Thank you for considering contributing to GDSC PU! We appreciate your time and effort in helping us improve our projects. Please take a moment to read these guidelines to make the contribution process smooth and effective.
We have a Code of Conduct that sets the expectations for respectful and inclusive behavior within our community. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
You can contribute to GDSC PU in several ways:
Reporting Issues: Help us improve by reporting bugs, suggesting enhancements, or providing feedback.
Contributing Code: Contribute your code to fix issues, implement new features, or improve existing ones.
Documentation: Help improve our documentation, fix errors, or add examples.
Community: Assist fellow contributors by answering questions, participating in discussions, and reviewing pull requests.
Feedback: Share your thoughts on the project, its direction, and how it can better meet your needs.
Before contributing, please make sure you have:
- Reviewed our Code of Conduct
- Forked our repository to your GitHub account.
- Set up a development environment as outlined in our project's README.
Choose an Issue: Browse our issue tracker of a particular repository to find a task that interests you. Feel free to ask questions or seek clarification if needed.
Fork the Repository: Click the "Fork" button on the top right corner of our repository's page.
Create a Branch: Create a new branch for your work. Be sure to give it a descriptive name related to the issue you're addressing.
Make Changes: Write your code, documentation, or make your improvements. Ensure your code follows our coding style and conventions (if applicable).
Test Your Changes: Before submitting a pull request, make sure to test your changes thoroughly to ensure they work as intended.
Create a Pull Request: Submit your changes by creating a pull request from your fork to the main repository. Provide a clear and concise description of your changes.
If you encounter a problem or have a suggestion, please open an issue on our issue tracker of a particular repository. Be as detailed as possible when describing the issue or enhancement you're proposing.
- Follow our coding style and conventions.
- Ensure your branch is up to date with the latest changes from the main branch.
- Provide a clear and informative pull request description.
- Be prepared to address any feedback or questions from reviewers.
- Squash your commits into a single meaningful commit if necessary.
- Join our Discord community forum for discussions and questions.
- Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for project updates.
- Participate in discussions on our GitHub repository and help answer questions from other contributors.
Thank you for your interest in contributing to GDSC PU. Your support and contributions are vital to our success, and we look forward to collaborating with you!