Alex Bakst and Joe Kiniry, February 2022
This document outlines the HARDENS assurance case for the Reactor Trip System (RTS), which has been designed, developed, and assured using Galois's Rigorous Digital Engineering (RDE) approach to high-assurance engineering.
Our assurance case spans from high-level system specification, in natural language documentation, like this document, and the Lando specification that looks and tastes like English, to the software and hardware binary level. In between high-level specifications and our lowest level, closest to the hardware implementation (in the case of HARDENS, C source code compiled to RISC-V binaries using Clang running on on a custom HARDENS three-core RISC-V SoC implemented as softcore IP synthesized to and running on a COTS Lattice FPGA) are a variety of Rigorous Digital Twins.
Digital Twins are executable versions of a system for which various physical components of the "real" system are replaced by digital representations.
For example, our three core SoC running on an FPGA is a digital twin of (1) the same three core SoC implemented as an ASIC, (2) three single core SoCs running on an FPGA, or (3) three single core SoCs running on three FPGAs connected via an AXI bus, or (4) three single core ASICs connected on an AXI bus.
The digital twins that we have built for HARDENS are:
A build and simulation of the entire software stack which runs on POSIX OSs like Linux and macOS.
A build of the software stack targeting the single core variant of our RISC-V-based SoC, running via RTL software simulation in Verilator.
A build of the software stack targeting the three core variant of our RISC-V-based SoC, running via RTL software simulation in Verilator.
Our executable Cryptol model which faithfully specify and implements all system behavior.
Other twins are possible with our current infrastructure, including running our Bluespec-based SoC entirely within the Bluespec event simulator, emulating our SoC inside of other non-Verilator RTL simulators, or completing a full behavioral model of the system in SysMLv2 and executing that model in a commercial modeling tool, at least when such functionality comes into being.
Likewise, there is a possibility to mix and match twins at the component and subsystem level, rather than just at the system level. This is not implemented in the current demonstrator, but adding support for such is a matter of engineering, not research.
For example, it is wholly possible to run our executable models of sensors and actuators on the FPGA-based demonstrator, whether or not the actual physical sensors and actuators are attached. In fact, we do simulate such devices as digital twins in our test bench in order to automatically demonstrate the RTS system's resilience to component and communication failure.
A domain model, high-level specification of the system, and requirements are provided via Lando, SysMLv2 architecture diagrams, and FRET requirements as indicated in the readme. Moreover, we use Lando to outline a set of high level scenarios, which are a complete set of behavior traces for normal and exceptional system behavior.
We build confidence in the correctness of the requirements by utilizing FRET's realizability checker, which verifies that for a set of input values satisfying the requirements, a set of output values exists that satisfy the requirements. Dually, the tool identifies inputs for which no output is feasible, which helps narrow down subsets of requirements that are inconsistent.
Next, refining both the architecture (i.e., SysMLv2) and requirements (Lando and FRET), we specify the RTS using Cryptol, yielding an executable model of the system that can be used to further refine the implementation: for example, it is here that we fully specify the behavior of the self test function of the RTS.
To build assurance that this model is correct, we write theorems, or properties, in the Cryptol language about the model itself. Each and every FRET requirement is translated into a theorem expressing the fact that the model satisfies the requirement: for example, if a FRET requirement says that an actuation unit should actuate a device based on a combination of trip signals, then the Cryptol theorem states the analogous property about the Cryptol model.
These properties can be proven correct for all inputs in most cases. Automatic, random testing is performed for the very limited number of cases where the property is too complex for automatic theorem provers.
Proving requirements-expressed-as-theorems about our formal Cryptol model is the strongest means by which to perform model validation, as doing so guarantees that we have the right model of the system, and the model is logically consistent.
Based upon our experience with Cryptol, we focus on writing a model-based specification that is both executable and denotational and well-shaped for implementation verification. Shaping a formal model in this fashion gives us confidence that the model is realizable, and thus scan be implemented efficiently in software and hardware. This evidence bolsters the earlier realizability analysis of the system requirements, reaffirming those assurance results on the refined model.
To build assurance that the RTS implementation is correct (i.e., correctly refines the executable model, satisfies the requirements, etc.), we demonstrate three complementary strategies:
- Correct-by-construction generation of components directly from the Cryptol model, and then utilizing the SAW tool to further guarantee that the generated components are, in fact, correct through formal verification.
- Formal static verification of the C source code to (1) formally prove functional correctness relative to the Cryptol model, and (2) guarantee the absence of any runtime errors (e.g., due to array out-of-bounds errors).
- Traditional runtime verification (i.e., testing), but leaning heavily on automatic model-based test generation.
We generate both C and SystemVerilog implementations of key functions/features directly from the Cryptol model. For each such function, we use SAW to prove that the generated component exactly matches its specification. It is worth mentioning here that this is not limited to unit/component-level verification of C functions or SystemVerilog modules. This approach also supports integration and system assurance. For example, the self-test functionality executes a series of integration and system test cases technically extracted directly from the Cryptol model.
We translate each Lando scenario into either a subsystem level integration test or an end-to-end system test. Traceably connecting each test to a high level scenario ensures that all high level behaviors are covered by testing.
In general, testing is complementary to the static verification and formal verification discussed below because testing provides extra evidence that a verified component is correct and testing demonstrates correctness for those components that cannot be formally verified.
There are two additional reasons to rigorously validate a system through runtime verification:
- Some customers do not understand, cannot accept, cannot use, or do not trust formal assurance in the form of mathematical/logical proof. Proving that an implementation conforms perfectly to its specification, for all inputs and all environments, is a foreign notion. These kinds of customers are much more comfortable with executing a system and running a traditional testing-based verification plan on a product.
- Only runtime verification can demonstrate the real deployment software running on the actual deployment hardware. All of the verification in the world cannot capture the reality and fidelity of the actual deployment silicon on which a system runs.
In the world of RDE, different kinds of digital twins have different degrees of fidelity when compared to the deployment system. This is partly the reason that we write, generate, and run runtime verification test benches on all digital twins.
For example, all things being equal, cleanly written verifiable C [1] code should run identically on any POSIX-based operating system, regardless of the flavor of OS (Linux, BSD, macOS, what have you) and which CPU sits underneath that OS (ARM, x86, RISC-V, etc.). (By "verifiable C" we mean the subset of C for which there is a well-defined semantics, as supported by various formal reasoning tools and technologies that we use like Frama-C, SAW, VST, and CompCert.)
Likewise, simulating a SoC written in an HDL can be performed at at least four different fidelity levels, and consequently with four different levels of simulation performance. The RTL can be simulated in: (1) an event-based simulator that does not guarantee cycle-accurate behavior (e.g., Verilator, Yosys's CXXRTL, or the Metrics Design Automation RTL simulator), (2) a cycle-accurate event simulator (e.g., Berkeley's FireSim, which we have used on other projects but not on HARDENS), (3) a cycle-accurate digital circuit simulator (such as supported by many commercial simulators), or (4) a cycle-accurate physics-based hardware simulator (such as LTspice or Xyce).
Moreover, for even higher performance, and lower fidelity, simulation is possible using purely software functional behavioral models such as those implemented in SystemC (our favorite flavor comes from Imperas) in architecture modeling frameworks (like Gem5), or in system emulators (such as QEMU). While we do not use any of these digital twin options in HARDENS, we have used all of them in other RDE-centric R&D at Galois.
We use ACSL to model key components from the Cryptol model. The model
is provided here, and is effectively a
transliteration of the Cryptol specification, making the refinement
step from Cryptol to ACSL (close to) obvious. Next, we use this model
to specify ACSL contracts inline with the C code (e.g.,
in instrumentation.h.
We then use Frama-C and its wp
plugin to statically verify that such
functions satisfy their contracts, guaranteeing that the
implementation refines the Cryptol model. We use this plugin to
additionally verify that the specification is consistent.
Moreover, we use Frama-C's rte
plugin to further prove the absence
of runtime errors due to undefined behaviors. The undefined behaviors
that such analysis helps us avoid/prevent are all those that sit at
the core of unsafe languages like C, including invalid pointer
dereference errors, arithmetic overflow errors, division by zero
errors, etc. In general, the errors that this kind of analysis can
find either relate to exceptional behavior triggered by erroneous code
or behavior that is undefined in the C programming language.
In particular, for C implementations, we use SAW to prove correctness between the Cryptol model and the LLVM bitcode. For SystemVerilog implementations, we use SAW to extract a Verilog module from the Cryptol specification, and then use the Yosys tool to prove equivalence between the extracted Verilog module and the generated or hand-written SystemVerilog module.
Not only does this establish the functional correctness of the component in question, but writing such specification (that can be precisely checked) ensures that the interface between components is made precise. For example, the final specification must take into account any differences in endianness assumptions between the source (Cryptol) and the target (e.g., the Verilog hardware design).
Note that for some of these components, the RTS implementation includes handwritten versions. We employ precisely the same methodology to verify their correctness (and found real bugs in development).
Recall that the point of including these hand-written implementations is threefold:
Since the RTS is a safety-critical system, key subsystems/components are duplicated and the architecture is fault tolerant. One mechanism used to have high-assurance of such duplicate functionality is to independently implement the various components that are used in the fault-tolerant subsystem.
It has been historically proposed that even higher-assurance would result in a systems engineering process that can prove that such implementation are equivalent, so long as one can also formally prove that their specifications are correct against more abstract requirements and/or specification, otherwise all implementations might exactly implement erroneous functionality. This is exactly what we have achieved in the RTS, and to our knowledge, this is the first time this has ever been demonstrated on a system whose assurance case spans software, firmware, and hardware-based fault-tolerance duplication.
Virtually all code in the field is hand-written and is reused, thus we wanted to demonstrate that our RDE methodology can accommodate such code. In particular, it is important to demonstrate how formal models can be used to assure what might otherwise be considered untrustworthy reused components, either through runtime verification, formal verification, or both. Our use of SAW, Frama-C, and model-based runtime verification of hand-written components is well-beyond the state-of-the-art in nearly all safety-critical model-based systems engineering, and is representative of what model-based engineering can and must accomplish for safety-critical systems in NPPs like RTSs.
Some teams and customers are uncomfortable with using implementation that are automatically generated or synthesized from formal methods. They prefer to write, use, maintain, optimize, and evolve hand-written implementations.
For these kinds of situations, we recommend that automatically generated implementations are used as assurance artifacts, rather than deployment artifacts. Our RDE methodology in this project demonstrates how one can rigorously validate or formally verify a hand-written component against a golden implementation model, which is the generated implementation.
Rigorous validation is demonstrable and measurable by using the automatically generated test suite to runtime verify (1) the executable model, (2) the golden implementation model, and (3) the hand-written implementation of the model. All three executable artifacts must pass all tests in exactly the same fashion, when running within all digital twins of the project.
In order to judge whether or not such multi-dimensional runtime verification is meaningful, we need a measure of quality for the model(s) and test suite(s). We traditionally use three core measures, some of which are partially (due to project budget and scope, not assurance capability) demonstrated in the RTS system.
First, we measure model quality through the previously discussed methodology of refining requirements and system scenarios into model theorems. By proving or demonstrating that the model conforms to the requirements, scenarios, and theorems, we know that the model is valid, consistent, realizable, and sound. Additionally, we can instrument the model to discover if there are any model components that are not exercised, either via proof or testing, by the full model assurance case.
Second, model theorems are translated into implementation properties, expressed as parametrized first-order test cases. Then we use property-based testing and formal verification against said properties to demonstrate that the implementation perfectly fulfills system requirements and scenarios.
Finally, third, we can measure source-level and binary-level code runtime verification coverage of the system. In general, our RDE methodology guarantees extremely high statement, block, function, function call, branch, and condition/decision coverage of the entire modeled system. It is commonly the case that we achieve >98% coverage "out of the box", and then use either program analysis or subject matter expert review to automatically generate or hand-write the remaining <2% of unit, integration, or system test cases. This methodology means that we need only manage, evolve, and maintain two orders of magnitude fewer test cases than a traditional agile or test-centric development process.
Moreover, and to bolster the overall assurance case, all source-level test benches can be compiled and run on all SoC digital twins, demonstrating that the system passes all runtime verification assurance tests for all digital variants of the system.
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