A headless CMS to power small (mostly single user) websites. Paru is designed as a flat-file CMS with Database Servers in mind. With it's REST API it must not be headless at all. With content negotiation it can also serve HTML pages with text/html accept-header later. Some websites are very small but need a simple system for editing content, or just require some sort of news system. But most CMS require a database server, complicated setups and maintenance (like symfony full stack applications). So the base idea is, to put Paru on a webspace and it works out of the box. You can just use the parts of the API you need to fulfill the requirements of your website.
- Dependency Injection and Framework Setup
- Data Storage with mime type strategies
- JWT authentication
- Possibility to add first pages with content (simple markdown without files)
- Upload files
- Blog API with tags and categories
- Compose content into articles and compose articles into pages
- Add Logging
- Add exception middleware which maps exceptions to web api errors
- Setup dependency definitions in \Core instead of global definitions
- Create dependency definitions modules
- Implement meaningful exception classes
- Implement Storage get-Interface
- Move class MimeTypeMap to file namespace