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附录I Appendix I

Here is a complete grammar for Lox. The chapters that introduce each part of the language include the grammar rules there, but this collects them all into one place.


A1 . 1 Syntax Grammar

A1.1 语法

The syntactic grammar is used to parse the linear sequence of tokens into the nested syntax tree structure. It starts with the first rule that matches an entire Lox program (or a single REPL entry).


program        → declaration* EOF ;

A1 . 1 . 1 Declarations

A1.1.1 声明

A program is a series of declarations, which are the statements that bind new identifiers or any of the other statement types.


declaration    → classDecl
               | funDecl
               | varDecl
               | statement ;

classDecl      → "class" IDENTIFIER ( "<" IDENTIFIER )?
                 "{" function* "}" ;
funDecl        → "fun" function ;
varDecl        → "var" IDENTIFIER ( "=" expression )? ";" ;

A1 . 1 . 2 Statements

A1.1.2 语句

The remaining statement rules produce side effects, but do not introduce bindings.


statement      → exprStmt
               | forStmt
               | ifStmt
               | printStmt
               | returnStmt
               | whileStmt
               | block ;

exprStmt       → expression ";" ;
forStmt        → "for" "(" ( varDecl | exprStmt | ";" )
                           expression? ";"
                           expression? ")" statement ;
ifStmt         → "if" "(" expression ")" statement
                 ( "else" statement )? ;
printStmt      → "print" expression ";" ;
returnStmt     → "return" expression? ";" ;
whileStmt      → "while" "(" expression ")" statement ;
block          → "{" declaration* "}" ;

Note that block is a statement rule, but is also used as a nonterminal in a couple of other rules for things like function bodies.


A1 . 1 . 3 Expressions

A1.1.3 表达式

Expressions produce values. Lox has a number of unary and binary operators with different levels of precedence. Some grammars for languages do not directly encode the precedence relationships and specify that elsewhere. Here, we use a separate rule for each precedence level to make it explicit.


expression     → assignment ;

assignment     → ( call "." )? IDENTIFIER "=" assignment
               | logic_or ;

logic_or       → logic_and ( "or" logic_and )* ;
logic_and      → equality ( "and" equality )* ;
equality       → comparison ( ( "!=" | "==" ) comparison )* ;
comparison     → term ( ( ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" ) term )* ;
term           → factor ( ( "-" | "+" ) factor )* ;
factor         → unary ( ( "/" | "*" ) unary )* ;

unary          → ( "!" | "-" ) unary | call ;
call           → primary ( "(" arguments? ")" | "." IDENTIFIER )* ;
primary        → "true" | "false" | "nil" | "this"
               | NUMBER | STRING | IDENTIFIER | "(" expression ")"
               | "super" "." IDENTIFIER ;

A1 . 1 . 4 Utility rules

A1.1.4 实用规则

In order to keep the above rules a little cleaner, some of the grammar is split out into a few reused helper rules.


function       → IDENTIFIER "(" parameters? ")" block ;
parameters     → IDENTIFIER ( "," IDENTIFIER )* ;
arguments      → expression ( "," expression )* ;

A1 . 2 Lexical Grammar

A1.2 词法

The lexical grammar is used by the scanner to group characters into tokens. Where the syntax is context free, the lexical grammar is regular—note that there are no recursive rules.


NUMBER         → DIGIT+ ( "." DIGIT+ )? ;
STRING         → "\"" <any char except "\"">* "\"" ;
ALPHA          → "a" ... "z" | "A" ... "Z" | "_" ;
DIGIT          → "0" ... "9" ;