS_NUMBER(a) == AS_NUMBER(b);
  // 新增部分结束
  return a == b;

I know, it’s weird. And there is a performance cost to doing this type test every time we check two Lox values for equality. If we are willing to sacrifice a little compatibility—who really cares if NaN is not equal to itself?—we could leave this off. I’ll leave it up to you to decide how pedantic you want to be.


Finally, we close the conditional compilation section around the old implementation.



// 新增部分开始
// 新增部分结束

And that’s it. This optimization is complete, as is our clox virtual machine. That was the last line of new code in the book.


30 . 3 . 7 Evaluating performance

30.3.7 评估性能

The code is done, but we still need to figure out if we actually made anything better with these changes. Evaluating an optimization like this is very different from the previous one. There, we had a clear hotspot visible in the profiler. We fixed that part of the code and could instantly see the hotspot get faster.


The effects of changing the value representation are more diffused. The macros are expanded in place wherever they are used, so the performance changes are spread across the codebase in a way that’s hard for many profilers to track well, especially in an optimized build.


We also can’t easily reason about the effects of our change. We’ve made values smaller, which reduces cache misses all across the VM. But the actual real-world performance effect of that change is highly dependent on the memory use of the Lox program being run. A tiny Lox microbenchmark may not have enough values scattered around in memory for the effect to be noticeable, and even things like the addresses handed out to us by the C memory allocator can impact the results.


If we did our job right, basically everything gets a little faster, especially on larger, more complex Lox programs. But it is possible that the extra bitwise operations we do when NaN-boxing values nullify the gains from the better memory use. Doing performance work like this is unnerving because you can’t easily prove that you’ve made the VM better. You can’t point to a single surgically targeted microbenchmark and say, “There, see?”


Instead, what we really need is a suite of larger benchmarks. Ideally, they would be distilled from real-world applications—not that such a thing exists for a toy language like Lox. Then we can measure the aggregate performance changes across all of those. I did my best to cobble together a handful of larger Lox programs. On my machine, the new value representation seems to make everything roughly 10% faster across the board.


That’s not a huge improvement, especially compared to the profound effect of making hash table lookups faster. I added this optimization in large part because it’s a good example of a certain kind of performance work you may experience, and honestly, because I think it’s technically really cool. It might not be the first thing I would reach for if I were seriously trying to make clox faster. There is probably other, lower-hanging fruit.


But, if you find yourself working on a program where all of the easy wins have been taken, then at some point you may want to think about tuning your value representation. I hope this chapter has shined a light on some of the options you have in that area.


30 . 4 Where to Next

30.4 前路何方

We’ll stop here with the Lox language and our two interpreters. We could tinker on it forever, adding new language features and clever speed improvements. But, for this book, I think we’ve reached a natural place to call our work complete. I won’t rehash everything we’ve learned in the past many pages. You were there with me and you remember. Instead, I’d like to take a minute to talk about where you might go from here. What is the next step in your programming language journey?


Most of you probably won’t spend a significant part of your career working in compilers or interpreters. It’s a pretty small slice of the computer science academia pie, and an even smaller segment of software engineering in industry. That’s OK. Even if you never work on a compiler again in your life, you will certainly use one, and I hope this book has equipped you with a better understanding of how the programming languages you use are designed and implemented.


You have also learned a handful of important, fundamental data structures and gotten some practice doing low-level profiling and optimization work. That kind of expertise is helpful no matter what domain you program in.


I also hope I gave you a new way of looking at and solving problems. Even if you never work on a language again, you may be surprised to discover how many programming problems can be seen as language-like. Maybe that report generator you need to write can be modeled as a series of stack-based “instructions” that the generator “executes”. That user interface you need to render looks an awful lot like traversing an AST.


If you do want to go further down the programming language rabbit hole, here are some suggestions for which branches in the tunnel to explore:


  • Our simple, single-pass bytecode compiler pushed us towards mostly runtime optimization. In a mature language implementation, compile-time optimization is generally more important, and the field of compiler optimizations is incredibly rich. Grab a classic compilers book, and rebuild the front end of clox or jlox to be a sophisticated compilation pipeline with some interesting intermediate representations and optimization passes.

    Dynamic typing will place some restrictions on how far you can go, but there is still a lot you can do. Or maybe you want to take a big leap and add static types and a type checker to Lox. That will certainly give your front end a lot more to chew on.



  • In this book, I aim to be correct, but not particularly rigorous. My goal is mostly to give you an intuition and a feel for doing language work. If you like more precision, then the whole world of programming language academia is waiting for you. Languages and compilers have been studied formally since before we even had computers, so there is no shortage of books and papers on parser theory, type systems, semantics, and formal logic. Going down this path will also teach you how to read CS papers, which is a valuable skill in its own right.


  • Or, if you just really enjoy hacking on and making languages, you can take Lox and turn it into your own plaything. Change the syntax to something that delights your eye. Add missing features or remove ones you don’t like. Jam new optimizations in there.

    Eventually you may get to a point where you have something you think others could use as well. That gets you into the very distinct world of programming language popularity. Expect to spend a ton of time writing documentation, example programs, tools, and useful libraries. The field is crowded with languages vying for users. To thrive in that space you’ll have to put on your marketing hat and sell. Not everyone enjoys that kind of public-facing work, but if you do, it can be incredibly gratifying to see people use your language to express themselves.



Or maybe this book has satisfied your craving and you’ll stop here. Whichever way you go, or don’t go, there is one lesson I hope to lodge in your heart. Like I was, you may have initially been intimidated by programming languages. But in these chapters, you’ve seen that even really challenging material can be tackled by us mortals if we get our hands dirty and take it a step at a time. If you can handle compilers and interpreters, you can do anything you put your mind to.



Assigning homework on the last day of school seems cruel but if you really want something to do during your summer vacation:


  1. Fire up your profiler, run a couple of benchmarks, and look for other hotspots in the VM. Do you see anything in the runtime that you can improve?


  2. Many strings in real-world user programs are small, often only a character or two. This is less of a concern in clox because we intern strings, but most VMs don’t. For those that don’t, heap allocating a tiny character array for each of those little strings and then representing the value as a pointer to that array is wasteful. Often, the pointer is larger than the string’s characters. A classic trick is to have a separate value representation for small strings that stores the characters inline in the value.

    Starting from clox’s original tagged union representation, implement that optimization. Write a couple of relevant benchmarks and see if it helps.



  3. Reflect back on your experience with this book. What parts of it worked well for you? What didn’t? Was it easier for you to learn bottom-up or top-down? Did the illustrations help or distract? Did the analogies clarify or confuse?

    The more you understand your personal learning style, the more effectively you can upload knowledge into your head. You can specifically target material that teaches you the way you learn best.




  1. 大多数基准程序测量的是运行时间。但是,当然,你最终会发现自己需要编写基准测试来测量内存分配、垃圾回收器花费的时间、启动时间等等。

  2. 在JavaScript虚拟机的早期扩散中,第一个广泛使用的基准测试套件是WebKit的SunSpider。在浏览器大战期间,营销人员利用SunSpider的结果来宣称他们的浏览器是最快的。这极大地激励了虚拟机专家们根据这些基准进行优化。

  3. 这里的“你的程序”是指运行其它Lox程序的Lox虚拟机本身。我们要优化的是clox,而不是用户的Lox脚本。当然,选择哪一个Lox程序加载到虚拟机中会极大地影响clox的哪些部分会受到压力,这就是基准测试如此重要的原因。

  4. 这个基准测试的另一个注意点是要使用所执行的代码的结果。通过计算滚动求和与打印结果,我们确保虚拟机必须执行所有的Lox代码。这是一个重要的习惯。与我们这个简单的Lox虚拟机不同,很多编译器都做了积极的死码消除,并且聪明到会丢弃那些结果未被使用的计算逻辑。

  5. 如果你真的想要对哈希表的性能进行基准测试,那你应该使用许多不同大小的表。我们在这里给每个表添加的6个键甚至都没有超过哈希表中8个元素的最小阈值。但我不想向你抛出一个庞大的基准测试脚本。如果你喜欢,可以随意添加更多的小动物和食物。

  6. 流水线使得我们很难讨论单个CPU指令的性能,但可以给你一个直观感受,在x86上,除法和模运算比加法和减法运算慢30-50

  7. 另一个潜在的改进是通过直接存储位掩码而不是存储容量值来消除减法。在我的测试中,这并没有什么区别。如果CPU在其它方面遇到瓶颈,指令流水线的存在使得一些操作基本上是无用的。

  8. 我们最初的基准测试是固定工作量,然后测量时间。修改后的脚本计算它在10秒内可以执行多少批次的调用,是固定时间并测量工作量。对于性能的比较,我喜欢后一种方法,因为报告的数字代表了速度。你可以直接比较优化前后的数字。当测量执行时间时,你必须进行一些计算,才能得到一个良好的相对性能测量。

  9. 我不确定是谁首先提出了这个技巧。我能找到的最早的资料是David Gudeman在1993年发表的论文 《在动态类型语言中表示类型信息(Representing Type Information in Dynamically Typed Languages)》。其他人都在引用这篇文章。但是Gudeman自己说这篇论文并不是什么新颖的工作,而是 "收集了大量的民间传说"。
    也许发明者已经消失在时间的迷雾中,也许它已经被重新发明了很多次。任何人对IEEE 754进行了足够长时间的思考,都可能会开始考虑在那些未使用的NaN中加入一些有用的信息。

  10. 因为符号位一直存在,即使数字是零,这意味着“正零”和“负零”有不同的位表示形式,事实上,IEEE 754确实区分了它们。

  11. 我不知道是否有CPU真正做到了捕获信号NaN并中止,规范中只是说它们可以

  12. 48比特位足以对262,114GB的内存进行寻找。现代操作系统也为每个进程提供了自己的地址空间,所以这应该足够了。

  13. 规范的作者不喜欢类型双关,因为它使得优化变得更加困难。一个关键的优化技术是对指令进行重新排序,以填充CPU的执行管道。显然,编译器只有在重排序不会产生用户可见的影响时才可以这样做。

  14. 如果你发现自己的编译器没有对memcpy()进行优化,可以试试这个:image-20221111164521148

  15. 非常肯定,但不是严格保证。据我所知,没有什么可以阻止CPU产生一个NaN值,作为某些操作的结果,而且这些操作的位表示形式会与我们声明的位表示形式相冲突。但在我跨多个架构的测试中,还没有看到这种情况发生。

  16. 实际上,即使该值是一个Obj指针,我们也可以使用最低位来存储类型标签。这是因为Obj指针总是被对齐到8字节边界,因为Obj包含一个64位的字段。这反过来意味着Obj指针的最低三位始终是0。我们可以在其中存储任何我们想要的东西,只是在解引用指针之前要将这些屏蔽掉。

  17. 在涉及到本书中的代码时,我都试图遵循法律条文,所以这一段是值得怀疑的。在优化的时候,你会遇到一个问题,那就是你不仅要突破规范所规定的边界,还有突破真正的编译器和芯片所允许的边界。

  18. 事实上,jlox把NaN相等性搞错了。当你使用==来比较基本类型double时,Java做的是正确的,但如果你把这些值包装在Double或Object中,并使用equals()来比较它们时,就是错的,而这正是jlox中使用相等性的方式。

  19. 在做剖析工作时,你基本总是想剖析程序的优化后的“发布”构建版本,因为这反映了最终用户体验的性能情况。编译器的优化(如内联)会极大地影响代码中哪些部分是性能热点。手工优化一个调试构建版本,可能会让你去“修复”那些优化编译器本来就会为你解决的问题。

  20. 这也适用于其它领域。我认为我在编程中所学到的任何一个主题——甚至在编程之外——最终都发现在其它领域中是有用的。我最喜欢软件工程的一个方面正是它对那些兴趣广泛的人的助益。

  21. 在这方面,我喜欢Cooper和Torczon的《编译器工程,Engineering a Compiler》。Appel的《现代编译器实现,Modern Compiler Implementation》一书也广受好评。

  22. 本书的文本版权归我所有,但jlox和clox的代码和实现采用了非常宽松的MIT许可。我非常欢迎你使用这些解释器中的任何一个,对它们做任何你想做的事。去吧。