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Config file

Glenn Carremans edited this page Jul 9, 2017 · 12 revisions


Map Settings

Center Coords

Edit these to your maps center coördinates.

$startingLat = 41.771822;
$startingLng = -87.8549371;

Anti Scrape Protection

  • With these settings you can choose the max area a user can get data from, this is a simple check that can prevent scrappers from getting your entire db or causing a huge server load. Set to 0 to disable. Set to 1 or higher (integer), setting it to 1 will let the user get data from an area of max ~110km2
$maxLatLng = 1;
  • Set the max zoom out level a user can zoom out on the map. Set to 0 to disable. 11 ~= 1 $maxLatLng, lower is the further you can zoom out.
$maxZoomOut = 11;

Map Title and Language

$title = "PMSF Glennmen";
$locale = "en";

Google Maps Key

Add your Google maps api key here.

$gmapsKey = "";

Google Analytics Tracking ID

Add your Google Analytics Tracking ID here, leave "" if you don't use Google Analytics.

$gAnalyticsId = ""; 

Piwik Analytics

Add your Piwik Analytics info here, leave "" if you don't use Piwik Analytics.

$piwikUrl = "";
$piwikSiteId = "";


Add your PayPal donation url here, leave "" if you don't use PayPal donation.

$paypalUrl = "";

Frontend Settings

Marker Settings

With these settings you can choose what the default values will be when a user loads your map for the first time.

  • Pokemon
    • Enable/disable if pokemon option should be visible on the frontend.
    • Enable/disable if pokemon should get loaded on first visit.
$noPokemon = false;
$enablePokemon = 'true';
  • Pokemon Filter
    • Enable/disable if pokemon filter should be visible on the frontend.
    • Add pokemon to the default frontend filter list.
$noHidePokemon = false;
$hidePokemon = '[10, 13, 16, 19, 21, 29, 32, 41, 46, 48, 50, 52, 56, 74, 77, 96, 111, 133,
                  161, 163, 167, 177, 183, 191, 194, 168]';  
  • Gyms
    • Enable/disable if gym option should be visible on the frontend.
    • Enable/disable if gyms should get loaded on first visit.
    • Enable/disable if gym sidebar option should be visible on the frontend.
    • Enable/disable if gym sidebar should be used when gyms are enabled.
$noGyms = false;
$enableGyms = 'false';
$noGymSidebar = false;
$gymSidebar = 'true';
  • Raids
    • Enable/disable if raid option should be visible on the frontend.
    • Enable/disable if raid option should get loaded on first visit.
    • Enable/disable if only active raids should be shown on first visit.
    • Set minimum raid level.
    • Set maximum raid level.
$noRaids = false;
$enableRaids = 'false';
$activeRaids = 'false';
$minRaidLevel = 1;
$maxRaidLevel = 5;
  • Pokestops
    • Enable/disable if pokestop option should be visible on the frontend.
    • Enable/disable if pokestops should get loaded on first visit.
    • Show all or only lured pokestops if pokestops are enabled.
$noPokestops = false;
$enablePokestops = 'false';
$enableLured = 1; 
  • Scanned Locations
    • Enable/disable if scanned locations option should be visible on the frontend.
    • Enable/disable if scanned locations should get loaded on first visit.
$noScannedLocations = false;
$enableScannedLocations = 'false'; 
  • Spawn Points
    • Enable/disable if spawn points option should be visible on the frontend.
    • Enable/disable if spawn points should get loaded on first visit.
$noSpawnPoints = false;
$enableSpawnPoints = 'false';
  • Ranges
    • Enable/disable if ranges option should be visible on the frontend.
    • Enable/disable if ranges should get loaded on first visit.
$noRanges = false;
$enableRanges = 'false';

Location & Search Settings

  • Search Location
    • Enable/disable if change location option should be visible on frontend.
$noSearchLocation = false;
  • Start Map at My Location
    • Enable/disable if start map at my location option should be visible on frontend.
    • Enable/disable start map at my location default setting.
$noStartMe = false;
$enableStartMe = 'false';
  • Start Map at Last Location
    • Enable/disable if start map at last location option should be visible on frontend.
    • Enable/disable start map at last location default setting.
$noStartLast = false;
$enableStartLast = 'false';
  • Follow Me
    • Enable/disable if follow me option should be visible on frontend.
    • Enable/disable follow me default setting.
$noFollowMe = false;
$enableFollowMe = 'false';
  • Spawn Area
    • Enable/disable if spawn area option should be visible on frontend.
    • Enable/disable spawn area default setting.
$noSpawnArea = false;
$enableSpawnArea = 'false';

Notification Settings

  • Notify Pokemon
    • Enable/disable if notify pokemon option should be visible on frontend.
    • Default setting for notify pokemon. [] for empty.
$noNotifyPokemon = false;
$notifyPokemon = '[201]';
  • Notify Rarity
    • Enable/disable if notify rarity option should be visible on frontend.
    • Default setting for notify rarity. [] for empty. ["Common", "Uncommon", "Rare", "Very Rare", "Ultra Rare"]
$noNotifyRarity = false;
$notifyRarity = '[]';
  • Notify IV
    • Enable/disable if notify IV option should be visible on frontend.
    • Default setting for notify IV. '""' for empty.
$noNotifyIv = false;
$notifyIv = '""';
  • Notify Raid
    • Enable/disable if notify raid option should be visible on frontend.
    • Default setting for notify raid. 0 to disable.
$noNotifyRaid = false;
$notifyRaid = 5;
  • Notify Sound
    • Enable/disable if notify sound option should be visible on frontend.
    • Enable/disable notify sound default setting.
$noNotifySound = false;
$notifySound = 'false';

Style Settings

  • Map Style
    • Enable/disable if map style option should be visible on frontend.
    • Default setting for map style. roadmap, satellite, hybrid, nolabels_style, dark_style, style_light2, style_pgo, dark_style_nl, style_pgo_day, style_pgo_night, style_pgo_dynamic
$noMapStyle = false;
$mapStyle = 'style_pgo_dynamic';
  • Icon Style
    • Enable/disable if icon style option should be visible on frontend.
    • Default setting for icon style. normal, monoclelow, monoclehq, shiny, shinyback
$noIcons = false;
$icons = 'monoclehq'; 
  • Icon Size
    • Enable/disable if icon size option should be visible on frontend.
    • Default setting for icon size. -8, 0, 10, 20
$noIconSize = false;
$iconSize = 0;
  • Gym Style
    • Enable/disable if gym style option should be visible on frontend.
    • Default setting for gym style. ingame, shield
$noGymStyle = false;
$gymStyle = 'ingame'; 
  • Location Marker Style
    • Enable/disable if location marker style option should be visible on frontend.
    • Default setting for location marker style. none, google, red, red_animated, blue, blue_animated, yellow, yellow_animated, pokesition, pokeball
$noLocationStyle = false;
$locationStyle = 'none'; 

Data Managment

This setting is not being used for now, IMO database purging should be done by the scanner and not the webserver.

Database Config

IMPORTANT Choose if you are using a Monocle or RocketMap database.

  • Monocle
$map = "monocle"; 
  • RocketMap
$map = "rm"; 

Database Connection Settings

$db = new Medoo([// required
    'database_type' => 'mysql',                                   // mysql/mariadb/pgsql/sybase/oracle/mssql/sqlite
    'database_name' => 'Monocle',
    'server' => '',
    'username' => 'database_user',
    'password' => 'database_password',
    'charset' => 'utf8',

    // [optional]
    //'port' => 5432,
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