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Ecpy ext demo

This package provides a template for creating Ecpy extensions packages. An extension package is used to extend the capabilities of the main Ecpy application through plugins.

This README gives a brief overview of what needs to be edited in the template. For more details about the mechanism behind extension packages please refer to the Ecpy documentation.

The package contains a number of files and two subfolders :

Files :

  • : This is the installation file. You should edit the name of the project, and other informations as you see fit. Note that following the main Ecpy project the authors are listed in the AUTHORS file and the licence is set to BSD. By default, the package declare an extension to the entry point 'ecpy_package_extension' which to the 'list_manifests' function found into the module of the ecpy_ext_demo package. You can make it point to any function of your choice or leave the default setting. For more details about the working of setup scripts please refer to the setuptools documentation.
  • AUTHOR : File listing the authors and contributors to the project.
  • CHANGES : changelog listing changes between versions.

The following files can be left untouched.

  • LICENCE : Copy of the licence under which the software is distributed.
  • setup.cfg : configuration file.
  • .gitignore : Files that git (version control system) should ignore.
  • .gitattributes : git configuration.
  • .coveragerc : coverage report configuration (when running tests).

Folders :

  • ecpy_ext_demo : this is the folder where to add your code and that you SHOULD rename. Inside it you will three files :
    • : this module defines a single function 'list_manifests' that should return a list of all the manifest that should be registered. You can remove if you made the entry point points to another function.
    • manifest.enaml : this module defines the plugin manifest which lists the contribution of a plugin to the application. You can write your manifest in this file or another it does not matter as long as 'list_manifests' (or its equivalent) return the manifests you want to register.
    • : a simple module defining the version of the package. You should edit the name
  • tests : in this folder you can add unit test for your package (if you do so it might make sense to configure a Continuous integration system for your package, Ecpy relies on Tracis CI). By default the tests check that the extension package is correctly detected by Ecpy. To work this requires the package to be INSTALLED (works in develop mode).

You can also add documentation for your package. The usual tool to use is sphinx and the source for the documentation should be located under a 'docs' folder.


Template extension package for Exopy







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