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38 lines (33 loc) · 5.02 KB

Super Resolution Dataset

Note this table is referenced from here.

Name Usage Link Comments
UHDSR4K Train/Test website(ICCV2021) Ultra-High-Definition 4K dataset
UHDSR8K Train/Test website(ICCV2021) Ultra-High-Definition 8K dataset
Set5 Test download jbhuang0604
SET14 Test download jbhuang0604
BSD100 Test download jbhuang0604
Urban100 Test download jbhuang0604
Manga109 Test website
SunHay80 Test download jbhuang0604
BSD300 Train/Val download
BSD500 Train/Val download
91-Image Train download Yang
DIV2K2017 Train/Val website NTIRE2017
Flickr2K Train download
Real SR Train/Val website NTIRE2019
Waterloo Train website
VID4 Test download 4 videos
MCL-V Train website 12 videos
GOPRO Train/Val website 33 videos, deblur
CelebA Train website Human faces
Sintel Train/Val website Optical flow
FlyingChairs Train website Optical flow
Vimeo-90k Train/Test website 90k HQ videos
SR-RAW Train/Test website raw sensor image dataset
W2S Train/Test arxiv A Joint Denoising and Super-Resolution Dataset
PIPAL Test ECCV 2020 Perceptual Image Quality Assessment dataset
HQ-50K Train website 50,000 images

Dataset collections

Benckmark and DIV2K: Set5, Set14, B100, Urban100, Manga109, DIV2K2017 include bicubic downsamples with x2,3,4,8

SR_testing_datasets: Test: Set5, Set14, B100, Urban100, Manga109, Historical; Train: T91,General100, BSDS200