#71 Update Long Term Support (LTS) libraries to 202210.01-LTS:
#79 FreeRTOS awareness in CubeIDE gdb server config
#77 fix: cli_conf checks argument count to conf set
#76 fix: mbedtls_transport now prints a valid IP
#75 provision.py: Fix aws account credential detection from args
#74 Fix CI build
#59 env_setup.sh: Install virtualenv package if not already installed
#58 Fix tfm.mk include of project_defs.mk
#57 Fix various build related bugs
#55 Update example config and flash script after further testing
#63, #64, #65, #66, #67, #68, #70 and #80 Documentation updates
This is the first release for the repository.
The repository contains IoT Reference integration projects using STM32U585 IoT Discovery Kit. This release includes the following examples:
- A Trusted Firmware-M IoT reference project which integrates AWS IoT demo tasks with Trusted Firmware-M architecture leveraging secure TrustZone capabilities of ARM Cortex M33.
- A Non-TrustZone IoT reference project which operates in a non-trustzone mode.